Whatever It Takes

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Whatever It Takes Page 21

by Ben Boswell

  "Ugh, ugh, ugh," she grunted.

  "Oh yeah, nice and tight. This the first time you take in the ass?"

  "Ugh. Yes," she lied.

  "You're a natural baby. Just like your sister. You two are born sluts, you know that?"

  Kris didn't reply. She just continued to gasp as he hammered her hard. She seemed to gradually get used to it. Her sounds became less urgent, more subdued. Her breaths seemed to slow. He was right. She was a natural.

  "So what did you want to talk about?" he asked.

  "I... uh... We... uh... couldn't raise the money. I... um... I'm willing to work off the debt."

  He laughed. "You should be paying me for this."

  She didn't dignify it with an answer.

  But she'd piqued his interest. "What about sis?" he asked after a minute.

  "She'll come in too. But you gotta agree to some stuff."

  "I didn't realize we were negotiating."

  "Well... ugh... we are. You get my ass. Everything else. Hers too. Until we're... ugh... square. But we can come and go when we need. No fucking real rough stuff. And you leave my kids, my family, alone forever."

  "Or, I could just keep you here and do whatever the fuck I want."

  She groaned softly.

  "Mmmm, you feel that, whore? That's you taking my nine inches balls deep in your ass. You're a fucking pro."

  "So, we have a deal?" she persisted.

  "What deal? I have you. What are you offering that I can't take?"

  She paused. Then in a crisp, clear tone, replied, "Next time, my husband won't leave you tied up. He'll leave you dead."

  The room filled with gasps and laughs. She might as well have spit in his face. It was brave, reckless.

  "You think you're tough?" he grunted.

  He fucked her harder. I could hear his thighs slapping against her ass. His grunts of effort. She was breathing harder as well, but otherwise silent, not giving him the satisfaction of acknowledging his effort to beat her down.

  Suddenly, he gasped and the slapping stopped.

  "Oh fuck," he groaned. I knew he was coming inside her.

  "Do we have a deal?" she asked.

  "You're gonna take all of us up the ass, whore," he growled.

  "And then, do we have a deal?"

  "You fucking whore. Yes. Okay, fine. We have a fucking deal."

  I ended the call. I didn't need or want to hear more. She was okay, or at least as okay as possible given the circumstances. Naked, getting assfucked, Kris had nonetheless controlled the situation. I felt strangely proud.

  I rapped on the windshield. Damon climbed back into the car.

  "She's got it under control," I said tightly. "Let's go."

  He nodded. It was my call, after all.


  Before going back to the motel we scoped out some potential sites to set up a meeting between DeMac and Jessi, somewhere just outside the twenty mile boundary. The best bet seemed to be somewhere in Harborside. Lots of hotels and restaurants, but only one road in and out.

  If we could get DeMac to show, Damon would seize him. We live in one of the six states in the country where you don't need a license to be a bounty hunter. A GPS, time stamped picture of him violating the terms of his bail should be sufficient for Damon to collect a reward for bringing him back in.

  But that was the theory. The reality of it was that DeMac wasn't likely to blunder blindly into a trap. In fact, he wasn't likely to come at all. Instead he'd send Tyrell and Boogs and maybe others to finish the job they'd botched earlier. So we needed to find a location that would force DeMac to show his face.

  We had a beer at a bar overlooking the bridge to Harborside and tried to hash out details.

  "Well, we could have Jessi offer a meeting in a public place," I suggested.

  "Yeah, but why would he show up? Anything he might be interested in, whether it's sex or murder, he's gonna want it to be in private."

  "That's too dangerous, though. Even if we're there with her, he might just send in his goons, guns blazing."

  Damon thought for a moment. "We need to control the access. Maybe Jess invites him to a motel, but doesn't tell him the room number until she sees he's alone?"

  "And unarmed," I added.

  He shook his head. "You can't be sure about that from a distance. And anyway, he wouldn't need a weapon to fuck up Jess."

