Sinner Repent

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Sinner Repent Page 30

by Morgan Kelley

  As if on cue, she acknowledged his presence with a warm smile.

  “Good morning, darlin’. Did you sleep well?” she asked, crossing to him. Without any hesitation, she offered up a kiss.

  He loved his life. “Yeah, I did.”

  Callie patted him on the ass before returning to the coffeepot. “Here. Have some,” she offered, handing him a mug.

  Quinn just watched her.

  “I brought in the paper. It’s on the table, and I’m making you breakfast.”

  He was amazed at how life had changed so quickly. A week ago, he was here alone making his own coffee, and now Callie was with him. It surprised him how easily she had slid into his life.

  “Thanks. What time is it?”

  “It’s just after eight. I was coming up to wake you soon. I didn’t know if you were going to church this morning, or if we were just going right to work.”

  “I won’t be going to church anytime soon. After this whole ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ thing, I’ve lost my taste for organized religion.” Quinn waited for any sign of animosity before he continued, “I need to apologize for the other night at the fireworks. It was insensitive and uncalled for, and I’m sorry.”

  Callie didn't know what he was talking about. “I’m not sure what you mean, Quinn.”

  “I made the comment about Susie being a wackadoo. I shouldn’t have. I didn’t know it would upset you like it did. I wasn’t aware you two celebrated the same beliefs.”

  Callie placed the light fluffy pancakes on a plate. She spooned the warm peaches over the top and carried them to the table. “I’m not upset about it Quinn, and for clarification, I’m not actually Wiccan. I’m more Pagan. I believe in the power of nature and the energies, not organized religion. I like to believe that there’s power in everything, not just one central figure.”

  “Still, I didn't mean to hurt you.”

  Callie kissed him on the top of his head. “Big guy, you’re forgiven. Now, eat your breakfast.”

  He got away easy on this one, and he knew it. “This smells amazing, Callie,” he said taking a bite. “My God, it’s better than it smells. How that’s possible, I have no damn idea.”

  Callie was pleased. “That’s because it’s made with love,” she replied.

  Quinn froze, unsure if she meant what she just said. This wasn’t the first time she tossed out the ‘love’ word.

  “I was making a pie and had extra peaches, so breakfast was born,” she answered, sitting beside him.

  He fought for composure. “Pie?

  “Yeah, I promised Luke. Any day now, he’s going to nag. I hope you don’t mind me using your kitchen.”

  He didn't say a word. Quinn didn't want this to be his kitchen. At that moment, he wanted her to think of it as hers. Callie could have anything he owned, if she only promised to stay with him.

  “Are you still thinking about the Susie issue?” she asked when he got quiet.

  Quinn had no choice but to lie. “Yeah, a little.”

  She decided to explain why she had been so upset. “When I came here, I was an outsider. One day I walked into ‘The Herb Pot’, and I was immediately offered friendship. There were no questions asked, no judgments, and no incriminations. It was precious and special. It’s not easy being different or new in town. You were accepted here because this was your home. Susie and I are treated differently than you. You’re the hero, we’re the town lepers.”

  That horrified him. “It can’t be that bad,” he said, chewing.

  “My first Monday in town, I walked into the grocery store and Beulah James asked me if I was going to the Catholic Church for services, since I wasn’t at the Baptist one. When I said no, she wouldn’t let it go. Next, she asked if I was Jewish.”

  Quinn stared at her.

  “When I told her no, she looked me right in the eyes and said, ‘oh one of those’, like I was less of a human because I don’t share her beliefs. For weeks, everywhere I went, I was watched, pointed at, and talked about. It wasn’t fun, and then came Susie.”

  “I’m sorry, baby. I didn’t know.”

  Callie shrugged as the timer on the stove chimed. “Pie’s done,” she said, glancing over at Quinn. “Will my unconventional beliefs scare you away, too, Quinn?” she asked, forcing herself to look away, afraid to see his face. “Will you let it pull us apart?”

