I am Iron Man

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I am Iron Man Page 45

by Colin Cook

  screamed out, bloody lip and back aching like all hell. He pounded a fist on the large steel garter. Somehow internally blaming Shepard. If he didn't put that shit in his head

  about 'saving' people… bah!

  Seima groaned as she rolled about. That explosion was… bad. Worse yet she heard someone stepping behind her. Turning around, she gasped out grabbing her pistol. Yet

  it was pulled from her by a biotic pull. Her arm nearly severed she held on so tightly. The hand gripping her throat pulled her up and slammed her against a large crate.

  Choking her almost.

  "Seima?" She gargled out a little. "My, you were always quite the busy-body, no?"

  "You were always the psychopath!"

  A light chuckle, his grip tightened ever so much. Shrugging his shoulders, Jacohbe said "Well, we all must have our quirks and so on. Hobbies too. You want to know what

  mine is?" She balled a fist, wishing she could just spit in his visor. "Mine, is studying things. Watching them slowly come to terms with situations. Tell me Seima, what can

  you even possibly think plausible the outcome here?"

  Her eyes dart down to her side. Looking for anything. Something. Damn it, nothing was in reach. She grabbed his arm trying to rend it off her neck. He laughed some

  more as he shook his head. "Oh Seima. I always did like that fire in you. It's a shame you had to come back here only to die…"

  "SEIMA!" Shots were fired. Jacohbe, turned dropping the girl. His shields held against the rifle fire. "Seima! Go! Run!"

  "Kyojio?" Jacohbe raised his hand, suddenly making the man Kyojio stumble and then flail out his arms and legs. Lifting in a red barrier. "Well now! This is something of a


  Seima had but gotten up off her knees and on her feet when she saw what was happening. She looked about finding her pistol, and aimed it at Jacohbe. "Let him go!"

  He ignored her, at first. Yet there came three more. Shepard aimed his assault rifle at the large Quarian. Shouting. "Release the boy, now!"

  "Hmm?" Jacohbe turned around, asking, "You want me to let him go?"

  "Yes!" Seima held the trigger, shouting. "Let him go! You bosh'tet! Or I swear I will…"

  Jacohbe had this look in his eyes. A bit of bemusement. He looked at Kyojio and just asked, "You really want me to release him…?"

  "YES! Please!"

  "No!" Shepard, got it. It clicked too late. "Stop!" Suddenly. The Biotic energy grew strongest on Kyojio's visor. The energy, grew strongest here as the visor began to

  crack. Then it shattered in. The sound was horrific. A sound of pulpy mush, met with brittle shards. It was not a sound you wish to hear. Seima was still and silent, like it

  happened but her being could not comprehend it. Jacohbe, he smiled. You can see it in the visor the way his eyes quirk up and crease in the corners. His smile was grand

  and joyful. Shepard did not flinch though it was the desire to do so. Firing now on the Quarian. Jacohbe swung out his hand pulling a large drove of crates between him

  and Shepard. "Why did you do that!"

  "Sometimes, it's the simple things in life. That make it worth while Shepard!" A light chuckle,

  Seima turned and began tapping at the controls of a freighter. Without any time to respond Jacohbe found the cargo freighter flying at him. It smashed him against the

  small wall toppling it, and he flew with the grasp he held before smashing up into a wall. The form of the Quarian slipping down it from the large impact he made. Seima

  now ran from where she started the device. Over toward the twitching, bleeding man. Sliding beside him, she grabbed his hand tightly.

  "Kyo! Kyo, it's me! Seima! Kyo!"

  He spoke, somewhat. It was forced, pained. She was sobbing heavily as her hands held his so tightly. The Quarian condition was never easy. Even now Tali watched seeing

  how hard she had to squeeze his hand. Though maybe it wasn't because it was gloved? She realized it could just as easily been because… she did not want to let go.

  Shepard bent down, asking, "Is there anything we can do for him?"

