Home > Horror > SAFE HAVEN: RISE OF THE RAMS > Page 17

by Christopher Artinian


  Sweat was dripping down Mike’s face as he worked through the stiff gears and locked the wheel left, then right, then back again, reversing and then shooting forwards. He was meticulous in his destruction of the creatures but noticed that the shots from inside the house were attracting more RAMs. He reversed at full speed down the paved drive, skittling beasts this way and that. He jammed on the brakes as he reached the road, desperate to see how many more were heading their way. Mike squinted into the distance and saw only the odd few. If he could wrap this up quickly, they might just escape before a whole army of these things attacked. He looked ahead and saw that more menacing figures had left the house and were running towards him full pelt. What they lacked in intelligence they made up for in resolve. He crunched into first gear again, ready to advance, and then caught sight of movement out of the corner of his eye. It was the box van. He looked more carefully and saw Joseph and Beth. It pulled up and Joseph began to climb out but Mike vigorously shook his head to say no. He motioned with his hands to signal that he was going straight ahead, but Joseph needed to stay there. He then pointed at the few advancing figures working their way up the road. Joseph urgently wanted to speak to Mike, but to climb out of the van with RAMs advancing would have been more than foolhardy. He nodded reluctantly as Mike raced back up the drive.

  Joseph pulled the box van forward, blocking the driveway. He was angry that Mike was putting them all at risk just for the chance to get revenge. Then he heard the shots. One, two, three, four.

  “That was from inside the house,” Beth said, narrowing her eyes to see if she could see anything up the long driveway. She saw nothing other than Mike mowing down beast after beast.

  “Oh, my God. Oh, sweet Jesus. They’re alive. The girls are alive.” The realisation gave Joseph renewed vigour. The RAMs working their way up the country road were at least a hundred metres away, but he decided to follow Mike’s lead. He put his foot down and used the van like a battering ram, pummelling the advancing creatures. When there were just a few left in the distance, he reversed back up and blockaded the drive once more.

  Shots continued in the house, but Mike couldn’t see any more RAMs coming out. The driveway and garden looked like the gateway to hell: blood, bone, eviscerated bodies shuffling on broken limbs, arms outstretched, still grasping hopelessly. The soundtrack of the creatures choking back phlegm-filled growls of anger would shoot terror through most, but Mike didn’t have time to be terrified. He parked behind the Land Rover and picked up his small axe in one hand and a screwdriver in the other. He climbed down from the cab and was greeted by arms reaching out from beneath the ambulance. The movement was painfully slow as the body they were attached to had clearly been run over a number of times. When the head finally emerged, Mike plunged the hatchet into it without hesitation, and thick red and pink tissue squelched up the sides of the blade. He walked towards the house, pushing the screwdriver through an eye socket here and slicing into a forehead there, as damaged, beaten creatures still desperately reached out to seize their prize. Mike’s limp was virtually non-existent due to a combination of bandages, painkillers and adrenalin. He paused at the door, banged on it, then took a jump back, ready to fight if anything came towards him, but nothing did. He looked back and noticed that Joseph and Beth were both in the entrance to the drive, holding up shotguns and ready to fire if anything came their way. It was quiet inside the house and Mike carefully made his way up the stairs. Bodies were strewn everywhere. The occasional reaching hand was quickly dismissed with a sharp blow from the hatchet. Finally he made it to the landing, where the broken creatures were piled three high in places. He looked towards the room where he had caught sight of Emma and Lucy. Through the doorway he could see them: Lucy, her hands still clutched around the Glock pointed in Mike’s direction, and Emma holding the shotgun, bracing it against her shoulder. On seeing Mike, they lowered their weapons.

  “Careful!” Emma yelled, pointing to the floor.

  Mike didn’t understand what she meant, but when he got to the doorway he saw the gaping hole down to lounge below. He pulled bodies away and began smashing the door hinges with his axe. As the second brass fitting came loose, he took the thick piece of pine and placed it down over two joists with an echoing clatter, creating a makeshift bridge. He leapfrogged over to where the two women were standing and grabbed them both, pulling them tightly to him. Emma took tight hold of him and Lucy impulsively kissed him hard on the lips before wrapping her arms around them both.

