I am Iron Man

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I am Iron Man Page 56

by Colin Cook

  her? Isn't it sweet?" Laughing, she cocked back her head. Then, she stood firm and abrassive. A whisper, she said, "I'll kill her you know? Nice and slow, and painful and let

  you watch every second."

  Shepard snapped back with a finger stretched out, "Lay one hand on Tali and I promise I won't just kill you, I'll make you suffer!"

  "Spoken like a true hero." Tali said, sighing and leaning on the wall crossing her arms. "I hate heroes. You always try to win the good fight. Haven't you ever realized the

  'good' fight is full of bodies and mayhem? Sooner or later someone you care about is going to die. Are you really willing to sacrifice that all?"

  Shepard glared back, and the figure stood tall. It grabbed the visor and peeled it off, pulling the helmet Shepard stared back with slight alarm. Ashley…. She smiled, at him.

  "Miss me, skipper?"

  "She and I made our goodbyes." Shepard stood tall and firm. In direct opposition to this trick. "I regret her death but not her sacrifice. Whatever you are? You'd never

  understand that."

  "Hmph, you are special." It seemed to grin, crossing its arms and shaking its head. "I really wanted you. I could sense how strong yours is. My, my what a shame. Still,

  there's a lot of ways to get what I want. I just have to take away everything you care about." Now, it changed. Shepard was shocked as his face appeared on Tali's

  body… the worst thing to ever see for him considering. Then suddenly; Shepard 'spoke' into his Omni-tool. "Joker! I need an E-vac! Now!"

  Shepard tried to call out, "Joker! Delay that order!"

  Laughing, It waved him off. "Sorry Commander. My ship. My rules." He winked, "Pleasure talking to you. Oh! Wait, one moment!"

  Coughing, it spoke up. "I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite death on the terminus systems."

  Laughing it dispersed, the door suddenly coming open. Garrus and Seima entering, Shepard snapped to them. "We need to get to the deck now!"

  Mordin held his Omni-tool confused. "Shepard? Calling the Normandy… no, no would not endanger." Looking back he saw Tali. She had her shotgun out. "Tali? Where were


  "I was… attacked." She lowered her head. "I didn't really like that one bit."

  "Understandable." Mordin frowned and flipped his gun out. "I was about to enter yet was certain would need your aid. Pleased you made it." Looking, he whispered, "Half

  worried we are too late."

  Tali gave a nod as she pushed the console, and the door opened. What greeted them were three assault rifles. However the center one lowered. Tali looked in and saw

  someone, it… it was… "Reeger?"

  Kal'Reeger saw Tali and instantly, laughed with mirth. "Ah-hah! Ma'am! Boy, am I glad to see you?" He motioned the other two to stand down. Tali came in shaking her

  head as Reeger said, "There was a lot of crap going on Tali. I mean some of the weirdest sh-stuff?" He rubbed his neck. "Nevermind, I'm sure you've…. Wait, is this

  another one of those episodes?" Tali suddenly hugged him. To which, Reeger chuckled. "Well if it is it's the better one so far."

  Tali let go shaking her head. "I'm just so happy to see you. Not trying to kill me at least."

  "Not at all Ma'am. Wasn't my job, remember?" He meant Haestrom. Laughing between the two, Mordin came in seeing a wounded Marine holding his arm one of the

  three guarding the door. Reeger watched saying, "Not much you can do for us Professor. The old lady here has been patching us up in hopes someone might come along.

  So far we're sort of on limited supplies, watched a ship fly by but it was Cerberus… assumed they were involved?"

  Tali shook her head. "Not us, we're here because of Jacohbe, and his attack on Omega."

  Soon, another Quarian stood behind a table. She, was tall and wearing a white quarian environmental suit. Her top was with a loose, opened jacket, with a number of

  inside pockets. Her sterile looking suit was so bright it looked to almost glow. "Is that so? Then I was right. Jacohbe is still alive."

  Mordin looked back, asking, "You are a survivor? From this ship?"

  The woman bowed, and gave a nod. "I am Vary'ex Vas Nar'rayya. A pleasure to meet you." Tali recalled the name, yet, she wasn't called that. Then it was obvious why. "I

  was sent by the Flotilla to study and learn why so many Quarians on Pilgrimage never returned from this ship. In fact, none ever did. It was becoming a true concern."

