Sinner Repent

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Sinner Repent Page 33

by Morgan Kelley

  Hopefully, he didn't put up too big of a fight.

  She’d hate to get rough.

  It didn't take Quinn long to finish dressing. After shaving, he decided on all black. Leaving his shirt open at his throat, he hoped that he looked good enough to be with a woman as gorgeous as Callie.

  It was hard not to be nervous. Quinn couldn’t help but feel like so much was riding on this date. The last two he had with Callie were a disaster, and this was his way to rectify that. Tonight, he was trying to make the woman his.

  “Hey, I see that she’s keeping you waiting,” said Luke, walking into the room.

  “Yeah, but she’s worth it.”

  Nate and Luke both laughed.

  “You have it bad, don’t you?”

  Quinn couldn’t deny it. “Oh, yeah. She plowed right through me.”

  Something caught Luke’s attention. “Holy shit!”

  Quinn turned around in time to see Callie enter the room. She looked one million times better than amazing.

  Callie, in that dress, was unbelievable.

  Like him, she had chosen all black, and it just made the silver blue of her eyes that much brighter.

  “Wow,” he said, moving toward her as she spun in a circle.

  “I take it that you approve of my attire, Sheriff Gaines?”

  “Hell yeah! You look amazing, Callie,” Quinn said, leaning down to kiss her softly on the lips. She tasted just as good as she smelled. He whispered in her ear, “Those shoes make me all hot and bothered, baby.”

  Callie didn't think that it was possible for him to be even sexier, but he was. “You clean up really good, big guy.”

  “Thank you, ma’am. Now, may I suggest we blow this town. We have dinner reservations that we don’t want to miss.”

  Callie slipped her hand through his waiting arm, and then headed to the door.

  “Behave you two,” Nate demanded.

  That amused her.

  “For the record, the look you’re giving Quinn is worse than the one daddy gave Jimmy on prom night. I’m not a child, and he’s not a horny teenager.”

  Quinn thought back to her earlier comment. He could have disagreed with the status of his hormones. They were running pretty wild.

  “Don’t be out too late,” Nate said, this time staring at Quinn. “We’ll be waiting up.”

  Callie was grateful that the man she loved was good natured and not easily offended. “I’m looking forward to dinner, Quinn. Where are we going?” she asked, as he led her outside.

  “I have reservations at Bernard’s.”

  “Mmm…seafood is my favorite. Well, next to Thai and Italian.”

  Quinn was glad. “I thought we’d take the Mustang. We can go on up to the cliffs after dinner and make out, since we didn’t get to on the Fourth of July.”

  “I can see that happening if you play your cards right, big guy,” she said, winking at him seductively.

  Quinn grinned mischievously, “Then, I better be on my best behavior,” he replied, as he opened the car door for her.

  Callie melted when she saw the red rose sitting on the dashboard. “Quinn, when did you have time to get this?” she asked, holding the rose to her nose.

  “I have my ways,” he replied, pulling out of the garage. He sent out a silent thank you to Susie for dropping off the red rose on her way home from work.

  He owed her one.

  “We’ll keep the top up so you don’t get mussed up until later.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Then, it’s a free-for-all.”

  Callie reached out for his hand, twining her fingers through his as she enjoyed the ride to ‘Bernard’s’.

  This was going to be one hell of a night.

  She could feel it.

  * * *

  ‘The Brethren’ watched from the shadows.

  The women’s auxiliary had just let out from their after-church meeting.

  They had found the next victim, who was destined to be their fifth sin. Tonight, she would make history.

  They silently observed Martha Jackson as she strolled out to her car in the church parking lot.

  She was notorious for being difficult, prickly, and hot headed. She would be the perfect example for ‘anger’.

  “We have to move now,” said the youngest, stepping out of the shadows.

  The other member followed, as they moved into the dim light of the parking lot. The shadows were once more their friend, keeping them out of view of their unsuspecting victim.

  Or at least it would until they made their presence known.

  Just a few more steps, and they were there.

  Martha heard the noise behind her and jumped. “Oh God! You two scared the hell out of me,” she said, tossing her things into the front seat of her Lexus. “What are you doing here?”

  “We came for you, Martha,” said one killer, right before knocking the woman off her feet and into the inky tendrils of unconsciousness.

  “Bring her. We need to meet with our leader and then begin.”

  * * *

  When they were finally seated at ‘Bernard’s’, Quinn’s heart was pounding in his chest. He couldn’t help but notice the stares that Callie received as they walked in together. To say that she was beautiful would be an understatement, and to see other men appreciatively admire what he claimed as his, heated his body.

  He couldn’t help himself. He wanted her that damn bad.

  Spending time together was something that didn't take much effort. Callie was a lot of fun. Together, they ordered steamed clams as their appetizer, while sharing the details of their prom dates. It made both of them laugh to hear the stories. The night was so perfect that he didn't want it to end.

  As in never.

  Quinn waited until their food was brought out, and Callie had started eating before he attempted to get everything off his chest.


  “Yeah, darlin’?” she replied. When she saw the look on his face, she knew trouble was brewing. “Why do you look so worked up?”

