Cruel Boundaries

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Cruel Boundaries Page 2

by Michelle Horst


  Chapter Four


  I can’t believe he just shoved me! I stomp down the stairs and start to gather all my clothes again. I’m just shoving in the last item when a shadow falls over me. I scowl up, ready to let Noah have it, but the words get stuck in my throat just in time.

  “Woah there,” the guy says, smiling brightly at me. “you look like you’re about to kill someone. I’d hate to be the person who upset you.”

  I shrug, not in the mood to get into it with a stranger. The guy doesn’t move and I glance up at him again. “Can I help you?” I ask as I try to close the bag right by his feet. I finally get the clips in place and curse myself for getting this bag, just because it had a vintage look. I need to get myself something sensible with a zipper, so this whole episode doesn’t happen again. As I get up I glare at the guy again, wondering why he’s hovering around.

  “No, but it sure looks like I can help you. Let me carry that for you,” he says, reaching for the bag. I’m too tired and hot to say no. I let him take the bag and then he holds his other hand out to me. “I’m Brad.”

  I shake his hand and I’m about to introduce myself when Noah calls out, “Bad Brad, it’s about time man. I see you’ve met my bitchy cousin.”

  I put on my sweetest smile for Brad and hold his hand even longer. “I’m Amy, it’s such a pleasure to meet you.”

  I know how I’m going to get back at Noah, I’m going to make his friend fall in love with me and that way he’ll have to listen to this Brad guy singing all my wonderful praises.

  Revenge is going to be oh so sweet.

  I let go of Brad’s hand and climb the stairs with him. “I’m new here.” I point to my bag and continue, “going to stay with my dear old cousin.” I ignore Noah as we walk by him.

  Brad gives Noah one of those guy hugs, and then follows me into the apartment. I’ve never been here before.

  It’s one of those open plan apartments, where the kitchen and lounge is basically one. I notice three doors, one is open and I can see it’s the bathroom. One of the other two doors is my bedroom, then. I turn to Noah. “Which one is mine?”

  Noah points to the one on the left side of the bathroom. I turn back to Brad and smile sweetly again. “Would you mind putting it in my room?” I bite into my bottom lip, knowing men love that kind of thing.

  It works, because Brad smiles at me and takes the bag to my room. I follow him and before I go into the room I glance at Noah from over my shoulder, and I make a face at him like a toddler that just got the last lollipop.


  Chapter Five


  It’s taking everything I have not to slam my fist into the wall. “Do you work with Noah?” I hear Amy ask Brad.

  I know what she’s doing. She’s coming onto my best friend and that shit is just not going to happen. She’ll eat poor Brad alive and spit out the leftovers for me to clean up, all just to get to me.

  I stalk to her room and slam a flat hand against the door. Amy jumps with fright and it brings a smile to my face. “Let’s go, Brad. We’re going to be late.”

  “Great meeting you,” Brad says to Amy as he follows me out of the apartment. He throws his arm around my neck and gives it a slight squeeze, pretending to choke me. “You never mentioned her before.”

  “She’s not worth mentioning,” I snap. “She’s the biggest pain in my ass.”

  “Woah, things that bad between you?” Brad asks. He’s such a good buddy. I don’t know why I never told him about Amy.

  I shrug, “We just never got along. No love lost there. We kinda have this hate relationship going on, seeing who can piss the other off more. Watch out for her, she will try to use you to get to me.”

  “Sure thing, man.” Brad punches me playfully.

  Are you ready to kick some ass?” I ask, done talking about Amy and ready to go give the other team a beating. The engineering firm I work for has a family day once a month, where we are split into two teams. While the women prepare the food, the men play baseball. It’s just a nice fun day to unwind with your co-workers.


  Chapter Six


  I stare at all my clothes. Everything that was in the big bag is dirty from falling on the ground, and needs to be washed. I don’t know if Noah has any detergent, not that I’d want to use any of his shit.

