Sinner Repent

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Sinner Repent Page 27

by Morgan Kelley

  “You, of all people, know I don’t have to tell you what it pertains to. The warrant outlines everything that you’re required to know. Now, we need the receipts,” Quinn said, crossing his arms defensively as he prepared for an argument. If they wanted to play hardball, it could be arranged.

  Jordan Larson stared at the sheriff, as if measuring his options, and then turned to his father. “Dad, give them the receipts.”

  “But that’s invasion of privacy! Those receipts have account numbers on them. I need to protect the customers.”

  Quinn had enough. “I’ll call for deputies. They’ll arrive and shut the store down to dig through all your files. Is that what you really want?” he threatened, pulling out his cellphone.

  “Sheriff, wait,” said Jordan. “Dad, give him the files. They’re within their legal right to seize them. We don’t have any choice.”

  Larson glared at the three men. “Get him the receipts. He only gets three months’ worth, and nothing more. You better uphold everyone’s privacy!”

  Quinn shook his head in exasperation. He’d let the FBI handle Ellen and the files. For now, he’d deal with the lawyer. Quinn could tell the man wanted to talk. The way he was watching him, biding his time until his father was out of earshot.


  “Yes, Mr. Larson?” he answered.

  “Does this have anything to do with the slayings?”

  Quinn saw concern in the young man’s eyes. “Yeah, it does.”

  “I hope you find the animal who did this, Sheriff.”

  “Yeah, so do I.”

  Callie was sitting in the conference room working on her new angle, when there was a knock on the door. Glancing up, she was excited to see that she had company, and that it was a friend.

  “Hey, Susie, come in,” she said, greeting the woman.

  “Sugar, look at that forehead of yours! You look like someone used you as a punching bag,” she said, touching Callie’s face. “You need to put some lavender and vitamin E on that, so it heals and doesn’t scar.”

  Callie was just glad her lip had already healed or she’d really be a mess. “I already am, but thanks. What are you doing down here?”

  “I need to talk to you. I think it may be important.”

  Callie looked at Jimmy Lee. “Can we have a minute?”

  He looked worried. “I don’t know, Callie. Quinn told me to watch you. I don’t think I should leave you alone with her,” he said. “Begging your pardon, ma’am,” he said to Susie.

  Both women found his protectiveness funny. “Quinn would be okay with this. He’s well aware that Susie is my friend.”

  “Okay, Callie, if you say so,” he said, walking to the door. “But I’ll be right outside if you need me.”

  When he closed the door, Callie and Susie hugged.

  “So, sugar, how are things?” she inquired, worried about her friend.


  Susie laughed. “You have one of the most eligible bachelors in town dogging you, and you’re just fine? There’s something definitely wrong with you then because the sheriff is one fine piece of…”

  “Susie,” she said, astounded.

  “I was going to say man, I swear. What? Because I’m not into guys, do you really think I can’t be impressed by one who’s that fine?”

  “He is sexy, isn’t he?” she whispered.

  “Honey, there aren’t words. I even checked him out when he was in looking to buy you plants. He should be the poster boy for jeans.”

  Callie agreed there.

  “Okay, I have to know what’s going on under his clothes. Talk sexy sheriff to me.”

  She shook her head. “No way!”

  “Just tell me if he’s full of muscles because there are times I wish I liked men, just so I could find out.”

  “His body is amazing, and I’m leaving it at that.”

  “And you’re in love.”

  She paused, her hand stopping halfway to her hair.

  “That tells me everything I need to know. You should see the look on your face.”

  She relaxed instantly, knowing that she could trust her friend. Callie felt some of the normalcy returning to her life. She really missed their meditation sessions and book club readings together.

  “Things are actually amazing, Susie, and I can’t believe it.”

  “Wow, are we talking about amazing, as in reference to the sex, or are we talking white picket fence amazing?”

  Callie flushed and Susie laughed. “Oh hell! It’s both, isn’t it? You are a lucky, lucky girl.”

  “I don’t know how it happened. It just did, and I’m scared out of my mind. I don’t know what to do.”