  “I have a few things to tell you, and I need you to just let me get them out before you say anything.”

  “Okay, Quinton. You have my attention,” she reassured, as he took her smaller hand in his.

  “Callie, when I saw that office burning, I was scared so damn bad. I really thought I’d lost you forever,” he said, squeezing her hand. “I’ve never been sicker in my life, and I was so mad at myself for not telling you how I feel.”

  “How do you feel?” she asked, brushing a curl from his forehead with her fingertips, as her heart began thumping.

  “Callie, I should have told you sooner, but I love you, and I don’t want to spend another minute without you by my side.”

  “Oh wow,” she said, shocked at his words. While caught off guard, she was so happy that he was finally saying them. Now, she could tell him what lived in her heart for him.

  “I understand that you may not feel the same because this happened so fast. I can hardly believe it myself, but after almost losing you today, I can’t stay silent and chance that you never get to hear it from me. If I didn't screw up the Fourth of July date, I planned on telling you then.”

  “Quinn,” she said, sliding closer to him and touching his smooth cheek. “We have only known each other for a short time, and every minute has been special to me.” Callie saw the look of dejection, but he jumped in, interrupting her before she could finish.

  “I understand, Callie. I just wanted you to know how I feel about you. If it’s not reciprocated, that’s okay. I can give you time to figure it out.” Obviously, when she said the words in her drug-induced stupor, they meant nothing.

  Well, this sucked.

  Here, he just said the words, only to have his woman not return them.

  Could he blame her?

  He was some ‘rough around the edges’ cop, and she was a sophisticated doctor. It shouldn’t be shocking.

  “Quinn, you didn’t let me finish. I was going to tell you that I’
m crazy in love with you, too,” she admitted.

  “Really, since when?”

  Callie kissed him gently on the lips. “It was the night I slept with you. I told you that I don’t do one-night stands. If I wasn’t in love, then I wouldn’t have moved into your house or slept in your bed.”

  “Callista, when this is over, I don’t want you to leave me, or my house. Zeke and I need you. Without you, life is cold and empty.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” she told him, patting his hand reassuringly.

  “You’ll move in with me than?” he asked, hopefully. “Will you be the flower in my desolate garden?” he asked, placing her palm over his heart. Something passed across her face. Quinn couldn’t read it, but it looked like hurt.

  He was confused.

  “I’ll move in with you, Quinton,” she answered softly, as she fought to keep disappointment from creeping into her voice.

  “I love you, Callie,” he said, pulling her mouth against his as he kissed her urgently. When Quinn broke away, he fought to string together a complete sentence. “I think we need to get out of here, fast. I feel like skipping dinner and having dessert.”

  “I happen to be on the menu this evening,” she purred, as she slid her hand over the bulge in his dress pants.

  “Callie,” he hissed. “If you ever want to eat here again, you better wait until we get out of here before you start that.”

  That made her laugh.

  He stared into her eyes and saw the sadness. “Are you okay?” he asked, not sure what had happened.

  She lied. “Yes.” His words stung at first, but she could always hope with time, that may change. Callie didn't want to shack up with the sheriff. She wanted it all.


  She pushed it aside. They had a bigger issue right now. The draw of the FBI was calling her back, like some irresistible siren’s song. Callie wasn’t one hundred percent sure that he’d stick around when he found out.

  Only time would tell.

  “I’ll get the check paid,” he said, as she began distracting him with her wandering hands.

  “You better make it fast.”

  * * *

  Martha shook her head, trying to brush off the pounding headache that was developing behind her eyes. The last thing that she remembered was standing in the parking lot with…

  “Wake up, Martha,” said the youngest figure. “We need you to open your eyes for us.”

  She did just that, as the three figures stood in front of her. One held a hood and duct tape, the other a baseball bat, and one wielded a hunting knife.

  “Why are you doing this? You’re supposed to be God’s followers,” she said weakly, as she tried to pull free her restrained hands.

  “You’re correct, Martha. We’re doing just that. Our job is to cleanse the town of sin, more specifically, you.”

  “What sin am I?” she asked, confused.

  “You’re anger, Martha. The way you explode so easily, the way that you intimidate anyone who doesn’t agree with what you have to say, and how you spew your hatefulness all over the town.”

  Martha stared openmouthed. “Please, don’t do this,” she whispered. “I’ll keep quiet. I’ll change my ways.”

  All three laughed. “You’re number five, Martha, and the cops haven’t caught us yet.”

  Martha began to struggle frantically, trying to free herself.

  “Hood her.”

  There was gleeful chortling.

  Martha was filled with pure panic as one of them roughly stuffed something in her mouth, and taped it shut.

  “It’s time,” said the leader. “Let it begin!”

  The last thing Martha felt was the ripping of flesh as something was carved deep into her skin. Her body bucked in pain, and before long, it was all too much.

  She fell into the darkness forever.

  They drove her out to the location they had originally decided on. Even though there were extra deputies patrolling, thanks to Doctor Carter, they still knew the pattern.

  They left Martha propped under the tree, her head lolling to one side, as nearly dead eyes stared into the blackness. With one last vicious slice, the woman’s blood flowed from the wound, coating her body.

