Owned by the Sheikh: An Erotic Romance Collection

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Owned by the Sheikh: An Erotic Romance Collection Page 7

by Opal Carew

  “Is this what you want?” he asked as he stroked her sensitive flesh which his cockhead.

  She gazed at him eagerly and stroked his face. “Yes, Yasin. Oh, please.”

  He smiled, then pressed forward. His cockhead slipped deeper, pushing into her slick flesh as if finding its way home.

  “I love the feel of you around me,” he murmured as he pushed deeper still, his gaze locked with hers. “So warm and velvety soft.”

  His shaft pushed deep inside her, filling her. Stretching her wide.

  “Do you like me inside you, my love?”

  “Oh, yes, Yasin. So much.”

  He laughed, a joyful sound, then surged all the way in.

  She gasped, loving the feeling of being possessed by him. Fully. His cock so deep inside her... their bodies merged so tight... she felt that they were one.

  They seemed to stay poised like that for an eternity. His thickness deep in her body. Her channel gripping him snugly.

  Then he drew back. She clung to his broad shoulders, needing his support as her senses fluttered wildly.

  Then he glided deep again.

  “Oh, God, Yasin.” The words, barely audible, were filled with intense need.

  He drew back and glided deep again. The sight of his smoldering eyes took her breath away.

  “I love you, Yasin.” The words slipped out before she had time to filter them.

  Immediately, his eyes darkened to almost black.

  He drew back and filled her again... then again. Thrusting faster and faster until he was driving into her in rapid, strokes that kept her gasping for breath.

  Her gaze locked on his dark, compelling one as he rode her in quick, short thrusts.

  “Oh, God...”

  His cock thrust deep and hard and she squeezed as he moved. He groaned, then she could feel him tense. As heat erupted from him, her whole world quivered, then burst in a shattering explosion of bliss. Ecstasy rippled through her and she clung to him, never wanting him to let her go.

  Yasin watched Lily’s sleeping face in the moonlight shimmering through the window as she slept in his arms. She looked so peaceful. So happy.

  So trusting.

  Even after the hell she’d been put through here.

  He lay like that for a long time, unable to find his own peace.


  He gazed at her sleepy eyes and smiled, then brushed his lips against her temple.

  “Go back to sleep,” he murmured.

  She snuggled closer and he tightened his arms around her soft, warm body. She gazed at him, her eyes glowing, then her eyelids closed. Soon her breathing was deep and even again.

  He stroked her hair, then held her head cupped to his chest.

  She’d said she loved him, which had set his heart alight with joy. But it was a foreboding joy. One fraught with doubts.

  He wanted to believe it. Desperately.

  But she had been torn from her home and brought here against her will. Totally vulnerable. Finding herself with only him to rely on.

  It could so easily be that she had misinterpreted that as love.

  Yasin felt soft lips brush across his cheek, then flutter over his eyelids. Delicate hands cupped his face and he opened his eyes to see Lily gazing at him.

  “Good morning,” she said, her lips turned up in a smile. “Did you sleep well?”

  Her smile, as bright as the dazzling sunlight shining through the window, enchanted him.

  “Not as well as you it seems.”

  Her hand glided from his face to his chest... then lower...

  “If you’d like to get some more sleep, I could amuse myself.”

  Her fingers brushed over his cock and he began to harden immediately.

  He laughed. “If you amuse yourself that way, I will definitely not be able to sleep.”

  Her hand slipped away. “Of course. I understand.”

  She rolled onto her back, and whether by design or accident, the sheet slipped lower on her chest, exposing her tightening nipples.

  “I will amuse myself quietly, so I don’t disturb you.”

  His gaze locked on her hand as it glided over one distended nipple, his groin tightening. Then he could see the sheet moving as her other hand slid over her stomach. When the sheet over her hand shifted in small, rustling movements, he couldn’t help himself. He peeled back the covering and stared at her fingers gliding over her intimate flesh.

  He grasped her wrist and lifted her hand. He took her damp fingers into his mouth and suckled the sweetness of her arousal. It lit a fire inside him and he rolled to his knees and pressed her legs wide. He licked her honeyed flesh and then drove his tongue deep inside her. Her soft murmurs spurred him on.

  He needed his cock deep inside her. He swirled inside her velvety depths, then prowled over her. Grasping her wrists, he pushed them over her head and held them down. Her eyes widened in surprise and he captured her mouth, plummeting his tongue deep into her. Sharing the taste of her slickness.

  His cock twitched and he imagined plunging into her, driving his hard shaft deep within her softness. But another urge—something darker—rising from deep inside him, made him long for her to struggle against him. To insist he stop.

  Until the moment she felt his tip against her.

  Then as he glided in a little, then pulled back, then pushed in again, she would beg him to fuck her. That’s when he would impale her, luxuriating in her gasp. As she lay beneath him, helpless to his whims, he would ride her roughly, pummeling her until she gasped, then wailed in an orgasm so intense, she would lose herself.

  She pressed her wrists against the restraint of his hands and his gaze darted to her eyes. They were wide and glittering with excitement.

  “Are you going to take me, Master?” she murmured, her eyes glowing with need.

