Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet

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Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet Page 26

by Andrew Blum

  as physical process, 71, 81

  social, 80, 102

  as state of mind, 71

  and Tata’s connections to unconnected places, 197–98

  See also type of connection

  content delivery networks, 240

  Cooper, Simon, 195–99, 201–2, 203–4, 217, 218, 223

  Cornwall, England. See Porthcurno


  DE-CIX and, 137–38

  expansion of Internet to, 60–67

  history of Internet and, 55–56

  See also specific corporation

  Corps of Engineers, US Army, 228, 249

  Cowie, Jim, 124, 130

  Cox, 79

  Crocker, Steve, 45

  Crouch, Bonnie, 28–29, 32–33, 34

  Dallas, Texas, 128

  The Dalles, Oregon

  Blum visit to, 229, 235–50

  Google data center in, 229, 231, 234–35, 237–50, 257

  historical development of, 227–29

  Danni’s Hard Drive, 83

  data centers/storage

  as centers of Internet, 9

  competition and, 232, 239, 240

  content delivery networks and, 240

  at The Dalles, Oregon, 229, 231, 234–35, 237–50, 257

  Dutch, 148–49, 150–54

  electricity usage at, 230

  for Facebook, 126, 230, 231, 250–62

  future of, 261–62

  for Google, 231, 237–38, 241–49, 257, 261

  on Google Maps, 117, 248

  locating/siting of, 96, 232–33

  in New York City, 230

  peering and, 126

  photographs of, 18

  security/secrecy at, 93, 141, 237–40, 242–43, 254, 257

  size of, 231–32

  in Virginia, 230

  visitors to, 150

  data flow: TeleGeography maps of, 14, 27–29

  data storage. See data centers/storage; specific center

  Davies, Donald, 42

  Defense Department, US, 40, 42

  Denmark: Traceroute example for, 31–32

  dense wavelength division multiplexing, 213

  “Denver problem,” 111

  Design LLC. See Google

  Deutsche Telecom, 138

  Deutscher Commercial Internet Exchange (DE-CIX)

  AMS-IX and, 133–35, 145

  Blum’s visit to, 135–46

  characteristics of, 112, 155

  core of, 113, 130–31, 143–45

  “fail-over” at, 141

  founding of, 138

  and Frankfurt as geographic center of Europe, 147

  importance of, 144, 145

  location of Internet exchanges and, 113

  momentos from, 145

  peering and, 128, 130

  routers at, 157, 161

  security at, 140–41

  structure of Internet and, 27

  as symbol of infinity, 144

  traffic at, 133–34

  undersea cables and, 197

  Diaz, Eddie, 166–71, 267

  Digg, 72, 93

  “digital divide,” 236

  Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), 52, 74–76, 86, 87, 88

  Digital Realty Trust, 232

  DMARC (demarcation point), 98–99

  Docklands. See London Internet Exchange

  Doerr, John, 70

  dot-com boom, 57, 73

  DuPont Fabros, 90, 96

  earthquakes, 197, 200, 201, 233

  eBay, 82, 96

  The Education of Henry Adams (Adams), 143–44

  Einstein, Albert, 142

  Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 162–63

  Empire City Subway (New York City), 165–66

  Energy Department, US, 52


  in Amsterdam, 154

  characteristics of large Internet exchanges and, 111–12

  definition of Internet exchange and, 109

  expansion of, 95

  founding of, 72

  function of, 152

  funding for, 87–88

  as “Internet Business Exchange,” 87

  MAE-East and, 73

  as NANOG party sponsor, 131, 135

  in New York City, 164

  PAIX and, 76–77, 87

  and rerouting traffic, 200–201

  security at, 141

  Telx as competitor of, 174

  trademark architecture of, 95

  UK data center of, 214

  US locations of, 266

  in Virginia, 90–100

  See also Adelson, Jay; Ashburn, Virginia, Equinix in;