  "I dunno. She's got a few tricks up her sleeve," I replied knowingly.

  "Well, she can just tell him that Kris or someone knows they are meeting. Anyway, I doubt he'll do the dirty work himself. He'll want to establish an alibi. But I don't like the motel idea. He might just decide to send his boys in to case the joint."

  I nodded. "Okay so, it's a two-stage process. She invites him to a meet in, say, a public spot. She tells him upfront she won't be there, but she'll be watching. She's scared. Wants to make sure he's alone. If he is, she'll call and direct him to their real meeting spot."

  "You think he'd go for that?"

  "Well, that's the only way he'll have to find her. He goes to the private meeting. He probably has his boys following him. He goes, he apologizes, says it was all a terrible mistake, he still loves her, all that shit. Then he leaves, establishes his alibi, and his guys are in position to either kill Jessi right there or trail her from there to wherever."

  "I wonder if we're giving this dirt bag too much credit."

  "Probably, but seems like this is a pretty foolproof plan,” I said.

  "Well, you know the old line, right? 'It's impossible to make anything foolproof because fools are so ingenious.'"

  It was getting late, but I didn't want to go back yet, back to the motel where I'd be alone with my thoughts about Kris and what was happening at Sal's.

  "Let's get another round," I suggested.

  He nodded. He didn't make me explain. I was beginning to like this guy.


  When we got back to the motel, Jessi was livid.

  "Where the fuck have you been?"

  I was little buzzed as I replied. "Did we miss curfew, Mom?"

  "Fuck you," she hissed. "You just leave me here. No call. No fucking update. I tried calling you, but it went right to voicemail."

  I'd never un-muted my phone, so I didn't notice her call.

  She was still going on. "For all I knew, all three of you got killed at Sal's."

  Damon had ducked behind her, disappeared into their bedroom. He didn't seem to want to face an angry Jessi. I held up my hands. "Okay, okay, take it easy."

  "So, what the fuck?"

  "I'm sorry, Jess. It's just, I needed a little distraction. Kris is at Sal's. It's... it's going as expected."

  "God, I was so fucking worried."

  She didn't say anything for a minute. Then she started to laugh.

  "You okay?" I asked.

  She giggled her response, "Who knew the day would come when Kris is the one out doing unspeakable things with shady characters, while I'm the one at home worrying?"

  I laughed as well. Indeed, bizarro world.

  "Don't worry Jess, Damon and I have some adventures planned for you too."

  She raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? Both of you?"


  Her mind, I realized, had gone right to sex. I felt a twinge in my pants.

  "No, I meant we figured out a plan for DeMac."

  "Oh," she replied, sounding a little disappointed.

  I shook my head a little ruefully. Truth is, her hummer the other day had only further whetted my appetite. And the thought of tag teaming her was insanely hot, dirty. Still, it felt like a betrayal. While Kris was out, sacrificing herself, how could I be back at the motel, safe and sound, boning her sister?

  I suppressed all of that. Instead I briefly laid out the plan we'd worked out. She nodded along.

  "That's clever," she said at the end.


  "So, okay, I guess I need to start texting DeMac."


She nodded. "Yeah. It won't be realistic if I just call and invite him to see me. Need to start off distant, act pissed, let him talk me into getting back together."

  "Okay. Right. That's smart too."

  She nodded. For a few moments we just looked at each other. She brushed a strand of violet tinged hair out of her eyes.

  "Well, good night," I said finally.

  "Yeah, good night."

  I turned and started toward my room, the room I'd been sharing with Kris but which I'd be sleeping in alone for the next few days.

  "Danny? You gonna be okay?"

  I didn't look back, but I gave a quick nod. "Yeah. I think so."


  I didn't sleep well, or at all. I tossed and turned. I kept thinking about Kris, kept trying to force those thoughts from my head. But it was fruitless.