  He closed one hand around her wrists, freeing the other to glide down her body and cup her breast. He leaned forward and suckled her tempting bud, pulling it deep into his mouth. She gasped at the intense suction.

  His cock ached and he moved over her and pressed his lips to her ear.

  “Struggle against me,” he instructed. “Try to stop me.”

  Her eyes opened even wider, but she began to shift beneath him. Arching as if to buck him off her, then as he pressed the bulge of his cock between her thighs and pressed them open with his knees, she squirmed.

  He knew he should be giving her a safe word. He should discuss with her that she could stop this at any time... and how.

  But he couldn’t drag himself from the mesmerizing delight of having her beneath him. Her eyes filled with desire, clearly willing to please him in this way.

  As he glided his cock over her slickness, she twisted beneath him. He pressed his chest tighter against her, then began to push inside her.

  A loud knock at the door startled him.

  Lily stiffened beneath him, her eyes wide.

  “Don’t worry. Whoever it is will go away,” he murmured.

  His tip slid inside. The feel of her moisture around him drove his need higher.

  The knock sounded again, louder this time.

  “I don’t think they’re going to go away,” Lily said breathlessly. “I really think we should stop and answer it.”

  Her resistance made him want to drive into her more. To hear her gasp with the suddenness of being filled with him. To see the knowledge in her eyes that she was helpless to stop him from taking whatever he wanted from her. A part of him insisted this was wrong, but he couldn’t help himself. He wanted to break her until she surrendered to his every whim. He wanted to know... and for her to know... that she was totally under his control.

  The outer door opened and Omar’s voice boomed through the quarters.

  “Brother, I intend to speak with you.”

  Chapter 13

  Yasin could hear his brother moving toward them and he knew Omar would not hesitate to barge into the bedroom. One look at Lily’s blue eyes filled with apprehension
and he drew back, his cock slipping from her warmth.

  “I am coming out, Omar.” Yasin stood up, his cock long and hard.

  Lily pulled the covers tight around her as he grabbed a robe from the closet, then strode toward the door.

  Yasin exited the bedroom and closed the door firmly behind him. Omar sat in the large armchair dominating the living room, watching Yasin with eyes sharp as a hawk’s.

  “Sit,” Omar said in an even voice.

  Yasin narrowed his eyes as he obeyed.

  “What were you thinking?” Omar asked, his dark eyebrow arched.

  Yasin knew Omar must be spitting mad at him leaving the events early last evening. But Yasin was tired of simply accepting his brother’s actions without question. It was time to push back.

  “What was I thinking?” Yasin scowled, “What were you thinking? You knew I would not approve of you kidnapping Lily and bringing her here as a slave.”

  “Your approval is not my primary concern when I do a thing.”

  “That has always been perfectly clear,” Yasin said. “And last night I chose not to concern myself with your approval.”

  Omar compressed his lips as he gazed at Yasin, considering.

  “I am willing to overlook your rudeness last night. I understood your leaving. You wanted the woman alone in your bed. That was clear.” Omar leaned forward. “What has me concerned is the look that was in your eyes. As if the woman had bewitched you.” He narrowed his eyes. “And that look is there even now. Are you in love with her?”

  Yasin did not want to admit his feelings to Omar, who would not respect them. He would try to twist them into something else. Would try to convince Yasin that keeping her as his slave would give him what he truly wanted, allowing him to marry a woman the family would approve of.

  The unfairness of the situation caused his stomach to clench.

  “Don’t tell me you’re thinking of keeping this woman? Of marrying her?” Omar demanded.

  “I know that since you stripped her naked in front of our brother and cousins that she will never be accepted by the family as my wife,” Yasin said bitterly.

  “Yasin,” Omar said, “you must know that what I truly want is your happiness. That’s why I brought her here in the first place.” He shook his head. “But marriage to this woman... you must know that is foolhardy. She is not the right kind of woman for you.”

  “Why? Because she’s not from Marjah? Because she doesn’t grovel at my feet?”

  “Everything in the way you’ve behaved around her tells me she will not meet your needs. And more, that you yourself know that she will not be happy with you.”

  Yasin’s eyes narrowed. “Explain.”

  “You obviously care about her. And you have become her protector while she’s here, trying to shield her from our ways. But we both know that with how you were raised... how we both were raised... and with the blood you carry in your veins... you will want to dominate her. Force her to surrender to your will. So...” Omar arched his eyebrow. “How will you protect her from yourself?”

  Yasin’s gut twisted. As much as he hated himself for it, he knew what Omar said was true. He had revered Lily in college and, to be totally honest with himself, a big reason he had held off being with her was because he knew when he was with a woman, he wanted to hold her down and take her. To feel her struggle. To make her surrender to him.

  The urge had overcome him only moments ago.

  As much as he hated himself for it, that wasn’t going to go away.

  Lily waited impatiently in bed for Yasin to return. Last night had been sweet and poignant, and her heart had soared at his tenderness and passion. This morning, however, when Yasin had held her down and insisted she struggle against him, it had driven her desire to a fever pitch. The memory of his big cockhead pressing into her as he restrained her wrists, his chest pinning her to the bed, kept her hot and needy.