  "I-I don't…" Seima held his hands, tightly. She turned down to her side. "I have anti-biotics, medigel. Yet all these wounds, his face… I-I can't imagine…" She leaned in, a

  hand holding his chest as he breathed so hard. "Kyo… please, stop breathing in this dirty air. I-it… it…"

  Legion looked down at this. Seeing this. He found it most perplexing. Indeed, he understood she lost a team mate. However, her vitals were incredibly stressed. Blood rate

  heightened. Heart rate even higher. She was incredibly emotional. A number of chemicals released, negatives and positives. The more this went the greater the stress.

  However, this was not the worst of the possible. She soon pulled out a syringe, and pressed it into her arm.

  "What are you doing?" Tali asked, watching her. Now bent down to her. "You're using them on yourself?"

  "Yes!" She finished, then she leaned closer. "Kyo." She grew quieter. Slowly, she held up his hand. The other went to her helmet along her visor. A small hiss was heard,

  and she removed it. Pressing her face to his hand, she whispered, "Kyo… I'm sorry, I love you."

  The young man twitched, and convulsed. Not of pain. He reached around, feeling her mask, he pushed it into her hands. She shook her head, saying, "No… no, Kyo. Not

  now." Pulling off his glove, she laid the back of his hand to her cheek. Softly saying, "I'm so sorry…"

  Kyo laid there gasping, wheezing on. Until finally… he grew still. It was not long. Yet somehow, his breathing had been less erratic. He came to terms with this. Even

  seemed alleviated by what she did. Letting his hand lay on his chest. She pressed the mask back on. Clenching her fists a little as she sat there. Silently.

  "Commander lead-ass…?"

  Shepard blinked to that. Looking up he re-signaled, "Zaeed?"

  "Yeah… mind me asking if you're close by?"

  "Where are you?"

  "Oh, no where special. Just, see that burning building off to the side?" Shepard looked seeing the flames. "I'm inside that."

  "Damn it! Why didn't you-"

  Zaeed snapped, "Wasn't exactly on my prime objective! That was getting the hell out! I need help, jackass!"

  A nod, Shepard was about to call them out to help. However, it was just then a loud scream was heard. The freighter flew into the air surrounded by a red biotic. Shepard

  watched, and turned seeing that Quarian hobbling out. Holding his ribs. At least that slowed him down.

  "Legion!" He saw the Geth turn to him. "Find Zaeed!"

  "Yes!" Legion, tore toward the burning building. Shepard ducked back to a crate shouting out for Tali. She, looked to Seima. Then to Shepard.

  Tali took position but she wasn't going to let him get too far. That entire scene. It burned in her. Tali's eyes were a flare with anger. With hate. Seeing him do that, take…

  some pride in it. She can't let him get away. Suddenly throwing out her arm the Omni-tool released a flash of light. It became a combat drone that buzzed forward. "Get

  that bosh'tet Chiktikka! Go for the optics!"

  Jacohbe had just reached one of the consoles on a crate when he began working. Suddenly, sparks flared on his back. "Argh!" Turning, he raised his hand forming a pistol.

  Firing at the drone as it buzzed before him. "Can't it ever be easy killing a station full of people?"

  Firing at the drone. Shepard and Tali began to push in with suppressive fire. Jacohbe felt the shields already damaged, drop. Screaming while he was being shot. The

  Quarian raised his arm using Biotics to rip up the floor panels. A shield made between him and the duo. He fired roughly at the drone finally shattering the VI shape, and

  making it explode. "Damnable… things…" He turned slamming his palm on the crate. His biotics flushing from his hand, into the cargo and causing the doors to override.

Inside, a chattering sound began. Shepard flinched seeing the singular orbs slowly come online and then marching out, twelve Geth Troopers started to walk out of the

  cargo bin. Now things were going to get interesting…

  "GAHG!" Zaeed slapped the arm of Legion who already threw off the beam, with proper leverage of another beam. Yet as he tried to pull up the wounded Mercenary he

  must have hurt him. Worse he made him shake his hand. "Damn it! A little tact!" He flexed his hand. "Damn metal monster."

  "We are not a monster. We are Geth."

  "Wasn't serious. Touchy…" A groan, he got up and brushed himself off. Looking over as rubble fell behind him. "Huh, place is going up pretty damn fast."

  "Affirmative. Evacuation is advised."

  "Right." Zaeed rubbed his shoulder walking with the Geth. Out the doors, he saw the other Geth funneling out of the cargo bin. "Shit, might have been better in that


  Legion scanned the Geth machines. He shook his head. "They are without Geth connection or unity. They are alone."

