Guardian Stone 2: Stone and the T-Raptors

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Guardian Stone 2: Stone and the T-Raptors Page 5

by Don Koch


  Phillip Montand appeared and Hank introduced Philip and the President said. "Phillip and I know each other from his days as head of the Canadian Air Force. Phillip it is right nice to see you again. I suspect that you and I will be seeing each other with some frequency."

  Phillip replied, "That would be my great pleasure Monsieur Presidente, I look forward to it. Thanks for the opportunity to see you again today but I can only stay for a few minutes. I do have to get back on station to make sure the transition is what it should be. We just arrived earlier today and General Stone is making sure I keep busy", he said with a chuckle. "He also knows that I love it. Hank, bon chance mon ami." With that he disappeared.

  After General Montana left, Hank went on, "I really do have some fine officers in Antoran service. Phillip was in poor health when we recruited him and now he is as much a ball of fire as he ever was. He is a very good commander. I see that you were startled with his appearance. Dosia has done wonders for his condition and you probably would not recognize his wife. It is like they are on a second honeymoon and enjoying it to the maximum. On another subject, Friedrich Hess tells me that your power reconstruction is underway and ahead of schedule. How is that working out and how has it been received."

  "Again you were correct, both about Phillip and about the new power system. That shift has been extremely popular. We decided to try out the pilot programs on a few places, large and small to see how it would be received. We also needed some time to manufacture the necessary components. We selected Atlanta, Seattle, Minneapolis along with a large part of their suburbs and all of American Samoa. We also selected rural sections of Montana and Alaska. We were able to produce a sufficient number of units for quite a few more locations but we are trying to smooth the way for the utilities so they do not suffer unduly. We also have a pretty effective intertie agreement with Canada and Mexico that will help remote locations for all three countries. The things work well and the utility poles are coming down and the wires are being salvaged. This is going to take some time but we now have a number of large cities wanting to jump on the bandwagon. Interestingly a number of beautification advocates are also jumping on the opportunity to make esthetic improvements. It has also provided interim work for many people. New York City is clamoring to be next and we may do that just to showcase the whole plan."

  "The combination of the Antoran Power sources and the blending that with our current power generation has been a pretty good fit. The new distribution devices enabling us to redesign our power interties has been the item to draw the most interest particularly from the utilities. Power prices have come down and many are converting their home system to eliminate oil as a primary heating source. This has been a real boon in the rural areas. I think we are on the way."

  "We have had quite a few people asking for another shot at the upgrade program when and if your resources are up to it. We are also seeing a number of people reconsidering life in the colonies. General Hess indicated that he could structure something on a more limited basis than was done in the original program but unfortunately he knew he was due for reassignment this month so he could not start. He said that all station commanders were familiar with what is required and was sure that his successor would feel the same, particularly if you, Fador and Barana approved."

  "Dean that is another easy one in concept. Phillip's two stations are plenty for most purposes but not an upgrade program. We have some reorganization going on and there will be several Divisions on standby assignments. Those can be parked anywhere in our sphere of influence. It would be easy to put them in Earth orbit and run the program again just not with as many stations as before, but enough. However by the end of the month, we will have nine Divisions on Standby status. I can park three of those Divisions in the Solar System and that will give us four Type 1 stations and 13 Type 2 stations here. That should be enough to run a slightly smaller 'upgrade' program as well as an advanced program. I did not want to appear to be encroaching on the turf of your colleges and universities so we have not offered the advanced program previously. They are, however, not adequately filling the education void and are far too slow and inefficient. We may partner with some to expand educational opportunities. That is still something we have to think through and come up with in a proposal. It seems like every time we come up with an advance we would like to have the various systems access, we have to tread carefully so as not to gore someone's ox. Unintended consequences keep popping up to slow things down. Still, bit by bit we are getting there. So you can expect to have a smaller program running by next month for a longer period of time and with some supplemental offerings. Understand that these stations are Battle Fleet Standby units that may have to leave suddenly depending on circumstances. They are our crises reserve, but we will do this and meet other crises as needed."

  "That would be fantastic."

  "Great, I will let General Montand know what is going on. Actually this is more up his alley than General Hess'. One more interesting note, the people of Gar participated with almost 100% of their population. It has revised a lot of attitudes there without major impact on their psyche. They are essentially a good people forced down a bad fork in the road."

  "I guess I have taken up enough of your time for now. Keep in touch. If it's OK, I'd like to say goodbye to Anne and Billy. That is quite a youngster you have there. Don't forget to let him have some fun and play experiences and he is welcome on station anytime with his friends if they want to come."

  "Would you tell him that? It would be better coming from his 'Uncle Henry'."

  Hank alerted Sam to come back in and to bring Anne and Billy. When they arrived, Hank gave Anne a hug goodbye and said to Billy, "Well guy, I have to go, but next time I am back in orbit, I have a standing invitation for you and any friends you want to bring with you to visit the station. For that matter you are welcome to bring your whole class. We will probably include a shuttle visit to some of the planets on this side of the sun at the time. We will also make a recording of the things you see and do so that you and your friends will have a keepsake. Are you cool with that?"