  Tali looked down, "Wait? I thought, Seima said Antura encouraged those that wanted to continue to do so? What changed?"

  "Oh, the Captain did." Sadly, Vary'ex shook her head. "However, Commander Jacohbe did not. It is believed he had those Quarians killed or worse, sold into slavery. We

  have yet to find the truth."

  Now, a young voice whispered, "Were made into resources."

  Looking down Vary'ex turned to the small Quarian girl hanging on her leg. "I'm sorry, this is Madila. She, was the daughter of two young Quarians on this ship, her parents

  were… not able to survive." She lowered her head, the young girl was in her suit, in early adolescence. What a shock… to see a young Quarian. "She was here because

  she was having signs of a possible cold, young ones are so hard to make understand their suits are important. In any case, while I was treating her. The incidents outside

  began to escalate."

  Reeger shook his head, "Yeah, we came into it long after the fighting. Back then I had twelve good men and women, now I'm down to these two scrubs and myself."

  Looking ashamed, he sighed setting his rifle on his shoulder. "It's been hell Tali. I mean literally. When we don't have the illusions? Things get really bad."

  Tali went to ask how? Yet Reeger raised his hand and walked to the door peeking around the corner. Now, he whispered, "Shit… looks like it's done with the games. It's

  sending more of those corpses." Pushing them back, he locked the door. "Everyone! Positions!" Turning to Tali he asked, "Can you and Mordin help us out? Just, don't let

  them inside!" He turned to Vary, "You need to get her back!"

  Joker docked with the ship, asking, "Commander? Where are you? We docked back with the medical…" Suddenly, his eyes grow huge as he saw an endless row of stairs.

  "Oh no…"

  Someone grabbed his wheelchair, and whispered in his ear, "You like showing off in class huh? Joker?"

  "What? No! Hey!" He was spun around, and ran back a ways. Turned to the stairs holding to his chair shaking. Soon, the man laughed asking if he knew how to really fly?

  They went running toward the many stairs. Joker's eyes watching as they came closer, closer…

  "EYARGH!" Joker spasmed as he was shocked with electricity. The chair overloaded.

  "Jeff! Are you aware?"

  Joker, screamed to EDI "Yeah! I'm aware! Aware you just shocked my ass for no apparent reason!"

  "You were suffering a severe hallucination. I shocked your system in hopes it would awaken you. I have contacted Legion as he's the only other member aboard the

  Normandy not acting strangely."

  Joker frowned asking, "Uh, what do you mean?"

  "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" Joker turned seeing the crew screaming and rolling. Some beating one another.

  "Ohh, you mean insane." A smile, he turned asking, "Uh, what is Legion going to do?"

  "Currently he is acquiring a nerve agent that will paralyze all crew and differ their actions toward one another or of a self-harmful manner. It will be dispersed thanks to the


  "Uh-huh, and that leaves me…?"

  "Under my care. Aren't you happy?"

  "…." Joker glared to her, saying, "You did just shock me you know?"

  "It was for your own good Jeff."

  Soon he heard the vents going off. There was a slight blurrying of his eyes. "Ahh…. Nighty-night Edi…"

  "Goodnight Jeff. You are safe now. Nothing will harm
you." Slumping over, he hit the main console hard. EDI corrects, "Now, you are safe."

  Legion came running to the deck, turning to EDI. "We assume this is not common?"

  "No Legion it is not. An unknown agent has effected Jeff and the crew."

  "Are all personnel effected?"

  "All those that were aware. Grunt, Miranda, Jacob and Jack are among the many now incapacitated. It would seem those with an organic mind were effected." She now

  logged, "Kasumi however was not effected."

  "Error: Kasumi is not part of the Normandy Crew."

  Something suddenly came out of cloaking. Legion turned to the Japanese woman smiling under her hooded coat. "Not entirely true. Tin-man." Legion blinked, and she

  walked closer to EDI. "EDI? What the hell happened? I was just hanging out in my room when suddenly I heard everyone screaming! I then had to put on this mask to

  keep from being knocked out!"

