Home, Gordon, Old London Bridge (Lane, 1931)
Jackson, Peter, London Bridge (Cassell, 1971)
Pennant, Thomas, Some Account of London (R. Faulder, 1791)
Pierce, Patricia, Old London Bridge (Headline, 2001)
Shepherd, C.W., A Thousand Years of London Bridge (Baker, 1971)
Chapter 15
Acts of Parliament
Corporation of London (Tower Bridge) Act 48 & 49 Vic. I c. CXCV 1885
Barry, John Wolfe, The Tower Bridge (Boot, Son and Carpenter, 1894)
Crutwell, G.E.W., The Tower Bridge: Superstructure (ICE, 1897)
Godfrey, Honor, Tower Bridge (John Murray, 1988)
Tuit, J.E., The Tower Bridge: its history and construction (The Engineer, 1894)
Vallintine, Reg, Divers and Diving (Blandford, 1981)
Welch, Charles, The History of Tower Bridge and other Bridges over the Thames (Smith, Elder, 1894)
Tower Bridge Exhibition
This permanent exhibition housed in the bridge itself is especially useful for information on the walkways and the operation of the bascules.
The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.
Albert Bridge 18, 85, 115, 122–3, 134, 136, 126–30, 142, 147, 248, 250
Act 122
award-winning lighting 128
Ordish design 126
plans to demolish 127
public inquiry (1974) 128
sign to troops 130, 250
America, deportation to 27, 31, 78
Armstrong, William 300
Arrol, William 215, 299, 301 see
also Sir William Arrol & Co.
and Tower Bridge 298
Asgill, Sir Charles 27
Augusta, Princess 51–2, 55
Ayrton, Maxwell 41–2
Baker, Benjamin 140, 156, 238
Baker, Herbert 66–8
Baker, William 116
Barnard, John 52, 170
Barnes Bridge 39, 69–72, 109
design 70
rebuilding (1895) 71
Barry, Charles 178, 194, 293
Barry, E. M. 194, 264
Barry, John Wolfe 59, 293–6
and Blackfriars Railway
Bridge 242, 293–4
and Kew Bridge 59, 293
and Tower Bridge 293–4, 301–2, 306
Battersea Bridge 54, 115, 117–27, 144–5, 194
Battersea Bridge (new)
Bazalgette design 87, 123
boating incidents 124
bottlenose whale’s end 125
opening 87, 124
Battersea Bridge (old)
Act 118
in art 122
tollmen regulations 120–1
Battersea Railway Bridge 115–17
Bazalgette, Joseph 18, 73, 85–7, 89, 93, 106, 123, 127, 142, 192–4, 238, 292, 309
Blackfriars Bridge 17, 30, 89, 105, 147, 203–4, 206, 209, 222–40, 247, 253–4, 256, 260–1, 287, 291
Blackfriars Bridge (new)
Act (1863) 234
Joseph Cubitt design 235
opening 235
Roberto Calvi death 239–40
widening for trams 238
Blackfriars Bridge (old)
Act (1756) 224
construction problems 229
decision to replace 234
Mylne design 228
Mylne selected as architect 226
Mylne’s dispute over payment 232
Blackfriars monastery 222–3, 237
Blackfriars Railway Bridge 241–4, 293–4
Blomfield, Arthur, 108
Blomfield, Reginald 41–2, 134–5, 157–8, 205
Boat Race 66, 69, 71, 73, 83–5, 92–3, 109, 122
Boswell, James 32, 37, 228
Brave Goose 36, 64
Bridge House Estates (BHE) 230, 234, 238, 247, 258–9, 270, 282, 284, 291, 296
British Museum 26, 52, 117, 131, 269
Brunel, H.M. 242
Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 18, 37–9, 47, 76, 92–3, 133, 155, 177, 186–90, 192–3, 206, 210, 243, 290
Brunel, Marc 191, 290
Burlington, Lord 28, 162
Cade, Jack 277–8
caissons 20, 170, 230, 239, 270, 297
Calvi, Roberto 239–40
Canaletto 25, 174
Cannon Street Railway Bridge 191, 240, 253, 258–9, 261–5, 293
Hawkshaw design 263
war damage 264–5
widening (1893) 264
Caro, Anthony 247, 249