  “Wow, it’s not like super shrink to be unsure of herself. What’s the problem? Come on, you can tell me,” said Susie, leaning in closer.

  “I love him, and I’m afraid to find out how he feels. He’d told me we’re in a relationship, but I’m always scared shitless to get my heart broken.”

  “Well, tell him and see what happens,” she said, grinning. “What’s the worst he can do? Toss you over his shoulder and make mad passionate love to you all night? Yeah, you’re right. It’s best not to know. Rolling around with a sexy cowboy is horrifying.”

  Callie stuck out her tongue. “Uh huh, I’m not taking dating advice from you, thank you very much.”

  Susie touched her arm. “Life is short, sugar. Don’t waste a second of it.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Which reminds me of why I came here today, I think I saw who Sammie Jean was with before she disappeared.”

  “Shit,” Callie said, as she knocked over her soda can. “You saw her with a man?” she reiterated, as she mopped up the spilled soda with a hand full of tissues.

  “Yeah, I think so.”

  Callie tossed the wet tissues in the garbage. “Okay, first off tell me everything, while I make notes.”

  “Shouldn’t a deputy be here to take my statement?” she asked, smiling at her friend.

  “Oh, yeah! Let me get Jimmy Lee.”

  Callie jumped up, only to have the room sway. Fortunately, she made it to the door and found the young man.

  “What’s wrong, Callie?”

  “I need you to take a statement for me. It’s important and can’t wait until Quinn gets back.”

  “Okay,” Jimmy Lee said, closing the door. He sat across from Susie and took out his pen. “Okay, ma’am. I’m ready. Let me have it.”

  “I believe I saw who was with Sammie Jean the night she was killed.”

  Jimmy Lee stared at her, completely astounded. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No, Deputy, I have an employee named Sarah, and she needed a ride to her night job. When we pulled up, she went in, and I waited to make sure she got inside safe. As I was pulling away, I saw Sammie Jean walking out of the bar.”

  “Are you sure it was her?” asked Jimmy Lee. He wasn’t sure if he was buying her story. She was the town weirdo.

  “Deputy, she’s pretty distinctive and easily picked out of a crowd.”

  “Yeah, I guess she is. Okay, finish please.”

  “That was around nine, I guess. I wouldn’t have thought anything was odd, but when she went over to this man, that’s what threw me off.”

  Callie took her hand. “Who was it?”

  “It was Reverend Higgins, and trust me, he wasn’t there to minister. I was so shocked, that I couldn’t look away as they got into his car together.”

  Callie sat there with her mouth open. “Reverend Higgins? Are you sure?”

  “Oh, yeah, I am, sugar. He’s been in my face for years, except it wasn’t his Bible that he was thumping.”

  “What happened next?” asked Callie.

  “When she disappeared below the window, I left. It’s common knowledge what Sammie Jean liked to do outside the bar. I’m not interested in being a voyeur.”

  “Why are you coming forward now, Ms. Barnes?” asked Jimmy Lee.

�I assumed someone else saw him, but today a few customers came in and were talking about how the sheriff had nothing. I figured that Quinn was always kind to me, never backed away, or accused me of sacrificing children, so it was the least I could do.”

  Callie kissed her friend on the cheek. “Thank you, Susie! You have just cleared a big hurdle for us. It’s so big, that you’re officially my hero.”

  Susie laughed. “Okay, you owe me. Next full moon, my place for margaritas and eye of newt.” She snorted when the deputy’s eyes went wide.

  “Jimmy Lee, she’s kidding,” said Callie, standing and hugging her friend. “Thank you, Susie. I love you.”

  “Sugar, if things don’t work out between you and Quinn, you let me know,” she said, winking at Jimmy Lee before blowing Callie a kiss. “I’ll marry you in a heartbeat.”

  The young man stared, his mouth agape.

  Callie waited for her friend walk out, before turning to the young man. “That was the luckiest freaking break we could get.”

  “You want me to get this statement ready for the sheriff?”

  “Yeah, get it worked up but keep it quiet until Quinn and the FBI get here.”