  Billy said, "Uncle Henry, I really am cool with that. My friends will really be excited."

  Sam thought to Hank, They both grinned, said goodbye and disappeared.

  Hank notified those affected of the changes he had made through Barana. He also provided some rough designs for the shuttles to be sent to Earth. This included the Antoran Marines emblem and the Space, Inc. Logo. They next prepared to leave orbit for the first of the colony worlds.

  Chapter 7: Planting the Seeds

  On Station 1 in Artemis orbit – September 25 – C Day 391

  ### same day, two hours later. ###

  The colonist for each of the colony planets had been placed on the colony preparation stations orbiting their world. Most colonists had been out of stasis for about a month and were receiving additional training before moving in. The colonists also formed their interim governments and persons not intending to farm were selecting suitable occupations. The mix was sufficient to assure a workable economy once they moved in. The exercise went reasonably smooth with almost no friction. The planets all elected to be multi species. All recognized that they were more as a collective species colony then they were as a selective species colony. The colonies had anywhere from 135 million to 160 million persons at each. Some planning was done to determine where their first cities and industrial areas would be located as well as government functions. Several city layouts were being planned and some construction was underway. All of the structures were self-maintaining. Some additional specialty structures were added to the plans for vacationing and tourism. Since each of the worlds were mostly pristine, tourists attractions were identified for potential use. Low environmental impact was required by each of the new governments. The colony planning groups and the Antoran counselors were particularly busy with expansion plans so tha
t development would be reasonably orderly without stifling entrepreneurship. Each planet followed a Space, Inc. type model for utilization of their natural resources. This still left substantial room for entrepreneurship and there were more than a few with that penchant. The colonies planned to focus on off planet resources for most of their raw materials needs.

  The farms to feed the population were large and in many respects structured similar to those on stations. The food processing plants were a direct lift from the same devices used on a station. The work involved in running a farm was not as onerous as on Earth, leaving more time for leisure, educational and other occupational pursuits. The schools were all station style with at least one week per month focused on group gatherings to enhance socialization. Colonists were each cross-trained in several other occupations so that in the event of a disaster the skills needed would still be available. Multiple occupational efforts appeared to be the rule rather than the exception. This did not mean that life was perfect or that individuals would not occasionally exhibit clay feet or unworthy actions. It was not a utopia and everyone had to pull together to maintain a viable colony. As a backup, each of the housing units, city, suburban or rural were stocked with a years supply of food and the stations in orbit were able to supplement that supply. This supply and supplement would allow the colony to operate without producing any food for as long as two years. However their aim was to start producing food within six months.

  The time out of stasis was sufficient to establish an interim government to maintain the colony. An infrastructure was created along with a currency for the economy. Factors not part of things generally observed by the average citizen had to be addressed. This resulted in a very informed citizenry.

  Hank wanted to be present for each of the Colony openings. He asked to meet with them on Station 12. His comments were broadcast from the meeting lodge on that station to all of the temporary quarters of the colonists. He said, "Well folks, the promise the Antoran Fleet made to you last year comes to fruition today. We are in orbit about your beautiful world, Artemis. We have provided you with all the tools to make this a successful venture plus a few extras that will hopefully assure success. You have housing more advanced than anything on your home planet. You have neighbors who are not necessarily of your same species but they are your friends. You have worked together, some of you have fought side by side, now you are making a new world together, hopefully without the mistakes made on our home-worlds. You have some advantages that others never had and I think you will make the most of them. You have substantial security from events in space because there will always be an Antoran Fleet presence in orbit, not to dictate to you, but rather to aid when requested and to assure peace to the best of its ability. We are not here to interfere but to protect your god given rights. I am personally proud of all of you. Stepping into the unknown as you have done takes initiative and fortitude. I hope to spend some leisure time on your planet in the not too distant future. If any of you feel this is not working out for you, discuss it with us and we will see if there is another approach for you including return to Earth. Good luck and Godspeed to all of you."

  Hank closed the speech and returned to Station One. He next went to Betina, then Cecilla, then Diana and finally to Janice essentially delivering the same speech at each location. It made for a long day but it was also a grand start for a huge vision. An interstellar civilization had come to his part of the galaxy and he was pretty much pleased with what that represented and that its start had gone as well as it had.

  The Colony Preparation Divisions would remain in orbit to continue placing more of the infrastructure in place before going on Battle Fleet Standby condition. This included placement of some of the larger buildings that would form the hubs for future cities. They would still be available for assistance as needed. Their task would fall to an assigned Defense Guardian Station by the end of the month. Additional construction would be enhanced through special ships from Tau Ceti and frame structures manufactured in the station core. All in all it looked pretty promising. Time would tell.