Caroline, Queen 24–5
Caroline of Brunswick 74–5
Chambers, William 32, 203, 226
and Wick House 32
Charles I 96, 108, 153, 184, 278
Charles II 153, 163–4, 184–5, 274
Chelsea Bridge 113, 115, 126, 130–9, 142, 147, 178, 260
Chelsea Bridge (new)
design 136
Chelsea Bridge (old)
Act 130–1
Battersea Shield found 131–2
criticised by Reginald Blomfield 134–5
name changed from Victoria Bridge 134, 260
Thomas Page design 132
Chiswick Bridge 41, 66–9
Clark, William Tierney 19, 73, 78–82, 89
Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co. 34, 66
cofferdams 20, 35, 82, 107, 170, 207, 216, 270, 283
Colechurch, Peter de 268–9, 279
Constable, John 32, 181, 211
Couse, Kenton 28–9
Cromwell, Oliver 52, 64, 108, 153, 180, 278
Cubitt, Joseph 234–5, 237, 240–1
Cubitt, Thomas 81, 134
Dalrymple-Hay, Sir Harley 34
Dance, George 225–6, 281
Defoe, Daniel 75
Dickens, Charles 58, 61, 109, 154, 185–6, 258, 286–7, 290
divers 40, 297
Dodd, George 83, 204–5
Dodd, Ralph 75–6, 79, 83, 119–20, 144, 204–5, 282
dolphins 37
Dorman, Long & Co. 158
Dryland, Alfred 41, 66
Edward I 162, 183, 273, 276
Edward III 24
Edward IV 278
Edward VI 152, 203
Edward VII 60
Edward the Confessor 161–2
Elizabeth I 24, 95, 184, 262
Elizabeth II 159, 183, 200, 248–9, 304, 305
Fitzmaurice, Maurice 148
Fleet, River 223–4, 237–8
Forrest, G. Topham 136, 157
Forth Rail Bridge 63, 140, 156, 238, 299, 301
Forth Road Bridge 248
Foster, Norman 247–8, 250–1
Fowler, Charles 186–7
Fowler, John 139–40, 238
Frederick, Prince 50–4
Frost Fairs 18, 103, 170, 230, 261, 272
Fulham Bridge 84, 94, 96–106, 109, 163, 167 see also Putney Bridge
Act 97
aqueduct 104
design 98
Mary Wollstonecraft suicide attempt 102
opening 99
tollmen incidents 101
Fulham ferry 95–9
Galbraith, W.R. 63
gas lamps 35
George II 24–6, 50, 53, 173
George III 53–6, 74
George IV 53, 74, 82, 283
George V 47, 158, 259, 260
George VI 136, 159, 180
George, Ernest 258
Gilbert and Sullivan 36
Golden Jubilee Bridge 155, 183, 197–200, 251
Greater London Authority (GLA) 44, 200
Greater London Council (GLC) 88–9, 150–1, 180
Great Western Railway (GWR) 37, 39, 116, 139, 140, 187–8, 190
Grosvenor Bridge 136, 138–42
frequent widening 140
John Fowler design 139
Hammersmith Bridge 19, 57, 73–93, 100, 105–6, 109, 119, 122–3, 134, 155, 194
Act 77
aesthetic merits 73
centenary 88
crowds at Boat Race 84
freed from tolls 84
heroic sacrifice by Lieutenant Wood 91–2
IRA attacks 90
Ralph Dodd proposal 75–6
rebuilt by Bazalgette 86
suspension bridge design 80
tolls 77
Hampton Court Bridge 41
Hawkshaw, John 85, 189–192, 197, 200, 241, 263, 293
and Hungerford Bridge 189
Hawksmoor, Nicholas 164–5, 169
Head, Wrightson and Co. 71, 110
Henry II 269
Henry III 202, 268, 275–6
Henry VI 24, 277–8
Henry VII 24, 152, 203
Henry VIII 24, 117, 162, 222–3, 271–2, 274, 279–80
highwaymen 38, 51, 102
Holland, Henry 26–7, 118
Holloway Bros (London) Ltd 114, 136
Humphreys, George W. 157–8
Hungerford Bridge 85, 155, 180, 183–99, 201, 210, 241, 265
Hungerford Bridge (new)
Act (1859) 189
aesthetic criticisms 191
crime on footbridge 198
Festival of Britain 195–6
Hawkshaw design 189, 241
proposals to rebuild 194–5
Hungerford Bridge (old)
Brunel design 186, 210
chains reused for Clifton Supension Bridge 192
Hungerford family 185
Hungerford Market 186