  "What?" Zaeed got behind a crate, "Hey! Legion, we might want to help out the Commander here. We have a pretty good…" he frowned up at the machine looking at the

  troopers. He looked to be… "Hey!"

  Legion turned to Zaeed who aimed his rifle and sniped one of the Geth troopers. "Commander Shepard might want our help."

  "Affirmative." That said. Legion took cover pulling out his sniper rifle. Firing straight into the optical center of the first Geth. It was like he was looking to kill these Geth as

  fast as possible.

  The battle began to go rather well… Geth falling over. Shepard himself realized how poorly these Geth were fighting. Shooting blindly at the first thing they saw. Seldom

  trying to take cover. They were really just walking drones attacking and wasting ammunition. It seemed incredibly one sided.

  Yes, but that's when things get their worst.

  Jacohbe watched them being torn apart. A slight grunt, he pulled behind another cargo crate. "Damn it… I knew it was too soon." Slamming his fist on the side of the

  carriage he grumbled, "Antura…" Standing off his lean. The Quarian slammed his palms on the cargo. Suddenly flowing a red biotic energy across it. The cargo opened and

  out came more Geth. Yet these Geth were coated with a barrier. A thick barrier.

  Shepard found out as he fired on these Geth they were not being harmed. The barrier throwing off the ammo. "What the hell?"

  Tali began to look at them. Turning to Shepard she warned, "He must have used a Barrier. How he could make one over so many separate forms is… Keelah, biotics don't

  work like that. Do they?"

  "None I've ever seen." Shepard lowered his head. Trying to think… "Tali!" She looked up to him. "Remember what Invernner said earlier? About the cargo holds being a

  temporary Geth hub?"

  "That's right. He said he hacked one, and all the geth self destructed. Possibly, an old code still in their systems. To keep them from…" she began to get the idea. "I got it.

  Yet, I can't hack the consoles from here. I need to be at least a few feet from them." She opened her Omni-tool. "I'm going to need suppressive fire."

  Funny though as she said that someone was wildly firing an assault rifle. Looking back Shepard saw Seima, charging at the Geth shooting like she was insane. Luckily, she

  dove behind some crates. Yet she gained almost all of their attention. "Tali!"

  "On it Shepard!" She ran toward the cargo crate. The Geth were not aware of her. At least at first. Then one got close on her and began to fire. Pinning her down. Ducked

  behind a small collection of crates. Tali held close as it was small cover, shots grazed the platform around her sending sparks. Worse, coming close to shooting an

  explosive container near her, and if it blew it would rip through her shields. Most likely her too. She looked to Shepard who was trying to keep the Geth off of Seima,


  Just then she heard a sound of a round breaking metal, and the loud thud behind her. The Geth fell over and she saw the single shot between the neck plates. She didn't

  think about it too long. Then she ran toward the consoles. Close to them now, she began to use her Omni-tool with a small frequency transmission. Jacohbe was working

  on the next cargo when all of a sudden the screen flashed. His eyes widen when sounds of explosions began to emit from inside. Looking around he saw all the other

  cargo holds were the same, small sounds within.

  Fists clenched he slammed them on the container. Turning around, he saw Tali. Tapping at her Omni-tool. Hacking the last of these hubs, and incidentally the one with the

  Geth Jacohbe had enhanced. Eyes glaring at her, he pulled out his pistol aiming at her face. Tali saw just seconds before the shot could be fired. She screamed, flailing back

  as the shot sent her shields fluttering. Shaking her head, she got up on her stomach bent before scooting back on her legs and arms. Jaohbe ran on her, reaching out and

  grappling her on the ground. His hands wrap around her neck showing the superior strength he had.

  Tali however was not willing to surrender. She aimed her pistol firing blindly at first. Mostly at the vicinity of his head. His helmet is grazed by a shot before he swipes away

  her pistol and then punched her across the face. Tali took in a breath before her Omni-tool began to glow. She coughed out, "Chiktikka…"

  The drone moved out, firing at the Quarian. He screamed falling off Tali. Then rolled as the drone flew around him firing randomly. Angrily Jacohbe raised up his pistol firing

  at the drone, destroying it soon after. Yet turning to see Tali tapping at her Omni-tool. He stood, snarling, glowering at her. "…."

