Amy Sumida - Light as a Feather (Book 14 in The Godhunter Series)

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Amy Sumida - Light as a Feather (Book 14 in The Godhunter Series) Page 32

by Unknown

  “I didn't think Archangels did the guardian thing,” I teased him. “Isn't that a job for the lower castes?”

  “Exceptions can be made for love. Or for someone who gets into so much trouble, they need someone stronger than your average guardian angel,” he chuckled as I rolled my eyes at him. The he blew Arach a kiss before he headed back to the tracing chamber.

  “He was jesting, right?” Arach looked around at all of us and we started laughing again.

  “We're all very close,” Trevor waggled his brows at Arach.

  “Da, and ve sleep naked,” Kirill sauntered over to Trevor and slid his arm around Trevor's waist.

  “I know I promised to support you, A Thaisce,” Arach narrowed his eyes on me, “but I am not sleeping in a bed with naked men. Not even for you.”

  “Aw, come on,” Odin cajoled and went to join the others. “Don't knock it till you try it.” Odin went to slide in on Trevor's other side but that put Kirill's hand up against Odin's waist and that broke Odin's cool. He burst into laughter, jerking away from the other two. “I'm sorry,” he gasped as he did a little eew gross dance with arms flapping out as he shook his chest. “I just can't do it, even to weird out the dragon. How can you guys stand there like that without cracking up?”

  “You have to be secure in your manhood,” Trevor grinned as he let Kirill go.

  “I'm secure,” Odin laughed, “but I still don't want to cuddle with you two.”

  “Zat's not vhat you said last night,” Kirill kept a straight face for all of three seconds and then started laughing too.

  “So this was all a joke at my expense?” Arach growled and the room went quiet.

  “Uh, yeah?” Odin exchanged wide-eyed looks with Trevor and Kirill.

  “Do you realize you've just incited the anger of a dragon who knows where you'll be sleeping tonight?” Arach's eyes flashed yellow and we all stared at him in horror.

  “Hey, look-” Trevor started but Arach cut him off.

  “No! You look, you mangy mongrel,” Arach growled and the tension in the room skyrocketed. Then he abruptly smiled and began to chuckle. Trevor, Kirill, and Odin gaped at each other in shock as Arach pointed a finger at them. “Never mess with a dragon-sidhe, we are experts at fucking with people.”

  “Damn, dude,” Odin went over and clapped Arach on the shoulder. “Nicely done.”

  “Thank you,” Arach beamed and I just shook my head.

  “Impressive,” Trevor agreed. “You had me going there but don't ever call me a mangy mongrel again.”

  “That was retribution for you calling me Vervain's lizard lover,” Arach smirked.

  “It's called pay back,” Trevor chuckled, “and in that case, I'll let it slide. This once.”

  “Fair enough,” Arach grinned.

  “I'm going to make coffee,” Kirill sighed but he was smiling as he headed for the kitchen.

  The camaraderie made me smile too. My dragon was making friends already and they hadn't even slept with each other yet. I was so pleased. Okay, that didn't sound right.

  “This seems like the first chance we've had to relax in awhile,” Odin took a chair across the table from me and the other men followed him over.

  Trevor took the chair on my left and Arach went for the one on my right, almost as if they'd planned it. I looked side to side at each of them and then offered them both a hand. They took my offered hands, looking rather smug about it.

  “Let's just hope the peace lasts,” I leaned back and closed my eyes briefly. It was kind of nice to have Arach there with the others. It made our relationship feel brand new.

  Then I started processing everything in my head. Toby. Alaric. The whole Trinity Star thing. My unknown and difficult but hopefully beneficial future. What the hell did this star of mine do anyway? So far, I knew it could help me take magic from a god without killing them, that it could give me a little surge of power, and that it connected my magics together. All very wonderful things on their own but Alaric had implied that this was just the beginning. There I was thinking that I'd gone down in power since the loss of my Nahual but maybe she'd actually been holding me back.

  A very good guess, Alaric said in my head and I jumped.