  Quinn looked shocked, and immediately crossed to her. Pulling Callie into his body, he made his vow. “It’s not going to happen. Nothing will destroy what we’re building. I swear to you, Callie.”

  She melted against him and closed her eyes. “I’m glad, Quinn. Now, go eat.”

  Who was he to argue?

  “I wish we had the whole day together to just lie around. My hammock seats two.”

  “I would love to join you. That sounds like the perfect Sunday afternoon.”

  “So, we can call it a date?” he inquired, as he watched her from the table.

  “Sure, when?”

  “The rest of our lives.”

  Callie just stared at him, unsure what that meant. Deep in her heart, she wanted to run to him and tell him how much she loved him. Unfortunately, before she could contemplate her next move, the back door opened and company arrived.

  “Hello, you two,” said Luke, heading right to Callie to give her a kiss. At the sheriff’s mumbled curse, he grinned wickedly. Sue him, but there was something fun about stirring up the man. “What? You were next sunshine. I swear,” he teased.

  “Luke,” Callie warned, laughing.

  It didn't deter the man. “It smells good in here, what are you baking?”

  Callie just smiled.

  “It’s freakin’ pie, isn’t it? You made me my peach pie!”

  Callie moved aside and let him see what she was blocking. “I made two. There’s one for you and Nate, and then one for Quinn.”

  “Oh my God! I think I died and went to heaven,” Luke said, clutching his chest with one hand as he moved his finger toward the pie.

  Callie slapped him, giving him a stern look.

  Nate and Quinn just laughed.

  “Callie, are you sure you won’t run off and marry me?” he asked, causing Quinn to drop his fork.

  Nate’s face softened. Yeah, the man had it bad for his sister.

  “No way, Luke. You’re not my type. We both know you’re too slick and sneaky. You need a tougher woman to keep you in line.”

  Luke was well aware.

  “You can’t kill a guy for trying.”

  “Sure I can,” hissed Quinn, only loud enough for Nate and Luke to hear him. He then stuffed another fluffy pancake in his mouth, so he could grind something to pieces.

  If looks could kill, Luke knew he would be dead, and yet that’s what made it fun. He enjoyed poking the sheriff with a big stick.

  Callie saw the telltale look on the sheriff’s face, and without hesitation, she went to his side. When Quinn wrapped his arm around her waist, all the tension dissipated.

  “So, what are we doing first today?”

  All three men stared at her.

  “What?” she asked, looking around.

  Nate took a sip of his coffee before even going there. “You’re not helping anymore. This is getting trickier, and of the four of us, you seem to be the one who is being fixated on. Plus, you’re only a civilian now. Remember? You quit the FBI.”

  Callie looked insulted.

  Luke agreed. “If you had a badge, it would be an entirely different thing. Right now, you’re just a citizen of this tiny berg.”

  Callie was awash with emotion. Yeah, she knew that she ran like a big chicken, but they didn't have to rub it in.

  After the inkling of regret, came the rage.

  “Oh, hell no! Civilian, am I? I hand you a big chunk of the puzzle and what do you do? Insult me.”

  Nate pushed back from the table. “Pitch your fit all you want. It’s getting too dangerous, and you’re not going to walk around with a bull’s-eye on your back.”

>   “Oh, so if I was a Fed again, we wouldn’t be having this conversation?” she asked.

  Nate glared at her. “Oh, we’d still be having it. Only then you could shoot me, now, not so much.”

  Callie stared at him.

  “You’re done, Callista. Am I clear?”

  Quinn didn't know her long, but even he saw that this was a slippery slope. He was too smart to even go there. While he may dream about uttering those words out loud, Quinton Gaines knew better.

  In fact, he liked his balls far too much to risk losing them.

  Apparently, her brother had lost his damn mind. She got that he was worried, but really, this was a bit too much. “You’re crossing a dangerous line, Nathaniel. You have no right to talk to me this way,” she said, menacingly.

  “I’m not worried. You’re staying put today, or I’ll kick your ass, and then I’ll call momma. She’d love to hear all about your accidents. What do you think she’ll say about the rock and the knock on the skull? I can’t picture her being really happy about it. Then, not to mention you’re shacked up with a man and haven’t brought him home yet.”

