Whatever It Takes

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Whatever It Takes Page 16

by Ben Boswell

  With a loud growl, he came hard, filling my wife's mouth with his jism. It was too much for her. It overflowed her mouth, dripping down her chin and coating his prick. Jessi immediately moved to his cock. For a few moments, Jessi and Kris were both working his shaft, their tongues millimeters apart as they licked him clean.

  Finally, Kris withdrew, and Jessi sucked him deep into her mouth, reclaiming her man as her own. Kris rocked back on her heels, obsessively watching her sister suck cock, her own hand wedged down between her legs.

  I realized that Kris was lost in the moment, staring at DeMac's big cock, at her sister swallowing his big tool, her own fingers manipulating her tender flesh. There was a second there where I think both Kris and Jessi were in thrall to the eroticism of it all. Me too, I have to admit. It would not have taken much to turn this into an orgy, the four of us just a jumble of flesh.

  But then I saw Kris shiver and shake her head, clearing it. She stood, pulled up her pants.

  "Okay, DeMac, so now you know we're not cops. Time to talk turkey,” Kris said.

  Jessi was still sucking his tool. He nodded into his lap; I guess he was trying to get Kris back in the mood. But her gaze was determined, cold. He pushed Jessi away.

  "Alright, fuck, what do you want?"

  Kris gestured toward Jessi. Jessi wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. The sisters locked eyes for a moment.

  Kris addressed her sister, "Jessi..."

  Jessi sighed. She sat up. She took a deep breath.

  "You know what I did to get the money to bail you out. Now we need you to square us up."

  "I dunno anything," he replied. "Alls I know is that you gave some shit to Tyrell."

  "Yeah, I stole that from Sally B. Ten keys baby. He wanted a quarter for it. I knew T could sell it for more, you know? So I took it."

  DeMarcus looked at Jessi coldly. "Okay, so what do you want from me?"

  Jessi sighed. "DeMac, you know what I gave T is worth twice as much as he put up for bail. I need the rest to square up with Sal."

  DeMarcus laughed. "Fuck him. What's Sally gonna do?"

  "Destroy our lives," I snapped.

  Jessi shot me a dirty look. She turned back to DeMarcus. "Let's just clean this up, ya know. Sal is going after my sis. Let's move on."

  DeMarcus slowly surveyed the room. "Baby doll, this is between you and T."

  Jessi shook her head. "No, DeMac. Come on, I know the business."

  He chuckled coldly. "Business? The only business you know is shaking your ass. Don't worry about Sally B. He's a punk. He come around, and I'll put him in the ground."

  I looked up at Kris. We both sighed. We'd been grasping at straws. But now we realized DeMarcus was not the answer. For both of us it was just a confirmation. For Jessi it was a betrayal.

  "You don't understand," she snapped shrilly. "You don't know what I’ve done."

  He laughed. "What's that? Did you take a dick or five? That's what you call Tuesday, ain't it?"

  She shook her head. "What are you saying? I'm just some whore to you?"

  "You saying you're not? Look," he said reaching for his wallet on the side table. "Here's a G for you and a five bills for your whore sister." He tossed $1500 in hundreds into Jessi's lap. "Now, we squared up."

  Jessi snarled at him. "You low-rent fuck!"

  Kris slid between them. "Forget him, sis. He's not worth it."

  "Kris no..." she snapped, then trailed off.

  Kris stared at her little sister for moment, and when Jessi slumped, my wife turned toward DeMarcus. "He's a loser, baby. He'll be in a shallow grave before we know it."

  DeMarcus rose quickly, throwing Jessi aside. "You want a piece of me?"

  "You're not man enough," Kris snarled.

  He took a step forward.

  "Move a muscle and I will blow your head off," I yelled.

  By instinct I'd seized the gun out of my backpack and was aiming it at his head. My hand shook. I was terrified, and yet I was desperate for him to move even an inch toward Kris so I'd have an excuse to shoot the motherfucker.

  He looked at me. Paused for a second. "Take your whores and get out," he grunted.