  "An unknown attack has occurred." Legion, suddenly poked Kasumi, whom turned glaring. "It would seem it came from the opposing vessel. I am not sure what it is or

  how it could spread so quickly yet it is effecting those with organic brains."

  Kasumi gave a nod, "I was getting a headache… I switched to my Graybox just because. Now I see that was a good idea. Huh…" she rubbed her chin, "How could this

  have happened?"

  Legion looked down suddenly, and asked with a slightly startled conclusion. "The away team is in danger. We must assist!"

  EDI gave her recommendation. "One of you must stay here to help me with deciphering data and re-linking to the team. The other should go in an attempt to assist."

  Kasumi frowned, looking to Legion she told him. "Legion? I need you to stay here." He turned on her, and she raised her hands. "Legion! I don't know how long my

  Graybox can keep me safe. Hell, this 'thing' might be unaware for now I even exist. If you can help EDI connect to the others you need to be here."

  Legion looked down. He did not like this.

  Kasumi smiled, and leaned in kissing his metallic cheek. Whispering, "Relax, she's fine."

  Legion turned to her blinking. "We did not mention any such concern."

  "Oh, but you WERE concerned." A grin, she winked and motioned with a salute off her brow, "Alright! I'm off! Later people!"

  Legion watched Kasumi cloak, and then leave or least, he assumed. Legion turned to EDI and asked. "What can we do?"

  "We will need to begin by analyzing the Quarian vessel. For now, it is running silent. However I am accessing it is trying to start a course toward the Mass Relay again. I

  believe the Commander and his team may be causing some form of commotion."

  Shepard rammed a fist on the door. "Open this door!"

  Garrus watched Seima working on it. Shepard pulling back, pacing. This isn't good. Shepard was acting a lot like a mad man. Yet he reached out, "Shepard! You have to

  calm down. This isn't helping."

  Shepard turned to Garrus with a growl, "My people are in danger Garrus! You may not…" he stopped, looked down. Closing his eyes, Shepard whispered, "I'm sorry."

  "I know." A smirk, Garrus shook his head. "Hey, I know. I know you. This isn't you. So calm down." Looking to Seima Garrus asked, "How are you doing kid?"

  Seima, glared back shouting, "I'm not a kid! Turian!"

  Shepard grinned nudging Garrus, "Careful, she's ready to blow you head off."

  "With a shotgun!" Snapped the girl. A light smirk under her helmet.

  Garrus laughed before admitting, "What can I say? I have a way with women lately." However, a sound was heard behind them. Turning back, Garrus and Shepard held

  their weapons as the Drell, Thane, stood from the vent. He looked pretty good for a man they assumed was… dead.

  "I found some information." Thane held up some data-pads. "I believe you'll want to see this?"

  Shepard took them, then he began to play a vid from one. It showed a Cerberus operative.

  The Operative spoke up from his heavy suit. "It seems we made it too late. Jacohbe was right, Antura did open the crate. He was given explicit orders NOT to but, damn if

  he didn't?" Seima stopped her work, and listened now. "It looks like he unleashed the 'Mind Flayer' as they call it… funny, never liked those nerdy RPG games myself. A

  good sci-fi shooter and I was set but, anyway now it's consuming the crew's consciousness. We are trying to get off the ship but the rooms keep changing. Though, we

  separated and then we found it had a harder time… motivating us." Looking around he rubbed his neck. "This thing has a lot of power but it's very limited. I think the more

  it has to force itself? The more it looses some control over us. Breaking apart into groups is working or least it was, but then it started concentrating on the weakest

  group. It's smart. Really smart… I wish Jacohbe never found it on the Quarian homeworld. Whatever you do don't group together because that's when it gets really

  mean… it toys with people, and it isn't scared of getting it's hands dirty when it feels the payoff is worth it."

  Seima was shocked, standing she grabbed the pad. "What did he mean? How did Jacohbe get it off the home world? Wait, WHY was it on the home world? What is it?

  What the?" She turned to Shepard.

  Easily, he had no answers. Looking to the door, he grabbed her shoulder begging, "Please… I know, it's hard. We need past this door."

  "I-I know… sorry." Seima went to work again still distracted. Shepard went to the next pad.