  I hold up my favorite ivory, embroidered Boho dress. I’m livid with Noah! There’s a huge boot print right in the middle of the dress. “Stupid big feet stomping all over my clothes! Asshole!”

  I gather the clothes and throw it in a laundry bag. I’ll get detergent tomorrow and then get it all washed.

  I unpack the rest of my stuff and by the time I put the finishing touch to my room by hanging my dreamcatchers from the curtain railing so they can rustle when there’s a breeze, I’m tired and hungry.

  I grab a clean babydoll shirt and a pair of cut-off shorts, and then head to the bathroom. A nice relaxing bath is all I need, then I’ll go get some food and call it a night.

  I let my body soak, just unwinding in the warm water.

  When I hear voices, my peaceful bubble pops. Noah is back! Ugh. I let the water out, dry myself and rub on some body lotion. I love the vanilla scent. It reminds me of lazy days on the beach.

  When I’m dressed I quickly gather all my stuff and go back to my room. I make a point of not looking anywhere. I’m so not in the mood for a fight with Noah.

  I grab my favorite boots and pull them on. While brushing my hair I decide to braid it to the side, so it will hang over my shoulder. It’s not like I’m actually going out.

  I grab my bag and pull the strap across my shoulder and chest, and then head out. I don’t make it halfway through the apartment, when Noah says, “Where are you going?”

  I glare at him where he’s standing in the kitchen, leaning against the counter while drinking a beer with Brad. It’s none of his damn business where I’m going!

  I start to walk again and he pushes his body away from the counter. “Amy, if you’re leaving I want to know where you’re going.” His voice is stiff, as if he’s fighting his temper.

  I prop a hand on my hip. “I’m forced to live here, Noah, but that doesn’t mean I report to you. What I do and where I go is my business, and certainly none of yours.”

  He fishes his phone from his pocket and holds it out to me. “If your dad phones and you’re missing in action, it’s my ass on the line. If you won’t tell me, then tell him. You’re living here so you won’t get into any shit. I’m now responsible for you, whether you like it or not.

  My temper flares hot and my mouth drops open. “As fucking if! You’re not the boss of me and never will be. I don’t give two fucks what you tell my dad. If he’s looking for me, he can phone me.” I stalk to the door, pissed beyond belief. I yank the door open and don’t even bother closing it behind me.

  I stomp down the stairs when I hear Noah behind me, “You’re a fucking pain in my ass! You weren’t born in a damn cave, shut the door behind yourself!” and then the door slams closed.

  I make a half growling, screaming sound in my throat. He’s a pain in my ass and he can go fuck himself. This is one fight I won’t back down from!


  Chapter Seven


  I can punch a hole through the door right now! I don’t know how I’m going to survive with her living here.

  I turn to face Brad while taking a huge gulp of beer. “I’m going to kill her. I swear, one of these days I’m going to strangle the shit out her!”

  Brad stares at me for a silent minute, a peculiar look on his face I haven’t seen before.

  “I’ve got your back,” he chuckles into his beer bottle and then continues, “I’ll even help you bury the body.”

  I scowl, not even sure if he’s joking when he starts to laugh, relieving the tension Amy left in her wake. Brad finishes his beer with a deep drag and then walks over to th
e fridge where he retrieves two more beers. “You want me to phone the guys and we’ll hang out? Lighten your mood a bit?”

  A smile spreads over my face. “That’s a great idea. Let’s give Amy a welcome she’ll never forget.”

  He nods and we both start to phone our contacts. There will be no sleep for the princess tonight.


  Half of the people have arrived and the apartment is filling up quickly. Josh and Maggie made sure to bring kegs so there will be plenty of beer. They are always the life of the party. Josh is also always in charge of the music, while Maggie’s friend, Sheryl, is my entertainment. The woman is a nympho and good in bed. She has a gift to make you forget about everything.

  I have Sheryl on my lap, rubbing my cock with her ass, when the door opens and Amy steps into the crowded room. Her eyes widen and she slowly looks around the room, and then that familiar dark look shadows her face. Her eyes find mine and I can feel the heat from her blazing anger, from right across the room

  She raises her chin, and with one last look that could easily send me to hell with a one way ticket, she storms to her room.