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) 39, 147, 160, 189, 191, 194, 216–17, 294
Jacobites 26, 173
Jacomb, William 110
James I 69, 152
James II 153, 173, 274
John Mowlem & Co. 284
Johnson, Dr Samuel 32, 228, 274
Jones, Horace 292–4, 296
Kerr, Thomas 29, 30
Kew Bridge 49–63, 75–7, 84, 91, 170, 260, 293
art and literature 61
Kew Bridge (first)
Act 52
opening 52
tolls 54
Kew Bridge (second)
attacks on toll-keepers 57
freed from tolls 57, 58
James Paine architect 55
MBW purchase 57–8
opening 55
sold to Robinson 56
Kew Bridge (third)
Act 59
construction 59
opening 60
Second World War 62
Kew Railway Bridge
Galbraith design 63
painting 64
Railtrack repairs 65
Kew Gardens see Royal Botanic Gardens
King’s Ferry 50
Kingston Bridge 27, 57, 91, 94, 96, 98
Labelye, Charles 168–72, 174–8, 184, 230
Lambeth Bridge 42, 134, 138, 147, 151–60
Lambeth Bridge (new)
Act 157
LCC design 157
pineapple obelisks 158
restoration (2003) 160
Lambeth Bridge (old)
Act 155
Barlow design 155
Lambeth horse ferry 152–3, 166, 169, 173
Locke, Joseph 39–40
and Barnes Bridge 70, 72
and Richmond Railway Bridge 39
London and Southampton Railway (LSR) 39
London and South Western Railway (LSWR) 37–9, 63, 70–1, 109–11, 116
London Bridge 15–16, 18, 100, 140, 189, 205–6, 233, 253, 258, 264, 266–88, 290
London Bridge (1831)
Act 282
rebuilt in Arizona 285–6
Rennie design 284
London Bridge (1973) 284
London Bridge (Old) 16–20, 27, 44, 94, 103, 161, 163, 167, 177, 234, 253, 269–87, 291
and Bridge House Estates 230, 269–70, 282, 291
built by Peter de Colechurch 269
construction 270
Great Fire 280–1
heads displayed 272–3, 278
houses 278–9
houses removed 281–2
‘keep left’ rule 281
remains 287
St Thomas’s Chapel 269, 279, 280
shooting the bridge 271
waterwheels 272
‘London Bridge is Falling Down’ 268
Roman wooden bridge 266–7
Saxon and Norman wooden bridges 268
London, Brighton and South Coast Railway (LBSCR) 116, 139, 140, 189, 240
London, Chatham and Dover Railway (LCDR) 139, 189, 222, 234, 240–3, 262
London, Chatham and Dover Railway Bridge 222, 240–2
London County Council (LCC) 87, 113, 124, 127–8, 135–6, 148–50, 156–8, 179, 195, 197, 213, 218–19, 238–9
Lutyens, Edwin 41, 68
Marchioness disaster 261–2, 303
Marlow, William 25
Metropolis Toll Bridges Act 84, 105, 112, 147, 263–4
Metropolitan Board of Works (MBW) 57, 83–4, 86, 87, 105, 106, 107, 110, 112, 123, 127, 147–8, 156, 192, 193, 210, 264, 292
Millennium Bridge 18–19, 155, 199, 245–52
architectural competition 247
design 248
official opening 248–9
reopening after ‘wobble’ cured 251
the ‘wobble’ 249–50
Ministry of Transport (MOT) 41, 66, 113, 135–6
Monet, Claude 122, 176, 191, 192, 211
More, Thomas 117, 274
Mott, Hay and Anderson 259, 284
Museum of London Archaeology Service (MoLAS) 15, 144, 158, 267
Mylne, Robert 17, 30, 226, 227–32, 234–5, 287, 309
navvies 297–8
Nine Elms 37, 38, 63, 70, 109, 144
Old London Bridge see
London Bridge (Old)
omnibuses 38, 58, 83, 212
Ordish, Rowland Mason 85, 126, 128
Ove Arup and Partners 247–8, 249, 250–1
Paddington 37, 38, 83, 188, 236
Page, Thomas 132–4, 178–9
and Chelsea Bridge 133
and Westminster Bridge 178–9
Paine, James 17, 28–9, 49, 55–6, 59, 62
and Kew Bridge 29, 49, 55–6, 59, 162
and Richmond Bridge 17, 28–9, 49
Peasants’ Revolt 202–3, 276–7
