Guardian Stone 2: Stone and the T-Raptors

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Guardian Stone 2: Stone and the T-Raptors Page 20

by Don Koch

  "Good thinking Yamada-san, that was well handled. We need someone to do a thorough review of the High Command's records on all their polits. We need to pull out the bad eggs and on marginal cases, see who is salvageable. I think a good choice for this project would be AI Photine and Mack, I mean Thomas Mackiewicz."

  Mack chuckled and said, "Just don't call me late for dinner sir, Mack is fine."

  Barana said,

  "We have two remaining issues. As some of you have no doubt noticed, we have eight Type 1 stations and 9 Type 2 stations that have not been given specific planetary assignments, The reason for this is that I intend to use them for a Yannarian version of an up grade. This time the coursework is aimed at civics and how to govern their own planets. The course will include a bit about the governing structures available and how they work. It will discuss the pros and cons of each type discussed. It will discuss potential roles in the interstellar community of which they are now a part, the opportunities, a bit about the Antoran Fleet and where this can take all of us. The first exercise will be applied to the active military and will contain a recruiting element. We will need to man those Type 2B Stations that are coming. We need to bring those polits that pass muster up to speed on how things work. We will need to discuss the checks and balances that will prevent the formation of a new despot. We then take this dog and pony show on the road to those worlds that need help first and get them rolling. I figure we can do a five day program that will give them a lot of meat to chew on. Individual stations in a system can then offer more advanced work to those interested. So that is the first issue."

  "The second issue is one of curiosity. When we examined the base at Feron we of course noted that Petra was targeted with three small Starkillers. These were designed to be straight-in devices that would cause termination of life within about 3 light months of the target star. The device being built for Morn was much larger and appears to be designed to create a slightly smaller destruction radius but still significant at about 1.5 light months. The last device built for Saba however is a bit of a mystery and we have not been able find much in the records. We also have not interviewed the High Councilor concerning this target but I get some uncomfortable feelings about it. Saba is not a part of the Yannarian Hegemony yet the High Councilor was concerned enough about them to list them as a target rather than a potential acquisition. The weapon built for Saba was akin to the difference between and Atomic bomb and a Hydrogen bomb in terms of scale. Its destructive range would have been on the order of a light year. The intended result would have dwarfed all previous weapons. In addition the carrier vessel had stealth gear installed that would probably allow it to reach its target. Finally, this target is 955 light years distant. This is a puzzle that we will need to resolve. Why were they a target? What was the threat to the hegemony? Does the threat remain or was it imagined in the first place? This is something on which I want closure. About the only information we currently have is the coordinates of the system and the distance. For starters, I want scans of that system. Lets start from here and move in in 100 light year increments to see what we can see."

  "Randa, are your 'Whiz Kids" available for a chat now or do you prefer a later time?"

  "Yes they are and now is as good a time as any."

  Hank said, "OK let's do this and include, Pell, Acarma, Barana and the Division Commanders available. Sam is already here and I'd like Josh and Joe with their wives. And don't worry Randa, we will reduce the intimidation factor. Oh and ask Kar and Loriella to join us. Ready?"

  Randa said, "Yep."

  The group was in place around a large table outside the lodge at Mt Denali. Josh had just told a joke at which everyone was laughing when the whiz kids arrived. Hank said, "Hi gang, pull up a chair and join us. There is some hot or cold beverages if you want and some cookies from Earth you might like. We have been sharing stories but we will get down to business in a minute." To the table at large he said, "That was a cute one Josh but I liked Kar's expression when I told him and Loriella that they were visiting me to tell me they were soul mates and that it was written in big bold letters on their faces and then less than ten minutes later Josh told him the same thing using the same expression. It was priceless. "

  "That was some experience and I thought it was fascinating until my father said the same thing the first second he saw us and used the same expression. I was looking for a mirror to see if maybe I had missed something." Everyone was laughing.

  "This could go on all day and it is fun. But these guys don't know us nor we them. Let's do intros. Randa who are these folks?

  "This is Bel Aston, Ras Fordam, his sister Beta Fordam and Gina Glas. These four are my Whiz Kids and are probably the best computer people in the system. Do not let their youth fool you, they are good at what they do. I managed to keep them hidden from the High Councilor. They can program, hack, do things with a computer that would amaze you." All the Whiz Kids blushed.

  "You all are never going to remember all the names of those of us here so we will just give you our first names because we want you to be comfortable in this setting. I am Hank. The rest will go round the table and give you their names but first I want to introduce you to Barana and Acarma. These ladies are self-aware super computers. Please don't mess with them. We very much like them just as they are and we hope you will be willing to work with them. Please say hello ladies."

  Barana and Acarma both replied,

  The kids were surprised and it showed on their faces. Finally, Ras asked, "If you have self aware super computers, why would you have any need of us."