  Chapter 8: Prince Kar

  On Station 1 approaching Frote –

  September 27 – C Day 393

  Barana addressed Hank and Sam saying,

  Hank checked with Sam and then said,

  Prince Kar and his friend arrives a few seconds later. His "friend" was an attractive young woman in a Captain's uniform with a T-Raptor insignia on her shoulder. From the looks on their faces, Hank and Sam were sure this was to be more than a mere chat, in fact he was certain he knew what was going on. Prince Kar was acting just a little stiff so Hank tried to put him at ease. "Ah Kar, it is good to see you. I understand you have earned your T-Raptor status, congratulations. Your friend looks familiar but I can't place her name, so introductions are in order."

  Prince Kar blushed and said, "General Henry Stone and Sam Stone, this is Captain Loriella Adams."

  "Ohmigosh, of course I know you, you're Josh and Rose's daughter. The setting and the uniform threw me off." Then he again noticed that they were both a bit uptight and continued, "Correct me if I am wrong, but I think you are not here for just a chat. Before we go any further, you both are stiff as a board. Lighten up. Kar you know how I am about overly formal things. Let me make this easy for you. You two have discovered you are soul mates, correct?" he said with a grin.

  Kar and Loriella's eyes widened and Sam said, "Got it in one again."

  Kar said, "Did someone say something or notice?"

  "Not a bit of it. The body language on both of you is in big BOLD letters. So relax. This is wonderful. When will you tie the knot? Hmm, I think I can see where this is going. Neither one of you has spoken to your parents about this and you are worried about their reaction, right."

  Loriella replied with a smile and said, "I am not sure how you do it, but that is essentially the problem in a nutshell."

  "Kar, did I ever tell you how long I was engaged to Sam before we were married?

  "Unh, no sir, you did not," surprised in the shift in conversation.

  Hank said, "almost two hours. However if you ask Sam, she will tell you 32 years. I asked her to marry me in second grade. We were a tad young to take that seriously but I think that maybe we did. The point of this comment is that telepathic soul mates, when they find each other, do not really need to go through the traditional song and dance that non-telepathic couples do. It is a waste of time, your commitment is already made. Your psyches have already addressed that issue, so I assume that you are looking for advice. I would say the first step is that you should get Josh and Rose in here and announce, not ask. You should do that now. If you like, I can ask Barana to bring them here without telling them you are here and you can hit them with both barrels. I am going to enjoy this. Josh and Anne understand soul mates better than you think they do. In fact, I have this old silver dollar burning a hole in my pocket that I will wager. I say that if you say nothing, Josh and Anne will figure it out in less than two minutes. Any takers."

  Loriella looked at Kar and smiled, then said to Hank, "Sir, you are on."

  Sam grinned and Hank said, "That's the spirit, Barana, would you please ask Josh and Anne if they can join Sam and me for a few minutes. Barana you might enjoy this, don't give them any clues. Same for us."

  A minute later, Josh and Anne arrived. No one said a word. Then Josh noticed Kar and Loriella sitting on the couch. He was startled. He looked at Anne who grinned and then he said, "They're not" he looked at the couple again and then back to Anne and said, "They are" and then made an exuberant shout of "Yes!" He went over and hugged his daughter who had a shocked look on her face. He then went to Kar and likewise hugged him.

  Hank said, "Time Barana."

  Barana responded,

  Josh said, "What?"

  Hank said, "I had
a little bet with your daughter about how long it would take you to figure this out."

  Josh said, "But it was like written in their faces in big bold letters."

  At that, both Kar and Loriella as well as Sam and Hank started laughing and Sam said, "Hank used the exact same expression when he figured it out and in about the same amount of time."

  Hank said, "May I suggest you give Father Tom a call and you can get married now. That does not mean that you can't redo the ceremony to meet Frote's traditions."

  Kar and Loriella both agreed immediately and Father Tom was called in. He was even faster in figuring out what was up.

  Before they left Hank and Sam's quarters, Kar said that he did not feel that there would be any difficulty with his parents after their experience here. Hank said they would take a little detour before arriving at Frote so they could have some time together. He then arranged for a fly by of several of the more spectacular anomalies in that portion of the stellar neighborhood.

  ### On Station 1 again approaching Frote –

  October 4 – C Day 400 ###

  Kar and Loriella looked like different people. As the station inserted into orbit above the palace and completed courtesies with Station 108, Hank hailed the palace and asked for King Estes. "Greetings my friend, it is good to see you again. May we come down to visit."

  King Estes said, "and my son?"


  "Please, come down at once."

  Hank, Sam, Josh, Anne, Kar and Loriella arrived at the throne room where King Estes and Queen Risa were seated. The King and Queen rose and the King said, "My son, you have found her, what a joyful event. Oh my, this is a wonder. And to have found her on another world, that tells us much. My son, the experiences you have had have changed you immensely. It was indeed a wise choice to have you go off planet. I had hoped that this would be the outcome. Henry Stone, you did not suspect all of my hopes for my son when I asked him to join you. And you my daughter, welcome to my household, though I suspect that you and my son will want to travel the star-ways a bit longer. To that I give my blessing."


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