Runaway Ride: Alpha Bad Boy Biker and MC Romance Box Set

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Runaway Ride: Alpha Bad Boy Biker and MC Romance Box Set Page 29

by A. L. Summers

  She gave his balls a gentle squeeze and licked the tip of his cock, moistening it before taking it into her mouth. She lightly sucked and was rewarded with more of his delicious juiciness. She let the combined wetness of her mouth and his natural lubrication slide down his cock as she enveloped him with her warm welcoming mouth. She drew back again spreading the moisture down length of him before following with her lips and tongue once again. She kept this up until she had him all the way in, her nose buried in his pubic hair.

  “Joanna.” He whispered breathlessly. She took complete control and grabbed his ass by both cheeks now as she drew back again only to pull him toward her as she bobbed her head forward to meet him. He threw his own head back losing himself in sensual overload until he couldn’t take it anymore. As good as it felt, he had to stop her. If she kept it up, he was going to come and he wanted, no needed, to be inside her. He wanted to come inside her, not in her mouth. Not now.

  Forcefully, almost roughly, he pulled away and pushed her back down on the bed. He tore the thin panties she was wearing from her body and spread her legs apart. He admired her for a brief moment, her spread-eagle position sent more blood rushing to his already throbbing member.

  He knelt between her legs and with two fingers petted the nearly hairless lips of her pussy. He could see the moisture seeping out from between the folds of her sex and using those same fingers, opened her to him. She gasped as he slid one long finger inside her and moaned when he sent the second in to join it. He marvelled at how wet she was, how easily his fingers had gained access and how loudly she was moaning just from this.

  Pulling his fingers out, he slid them into his mouth tasting the honey sweet flavor of her. He needed to hear her moan like that again, to drive yet more blood to his swollen cock. The anticipation of being inside her was almost too much to bear. But not yet, he couldn’t deny himself the pleasure of tasting her. Positioning himself between her creamy thighs, he bent his head and slid in tongue inside her. She squirmed and moaned again, louder this time and he thought he heard her hiss the word, “Yes!”

  He slipped his tongue out of her, enjoying her anticipation, before sliding his mouth up to capture her swollen clit between his lips. He sucked gently and she whimpered in pleasure; he sucked harder and she cried out in pleasure. He set his tongue to task and flicked it quickly back and forth over that magical button as he slid his fingers back inside her. Her moans reached a fever pitch and her muscles clamped down on his fingers tightly as she bucked her hips coming so hard he was almost in awe of it.

  He offered his fingers to her and she opened her warm mouth and took them in, cleaning her own essence off of them. This was more than either could bear. Pulling himself up he settled himself between her legs as she reached down to guide him into her slick warmth.

  She whispered, “Jimmy.” as he filled her and came to rest inside of her for a brief and glorious moment. She was complete again, joined again with the only soul that could make her feel this way. “Oh yes, you feel so good.”

  He started to move then, gliding in and out of her as she matched his rhythm, her hips pivoting forward to meet him stroke for stroke in perfect unison. She had forgotten in the intervening six years just how high the heights were that she was trying to meet with other men. This is what she could have with no other, this perfection, this unity.

  She hitched her legs up over his back crossing her ankles, clasping onto him and moaning his name over and over again driving him to the brink. He kissed her hard as she came, the velvety walls of her vagina crushing him in a vise-like embrace. He buried his face in her neck as she pulled him in even further the head of his cock bumping into her cervix triggering his release. He came in an intense burst of energy, feeling as though he passed a part of his soul from his body to hers.

  He collapsed on top of her and she unclasped her legs, her thighs quivering from the sudden release of tension in her muscles. His lips met hers again in an unspoken declaration of the love they never stopped sharing.

  Smiling to herself, Joanna thought, “He is still my Jimmy. No matter what happens, he’ll always be mine.”

  James, for his part, was thinking about how hard it was going to be to let her go again. But he would think about that later. Right now, he rolled off her and gathered her into his arms kissing the top of her head, wanting to be a close to her as he could for as long as he could.

  Neither of them spoke. Their bodies decided for them what would happen next. Exhausted and finally sated once again, they fell asleep wrapped in each others arms.


  Joanna awoke abruptly to the sound of her front door closing. She whispered, “Someone’s in the apartment.” She reached her hand behind her, feeling only cold sheets and empty space. Throwing her robe around her, she moved through the apartment to find it as empty as her bed. In the middle of the coffee table was a single sheet of paper reading:

  It’s too dangerous for us.



  “What the hell?” she asked the empty room. So what, this afternoon was it? That was all she got? No explanation, no nothing?

  She had really thought that somehow James was back in her life. That somehow, now that the misunderstandings of the past were cleared up, they’d be together. Ok, so he ran with a biker club that is almost definitely running coke through their town. The clubhouse was clean after the raid, right?