  Troyer, Eric

  EUnet, 53, 138

  euNetworks, 152


  history of Internet and, 52–53

  MAE-East and, 88

  US telephone connection to, 175

  See also specific Internet exchange

  European Academic Research Network (EARN), 53


  as content provider, 79

  data center/storage for, 126, 230, 231, 250–62, 267

  at Equinix, 96

  ethos of, 257–58

  and important Internet places, 127

  and Internet as series of tubes, 5

  location of, 70–71

  NANOGers at, 120

  Open Compute Project of, 258

  openness of, 257–58

  peering and, 125–28, 129

  privacy issues at, 258

  private stock offering for, 260–61

  Falmouth, Gibraltar, and Malta Telegraph Company, 204

  Feldman, Steve, 58–59, 60–61, 64, 65–66, 121, 152

  fiber-optic cables/networks

  basic principle of, 193

  damage to, 117

  fifty-odd mile segments of, 236

  as heart of Internet, 158

  in Netherlands, 147–48

  in New York City, 163–71, 172

  New York City–Washington, 26

  See also routes/routers; specific exchange or topic

  fiber vaults (Ashburn, Virginia), 101–3

  FiberMux Magnum machine, 65

  financial industry, 198–99

  Financial Times Print Works, 183

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 3

  FLAG system, 208

  Force10, 158

  Forest City, North Carolina: Facebook data center at, 255

  Formosa Strait, 199–200

  Foster, Kris, 130

  Frankfurt, Germany. See Deutscher Commercial Internet Exchange

  Gates, Bill, 57

  Gilbert, John, 174–75, 176, 177–78, 179–80

  Global Crossing, 125, 153, 183, 202–3, 208, 209–10, 253

  Global Internet Geography “GIG” (TeleGeography), 14, 27

  Global Switch, 183


  of “peering,” 125–26

  undersea cables and, 197

  Goldman Sachs, 261


  Cerf at, 45

  in China, 257

  as content provider, 79

  data centers/storage for, 229, 231, 234–35, 237–50, 254, 255, 257, 258, 261

  and Internet as series of tubes, 5

  invisibility of political borders and, 147

  IPO for, 69–70

  Menlo Park location of, 69

  mission statement of, 248

  as most-visited website, 127

  NANOGers at, 120

  New York City location of, 163–64, 172

  number of daily searches on, 231

  peering and, 122–23, 125–26

  privacy issues at, 258

  secrecy/security at, 242–50, 254, 257

  Gore, Al, 63

  government, Dutch, AMS–IX and, 147

  government, US, role at MAE-East of, 62–63.

  See also military, US; specific department or agency

  Great Eastern (cable ship), 203, 253

  Great Western Railway, 203

ace, 230, 261

  Hafner, Katie, 51

  Halifax, Canada: cable station near, 211

  Hankins, Greg, 157, 159

  HEPnet, 52

  Hewlett-Packard, 74

  Hibernia-Atlantic, 199

  High Performance Computing and Communications Act (“Gore Bill”), 63

  High Rise (Ballard), 181–82

  Homeland Security, US Department of, 238

  Honeywell DDP–516 minicomputer, 39, 44

  Hong Kong, 128, 194, 198, 200

  How to Lie with Maps (Monmonier), 15

  hubs, 64, 109–10. See also specific hub

  Hubs + Spokes: A TeleGeography Internet Reader (TeleGeography), 26

  Hugh O’Kane Electric Company, 165, 166, 167

  Hurricane Electric, 121, 266

  IBM, 52

  IMP (interface message processor)