  She turned to him. Stunned. "W-what did you call me?"

  He snarled out, going forward to strangle her again. Yet he noticed something. He looked down, and it was then Tali grabbed her pistol. Firing at an explosive container.

  The explosion sent him flying, and her rolling. Luckily, her shields were healed. Or rather, she drained his shields to repair her own. That way when she caused the

  explosion. He got the worst of it. He was thrown far too. Yet sadly, he was up… hobbling over to one last container. Tapping at the screen he swiftly began limping away.

  Tali stood, aiming her pistol. Yet the doors of the container flew wide open. This one was large.

  Inside, the sound of something big and heavy moved. It stomped out, four legs penetrating the floor. Then one large camera focusing, and looking around. This looked to

  be the Colossus mentioned before. Arming up his next thermal clip Shepard got ready to begin the charge. However, that's when he saw four more cameras along the

  back of the thing… and closer inspection…

  "My god…" Shepard was wide-eyed. "That's how he overrode the Geth AI for a Colossus…?"

  Legion was aiming at the last of the still slightly functioning Troopers. Even when they self destructed, some were wobbling about unable to shut down. He ended them as

  swiftly as possible. However, the Colossus was the next threat. Seeing it. He was stunned. His flaps curving with a worried, or maybe even troubled furl of his brow. What

  he saw was not expected.

  Four geth units were hard-wired into the back of the Geth Colossus. Their lower bodies were gone, destroyed perhaps. They hang slightly on the back plates. Then sparks

  fly as they jerk every once in a while, data transferring into the Colossus. It then turning and firing rounds at the nearest target. Legion, was not sure what to make of this

  creation. However, he gripped his rifle tighter than before. Aiming fast at the Colossus he fired a round, yet the round bounced off. Kinetic barriers surrounded the


  "Warning! Kinetic Barriers detected!" Legion turned to Zaeed, pulling him up. The Merc screaming angrily as he's forced to move.
Now as the spot they were in was under

  assault from the Colossus.

  Shepard fired at it this time, directing its attention. "Damn it! Edi!"

  "Yes Commander Shepard?"

  "Can you scan that Colossus?"

  "Of course. One moment please." Shepard ducked back as the heavy fire began on him now. "Shepard, I found something most troubling."

  "What is it?" He smirked a little, "I was sort of hoping good news."

  "I have acquired a means to stop the Colossus. However, it will not be easy."

  "No kidding?"

  "No." She continued as Legion and Zaeed were here. Legion, looking at the Colossus. Watching the four drones jumping between barrels of gunfire. "The Colossus is

  surrounded by Kinetic barriers, however. The barrier is powered by the four Geth units hardwired into the Colossus. There is a sudden spike that lowers the barrier for only

  a few seconds. Even so, the Colossus can not be harmed during this time. If the four units were disabled, I believe that will also drop the Kinetic barrier, as well significantly

  weaken the Colossus."

  Shepard got that. Seemed logical. "Okay, we need a sharp-shooter then…" Looking to Zaeed, he was injured. That only left…

  "We are more than able." Legion watched Shepard as he looked him over. "We must do everything we can to stop these Synthetics."

  "You mean Geth?"

  "No. These are not Geth. We, are Geth. They are platforms without Geth. They are what we were long ago." Shepard blinked at that, huh? "We will not fail you. ShepardCommander."

  "I-I know that?" He was confused. Legion stood readying a shot, but they were under heavy fire again. "Tali! We need you to draw fire!"

  Tali gave a nod. Looking at the Colossus she aimed, saying, "I'm going to try…" Shooting a few rounds, it spun its head around. "Keelah!"

  As it fired on her. The four Geth spasm, and spark. Legion's eye narrows and took the shot, the Geth unit he hit, twitching no more and just hanging there. Soon, Edi

  came back. "Shepard, I sense the Kinetic Barrier has weakened 25%, the barrier is in fact connected within the four units."

  "Good." He got his own sniper rifle. "Legion, get the other one on the back. I'll take one of the two in the front."



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