  If I thought that’s the last of her, I’m sorely mistaken. Not even ten minutes later she comes back out, walks over to a keg and grabs one of the red solo cups. She fills it with beer and easily downs half before I get to move Sheryl from my lap. I get up and stalk over to her, and before she can down the other half, I take the cup from her hand.

  “This party is for adults. Kids should be in bed.” She gives me a long, hard look and for a moment we’re caught in a stare-off. “You’re underage, Princess. You’re not getting arrested while you’re my problem.”

  She presses her lips into a thin line and I wouldn’t be surprised if she hit me right now, but instead she fills another cup and before I realize what she’s up to, she turns the cup over on my head. The beer runs down my face and I force my lips to curve into a smile. I won’t show her any emotion, she lives for attention.

  I look over Amy’s head to where Sheryl’s standing and call out, “Come babe, time for us to shower.”

  “Asshole!” Amy growls under her breath as I pass by her.

  My attention is immediately taken by Sheryl as she presses her body against mine and licks some beer from my cheek. I throw my arm around her and give Brad a chin lift. He knows to keep an eye on everyone when I get busy.

  I take Sheryl to the bathroom. Nothing like a good fuck to help with the stress of dealing with Amy.


  Chapter Eight


  I yank my shirt over my head. I’m so angry I could kill him! How dare he tell me what to do?

  As I wiggle out of my shorts, the music gets turned even louder and it feels as if the beat is vibrating the floor. I won’t be able to close an eye with all the noise and going out there is not worth being humiliated again.

  I stop undressing when I realize it’s not anger I’m feeling. It feels as if I just lost more than a fight.

  I frown and draw my bottom lip in between my teeth. Surely I’m not jealous of that skank! She can fuck Noah’s brains out for all I care.

  No, that can certainly not be it! I don’t even like Noah. Making up my mind that what I’m feeling must indeed be anger, I unhook my bra and let it fall to the floor.

  Noah and his army of skanks can all go to hell!

  I turn around to grab my tank from the bed, when I see Brad standing with his back against the door. When the hell did he come in! How long has he been standing there? It’s beyond creepy! What kind of friends does Noah have? What kind of person just lets themselves into someone’s room and stands like a creeper, watching them undress?

  “What the fuck, man!” I grab the tank and quickly yank it on as Brad stalks toward me. I can’t believe this shit! I’m half naked! “This is my room! You can’t just come in!” I keep shrieking with anger. “Get out!” I point to the door just in case he forgot where the way out is.

  Brad doesn’t stop and his body slams hard into mine. Shock shudders through me and for the first time I feel a glimmer of fear. What the hell is going on?!

  Before I can put up any kind of fight, one of his arms goes around my back, clamping me to him. His other hand clamps over my nose and mouth, blocking off my air. He presses back, forcing me to bend, and his grip is so hard I can’t move or breathe. I struggle to get in air, and grab at his hand to try and pry it away from my face. It only causes his fingers to dig in. It hurts and I try to scream but all that comes out is a muffled whimper.

  Brad’s eyes are hard on mine when he leans closer until we’re eye to eye. His eyes are dark with hatred and anger, I’ve never seen anything like it before. Fear and panic ignite in my heart and I try to fight harder to free myself from his grip.

  His arm tightens around me until the pain is almost unbearable, and he growls in a low, deadly tone, “Listen up, Bitch, cause I will only say this once. Noah is my friend and I’d do anything for him. I’d kill for him.” He pauses, giving his dark words time to really sink into my stunned mind and then he hisses, “I’ll fucking kill you and I’ll drop your body in acid until there’s nothing but a bad smell left of you. Don’t push me. Leave Noah alone or I’ll end you!”

  He lets go of me so suddenly, I fall backwards and land with a hard thud on the floor. I hic-up with the impact I hit the floor with, and bite at my numb bottom lip to try and keep the tears back. Confusion and fear take turns to overwhelm me as I watch Brad storm out of the room.