  The same operative. Yet this time he looked tired, and worn.

  "Damn… three days, food is low and water not much better. It seems to be that the other teams are gone we're all that is left. We went to the cafeteria. The… the thing, it

  just had bodies there. Lots of them. I saw a Batarian, seems the Omega guys didn't last long we watched them come on too. Then when we lingered, it tried to

  manipulate us but instead? We fought… and that irked its nerve so the bodies got up and…" A cough, he lowered his head. "I'm making these logs in case someone else

  finds them now. Listen, get off this ship. I-It won't destroy your ship unless the crew is all dead. They need to be 'consumed' first, and it can only do that…. Or only does

  that when you have nothing left. When you've lost everything, or were killed by the others. It likes that I think? The sense of betrayal? The idea you were… killed, by your

  brother." He lowered his head. "Or I think it, it wants…. It wants you to…."

  The stream ended. Shepard lowered his head, last pad…

  It clicked on. The man smiled there eerily. "I had to kill Janos. He was talking to me. Telling me lies. I knew that, it was true though. That we were all going to die here.

  That it was all my fault…" Looking at his pistol, he slowly cocked a new thermal clip. "I understand why the Illusive Man ordered us to this place. This thing can be a

  valuable weapon in the war. If we can control it like Jacohbe did. On Saruvia, the research station. Where he moved it from. Why did he move it though? Send it on this

  ship? Didn't he know what would happen…. No, he didn't think his 'captain' would disobey him. Though, knowing Jacohbe I'd never trust him."

  Suddenly, he had a twitch in his eye.

  "James, I'm sorry. I never wanted to leave you alone. Your sister will take care of you, and your mother and that bastard she married? They better take good care of

  you." Slowly, he closed his eyes and put the pistol to his temple. "I-I just can't take the whispers. I-I am supposed… supposed to join the crew!"

  The message ended abruptly. Shepard frowned. This, sounded really, really bad. "He said this thing was shipped here?"

  Seima opened the door. On the other side, she screamed. Turning they aimed their guns. Standing at the door was a pale colored blue Quarian. He looked down at Seima

  offering a hand, but she pulled away. Finally, she asked, "C-Capta
in Antura?"

  The Medical door was opened and in droves entered Quarians. The three marines fired concussion shots. The Quarians they hit were no longer really Quarians. They some

  had their visors shattered, they were decaying corpses that literally scrambled in. Assault fire tore them apart but as they try to force in it was obvious the line was too

  small, they can not keep them back more than a few seconds. Tali shot the legs out of them, but that only slowed the creatures. Mordin used his special grenades yet

  they too were only so useful. A bushel of them broke in and started to charge.

  "Mai rai unt rahs'y'tul, mah gahn hor sa tai sai. Tal vah pai'ta uht to'raim heh sa foht pohl ker'sai kyol."

  The bodies stop and stand still, being fired upon for a while. The group still trying to 'fight' the horde stop only as they fall over 'dead' again. Tali is breathing hard, hearing

  the singing coming to their side. Looking at the young Quarian girl, tapping and 'scribbling' with her data pad while her guardian held over her.

  "Reit tah sa pai'ta uht to'raim, heh jien why pyoh colh yier."

  The marines were getting up, putting a few rounds in to the bodies, they found shooting their legs and all left them immobile. This was their best defense. Tali heard Mordin

  ask, "Why did they stop? Were winning. Did not seem to falter until… child?" She looked up, he was holding his chin watching the girl, still singing in a very strange, Quarian

  song. He never heard it. "Tali? Ever hear this song?"

  "No… not really. I think I did but, it was like a dream. Hearing it now? I remember it though." She had no idea how that sounded. Still, she looked back as Mordin seemed

  fascinated with the young girl. "Mordin, we have to get off this ship. We were sent to get them all off."

  "Agreed." Mordin began to come to Vary, offering a hand. "We must escape. You should come with us."

  However, the intercom echoed out and Tali knew that voice, Legion. "We are unable to scan what life signs are present on the Medical Wing. Is Tali with you?"

  Tali spoke up with a bit of mirth, "Yes Legion! I'm here!"

  "We are pleased. There was a leading consensus you may have been unfortunate enough to be terminated."


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