  “That’s blackmail,” she hissed.

  “Oh, yeah, but something needs to keep the civilians out of trouble.”

  Callie stared at him, her temper snapping around her. She knew that she should be rational, but instead, she did a very un-Callie like thing.

  Pulling her arm back, she sucker punched him in the solar plexus with her palm.

  The look on his face was priceless.

  Callie reveled as he sucked in a breath and dropped to his knees as the wind was knocked out of him. “I’m not your child to order around, Nate. You’ve made it perfectly clear that I’m not one of you anymore. I get it. Doctor Carter isn’t one of the team. What you just did hurt, and after all we’ve been through, I deserve better.”

  Luke didn't mean to hurt her. When he stood, she stepped back.

  “No! I’m tired of being bullied. Yeah, I walked away from the job because I was damaged. Instead of using it as a way to control me, you would think the men in my life would know better. Family doesn’t intentionally hurt each other. I would never look at you two and use the day I was shot to damage you.”

  “Callie,” Luke said, helping Nate up. “We didn't…”

  She cut him off. “You’ve made your point. You don’t need me anymore. So, good luck with the case. I’m done with you being so damn condescending.” Callie walked away. Once more in her life, she turned her back and escaped. If she stayed, she’d break down in tears.

  For now, Callie needed some space to mourn the mistakes she’d made. God knew she’d be paying for them the rest of her life.

  When she was gone, silence remained.

  Quinn fought the urge to run after her. First, he needed to level with the men in front of him.

  “Shit,” muttered Nate. “I didn't see that explosion coming,” he stated, rubbing his chest.

  “I did,” Quinn stated. “She misses her job. How would you feel if tomorrow you weren’t a Fed anymore? Wouldn’t there be a hole in your life?”

  They both looked at each other.

  “Well, she has one, too, and whenever you bring it up, it damages her. Callie feels like she failed because she let fear win. When you tell her she’s not one of you, it’s nothing she hasn’t already been feeling. No one likes to be a quitter.”

  “How the hell do you know?” Nate asked.

  “I walked away, too, and I feel the same. Cut her a break. Be the overbearing brother, but lose the ‘not in the FBI’, spiel. It’s damaging her heart, and I know you don’t want to do that.”

  “We don’t, huh?” Nate said, crossing his arms.

  Quinn shrugged as he sipped his coffee. “Consider this the last warning I’m handing out. I’ll swallow your teasing, dirty looks, and shitty comments aimed at me, but I won’t let you gang up on her. The next time you wound her, I’m going to kick your asses.”

  They stared at him.

  “You did the background check, so you know I can hold my own. I’m not just some sheriff from Podunk. She may be your sister, but that’s my girl. Hurt her again, and it’s going to be ugly.”

  Nate was oddly impressed that the man was standing up for Callie. All he wanted was a guy who would take care of her. On this one, the man got some bonus points.

  “Here’s my suggestion. Why don’t you head out of here? Someone has to talk to her,” Quinn said, finishing his coffee.

  “I’ll go,” volunteered Luke, jumping up.

  “Like hell you will,” stated Quinn, standing up. “I’ll go and meet up with you two at my office. We’ll pick up the warrants and head out to the reverend’s place for his sample.”

  “Good luck with her. She’s wild, temperamental, and a general menace to police everywhere,” admitted Nate.

  Quinn just shook his head. Callie wasn’t any of those things. What she really was inside was damaged.

  When the men were gone, he headed upstairs to talk to her. As he opened his bedroom door, he found Callie sitting cross-legged on their bed, and she didn’t look happy at all. In fact, she looked down right furious.

  “Hey, is it safe to come in?” he asked grinning, with his hands held out to his sides.

  “Yeah, I’m sorry. I just hate when he gets all high and mighty. One day, that’s going to bite him in the ass,” she said, twisting a springy curl around her finger.