  “Gods damn it!” I swore and dropped the hands I'd been holding. “You scared the crap outta me.”

  “Who did?” Trevor asked as all of them gave me shocked looks.

  “Alaric. He's talking to me,” I pointed to my temple, “In my head.”

  “Fascinating,” Odin leaned forward. “What's he saying?”

  Tell Odin that I'm the one he talked to in the Void.

  “What? Really?” I gaped.

  Vervain, a sigh.

  “Alright, alright.” I looked back at Odin. “He says he spoke to you in the Void.”

  “What?” Odin's eyes went wide. He blinked, looked confused, and then comprehension seemed to dawn. “That dude? I thought he was some weird figment of my imagination that I created to keep me company.”

  “Evidently not,” I said as Alaric laughed. “What do you want, Al?”

  Oh please, do not call me Al.

  “Rick?” I asked with a smirk.

  Rick is fine but I have to say your penchant for pet names is a little tedious. It's not like Alaric is a long name.

  “Rick it is,” I ignored his comment. “So we separated the magic.”

  Yes, I know. Congratulations, you will live.

  “Good to hear,” I chuckled. “I'm actually kind of happy with the results. Neither Toby nor I will pine away for each other. That's a good thing, I think.”

  I thought so too, though I still believe it would have been safer to just take a new magic.

  “Yeah, it was a little touch and go there for awhile,” I admitted.

  I saw that. A pause. I was touched by what Tobadzistsini did for you. He's a good man, you should remain friends with him.

  “I'll try my best,” I shrugged, “but for now, I think I'll leave him be.”

  You may soon need all the friends you can get.

  “What?” I sat up straight. “When?”

  “What's he saying now?” Trevor growled and Arach peered intently into my face.

  There's always trouble on the horizon. It's simply your path. Power is not given to those who remain idle. That would be wasteful.

  “Great, no warning? No hint of what's coming?” I waved a hand at everyone's anxious looks and took the cup of coffee Kirill had poured for me without me noticing.

  Hints wouldn't help. You'll know what to do when the time comes. For now, you may have your peace. Enjoy it, because it won't last.

  “Goodnight, Alaric,” I sighed, hoping he'd take the hint and leave.

  Yes, though I'm not giving any, I can take a hint, he laughed. Goodnight, Vervain. Sleep well, with all of your lovers, you're safe for now.

  “Gee, thanks,” I rolled my eyes. Then I looked around at my wonderful men and smiled. “You know, safe for now is pretty damn good. I think I'll take it.”

  “Da, ve vill take it,” Kirill clinked my mug with his own and then took a seat beside Odin.

  “What did Alaric just say to you?” Arach asked.

  “He hinted that trouble was coming but when is it not?” I shrugged.

  They all exchanged worried glances.

  “What?” I frowned at them.

  “Maybe we should be spending even more time together,” Trevor spoke first.

  “I agree,” Odin nodded. “If we've been brought together to strengthen or protect you, then we need to figure out what that means.”

  “Whoa now,” I held up my hands. “Let's not get too carried away with this. We don't have to go changing everything. Alaric suggested that Arach come over and bond with you guys and he's here, so we're doing good. If Alaric thought we needed to do more, I'm sure he would have mentioned it.”

  “But he did say zere vas trouble coming,” Kirill narrowed his deep blue eyes on me. “Ve should be prepared.”

  “It's not
the apocalypse,” I huffed. “He said trouble, that's pretty much an everyday thing around here.”

  “All the more reason to be prepared,” Trevor said seriously and his look sent shivers over my skin.

  “I agree,” Arach nodded grimly. “I said I was going to become more involved in your life and now I see that it's the perfect time to do so. I think I'll be visiting more often.”

  “And perhaps we should go into Faerie too,” Trevor looked over at Arach.

  “You're all welcome at Castle Aithinne whenever you'd like to visit,” Arach shocked me by offering.

  “Thank you,” Trevor gave him a quick nod. “I think we should spend some time working out a schedule tonight.”