  “I thought I’d lost you,” he said to Emma, kissing her forehead. She pushed her head further into him. “I thought you were both dead.”

  “Oh boy, Mikey, you have no idea,” Lucy said, looking into Emma’s eyes and thinking of a few moments earlier when she had almost put a bullet through her brain.

  “There’ll be more coming. We need to get out of here now,” Mike said, eventually breaking his grip on the two women.

  “No arguments from me,” Lucy replied, replacing the guns in the holdall and gathering the remaining supplies.

  “I’m so glad you girls are alright. I didn’t see how you could have survived in there. The place was swarming,” Joseph said as the trio emerged from the house.

  “It was a close thing. Trust me,” Emma replied, looking knowingly towards Lucy. “Where’s Peter?” Joseph and Beth simultaneously looked towards the ground. “Oh, no. Oh, I’m so sorry.”

  “Joseph, Beth... I’m so sorry,” Lucy echoed, any other words of condolence escaping her.

  “Thank you. Both of you. Thank you,” Beth said, seeing her father struggling to fight back emotion.

  “Look, I was wondering if you girls wouldn’t mind driving the ambulance back? Beth can take the car. I need to have a word with Mike.” Joseph looked at each face for approval. His voice was croaky but understandable.

  “Fine with me,” Lucy said, a little baffled, “but we’d better get moving.”

  The women boarded their assigned vehicles and Joseph and Mike ran back down to the van before any more RAMs materialised.

  Once inside the ambulance, Emma turned to Lucy with a concerned look on her face. “What the hell do you suppose that’s about?”

  “Well, I’m guessing it’s nothing good. But, hey, why would we want good news to spoil a perfectly shitty day?” Lucy replied, crunching the gear into first.


  “What’s all this about, Joseph?” Mike asked, with equal measures of bemusement and worry.

  “It’s about Peter.”

  “Of course. I’m sorry, Joseph. I didn’t get chance to tell you before. I’m so sorry. Peter was a really nice lad. He was brave as well, more than you could expect any boy of that age to be,” he said sincerely.

  “Thank you, Mike,” Joseph said. The van began to trundle along the lane with the Land Rover and ambulance following close behind. “Mike. Peter got... Peter got bit and turned.” He said the words like it was poison on his tongue.

  “Oh, no. Oh, Joseph. Did you have to...? Did you have to take care of him yourself?” he asked, knowing only too well the pain of having to finish off a loved one.

  “I couldn’t do it, Mike. I tried, but I couldn’t,” said the heartbroken father, remembering the hideous creature his son had become.

  “So you left him back there?”

  “Mike. I’ve got no right to ask this, and I hate myself for it.” He turned to look at his passenger as they drove along.

  “Ask what? What are you talking about?” Their eyes met, one pair empty, the other confused, and then realisation struck. “Oh, shit! Where is he?”

  “He’s in the back.” Joseph saw the immediate look of panic sweep across Mike’s face as he turned towards the storage area of the vehicle. “Don’t worry. He’s tied, bound and covered. There’s no danger.”

  “I’m begging you, Joseph. Please don’t ask me to do this.” He looked across
at the grieving father and thought he seemed to be ageing with each moment that passed.

  “Mike, I can’t do it, I can’t. And the killing seems to come so easily to you.” He regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth, but it was too late to take them back.

  Mike looked hurt. Joseph’s words made him sound no better than the men who had raided his farm. When he responded there was bitterness in his voice.