  Every time I came close to drifting off, the images would flood my mind. That was the really devastating implication of those video's Sal had sent. It wasn't just my imagination at work, but also my memories. The fact that I could hear Jessi and Damon fucking next door didn't help.

  I tried to close my eyes.

  Kris on her hands and knees, being buttfucked from behind by Sal, her big tits swaying beneath her.

  I jolted awake. I began to drift off again.

  I could see Rock, Jerry, others, clustered around them, jeering at her, taunting her with the fact that they'd each be taking their turns next.

  I sat up, walked into the bathroom and splashed my face with water. I looked at myself in the mirror. It was weird. The man staring back at me seemed completely unfamiliar somehow.

  I went back to bed.

  What else would he do to her? Titty-fucking, facials, double, triple-penetration? He'd want to humiliate her and me. She might be strong enough to take it. I wasn't sure I was.

  After an hour of that, I heard some footsteps. My door opened and Jessi padded in. She was wearing just a tee shirt, her face still flush from sex.

  "I could hear you tossing and turning from next door," she said simply.

  "I'm sorry. I'll keep it down."

  "No. I... I just wanted to see if you wanted company."

  I didn't really want to talk. But I felt weird chasing her away.


  She grinned. With a quick motion, she peeled off her shirt, leaving her buck naked. She lifted up the sheet and crawled into bed with me.

  "What are you doing?" I asked.

  "Keeping you company," she replied.

  She scooted in close, pressed her body against mine. I wrapped my arm around her, my palm resting on her warm, smooth flesh. It did feel nice.

  "What about Damon?"

  She mimed sleeping. "I guess I wore him out."

  "But you're not sleepy?"

  She shrugged. "We girls have more endurance, I guess. Anyway, I wanted to see you."



  For a few minutes, we just lay there. God, how many times had I dreamed about being in bed, naked with Jessi? And now I was, but it was completely different from what I had dreamed. It was comfortable, comforting, rather than dirty and lewd.

  "You and Damon really seem to be hitting it off," I said.

  She laughed. "I could say the same thing."

  "He's a good guy."

  "Yeah, he is," she replied. "Too good. He deserves better than me."

  "No, Jessi, don't say that."

  "What? It's true. But it's okay. You know, that used to scare me. It's part of why I went back to DeMac. Or tried to. He seemed more my speed. Damon deserves better than me, but now I'm thinking maybe that's the motivation I need to be a better person. I mean, isn't that the best thing you can say about a partner?"

  I nodded. "So, why are you here?"

  "You saying it makes me a bad person to be here with you?"

  "I dunno," I replied.

  It was a tricky issue. She was here to comfort me, but she was also naked, implicitly offering sex. Monogamy is so prized in our society that it felt wrong for her to be here. She was potentially cheating on Damon, tempting me to cheat on Kris. But the reality was, I wanted her here with me. It was an act of kindness on her part, a potentially pleasurable one, so why did it have to be a betrayal?

  "I don't want to get between you and him," I said, giving voice to my main concern.

  She shook her head. "Danny. If me coming to you was going to be a problem, then there is no way he'd be able to deal with my past. And if me being here with you is something you can't deal with, then you're not going to be able to come to terms with everything that's happened to Kris."

  "I don't get it."

  "Yes, you do. Maybe you're not ready to say it out loud. But you get it. We don't betray with our genitals. We betray with our hearts. Or not. Do you love Kris?"

  "Of course," I answered.

  She snaked her hand into my boxers. She grabbed my cock at the base, stroked me firmly, confidently. I quickly hardened at her practiced touch.

  "You're hard."

  I blushed, didn't answer.

  "Do you still love Kris?"


  She dipped beneath the covers.

  "Jessi, don't..." I said, without conviction, doing nothing stop her.