  “After Azrael returns,” Kirill added. “For now, ve can vork on security measures.”

  “Can I at least drink my coffee first?” I sighed.

  “Go ahead, Minn Elska,” Trevor gave me a quick peck on the cheek. “Kirill and Odin will keep you company while Arach and I go speak to the Intare.”

  “You wish me to join you?” Arach raised a brow.

  “I thought you might like to take a look around and see what we have to work with here,” Trevor said as he stood.

  “Yes actually, I would,” Arach jumped up, looking excited. “And when you visit the Fire Kingdom, I'd be happy to show you our fortifications.”

  “Wonderful,” Trevor grinned.

  “Fine,” I sighed but they were already halfway down the length of the dining room. Odin and Kirill were still seated across from me but they immediately began talking about sleeping arrangements. I groaned and let my head fall back against my chair again.

  It looked as if change was once more upon me. There went my peace.

  Author's Note

  Trevor's speech on the wolves is all factual. Our wolves are in danger of extinction once more. I hope all of you will be as moved by his speech as I was and look into joining the fight to save these wonderful animals. To let them die would be a sin of divine proportions.

  There are numerous organizations out there trying to do the right thing. They would gladly welcome any help you can give but please, at the very least, sign one of the many petitions out there to end the slaughter. At the time of me writing this book, the site below was still accepting signatures. I don't guarantee it will still be running by the time you read this but I've included the link anyway. If it's not, please Google a save the wolves petition and help me make a difference. has a lot of good petitions to look into either way.

  Save the Wolves Petition:

  The conditions and statistics given about life on Native American reservations were also factual. There's nothing I can add that would be any more horrifying than what I've already presented in the book. So I will say only this: I've often cried during the writing of my books but never so much during the researching of one. If you feel as moved as I did, I hope you'll look further into this tragedy and if nothing else, spread the word about what is happening in our own country. Perhaps if enough people are made aware of this, we'll be able to bring about the change Nayenezgani had hoped for without the bloodshed he saw no way around.

  Keep reading for a sneak peak into the next book in the Godhunter Series:

  Rain or Monkeyshine

  Chapter One

  My life has been about change since the first day I killed a god but lately it seems like change has taken over completely.

  I was sitting on the couch in my bedroom of Pride Palace, my gaze going back and forth between the new additions I'd made. At the two front corners of the room, I'd created towers. They branched off from the bedroom, bracketing the balcony, with spiraling staircases that led up and out into the towers. Each tower had two levels and each level had a large bedroom. One for each of my lovers, with the exception of Arach.

  Although Arach would be coming to visit more now, the men had all agreed that since he'd be sacrificing some time with me in the Faerie realm so that he could visit me in the God Realm, they'd let him share my bed during his visits. Which meant he didn't need his own room.

  Ever since Alaric, the consciousness of the Void, had revealed himself to me and warned me that trouble was coming, my men had become a little nervous. And a little annoying.

  They'd insisted that all of them move into the palace, or at least have a place available for them to live in, so that they could better guard me. From what, none of us knew since Alaric wasn't talking, but they weren't taking any chances. So they'd convinced me to build the tower additions onto the castle. Now each of them had their own space, Kirill and Trevor in one tower and Odin and Azrael in the other.

  Azrael wouldn't be around as often as the other three but he was temporarily moving out of Shehaquim(aka the Third Heaven) and moving in to his tower room so that when he wasn't doing his job as the Angel of Death, he could help watch over me. This was a pretty big deal since Azrael actually ruled Shehaquim. He had to get Michael(that's the Archangel Michael) to look after it in his stead. I was told this had caused a bit of an uproar but Azrael didn't seem to care. For once, he was going to shirk some of his responsibilities and I think that kind of thrilled him.

  The tower rooms had been Odin's idea. We were just going to have everyone move into the bedroom with me, Trevor, and Kirill but Odin had pointed out that it would be nice for each of them to have a place all of their own. They were all alpha type personalities after all and sharing a space with three other men could become stressful, even with the lioness magic easing the way.