  When he was gone, Callie wanted to celebrate. She couldn’t believe how fast everything was changing. All it took was that one witness account to put them back on a killer’s trail.

  Callie went back to her files to read for a little while. It wasn’t going to be easy to work. As her fingers moved over the manila file folders, she had an epiphany.

  She had yet another piece of the puzzle!

  Thinking back to the last session with the reverend’s wife, Callie replayed the conversation. Margaret believed her husband was out cheating and having an affair. Maybe Sammie Jean wasn’t the only one who was getting the repressed reverend off after hours.

  This day was getting better and better.

  She couldn’t wait to hand this present to Quinn, just to see his face.

  * * *

  Quinn checked the time as they pulled up to ‘Ed’s Body Shop’. They were just going to make it before he closed. His business, much like everything else in town, would be shut down on Sunday for church. When the SUV came to a stop, Quinn, Nate, and Luke hopped out and headed into his shop.

  It smelled like motor oil, grease, and a tinge of gasoline thrown into the mix. Quinn smirked at the calendar on the wall with the naked woman splayed for all to see. All he knew was if he was ever a married man, he wouldn’t disrespect his wife that way.

  Off in the corner, Ed was cleaning his tools. “Can I help you?” he called.

  “Hey, Ed,” shouted Quinn over the radio playing the latest country music. “Can you turn it down? We need to talk to you.”

  The man complied. “Hey, Sheriff, how y’all doing today?” he asked, giving Nate and Luke a curious look.

  “Not bad, Ed. You're closing soon, right?”

  “Yeah, in a few minutes. What’s up?”

  Quinn took off his hat and wiped his forehead with his arm. “Yeah, we have a few things that we’re hoping you could help us with.”

  “Sure thing, Sheriff. Do you need something fixed?”

  “No, I need to introduce you to Special Agent Mars and Director Carter. They work for the FBI.”

  “Genuine agents?”

  “Yep, I’m afraid so, sir, and we need your help with some real urgent business,” said Nate, sliding into his good ole boy shtick. After all, he grew up in a place just like Myrtle Springs.

  “Okay, what is it?”

  Quinn reached into his back pocket and pulled out the warrant. As if on cue, a tech from the crime lab walked through the door. “I need a sample of your fingerprints, and I need one of your tools.”

  “I don’t get it. What for?”

  “Do you recognize this wrench?” asked Nate, pulling the weapon from a manila envelope. It was sealed in an evidence bag.

  “Well, hell, there it is! I haven’t been able to find that wrench for two days. Where did you find it, Sheriff?”

  Quinn stared him in the eyes, ready for his response. You could tell a great deal by a person’s facial expressions when they lied. “That wrench was found in the car with Jonnie Sharp and was used in her murder.”

  The man went pale. “No way! I have no idea how it could have gotten in there. I wipe these tools down every day after work, and two nights ago it was gone. That’s the God’s honest truth! It’s one from my good set.”

  “Okay, Ed. Calm down. We really just need one from the set to verify the maker and alloy, plus your fingerprints.”

  “What if I say no?” he challenged.

  Quinn put his hat back on, knowing this was coming. “If you won’t cooperate, then we’re going to toss you in jail. Once we do that, we can charge you with hindering a case and get them anyway.”

  “So, I have no choice?”

  “Oh, you absolutely do. It’s just that the only two viable ones end up at the same conclusion,” said Quinn, grinning. “You have to love our justice system.”

  * * *

  Ellen Crouse arrived at the sheriff’s station, looking for her boyfriend. It had been a long shitty day. All afternoon, she had been forced to listen to old man Larson yap about the injustices of society, and the lack of freedoms to the small business owner. Her head was pounding. All she wanted was to go out to dinner with her boyfriend, have a few drinks, and talk about anything but sporting goods.

  Once in the station, she stopped at his desk. Instead of him being there, she ran into another deputy.

  “Hey, Junior. Where’s Jimmy Lee?” she asked, dropping her purse onto his chair.

  “He’s on a special assignment from the sheriff.”

  “A special assignment? What does that mean exactly?” she asked.