  Kris circled back toward me. Jessi hesitated. Then she shot him a sad look and walked over towards us.

  "If I ever see you..." he began menacingly.

  I cut him off, shaking the gun at him, "You better hope you don't."


  I was sure Jessi would hate us, blame us for somehow poisoning her relationship with DeMarcus. On the drive back to the motel, she just sat silently in the back seat staring out the window.

  Kris sat next to me up front. She touched my forearm.

  "Daniel, are we okay?"

  I knew what she meant. We'd been asking each other that question over and over, always giving comfortable reassurances, not confronting anything really. In a way, I — we — were okay. We'd somehow been dropped into a world where sex wasn't about intimacy and emotions. It was a commodity, pure and simple. And given the stakes, we had to use every tool, every resource at our disposal to navigate the rapids. To do whatever it takes.

  So I was okay. I knew that her sucking off DeMarcus hadn't been an act of betrayal. If anything, it was a sign of love. An indicator that Kris was willing to do anything necessary for us to recover our old life together. And my own acceptance of that was rooted in the same desperate desire. I loved Kris enough that anything that might get us back to normal was a price worth paying.

  "Yes, we're okay," I said.

  She didn't take her eyes off me. "But...?"

  I grinned despite myself. I was an open book to her.

  "But, that's what scares me," I replied.

  She didn't speak. She knew I had something to say and she gave me the space to get it out.

  "It shouldn't be okay," I continued. "I just watched you suck another man off, and I knew you were doing it for us, that you were just doing what you thought was best. That it was, I dunno, almost normal. I'm scared precisely because it does feel okay."

  She nodded. "I... Over this past week... I've done a lot of things I never thought I would or could do. There are times when I feel like I am watching someone else do it."

  Jessi piped up from the back seat. "That's how you do it. You go somewhere else. It's happening. But it's not happening to you."

  Kris looked back at her sister. "How can you keep doing that? Not let it affect you, change you?"

  "You don't. Not really. You just pretend it doesn't matter. You get tough, or at least act that way. After a while, it gets to be second nature. And then you start to accept your own lies. You start to believe that the guy fucking you up the ass for a couple of bills, that's he's the pathetic loser not you."

  "Jessi, baby, you're not a pathetic loser," Kris replied kindly.

  I glanced back over my shoulder again. Jessi had retreated back into the corner of the back seat, again staring out the window, her hair drawn across her face like a curtain.

  The conversation had culminated in a way, but I still had a dark thought running through my mind.

  "Kris, there's something else..."

  I hesitated. I didn't know how to say this without being crudely offensive. But there was no way around it. The only way this wouldn't destroy us is if we were perfectly, painfully honest. She was waiting for me to continue. I could see her in my peripheral vision staring at me. I was pleased that driving gave me an excuse not to have to make eye contact.

  "I... um... I think you're beginning to enjoy it. Not the sex... well, not just the sex. But using sex to get what you want."

  She didn't say a word. It felt like the calm before the storm. Jessi sensed it too. She was staring, rapt, at the back of her big sister's head. I suddenly felt awful.

  "Kris, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

  She still remained silent.


  "No, Daniel. You're right. It's sick. But you're right. There's something about it. About seeing a
man watching you, wanting you, and knowing that if you play your cards right, you can get him to do what you want."

  She paused.

  "Even with Sal. I wanted to get him out of our house. Away from our kids. It's hard to explain... but after I serviced him, I felt dirty, used, and also weirdly pleased with myself. I wasn't in control at his house... but I also wasn't completely at their mercy. And I know this seems weird, but I almost think that with a little more time I could have gotten myself out of it. I didn't just submit to them out of fear. I actively tried to please them so they'd fall for me."

  "Okay," I replied. I slowly tried to get my arms around that admission.

  "That's not all. I loved being out that day looking for Damon. God, all those men, so eager to please me, trying to impress me. There is something addictive about it. Normally you want to avoid that. Want to avoid being seen as a sex object. At the office, seeing a man notice my chest always set off alarm bells. Did that mean he wouldn't take me seriously? Had I done something to encourage it? But this past week, I was free to embrace it. I had no choice. With Sal and his men, all I had, literally, all I had was my body, my ability to turn them on sexually. And it was, weirdly, empowering."