  beginning of Internet and, 36, 39–49

  expansion of Internet and, 50

  first successful transmission of, 48

  India, 204

  “information highway”: Internet as, 19–20, 63–64

  ING Canada, 124

  International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 166


  backbone of, 14, 18

  cables as “inter” part of, 97

  capitalization of, 106–7

  centers of, 9, 108–9, 112–13, 268

  decentralization of, 54

  earth’s connection to, 101–3

  efficiency of, 231

  essence of, 47, 135

  expansion of, 6, 49–57, 109, 118, 138

  fail-safe for, 100 286

  as fantasy, 8

  fickleness of, 261

  founding ideology of, 54, 133

  geography of, 28

  globalization of, 70–71, 87, 193

  Gore as inventor of, 63

  “ground truth” of, 29

  as handmade, 118

  history of, 35–57, 107, 147

  as hub-and-spoke system, 109–10

  as human construction, 158

  images of, 5, 6–8, 9, 18, 34, 107–8, 229–30, 266–68

  as “information highway,” 19–20, 63–64

  Kleinrock as a father of, 41–42

  light of, 162, 163

  limits of, 3

  as math made manifest, 163

  meshed connectivity of, 27, 64–65

  most important places on, 127

  myths about, 40

  openness/publicness of, 30–31, 73–75, 116, 117–18, 124, 133

  as overlap of geographical and physical elements, 19

  photographs of, 21

  prevalence of, 3, 34

  questions about what is the, 2–10, 264–68

  quintessence of, 163

  reality of, 9

  as self-healing, 200

  as series of tubes, 5–6

  shutdown of Blum’s, 1–4, 18, 144, 264

  smell of, 44, 49

  structure of, 27, 54, 64–65, 87

  threats to, 116–17

  uneven distribution of, 262

  as unfinished, 67

  uniqueness of, 106

  usage of, 3, 34, 55, 66–67

  Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, 29, 30, 31, 45

  Internet exchanges “IX”

  as center of Internet, 108–9, 112–13

  characteristics of largest, 111–13

  competition among, 133–35

  definition of, 109

  gap between average-size and large, 130

  as hub-and-spoke system, 109–10

  location of, 113

  peering and, 121–22, 126, 127, 129, 130

  problems of, 109–11

  rationale for, 109

  security at, 113–16

  See also specific exchange

  Internet Explorer (Microsoft), 57

  Internet Heritage Site and Archive, Kleinrock, 44–45

  “Internet Mapping Project” (Kelly), 7–8

  Interxion, 140

  Inventing the Internet (Abbate), 35–36

  IP addresses, 29, 30, 31–32

  The IT Crowd (TV show), 108, 143

  Jagiellonian University (Poland): Traceroute example for, 31–32

  Japan, 27, 33, 111, 113, 196, 198, 199, 201, 208

  Jobs, Steve, 267

  JPNAP (Tokyo), 111, 113

  Juniper routers, 99–100

  Justice Department, US, 123

  Karlson, Dave, 244–45

  Kelly, Kevin, 7, 8–9

  Kenya, 198

  Kingdom Brunel, Isambard, 203, 253

  Kirn, Walter, 38

  Kleinrock Internet Heritage Site and Archive (UCLA), 44–45

  Kleinrock, Leonard, 36, 41–49, 51, 52, 69, 158

  Kozlowski, Dennis, 195

  KPN, 148, 155, 266

  Krisetya, Markus, 13–17, 21, 23, 25, 26–27, 28, 45

  Kubin-Nicholson Corporation, 13–14, 16–17, 21

  landing stations, cable, 193, 202, 203.

  See also specific station

  Land’s End (England), 202, 215

  LaPerrière, Sylvie, 122–23

  latency, 198–99

  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 31

  Lawton, Will, 129

  Lenoir, North Carolina: Google data center at, 255

  Les Schwab Tire Centers, 254

  Level 3, 98, 110, 121, 125, 153, 251, 252–53, 266

  Levy, Martin, 121, 266

  light, Internet as composed of pulses of, 9–10, 162, 163

  Lightower, 166

  line cards, 160

  London, England

  deregulation of telecommunications system in, 184

  and Europe-US telephone connection, 175

  and Internet as series of tubes, 5

  New York City traffic with, 180, 202, 208

  structure of Internet and, 27

  terrorist bombings in, 183–84

  See also London Internet Exchange; Telehouse

  London Internet Exchange (LINX), 27, 112, 128, 130, 131, 139, 181–89, 192, 197, 199, 215

  Long Island, 174, 199, 212, 215, 216–17, 265–66

  Los Angeles, California, 50, 128, 198, 200–201, 266

  Luis (construction manager), 220, 221

  Luzon Strait, 199, 200, 201

  Lyon, Matthew, 51

  MadIX (Madison, Wisconsin), 111

  MAE-East (Metropolitan Area Exchange)

  Adelson and, 73, 88–89

  DEC and, 75–76

  expansion of, 61, 65–66

  founding of, 60–61, 84

  funding for, 63–64

  government role at, 62–63

  importance of, 63

  location of, 61–62, 66

  London traffic with, 184

  problems at, 65–66, 75–76

  routers at, 75–76, 80

  transformation from crossroads to depot of, 65–66

  “Tysons Corner problem” at, 111

  MAE-West (Metropolitan Area Exchange), 64, 83

  Main One (undersea cable), 218

  man-trap, Adelson’s, 93–94, 103

  Manos, Michael, 232–35, 238, 239


  of ARPANET, 49–50, 52

  of backbone architecture of Internet, 14


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