  Barana responded,

  Beta said, "C'mon Ras, your jaw is hanging open. That was a great answer Barana, is it really true?"


  Acarma said, With that the rest around the table introduced themselves.

  "I think Randa has probably briefed you on who we are and what we are doing here in the Yannarian Hegemony. We do have a problem that we are hoping you can help us resolve. It turns out that the High Councilor has been bleeding the Hegemony dry. A great deal of what has been taken has been stockpiled at two locations that we know of. We will be doing a physical inventory of those materials. What we want to do is determine where the needs are for those materials and get them there. At the same time we want to credit those materials to the system from which they came. We think this may be a way to assist the various systems engage in trade. We will need to determine who needs what and how much. We will need an accounting method for all this stuff and a reasonable way to value what is there. Randa tells me that you four have been working on a way to do just that. Would you four be interested in working on a way to make that happen efficiently. It would mean working with Barana and probably other AIs as well. You know the Hegemony and have an understanding of needs that will be in advance of ours for some time. Are you willing to work on this with us. It will be your program and you will be the ones getting the recognition and you would be helping people big time. Are you interested?"

  Gina said, "You are serious?


  The kids looked at each oth
er and then almost simultaneously said, "Yes, yes, yes." Their excitement was contagious.

  Barana said,

  Chapter 30: Polits

  On Station One in Yannar Orbit –

  December 2 – C Day 459

  The example provided by Polit Colonel Ram Midi was proving to be not quite the exception Hank thought it might be. The attitude exemplified by the Colonel was not widely discussed for fear that a good thing would be destroyed. The preliminary review of records conducted by Mack and Photine revealed that several hundred polits had been sent to the prison planet at Felix for very much the same thing that Ram Midi had been able to accomplish. Hank asked Barana to initiate a communication with AI Kazia and General Curtis Walters. When Barana indicated that the connection was ready, he said, "Hi Kazia and Curt, how goes things."

  "Fairly quiet boss. We are ready for something to do."

  Hank chuckled, "That my friend is cutting to the quick. Got it in one as usual. As you know, I have had AI Photine and General Mackiewicz looking into the polits records and it appears that you have quite a number of them in whom we are interested for the positive things they have done rather than the bad. Photine is sending you a list of names of polits that I want extracted poste haste and interviewed. Put your T-Raptor teams to work to find how many of these guys are the real McCoy and who are interested in doing the kind of work that put them in Felix. If any look good, see if you can get someone on planet where they worked to vouch for them. According to Photine, the names on that list have no abuse record in their background and that probably explains in part how they were detected. In some cases the people they were working with may be among the prison population there. Extract them as well. During your interviews, see if you can identify through them, anyone else that has a similar leaning. Let them know that we want to avoid the bad apples, so if they know some of that ilk they will be doing the people a service to place them where they can do no harm. If you are satisfied that they pass muster, find out where they will be comfortable working and we will get them transferred to the appropriate station."

  "Get them into a temporary uniform as warrant officers. Let them know what we have in mind for the planets where they are expected to work. If any of them have families, lets get them reunited. Use the training modules to get them up to speed on how we want this done and check their medical condition. Make sure they know they are on probation and their movements and activities will be monitored. Identify where they can't go for now. I suspect this is going to give you a pretty busy week but this promises to save us a lot of grief in the long run. The rank situation is not negotiable, you decide who should be a warrant officer one, two, three, four or five. I will support your decisions on that matter. You are the one on site."

  "Boss, this is a really good idea. We are already engaged in interviews with the inmates down there and frankly few of them belong there. We have been trying to isolate the really bad cases and have been through the worst of those. They belong there. The rest, for the most part should be returned to their planets. We should have that pretty much resolved by next week with recommendations."

  "Curt, Let's do this on my authority, Barana and Kazia, record this and attach this entire conversation to the record. If you decide that someone should be returned to their home planet, document the reasons for the decision and go ahead and do it. If a former polit fits what we want, and you are satisfied, set up a documentation file and go ahead and do it. If a former polit is a bad apple but not to the extent of deserving a life sentence, arrange to have that person sent to a lesser facility for rehabilitation. If someone should be locked up and the key thrown away, give him or her a court martial and then lock them away. Be sure that such a person is tagged and is isolated. It occurs to me, that is what we should do with Artus Brondin. That tag should be a maximum security tag that terminates the wearer if they leave the confines to which they are limited. That should rule out rescue attempts. These will all be solitary confinements. No contact with others. Kazia can help you set that up. This facility will be unmanned, no live guards. It will all be automated. The only ones going in will be those with a life sentence. Anyone not deserving a life sentence will be removed to a lesser facility. Essentially I am handing you a monster clean up job. You are free to act and this recording is your carte blanche. Kazia will be your Jiminy Cricket."