  It takes another few seconds in which it feels like time has slowed down, to prolong the horror of the moment. Then it sinks in, and the whole terrible episode lands like a ton of bricks in the pit of my stomach.

  A sob shudders through me and I quickly draw my legs to my chest, wrapping my arms around my legs.

  Brad just threatened me! He said he’d kill me and I believe him. His cold eyes made dark promises I never want to see come to light.

  I sit in stunned horror for a few more seconds before I get up and run to lock the door. I run to my dresser where I left my bag and quickly take out my phone. I bring up Daddy’s number and press dial. While I listen to the ringtone another sob escapes my lips and when Daddy answers, I break down.

  “Daddy!” I whimper and sag down to the floor again. The words are on the tip of my tongue to tell him what Brad just did, but then they freeze in my throat.

  “Angel? What’s wrong?” I hear the worry in his voice and I try to control the sobs. If I run to Daddy, Noah will just use it against me. He’ll remind me that I can’t fight my own battles! “Amy!” Daddy snaps me out of my deep thoughts.

  “I … I…” my mind races, looking for any excuse and then I mumble, feeling bruised and scared, “I want to come home. I miss you.”

  “You gave me a heart attack!” I hear Daddy take a deep breath and then he says in a much calmer voice, “you have to do this, Angel. You need to focus on your studies and make a life for yourself. I’ll always be there, but you need to do this for yourself. You’ll always be my angel and I love you. Your mom loves you. You need to give yourself this opportunity to get to know the world. I protect you too much and that will stop you from growing into the amazing woman you’re meant to be. ”

  I nod and swallow down my sobs. Daddy is right! I need to fight this on my own. It’s time for me to grow up. “Okay, Daddy,” I whisper. “I just miss you and Momma so much. I love you both!” I say quickly before my voice cracks with tears.

  “You’ll always be our angel. We love you, Amy,” Daddy assures me again.

  “I’m gonna go sleep,” I say lamely, feeling a little lost.

  When I drop the phone on my dresser, fresh tears overwhelm me. I feel alone in my fear.

  I feel alone and scared.

  I make sure the door is locked and crawl under the comforting covers. I pull them over my head and sob into my pillow.

  Brad’s words keep playing over and over in my mind, like a broken record.

  I don’t doub
t that he was serious. I’ll just have to make sure I stay out of his and Noah’s way as much as possible. I’ll always lock my door and maybe I should bring a knife to bed tomorrow night, just in case.


  Sleep keeps evading me, and long after the music has stopped I get up to go get some water.

  When I open my door, the apartment is quiet. I go to the bathroom first. When I come out, I hear moaning, and I freeze in my tracks. It’s coming from the left of me.

  I don’t think and turn my head in the direction of the moans. I really didn’t expect to see anything, but Noah’s door is slightly open, and I can see part of his bed, but it’s more than enough space to see what’s happening.

  Noah has some girl bent over his bed. My eyes widen when he slams hard into her, and with every slam she lets out a deep throaty moan.

  At first I’m stunned, but then my cheeks warm up. I should turn around and run back to my room, but my eyes are glued to Noah’s bare chest, glimmering with sweat. My eyes travel up to his shoulders, where I can see his muscles straining. When my eyes get to his lips, they are curved in a sexy grin, I’ve never seen. My eyes snap up to his and my whole body flushes hot as I find him staring back at me, while he’s having sex with this woman.

  Our eyes lock and at the same time something unfurls deep in my tummy.

  The woman’s moans come faster until she starts to scream with pleasure. I can’t take my eyes away from Noah to leave and give them privacy. Noah’s lips part and he draws his bottom lip between his teeth, his chin lifts a little and then his eyelashes drops, until the look he’s giving can only be described as pure sex.

  I watch him come and it is the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.

  He pulls out of the woman and leaves her lying on the bed, as he walks toward me. I keep my eyes on his, not ready to see more of his body than I can handle right now.


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