  "I understand. At least I think I do. But..."

  Kris read my mind. "But you want to know if I will be able to turn it off later? Or if I'm going to be showing off my cleavage, always looking for ways to use my, um, assets to get my way?"

  Jessi sighed from the backseat. "Why don't you just come out with it, Danny Dan? You wanna know if your perfect little wife is gonna turn into her whore sister."

  "I didn't say that," I replied defensively.

  "No, but that's what you're thinking."

  I groaned. I didn't need Jessi getting between Kris and me. And yet, she was right. That's was my real fear, that Kris was turning into her sister.

  Kris turned around to peer into back seat. "Jess, you tell me. Tell us. What do you think?"

  Jessi shifted uneasily. She liked being on the attack. Kris' question disarmed her.

  "I dunno, Sis. It gets old. It makes you cold. You stop taking other people seriously. You come to see all men as marks. All women as jealous pigs or dangerous competition. But it is so fucking hard to get away from it. Fuck. I spend hours dreaming about being normal. Of a regular job, a family, a house in the suburbs. But, here's the reality, Sis: I can make a month's normal pay in a night spreading my legs. At Crystal Towers, my fucking neighbors were people who'd worked like dogs for 30 years to get there or were lucky enough to be born into it. And me? All I had to be was a good lay. Maybe that makes me a lazy cunt, but whatever."

  "You're not a lazy cunt," Kris said gently.

  "Or maybe I am. But here's the thing, Kris. I know it feels like you're using men, but really they're using you, and if you let it, the lifestyle will eat you up and spit you out."

  "And yet," Kris replied, "you spent the last week digging all of us into a ditch just so you could continue to live it."

  Jessi laughed. "Yup. I am glad that you are finally discovering your own sexuality. But I'm also sorry. You might have been happier never realizing what you could get from just shaking your tits."

  Kris turned back toward me. "I want to get back to where we were. But I don't know that we can erase the past week. I love you. And I love our old life. And I hope I can be strong enough to turn it off."

  "I'll always be there for you Kris. You know that right?" I saw her nod slightly. "I don't know if that makes things easier or harder, but know that you don't have to be something you're not just to please me."

  She put her hand on my forearm. "I know. And I also know that we can't even begin to deal with the future yet."

  That was the thing. Worrying about tomorrow was not a luxury we had. DeMarcus bailing us out had always been a pipe dream, a fantasy only Jessi had ever really held.


  We got back to the motel room. It felt increasingly like a permanent prison rather than a temporary refuge. I looked around at the shabby surroundings. Was this to be our lives from now on? Run-down hideaways, always looking over our shoulders?

  There was a knock from outside. I approached the door cautiously.


  "Housekeeping," came the reply.

  "Thanks. We're okay."

  "We, um, need to check on a leak."

  "There's no leak," I replied. I looked over at the rusting kitchenette where Jessi was filling a teapot with water. A leak was certainly plausible.

  "Come on, let us in, we need to check."

  I sighed and reached for the doorknob.

  "Can this wait?" I asked as I cracked the door open.

  With a slam, the door burst open, cracking me in the head, sending my flying. Before I could react, two men burst in. I tried to scramble to my feet, got a kick in the chest as a reward. I felt myself fly through the air, heard a woman's scream, and then I crashed on my back onto the coffee table.

  I saw Jessi rush toward the door. She was a blur, a sliver of steel poised above her head. A backhanded slap sent her flying.

  "What the fuck?" Kris called out.

  "Shut the fuck up," one of the men replied.

  He was waving a gun in her direction. The other man was also armed, his gun shifting between Jessi and me.

  Jessi goggled. "Tyrell?"

  "Shut up, whore," he hissed.

  Tyrell looked like his brother, though shorter, not quite as athletic. The other man was shorter still, squat, built like a bowling ball.

  Jessi rose to her feet. "What's this about?"

  Tyrell approached her. "I said, shut your whore mouth."