  “I tell you what, baby. I have to go to the victims’ homes later today and ask more questions. We need to find out if they were dating or seeing anyone on the sly. I’ll spring you from the station before I head there.”

  She glanced up at him hopefully. “You’re not going to tell me that I need to sit and stay out of this?”

  Quinn sat beside her. “I won’t lie. I wish you would, but I know that you’re smart and valuable to this investigation. I trust that you’ll keep yourself safe. I mean, look at that shot you gave Nate. It was a thing of beauty.”

  Her heart skipped that he wasn’t treating her like she was a wounded animal.

  “Okay, I’ll go with you. What would you like me to do when I get to the station later?” she asked, looking at him with big silver blue eyes.

  “I have those receipts that need to be gone over with a fine-tooth comb. Don’t get me wrong, I trust my deputies, but they tend to miss the big picture, and I know that you won’t.”

  “Thank you for not being a Neanderthal, Quinn,” she said, leaning against him.

  He took her hand in his, and lightly kissed her on the lips. “I don’t know where you got the idea that I’m not one, baby. I’m just not willing to make you sad. I always want you to be happy.” Yeah, but did that mean losing her if she went back to the FBI?

  Only time would tell.

  “Well darlin’, that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me,” she replied, pushing him back onto the bed. “I hope your boss doesn’t mind if you’re a little late for work,” she whispered, rewarding him with a kiss. When she came up for air, Callie stared into his lust filled eyes. “Or maybe that should be very late.”

  Quinn flipped their positions so Callie was trapped beneath him “Don’t worry about my boss. I’ll deal with him. You just handle me.”

  How could Callie refuse? “That would be my pleasure.”

  * * *

  When they walked into the station almost an hour later, they received a look from Nate and a snort from Luke.

  It was obvious why they were tardy.

  From the smug look on Quinn’s face, it was easy to see that he was replaying the scenes over and over again in his head. He held onto Callie’s hand as he greeted the deputies sitting at their desks.

  From his perspective, it was turning out to be a not so bad day, after all. Breakfast, morning sex, and Nate was all worked up.

  It was a damn good way to start out the morning.

  “Your warrants are in, Quinn, including the one for the patient files from Callie,” said Nate,
his eyes never leaving his sister’s face. “We need to see the reverend.

  Quinn was ready. “He’ll be going home for lunch after the morning service. We can catch him there,” he replied.

  “Do you want me to go get my files, Quinn?” she asked him sweetly.

  Honestly, he didn't want her leaving the station, but if she had an escort, what harm could it do?

  “If you take Jimmy Lee or Junior, then I don’t mind. I don’t want you going alone, okay?” he stated, kissing her on the tip of her nose.

  “Okay, big guy. I’ll take an armed guard,” she offered, knowing he was a man on the edge. “Be safe, and I’ll text you later.”

  He winked at her as he headed out the door.

  Callie gauged the time on the clock. It would be best to get the files and be back when the men returned. Then, they could all go over them together. She couldn’t wait to tell them everything Margaret Higgins had shared regarding her husband.

  Heading out to the desks, where the deputies sat, she picked the closest one. “Excuse me, Junior?”

  He looked up, surprised that she was talking to him. “Yes, Doctor Carter?”

  “I need an escort to my office for my records. Would you take me?”

  Junior didn't mind being on the boss man’s special assignment. “It’d be my pleasure to take you there, Doctor. Just let me check out, and wrap up what I was working on. Can you give me thirty minutes?” he asked, shuffling things on his desk.

  “Thank you, Junior,” she answered, and then headed back into the conference room to wait for her armed guard.

  If it gave Quinn some reassurance, she’d entertain his whim. Honestly though, what could possibly happen?

  It was just a trip to her office…

  * * *

  Quinn, Nate, and Luke hopped into the SUV to hunt down the reverend. Obviously, Nate was still in his foul mood. He was staring out the window, wordlessly.

  Finally, the other Fed spoke up to break the ice. They couldn’t be focused on their job if there was bad blood brewing. Once more, he acted as the mediator.


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