  "When this facility is automated we will have other assignments for you that are not so nasty. Be thorough with this so no one can object to or criticize the decision made here. If you are uncomfortable with something, call me and we will walk through it. I know your record and reputation for fairness and your ability to make the tough calls. I am completely comfortable with your ability to handle this assignment."

  "Got it chief, and thanks for the vote of confidence. Kazia and I with the help of our crew will get it done. Thanks."

  ### On Station 141 in Felix Orbit ###

  Curt had already been thinking along those lines so this was an assignment he was about to ask for and to have it dropped in his lap was a bonus. His list, not too surprisingly was almost identical to that of Station One except for four names, two on his list and not on Mack's and vice versa. The names in common should go pretty quickly. He called together his staff and replayed the call from Hank and asked for comments. As expected they were all pretty happy about the assignment. He suggested that all on the list including the four not on both lists be gathered at the lodge they used for large meetings and he would address them in 30 minutes. Staff liked the idea that they were getting on this promptly and agreed. Thirty minutes later, the former polits were all gathered at the lodge and comfortably seated with light refreshments. There were 1,211 former polits in the audience. As Curt arrived, they all stood to attention and Curt said, "Gentlemen, at ease. Please be seated and comfortable. I have had you all brought together here to update you on what is going on. I understand that there has been little real news provided to you and I am here to change that. My name is Lt. General Curtis Walters and I am the Commander of this Station, Station 141, Kazia. The AI of this station is Kazia. Kazia is the station. Kazia, would you please say hello to these gentlemen."

  Kazia responded with a mental comment, This comment brought on a wave of smiles and chuckling.

  "Is OK Kazia. Gentlemen, the first thing you should hear confirmed is that the High Command is no more. The High Councilor has been deposed and is under arrest. This action was initiated by the Orbital Station Acar that has been renamed SS Acar, since the station is star flight capable. This coup was supported by the Antoran Fleet. This station is one of the vessels of that fleet. There are 80 vessels this size and another 20 that are considerably larger. This vessel, to give you some perspective, is about twice the size of the former orbital station Acar. This vessel houses 20,000 warships that, while only 1/10 of the size of one of your super dreadnaughts, could dispose of one of those vessels in less than a minute."

  "Our participation was triggered by the High Councilor's ordered launching of the Starkiller weapon against Petra and construction of two more such weapons that were scheduled for launch against Morn and Saba. Each of those weapons has been neutralized. Our role in this sector of the galaxy is that of guardians. Our goal is to prevent conflict off planet. Conflicts are henceforth restricted to planetary surfaces. We also assist in the formation of governance by and for the people of a planet. All the systems in the Yannarian Hegemony are now free to form their own governments. We abhor slavery and will not permit it. The same is true for weapons of mass destruction on a planet. All colonies are self- governing and not under the control of another system or planet."

  "The reason you are all here today is that teams from two different stations have been sifting through the rec
ords and determining who of the polits were not committing abuses against the people on the planets of the hegemony. Your records appear to suggest that you were trying to help those people even to the point of ending up here for doing so. In our view, that is activity that should be rewarded not punished. For that reason, I am here to offer you some choices. Those will come after we have thoroughly vetted you. During the next few days, each of you will be undergoing some of the most incisive interviews you have ever experienced. This will be done by our T-Raptor teams. Trust me when I tell you, you can't tell them a lie without their knowing it for what it is. Your best course of action is to be up front with everything. You will not be drugged. You will not be threatened. You may end up in a different jail for crimes committed and proven. You may be sent home. Best of all, you may be offered an opportunity to help rebuild the hegemony and prevent its collapse."

  "The first thing we are going to do is get you out of those cells on Felix and into decent living quarters on this station. The residences you will be living in for the next few weeks are equipped with training equipment and medical units. These both perform while you sleep. At the end of the interview, training, medical regimen you will be made an offer to return home, go to some other planet of your choosing or to work with us as a warrant officer aiding the various systems to become self governing. In the meantime we would like to make a further offer and that is to reunite you with your families. After we are done here you will be shown to your quarters by a counselor who will answer any questions you may have. In your quarters you will find new clothing so you can dispose of that prison garb you are wearing. The uniforms that are being provided are Antoran uniforms with the provisional rank of warrant officer 1. That may or may not change depending on your interview, past experience and which offer you accept. I expect that many of you are ready for a hot shower, so I am going to cut this short. The sleep training machines will teach you Antoran tonight so that by tomorrow you will have no difficulty communicating with anyone on station. One more thing, all of our stations are multi species. They are all friendly. Above me you will see holograms of the different species. We of course have a lot of humans. We have Glarin, Gar and a few Linan. We also have a large population of telepaths, which is how we will know if you are being truthful with us. In three hours we will again gather here for a meal and a kind of reception and discussion. Our guides will explain how to get around and avoid getting lost. See you in three hours."


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