  Finally, it was done.

  “Come on! I need to return home before I’m missed.”

  “Me too,” the other said.

  The three wandered away, satisfied with the day’s events. They burned Doctor Carter’s files and took a worthless life.

  All in all, it wasn’t a bad day’s work.

  * * *

  Callie was excited as Quinn drove them to Earl’s Landing. It was the perfect place to lay low and spend some time alone. When he turned off the car to face her, the night seemed so right.

  “I’ve never had sex with a babe in my car. Want to christen it with me?”

  “Oh, yeah, Quinn, do I ever,” she answered, climbing into the backseat and patting the spot beside her. “I always wanted to get lucky with a sexy sheriff in a Mustang.”

  “Is that one of your personal fantasies?” he asked, following her to the back.

  “Uh huh, now come here, Quinn, so I can make it a reality.”

  He moved toward her hungrily, devouring Callie’s lips. The kiss was deep and filled with endless heat. Quinn actually believed that he was going to die from the pure pleasure of it. As he pulled her against the front of his body to start nibbling at her throat, Callie began writhing against him.

  “Quinn, I have a confession,” she said in between kisses.

  “Mmmmm… what is it?” he asked, as their tongues teased and slid across each other in a mating of mouths.

  “Quinn, I knew,” she paused as his hand snaked up her thigh, “that I was going to get lucky tonight.”

  “Really?” he said, as he continued his exploration, and then realized what she was trying to tell him. “Callie, my God! You’re naked under that dress,” he hissed. “You’re lucky that I didn’t know that before! We never would have made it out of the garage!” He continued to explore until he felt the wetness he desperately craved.

  “Quinn,” she gasped, as he teased until he found the perfect spot.

  “Callie, God. I need to be buried in you.”

  She continued kissing him, as she worked on the front of his pants. Flicking open the button, Callie set him free. As her palm slid across the full length of him, Quinn moaned in need.

  She was so filled with heat that she couldn’t wait any longer. It was consuming her from the inside out, and only he could satiate it. Callie straddled his lap, staring into his emotion filled eyes, as she impaled herself on his erection. When his entire body shook in ecstasy, she was caught up in it all.

  “Oh God, baby,” he hissed, as Callie rode him slowly, driving him crazy. He moved his thumbs across the sensitive cluster of nerves and heard her suck in her breath. Callie’s body began to tighten around him, and he whispered against her skin. “Scream for me, Callista,” he demanded, as his other hand guided her down his body until she couldn’t take anymore of him.

  Callie shattered, giving him what he wanted. His name rushed from her lips, only to be swallowed by his.

  Quinn wasn’t far behind, and with one last thrust, he drove himself deep into Callie’s body. The eruption came, and he poured hotly into her in one big wave of mind-blowing pleasure.

  Time passed, and finally Callie slid off his lap. She shivered at the sensation of moving away from him. “Wow, big guy! If you have anything else that you want to christen, then you just give me a call.”

  Quinn laughed. “I might have a few rooms at home, and an office, which need to be taken care of too.”

  Callie pulled her dress back down over her hips, waiting for him to pull himself together.

  For a brief second, he stared at her, lost in his thoughts. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  Callie kissed him. When she broke away, she headed to the front seat, Quinn following. “It was pretty roomy back there,” s
he offered.

  “Now I know why my parents specifically liked this car and had it for so many years,” he said, laughing. “Come here, baby, I just want to hold onto you and kiss you some more.”

  Callie slid across the seat to rest her head on his shoulder. “This was a great date, Quinn. I don’t know how you’ll top it.”

  “I’m sure I’ll come up with something.”

  Callie stroked his cheek. “I love you, Quinton.”

  His heart fluttered as she said the words. He felt himself getting hard again, just at her being this close. “You know, baby, we still have to christen the front seat.”

  Callie wouldn’t mind at all. Her hands caressed his chest, lovingly anticipating another sexy ride with her sheriff. As she prepared to say something, there was a tap on the window.

  Quinn tensed.

  Callie’s heart pounded in her chest, as she had a flashback to every horror movie she had ever seen in her life. This was how so many of them had started.

  “Sheriff’s department! You kids need to open the window,” said the familiar voice.

  Quinn grinned wickedly as he rolled down the window. He squinted at the light shining in his eyes. “What’s wrong, Deputy?”

  “Oh God! I’m so sorry, sir! I had no idea that you were…she was…in the car. Oh man!” said Jimmy Lee, staring at Callie. “I’m so sorry, ma’am.”

  Callie started laughing. “It’s okay, Jimmy Lee. It’s been years since I’ve been caught by the law, making out in a car.”

  “I was just doing rounds. Earl’s Landing is notorious for kids coming here to get busy,” he said, as Quinn opened the car door to step out. Thank God that his boss was dressed, and so was Callie.

  On second thought, maybe she could do with less clothing. He wouldn’t mind catching a glimpse.

  Sue him.

  He was only human.

  Quinn couldn’t help but notice that Jimmy Lee was gawking at Callie. Reaching in, he offered her a hand before his deputy attempted it. Why kill the boy? He was so young.


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