  She called the station for an update and confirmed what James had already told her. Officer Amanda Dailey, the only other female officer on their small police force, said the Free Vipers were clean. No drugs, no guns, nothing illegal. In fact, it was like they knew the cops where coming last night. It was like they’d been tipped off.

  She asked a few questions ended the call and headed for the shower. She was going to get information out of James whether he wanted to give it up on not. She’d worked too hard on this raid for it to come to nothing. She’d worked too hard to get over him to let him slip into her life and back out in the space of an afternoon.

  Stepping out into the bright sunlight of late afternoon, Joanna crossed the parking lot and slipped behind the wheel of her black coupe. She drove the few miles to the address she got from Officer Dailey to the squat 3-story apartment building that James called home. She cruised through the lot and spotting his bike, she parked on the opposite side of the lot while she decided what to do next. Should she go in and confront him and maybe get some answers on her case, or follow him and see if she could get a handle on what was going on.

  Her choice was made for her when she spotted him come out of his building and cross the parking lot to his motorcycle. Straddling it, he kick-started it with a rumble she could feel in her chest. She watched him pull out of the lot then followed him at a safe distance keeping a car or two between them as a buffer.

  While she tailed him down the main thoroughfare through their small town, she wondered how long he had been here. Just how long had he been in town without her even knowing it. Did he know she was on the force now? Joanna had questions, so many questions, and she was determined to get answers.

  An even more important question she needed the answer to was how deep was he in with the Free Vipers? What did he have himself mixed up in and could she help him figure out a way to get out of it?

  She pulled herself out of her reverie in time to see him turn from the two lane blacktop to a small paved side road across from an abandoned gas station. She had dropped back even further when he rounded a bend up ahead. By the time she had done the same, he had disappeared. First lesson in tailing someone: pay attention!

  Driving past the several places he could have turned she slammed her hand down on the steering wheel in frustration. She had lost him. She had two choices now, wait for him on the main road to hopefully appear again or go back to his apartment.

  For two hours, she waited behind the boarded up gas station far enough back to be not be seen, but still affording her ample view of the road. Her irritation at h
er failure only grew as she sat there and eventually Joanna realized he probably wasn’t going to come back this way. After a few minutes of indecision, she decided to go back to his apartment building.

  To her surprise, when she arrived, his motorcycle was parked in the lot. Damn! Her evening had been wasted sitting beside a defunct gas station! She wondered vaguely if he had caught her tailing him or if she just really sucked at it. Surveillance is a major part of a detective’s job and if Joanna wanted her shield, she was definitely going to have to get better at it.

  She parked in the same spot she had earlier and stared at the building almost willing him to come out again. She’d been there for about fifteen minutes when her passenger side door was abruptly yanked open and James slid into the seat.

  “When I said it was too dangerous, I meant it.” James’s voice was gruff and he sounded angry.

  “How could you sneak out and leave me a stupid note?” Joanna retorted with an equal measure of anger.

  “Look, I really don’t have time for this right now.” he paused as he looked at her an idea lighting up his eyes. “You drive.”

  “Drive? Drive where? I’m going to need a little more than you barking orders at me.”

  “I need a vehicle that won’t be recognized and this car blends.” James smiled, “This could actually be good.”

  “What are you talking about? Where are we going?”

  “Start the car, put it in drive and pull out of the parking lot.” Realizing that it was either this or follow and probably lose him again, she did as he asked.

  When she got to the exit, she asked, “Which way?” Turned in the direction he indicated Joanna asked impatiently, “Are you going to tell me where we’re going or what?”

  “Fine. I’ll tell you, just drive.” He went on to explain that he’d been following a member of the Free Vipers known as Snake for several months now trying to figure out how he was getting drugs into town. “Today, I think I’ve found it. He’s making his pick-ups down at Turner’s Landing by the abandoned steel mill. Then he passes the drugs to some other members of the club and they sell for him.”

  “And this is going down tonight? I have to call this in, James.” Joanna reached for her cellphone.

  “No, not yet. I need to know which members are involved.” he looked at her earnestly, “I only want to take down the guilty, not the whole club.”

  Joanna considered him for a long moment, judging his sincerity, before agreeing to wait until they had they identities of Snake’s cohorts.

  Parking out of sight of the boat landing, Joanna retrieved her service revolver and a pair of cuffs from the glove box before they crept forward quietly to get a better look. Crouched down behind some crates outside the old steel mill they watched as three men wearing Free Vipers colors hauled a half dozen boxes off a small speedboat.

  Joanna felt James move behind her a moment before he whispered, “Jo, call for backup now.” She moved silently back to the car and radioed their situation and location to dispatch.

  When she was back by James’ side, he laid out his plan for her. They would wait as long as they could to give backup time to get there, but would move if it seemed as though they criminals were leaving.

  Laying her hand on his arm, Joanna pulled him close and whispered in his ear, “I can’t let you go anywhere, Jimmy. You’re a civilian.”