  The other men had responded well to the idea, even Trevor and Kirill, who I hadn't thought would be so receptive to it. They said that although things worked well with the three of us in one bedroom, adding two more men to the mix would make things less comfortable. With them each having their own rooms, they could take turns with who slept in bed with me.

  Arach was being just as overprotective as the others and as much as I liked having him more involved in my entire life, not just the life I lived in Faerie as his Queen, I wanted our time together to be about more than planning for a possible attack. He'd even invited all of us over to Faerie so that my other men could take a look at Castle Aithinne's security measures.

  I frowned as the sounds of Azrael settling into his new bedroom drifted down to me. They were all so happy about the new living arrangements but it made me uncomfortable. I have no idea why. I just had this weird feeling in my gut that I couldn't shake. Maybe it was the whole taking turns thing, like I was a toy to be shared. Sigh. That was stupid. They all loved me and wanted to protect me. None of them thought of me as a toy. So what was bothering me?

  “Where do I go if I want to be alone?” I finally voiced the question that had been churning in my gut.

  I'm an artist. Before all this godhunting began, I used to spend days alone in my studio, just me and Nick, my tabby cat, painting. I mean I would paint, not Nick. I liked being alone. I needed to be alone. At least for a little while, every now and then. With everyone moving in, I wouldn't have that anymore.

  “What's that, Minn Elska?” Trevor came in from my walk-in closet and drove my point home.

  He was holding a box of his clothes which he was taking up to his new room. I think he was secretly happy just to have a non-girly place to put his stuff.

  “Nothing,” I sighed. “Do you like your room? I can change the furniture if you want?”

  Having the ability to transform objects in my own territory was probably the most convenient magic I had. It saved us a ton of money and labor. No carting beds up the stairs and no limit on how many we could have. Which is a good thing when you have just under eighty werelions in the house.

  “No, it's perfect,” he grinned at me and ran up the stairs.

  I was distracted from my melancholy for just a moment while I admired the breadth of his back and his well-formed rear end as he climbed. I truly was a lucky woman. So why was I sitting there sulking?

  It had been a month since I
'd loved and lost, and then lost my love for Tobadzistsini, aka Toby, aka Mrs E's and Mr T's son. I wasn't mourning him. No, that was impossible since the ritual we'd undergone to separate our magics(long story), had removed our love for each other as well. So I wasn't heartbroken over him but I did still have the memory of our time together.

  It was so strange to have the memory of loving someone and not be able to feel that love. When I loved, I loved forever. I could get over someone, learn to live without them, and move on, but I never stopped loving them. Thor was a prime example of that. I would go to my grave loving Thor but I'd accepted the fact that a relationship between us had become impossible. With Toby, it was a different situation entirely. With Toby, I felt nothing.

  And that was what saddened me.

  I knew I had loved him and the lack of it made me upset, even though I wasn't actually sad over him. It was silly and useless. We were another impossible union and I knew that with every fiber of my being now. All three of my beings. Did I mention that I found out I have three souls? Well two souls and one fey essence but whatever. At least now I knew why I had moments of wanting entirely different lives for myself.

  Well, I had to learn to just live one life and honestly, it was a damn good life. I nodded to myself as Azrael came walking down the stairs and into the room. He was wearing a pair of worn jeans and nothing else. His dark hair was a little wild, he needed a haircut, but it looked good on him. His light blue eyes sparkled when the light streaming in from the balcony hit him and his black wings extended with a sharp whoosh of sound as he came free of the restrictions the narrow staircase had imposed on him. Yep, a damn good life.

  “I'm all settled in,” he announced as he plopped onto the couch beside me. He threw an arm and a wing around my shoulders and used them to pull me into his side.

  “Good,” I settled in against his heart and closed my eyes. “I'm glad.”

  And I was. Suddenly, I was glad he was there and living with us. He wouldn't be so far away anymore. At least when he wasn't working. That was a good thing and I'd just needed him next to me to remember it. Funny how hearing someone's heartbeat can change your perspective.


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