  She shook her head. "T, man, talk to DeMac. We're all cool."

  "DeMac sent us," the shorter man replied.

  I saw Jessi blanch. In a small voice I'd never heard from her, she said, "We don't want trouble."

  Tyrell gave her a mocking smile. "We don't always get what we want, now do we?"

  "Come on boys, I'm sure we can be friends," I heard Kris say from behind me.

  I turned around to see her standing there in just her yoga pants and a sports bra. She had an exaggerated smile on her face.

  Both men grinned at her hungrily.

  "Whatchu have in mind?" Tyrell asked.

  "I dunno," she replied with a little head tilt. "But I'm sure we can all get along."

  "Yeah, I bet," Tyrell replied.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Jessi staring at her sister, eyes wide, giving her quick little headshakes. But Kris didn't get the message. She continued to grin flirtatiously at the two armed men.

  "Come here beautiful," Tyrell said.

  Kris approached him slowly.

  "So you a playa?" he asked.

  She didn't reply, but she continued to approach him. He took his gun and ran it across her cheek. She flinched slightly, but again forced a smile. He could sense her growing fear. His face glowed with excitement.

  "Open up, baby," he ordered.

  He ran the gun over her lips. Kris glanced over at me, at Jessi. Then she did as he commanded and as she did, her pressed the barrel of the weapon into her mouth.

  "Suck it, whore," Tyrell said roughly.

  I could see the fear in her eyes. This was not something she had expected. But she had no choice. She ran her tongue over the cold steel. He laughed coldly and began to pump the gun in and out of her mouth.

  "You'll do whatever I say?" he groaned, the weapon pressing down on her tongue.

  Kris gave him a quick submissive nod.

  "Strip, cunt," he ordered curtly. Then glancing over at Jessi, he added, "You too."

  I could see both of our assailants now focused on the girls as they quickly stripped off their clothes. I looked around the room. There, by the bedroom door was my backpack, and inside it my handgun. I moved slowly towards it, an inch at a time.

  When the girls were nude, Tyrell ran his hand over my wife, down between her breasts, across her shaved mound. He turned to
his friend.

  "What you think Boogs? You ever see sisters get it on?"

  Boogs laughed. "Yeah, but they was nasty ass crack whores, not fine white sluts."

  Tyrell chuckled. "Me too."

  He forced a finger inside Kris. She grunted at his intrusion.

  "Nice and tight."

  He looked over at Jessi. "Come here whore and eat yo' sister's cunt."

  She shook her head. "No."

  Tyrell laughed. He pressed the gun against Kris's pussy.

  "Either you put your tongue up there or I tear up sis with my Glock."

  "Please, don't do this," Jessi whined. "I'll never bother DeMac again."

  "Too late for that, whore," Tyrell grunted. "You and sis are goin' give us a show."

  I edged another few inches toward the backpack. They were so focused on the girls that they didn't notice me.

  Jessi still hadn't moved, so Boogs walked over to her and roughly shoved her toward her sister. I slid closer to the backpack. It was less than a yard away.

  Boogs grabbed Jessi by the hair and forced to her knees. He pushed her face towards Kris's crotch.

  "Eat your sister's twat. Get it nice and wet for my cock."

  Jessi shook her hair, struggled to break free.

  It was my chance. I slid over that last yard and closed my hands on the backpack. I looked down, found the zipper and pulled it open, reached in and felt for the gun...

  The backpack flew violently out of my grasp. I felt something hard rake across my scalp. I landed on my back.

  "Nooo," Kris whined. "Don't hurt him."

  I looked up to see Boogs standing menacing over me, waving his gun in my face. He strode over to the backpack and pulled out my own gun.

  "I'm gonna shove this up your ass," he hissed. "But first, I'm gonna make you watch, up close, what we're gonna do to these whore sisters."

  He grabbed me and launched me toward where Tyrell was still standing with Kris and Jessi. Tyrell gave a nasty smirk.

  "Now, we gonna see some sister on sister action, or are Boogs and me gonna have to start splattering brains on the walls."


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