  Her breath was warm on his neck and a flash of heat bolted through him before he could contain it. Her eyes glittered in the near dark mesmerizing him for a split second before he remember where they were and that danger stood just a short distance away.

  Joanna watched as he pulled a small brown wallet from his boot and handed it to her. Her eyes widened as she realized just what she was holding.

  “DEA!” She whispered angrily. “You’re DEA!”

  “Yes, but this is unofficial. I’m doing a favor for a friend.” He lips were so close to her ear, she shivered. “If you don’t keep it down they’ll hear us!”

  She watched him with furious eyes as he reached around to his back and pull a gun from the waistband of his jeans. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier today?” She hissed.

  “We really didn’t do much talking earlier, did we?” He said through a cocky grin before growing serious, “Look, they’re getting ready to wrap this up. We have to move now. Stay down and cover me, ok?”

  Before she could agree or argue, James was up and stepping into the light, “DEA! Put your hands where I can see them!”

  Joanna saw the gun in Snake’s hand and, as if in slow motion, watched it come up and fire. James threw himself to the side, but she could see his shoulder thrown back by the impact of a bullet. Time slowed down to a crawl as she stepped out from behind the crates and began firing. Her first shot went through Snake’s chest and she dispassionately watched him crumple to the ground. “Police! Hands where I can see ‘em!” she shouted and fired again as the boat driver jumped back in the speedboat. She hit him in the leg and watched as he collapsed in a heap on the deck.

  She repeated her command as she noticed the two remaining suspects inching their way toward the truck. She shot out the tire and the man closest to her stop and put his hands behind his head, while the other took off at a dead run. A blur of motion flashed past her and she realized James was up and chasing him.

  “On the ground, hands behind your back.” This time he did what he was told and she knelt down with her knee in his back and shoved her gun into the back of her jeans. By the time she had him cuffed she could hear the rapidly approaching sirens. Not taking her eyes off her prisoner, she walked over to Snake and felt for a pulse, surprised when she found one.

  James came out of the trees with the last suspect in cuffs and threw him down on the ground beside his accomplice just as the first squad car pulled into the clearing. After requesting an ambulance for Snake and the boat driver, Joanna walked over to where James was trying to explain himself to her boss, Chief Erickson.

  She may live in a small town with a small police force, but Chief Erickson was one tough cop. He didn’t like it when he officers went rogue. He was shouting at James, “Unofficial! You could have gotten on of my best officers killed!” His face was red and there was a huge vein standing out on his forehead. Joanna was afraid he was going to have a stroke.

  “Chief,” she said in her most soothing voice, “calm down, you’re gonna blow a gasket.”

  Chief Erickson looked at her and took a deep breath. “Fine,” he said outwardly calm, but still seething, “I’ll be calling your superiors to let them know just what you’ve been up to here.”

  He swiveled his head in Joanna’s direction and continued in the same calm and reasonable voice, “And you; you’ll be in my office first thing tomorrow morning. I’ll let you know then what I’ve decided your punishment should be.”

  “Yes sir.” Joanna answered automatically. “The ambulance is here, can I field dress this gunshot and get him to the ER now please?”

  Chief blew out a sigh, “Go ahead, but I’ll expect both of you in my office tomorrow morning.”

  “Yes sir.” Joanna answered again before leading James by his good arm over to the ambulance. The paramedics had already loaded the driver of the boat inside and one of them was calling ahead to the hospital. When he was done Joanna asked him to look at James’ shoulder and visibly relaxed when he announced it was just a graze. The paramedic offered to dress it, but with his own patient to look after was relieved when Joanna said she would do it.

  Once she had his wound dressed, she piled him into her car and headed for the hospital. They drove in silence for a while before James realized something that had been in the back of his mind since he saw Snake go down.

  “You’re a good shot.”

  “Why are you so surprised? Wait, let me guess, girls can’t shoot.” she replied her voice tinged with sarcasm. “I was at the top of my class in the academy and I hit the shooting range at least once a week.”

  “I’m not surprise
d because you’re a woman, I’m just surprised because I never pictured you shooting a gun.” He shrugged and winced in pain.

  “When your arm is better, we’ll hit the range and I’ll show how good I am. I’ll even bet I’m better than you.” She teased.

  “Yeah, we’ll see.”

  Being a cop, she was able to get James in and out of the ER a little faster than if he had been a civilian. When he was stitched up and had his prescription for pain pills, she loaded him back into her car and pointed the car toward his apartment.

  When she got him home, he backed her against the closed door saying, “I want to shower.” He smiled a devilish smile, “I’ll probably need help.”

  He kissed her and Joanna wasted no time helping him off with clothes and putting a waterproof bandage on his stitches. She made his keep his arms to his side as she bathed him. She shampooed and rinsed his hair then soaped her bare hands and washed every inch of him.


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