  “He’s in the conference room with Doctor Carter. He’s playing bodyguard. I don’t know how he lucked out on this one, but he certainly did.”

  Ellen could feel her blood pressure rising. “He had better not be guarding anyone’s body, especially not another woman’s!”

  Junior was about to cover for his friend, but Ellen stormed away.

  At the conference room, she paused to eavesdrop. When she heard joking going on inside, she peeked her head around the corner. There sat her boyfriend, with the town shrink, and they were having a damn good time.

  “Jimmy Lee?” she called.

  “Hey, Ellen! Stay right there. Civilians aren’t allowed in here.”

  “Oh, and she isn’t a civilian?” she demanded, ignoring his comments.

  Callie sensed her anger. “Unfortunately, no. I’m working with the FBI. I’m Doctor Carter.” She stood and held out her hand. At first, she wasn’t sure that the woman was going to accept it.

  “I’m Ellen Crouse, and he’s my boyfriend,” she stated, jerking a thumb toward Jimmy Lee.

  The man had the dignity to blush.

  “Well, let me tell you how very lucky you are. Jimmy Lee has been great company as I worked on the files today.” Callie knew the young man was screwed. “Go ahead and cut out. You can send in another deputy to take over.”

  That appeared to mollify the woman.

  Jimmy Lee glared at his girlfriend. “I’m sorry, Ellen, but I have to wait until the sheriff gets back. I promised that I wouldn’t leave Callie alone. Believe it or not, my job matters too!”

  “Oh, I see. Well, I tell you what, Jimmy Lee. Why don’t you come find me when you have some free time that doesn’t involve playing bodyguard to a MUCH older woman,” she said, glaring at Callie. With a huff, she spun on her heel and stormed through the bullpen.

  “Shit! I’m sorry about that, Callie. She gets mad if she isn’t my first priority, or if she even thinks I’m checking out another girl.” Then, he realized what he said. “I mean…not that I was doing that with you. You’re the boss’s babe.”

  Callie started laughing.

  “Oh man. I didn't mean anything by it.”

  “It’s okay, Jimmy Lee. I understand,” s
he answered, feeling bad for him. “I hope it’s fixable,” Callie stated, pointing after Ellen.

  “Yeah, I’ll go get her something pretty from ‘The Herb Pot’. It’ll make everything right in the world.”

  Callie couldn’t imagine how many flowers that was going to take.

  Ellen Crouse was pretty pissed off.

  Getting the prints and sample tool was the easiest part of the day, and all three men were on their way back to the station earlier than expected. Quinn carried in one of the cases of receipts, only to drop it on Junior’s desk. “I need you to go through this box and pull out every receipt that shows a sale for a baseball bat.”

  “Okay, anything else?”

  “Yeah, since you asked, there are two more boxes just like it coming in right now, and thanks for volunteering,” he said, enjoying the look on the young man’s face.

  Sometimes, it was good to be boss.

  At the conference room door, he found Callie sitting across from Jimmy Lee, playing cards. The Feds flanked him, and all three men stood staring incredulously.

  Callie could feel eyes on her. “What’s wrong?” she asked, when she noticed them staring.

  “What are you doing?” asked Nate. “You were supposed to be going through the files to look for things we missed. This looks more like…”

  “Gin!” stated Jimmy Lee.

  Quinn lifted a brown. It wiped the smile off the deputy’s face, pretty damn fast. When he told the man to babysit her, he really didn't expect them to actually play cards.

  Callie smirked. “Well, shit, that’s what I was supposed to do today, Jimmy Lee! I knew there was something that I forgot,” she drawled, as all three men entered the room.

  “Please tell us you worked and found something,” said Luke. “It doesn’t seem fair we were out slaving away to solve this, while you got recess.”

  She ignored him. “Jimmy Lee, tell them what I accomplished all by my little self this afternoon,” she directed the deputy.

  “Well, let’s see. You figured out the pattern of where the bodies are being left,” he said, as she ticked off one finger. “Then, you narrowed down where the next possible victim could be dumped, so we can stake it out,” he continued, grinning as she ticked off another finger.


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