  She stroked her breasts, her fingers teasing the hard nubs. Her heart pounded in her chest.

  Finally, Yasin opened the door and stepped inside, his face grim.

  After speaking to his brother, probably being scolded for last night, she knew he must not be in the best of moods. But she would try to turn that around.

  She pushed back the covers, revealing her naked body, and opened her arms.

  His gaze locked on her, but instead of sizzling embers of heat, his dark brown eyes were solemn. And detached.

  A shiver raced down her spine.

  He stepped toward the bed, but instead of joining her, he pulled the covers over her again.

  Then he dropped a cloth bag on the bed.

  “Your clothes are in there. Get dressed, then go and wait for me in the living room.”

  Then he turned and went into the en suite bathroom.

  Lily sat in the private jet, Yasin silent beside her.

  After Yasin had returned from his shower, he’d told her curtly that he was taking her home.

  She had smiled and thanked him, rising from the couch to throw her arms around him, but before she’d gotten the chance, he’d turned and strode to the door. She’d followed and he’d led her outside to a waiting car which carried them to the small airport on the island. Within an hour of leaving his brother’s vacation house, they were airborne.

  She sipped her drink, wishing he would speak. She was glad he’d stood up to his brother and gotten her away from that place, but she wasn’t sure what this meant for the two of them. She had so many questions she wanted to ask. So many things she wanted to know about what he was thinking and where he saw their relationship going.

  She remembered him mentioning a ring and, knowing he was in love with her, she wondered if maybe... Could it be he’d intended to propose all those years ago?

  Maybe his silence was because he didn’t know what should happen next. Maybe he was considering how to proceed. Whether they should date for a while, then when the time was right, he would propose.

  The very thought filled her with joy.

  But he looked so very distant.

  Finally, the stewardess came and told them they would be landing in ten minutes. Lily and Yasin buckled up and soon the jet was taxiing to the gate.

  Yasin turned to her.

  “Before we disembark, there is something we should discuss.”

  “Yes, Yasin.”

  “You will probably want to press charges against Omar for kidnapping you.”

  She frowned. This was not the discussion she’d been expecting.

  “As much as you may want justice,” he continued, “pursuing this will get you nowhere. I’m sure it will be frustrating to be left with no recourse in this matter, but there is nothing to be done. You could try prosecuting me as an accessory, but the best you could hope for given my family status would be that I be deported. If you wish to do that, however, I will bid you no ill will. In fact, if there is any kind of reparation I can make on behalf of my family, I will do so.”

  “Reparation?” She stared at him dumbfounded, totally taken aback at his suggestion that she might want him punished.

  He sighed. “Lily, I know this whole experience was traumatic for you.”

  She rested her hand on his cheek. “Yes, it was. But some good came of it because it brought us together again.”

  He grasped her hand, his eyes growing stone cold, and drew it away. Then he stood up.

  Her stomached clenched because she suddenly realized that he was ending it with her.

  “I will give you a number where you can contact my people. You should seek counseling, which I will pay for, of course. And anything else that you need to help you over this experience.”

  He walked toward the door and she followed him. They went down the stairs to the tarmac where a limousine waited. The driver opened the door and Yasin gestured for her to get in.

  She turned to him, shaking her head. “That’s it? After what we shared, you’re just sending me away?”

  “I’m returning you to your home. I am
sorry for what my family put you through, but now it is time for you to get back to your life. To move forward as if this never happened.”

  She grasped his arm, blinking back tears. “But... I love you.”

  He shook his head solemnly. “No, Lily, you only think you love me. Once you’re away from me, you’ll realize that.”

  Then he disengaged her arm and guided her into the vehicle. Once she was inside, he closed the door, then the car carried her away from him.

  Chapter 14

  You can’t keep mooning over the guy. It’s been two weeks.

  Lily stared at her sister’s text and sighed. Trudy had been doing everything she could to get Lily’s mind off Yasin. Of course, Lily hadn’t told her the truth about what happened. Just that he had been at the resort, too, and they had started up their relationship again. Trudy was more than relieved when Lily told her that Yasin had decided not to continue seeing her.

  Trudy had invited her out this evening, but Lily had declined. Trudy had even threatened to come over and drag her out with her, but Lily had assured her that she wasn’t ready.

  Lily’s heart ached. She loved Yasin so deeply and it hurt that he’d simply cast her aside. It had been a shock. She was sure he loved her. The look in his eyes, both when they were in college, and on the island...

  How could she have been so wrong?

  Her doorbell rang and she was sure it was Trudy coming to drag her out with her.

  She walked to the door of her townhouse and pulled it open.

  Yasin stood at the door, devastatingly handsome in a charcoal suit.

  Her breath caught.

  “Lily, I am sorry to arrive unannounced, but I felt it best to talk to you in person. Would you join me for dinner? We have some things to discuss.”

  She stamped down the hope rising in her. She wouldn’t allow herself to believe he was here because he wanted her back.

  She stared at her jeans and T-shirt. “I’m not dressed for dinner.”


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