  “These things are already dead, Joseph. I don’t know what it is I do to make them stop exactly, but you can’t kill what’s already dead. And I don’t do it because I want to, but because there is no alternative. And if you’re referring to what happened last night – well, yes, that did come easy to me. I suppose it’s just a personality quirk, but I’ve never had a lot of time for child rapists and murderers. I don’t understand how anyone who’s a brother or a father wouldn’t want to take their pound of flesh from scum like that. It might sound self-righteous, but we still have to have some moral absolutes. I don’t want my brother and sisters living in a world where that isn’t the case. We can’t let every grain of goodness dissolve in a steaming pot of venomous bile just because we’re trapped in this madness where rules no longer exist. They figured that out first. They thought they were untouchable, that they could take what they wanted. That’s all they’d ever done all their lives, only now, guess what? No consequences. The weak still think human life is something sacred and to take it is wrong. Let me tell you, there is nothing sacred about human life, Joseph. We’re living, breathing animals, and like with any animals, you put the rabid ones down.”

  The younger man paused for breath and his anger left him, recognising the apologetic expression on the farmer’s face. “Fuck it! Fuck it! When we get back, reverse up to the furthest barn. I’ll take care of it and then we’ll get the body out and wrapped in a blanket before your family has to see. Fuck it! I really liked that kid, Joseph. You don’t know me well enough to know how hard this will be for me. It feels like shit when it’s someone you know.”

  “I’m sorry, Mike. I’m sorry for asking you and I’m sorry for what I said. I’m just not strong enough.”

  “You don’t need to be strong. You just need to remember why you’re doing it. I’ll do whatever it takes to protect my family and if that makes me someone I don’t like very much then tough luck, it’s the price I have to pay.” The van came to a stop outside the gate to the farm. “But we’re all going to have to learn to play our part, Joseph, because this fucking nightmare has only just begun.” With that, he opened the door and jumped down to push the gate back to allow the three vehicles entrance.

  Mike signalled for Lucy to wind down the window as she drove through the gate. “Joseph and I have something to take care of. We’ll be in when we’re done, but keep Alice busy.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll tell you both later. Just please do as I ask.” His face was tired, but he was clearly agitated.

  “Okay, Mike,” Lucy replied, “but I want to know everything when you come in.” Mike nodded and closed the gate behind them.


  Mike could hear Joseph pacing up and down outside, the stone chips crunching beneath his feet each time he turned. Mike switched on the light in the back of the van and saw the bound creature, barely moving beneath the layered strapping and the burlap sack. He pulled the coarse material from the captive’s head and tore the duct tape from its mouth to reveal lips curled in hatred. Haunting grey eyes with shattered black pupils flaring in the dim artificial light of the van sent a shudder down Mike’s back. He dropped his head and gazed at the hatchet grasped firmly in his right hand.

  “I’m sorry, Peter, you were a good kid,” he said as he drove the once-shining blade through the top of the RAM’s skull. He wiped the metal clean on the creature’s clothing then replaced the sack over its head before opening up the back of the van. Joseph stood there despairingly with a thick grey blanket in his hands. He climbed into the van and together the two men carefully wrapped the body and tied the blanket securely to make sure no-one could see the gruesome remains within. They lifted the bundle down and placed it gently on the ground.

  “There’s probably a couple of hours of daylight left,” Joseph said. “I think I’d like to get him buried today.”

  Mike just nodded. “I’m sorry, Joseph. I mean that.”

  “I know you do. And it means a lot to me, lad.”

  “I’ll leave you to be with your family, Joseph. You know where I am if you need me.”

  “No, don’t go,” Joseph said, grabbing Mike’s arm. It took him a moment to regain his composure before he could speak. Mike stood there in an uncomfortable limbo as he watched the grieving father struggle to bring his emotions back under control. “I wanted to ask you if you’d thought any more about what I’d said about you coming to Candleton with us?”

  “We’re heading north, you’re heading north. I know it’s not far, but it will probably take us the best part of a day to get there, safely I mean. Maybe your brother wouldn’t mind putting us up for the night before we set off again the next day,” Mike said, with the beginnings of a small smile on his face.

  “You’d be welcome to stay there with us, all of you. Permanently, I mean.” Joseph grasped Mike’s hand in order to shake it.