Port of London Authority (PLA) 47–8, 248
Princess Beatrice 36
Putney Bridge 16, 54, 75–7, 91, 94–109, 112–13, 118, 194 see
also Fulham Bridge in art and literature 109
Bazalgette design 106
failed proposal (1671) 96
widening 108
Putney Railway Bridge 109–11
Railtrack 40, 65, 197
Rendel, Palmer and Triton 136, 216
Rennie, John 18, 44, 76, 79, 145, 177, 201, 283
and London Bridge 283–7, 290
and Southwark Bridge 253–8, 260, 283
and Waterloo Bridge 204–7, 209, 211, 212–19, 257
Rennie, John, Jr 255, 256, 283
Reynolds, Joshua 25, 32, 37
Richmond Bridge 17–18, 21, 23–37, 41, 42, 49, 55, 57, 61, 64–5, 75, 98
Act 27, 78
in art 31
bicentenary 37
Brave Goose 36, 64–5
commissioners 27
construction 29, 30–1
James Paine architect 28–9
location 27
opening 31
Princess Beatrice 36
replaces ferry 24
tolls 27, 32
tontine 29
widening 34
Windham’s proposal 26
Richmond Footbridge, Lock and Weir 44–8
Act 45
design 46
reasons for 44–5
restoration by PLA (1994) 48
Railway Bridge 37–40, 70
design 39
steel replacement (1907) 40
Riley, W.E. 148
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 49, 50–1, 55
Royal Commission on Cross-river Traffic 41, 66, 92, 108, 113, 135, 194–5, 214
Royal Fine Art Commission 41–2, 113–14, 128, 136, 213, 265
St Paul’s bridge 245–6
Savoy Palace 202–3, 210
Scott, Giles Gilbert 136, 142, 216, 246
Scott, Samuel 25, 174
Second World War 35, 46, 62, 79–80, 91, 136–7, 150, 159, 195–6, 199, 201, 213, 217–18, 264–5, 300, 304–5
Sir William Arrol & Co. 213, 238, 259, 296, 298 see also
Arrol, William
Somerset House 96, 188, 202–3, 205, 210–11, 216
South Eastern Railway (SER) 189, 190, 192, 240, 253, 262, 263, 264
Southwark Bridge 245–7, 253–62, 283, 291
Southwark Bridge (new)
Ernest George design 258
Marchioness disaster 261–2
opening 259–60
Southwark Bridge (old)
Act (1811) 254
construction problems 255
financial difficulties 256
in literature 258
Rennie design 254–5
steamboats 37–8, 83, 87, 192
Stephenson, George 39
Stoney, F.G.M. 46–7
Stow, John 223–4, 262, 270, 272
Strand Bridge Company 204, 207
Strawberry Hill 25–6, 33
Tate Britain 32, 55, 84, 122, 138, 211
Tate Modern 150, 199, 241, 245–7, 252
Taylor, Robert 28
Teddington 36, 44–5, 47, 131
Telford, Thomas 76, 80, 81, 147, 177, 187, 206, 282, 288, 306
Thames Barrier 37
Thames Conservancy 45–7, 67, 105, 110, 254
tollmen 101–3, 120–1
tolls 17, 27, 32–3, 37, 46, 51, 54, 56, 57, 58, 77, 82, 84, 87, 97, 100–1, 103, 105, 118, 123, 126, 131–2, 134, 145, 147, 155, 166, 192, 204, 209, 212, 225, 230, 233, 254, 256, 263–4, 290
Tolmé, J.H. 112
tontines 29, 30, 33, 55, 75
Tower Bridge 18, 20–1, 44, 59, 75, 126, 155, 191, 238, 242, 245–7, 259, 270, 286, 288–307
bascules 294, 300–2, 304–6
building the river-towers 297
bus jumps over open bascules 304
construction 296–8
crime and suicides 303
design competition 291–2
high-level walkways 294, 298, 302–4
Horace Jones design 294–5
opening ceremony 301–2
Tower Foot Tunnel 290
Tunstall, Robert 51–4
Tunstall, Robert, Jr 55, 56, 57, 77
Turner, J.M.W. 32, 34, 55, 61, 117, 122, 174, 175
Twickenham Bridge 41–4, 66
Act 42
construction 42–3
design 41–2
naming 42
proposals for 41
Vauxhall Bridge 15, 17, 84, 119–20, 138, 142–51, 154, 156
Crossing the River: The History of London's Thames River Bridges From Richmond to the Tower Page 31