  “Thank you, Joseph, but we’re heading north of the border. A bite to eat and a safe place to sleep for the night would be much appreciated, though.” He released his grip. “Do you need a hand with the digging?” Mike asked wearily.

  “I think I’d prefer to do it myself. You get back to your family. Thanks again, Mike.” The pair of them walked across to the house.

  The kitchen was empty, but in the living room Alice was sobbing, her arms around John on one side and Annie on the other. Both of their faces were dry for the moment, but tear stains glistened on their cheeks. Beth and Tracey were squashed onto the ends of the sofa, desperately trying to comfort Alice with soft words and kind touches. The denial she had been living in was unable to shield her from this latest shard of reality.

  “I’m so sorry about Peter, he was a good kid,” Mike said, looking around each of the faces. He wanted to say something else, but words failed him. He left the lounge and headed down the corridor to the master bedroom.

  Although hardly euphoric, the mood was noticeably more upbeat once the door was closed. Emma and Lucy, although saddened by Peter’s death, were beginning to appreciate how lucky they were to be alive. Samantha felt a guilty joy that her friends had returned safely, and after spending part of the day devastated that their sister had been killed, Jake and Sammy were now in a state of elation to have her back with them. As Mike leant back against the door, firmly shutting it behind him, his two younger siblings ran up to him. He collapsed to his knees and recharged his strength through their embraces.

  “You brought her back,” Sammy said, with a look on her face like a thousand Christmas mornings had all come at once.

  “The Doc and your sister seemed to do pretty well looking after themselves. I just helped out a bit,” he said, smiling. Sammy kissed him on the cheek then returned to the king-sized bed with Jake where they had laid out an array of crisps and snacks.

  Before Mike could say another word, Samantha gave him a towel and some clean clothing. “We’ve got wine, crisps and chocolate. Go get yourself cleaned up,” she said, still trying to hold back her giddiness that the group were all back safely. As if under orders, Mike turned round and headed towards the bathroom. Samantha followed him out, gently closing the door behind her. “Oh, and Mike, before I forget...” Mike turned back, waiting for her to say something else, but instead she took hold of his hand, stood on her tiptoes and kissed him gently on the cheek. Her normally pale face was blushing bright pink. “Thank you. Thank you for keeping us all together.” She turned and went back into the bedroom.

  Mike stood for a moment, still brea
thing her comforting aroma, still feeling her delicate hands on his face. The crying from the other room roused him from his momentary reverie and he went to take his shower and get a shave.

  When he returned, Jake and Samantha had started a jigsaw on the floor. They were carefully mulling over where each piece belonged while chomping on packets of unhealthy fried snacks. The three women were sitting beneath the window, their backs against the wall, a bottle of red wine and a large packet of crisps being passed back and forth.

  “So, is this just a girl thing or can anybody join in?” Mike asked playfully.

  “You come and sit next to me, Mikey boy,” Lucy said, pushing up against Emma and creating a space between herself and Samantha.

  Mike sank down between them and was handed the bottle. He looked carefully at the label, took a couple of swigs, then winced a little as the dry red fluid ran over his tongue and trickled down the back of his throat.

  “So, tell us everything,” Lucy said, snatching the bottle back from him. She took a drink and then handed it to Emma.

  “Not really a good idea,” he replied, nodding in the direction of his younger brother and sister, who were far too immersed in their snacks and puzzle to even hear him.

  “Well, at least give us an idea, Mike, we shouldn’t have secrets. What did Joseph want?”

  “Well, let me see. How can I put this? Peter wasn’t as still as you would expect a corpse to be.”

  “You’re kidding me?” Lucy replied, “Joseph didn’t...”

  “He asked me to do it.” Mike snatched the bottle and took another hefty gulp.

  “Sorry, Mike. That’s a really shitty thing to have to do,” she replied.

  Mike shrugged. “What the hell. Have hatchet, will travel. What’s one more skull to crack open?” he asked bitterly under his breath.


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