  She edged my boxers off, swallowed my prick deep into her mouth. Her mouth was so hot and soft. I moaned in pleasure. Women often seem to wonder why men are so hung up on oral sex. The answer is simple. When done well, it is a sensation that just carries you away like the tide. And Jessi was doing it well. She wasn't trying to make me come. She was just bathing my cock in warmth and wetness. When she broke contact, I sighed in disappointment. She slid back up beside me.

  "And now, do you still love Kris?"

  "Yes," I replied.

  I got it. It wasn't a particularly deep point ultimately. I could see the attraction for Jessi psychologically. It was a way to dissociate from her past. So what if she'd had sex for money? Sex is just a physical act. Except it isn't. It is also about intimacy. But I guess that was her bigger point. Sex builds a connection. It gives pleasure. It is comforting. In the end, betrayal is about malicious intentions and dishonesty, isn't it? Without those negative aspects, what is wrong about giving, sharing pleasure?

  She was again stroking my hard cock. That one part of my body, at least, knew what it wanted.

  I knew I was over thinking it. I was looking to justify doing what I desperately wanted, namely to lose myself, for at least a little while, in the enjoyment of her body. I shut off my mind, determined to let myself do whatever came naturally.

  I pulled down the sheet, let my eyes roam over her. God, she was gorgeous, so slender, her stomach perfectly flat, her legs impossibly long. Her nipples were extraordinary, large, red raspberries capping perfect, small, firm mounds.

  I leaned forward, took her nipple in my mouth, circled the rapidly hardening nub with my tongue. I switched to the other nipple, trailing my fingers over each bump in turn.

  "You have beautiful breasts," I sighed.

  She chuckled. "I'm so jealous of Kris' tits. I used to dream about mine coming in, looking like hers. Instead I got stuck with these."

  "They're perfect," I said honestly.

  I loved Kris' big boobs, always had. But Jessi's were delightful in their own way. They fit her slim, athletic body in a way that hangers wouldn't.

  I traced the outline of her breasts, let my fingers roam across the lines of the Sanskrit poem on her rib cage.

  "What does it say?"

  She laughed. "You really want to know?"


  "Okay... Here goes…

  Still I recall the white-toothed girl, from whom

  It was poison for a moment to be parted;

  Then in renewed embrace anointing me

  With copious nectar, she new life imparted.

  Herself fatigued by love; if she is mine,

  Why do I need the trinity divine?"

  "Where is that from?"

t's a really old poem. Like 1000 years old. The Love Thief. It's about a man who falls in love with the king's daughter. There are happy endings and sad ones."

  "It's beautiful."

  She laughed. "Most guys just think it looks cool."

  "Damon will like it. He likes poetry too."

  She raised an eyebrow. It occurred to me that she was going to enjoy getting to know him better over time.

  "Mmm, that feels nice," she cooed.

  I was still trailing my hand across her smooth skin, feeling the bumps of her ribs, the flatness of her belly. I slid my fingers down over her abdomen. She shivered slightly, sexily. I traced the outline of her sex with my fingertip, spiraling inward to her honey pot.

  She was already wet, slippery. Was she excited for me? Was it just leftover from Damon? I didn't really care. It felt so nice. I slipped a finger inside her. Her pussy seemed to clench at me.

  We lay side by side. I fingered her gently, letting my thumb trail across her hardening clit. She stroked my cock firmly. We were both breathing hard, in time, our eyes locked. It was an intensely erotic moment, one I never could have imagined I could experience with a woman other than Kris.

  "I want you inside me," she moaned.

  "I want to be inside you," I sighed in response.

  I sat up and slid my boxers the rest of the way off. She pulled her knees up and back to her chest, opening herself completely for me. I kneeled before her and ran my cock up and down her slit. She moaned. It was all the encouragement I needed.

  I pressed my prick inside her. This time I moaned, feeling her delightfully tight, hot, wet cunt engulfing me. I slowly churned back and forth.

  She reached out and grabbed me by the scruff of the neck. She pulled me close, straightening her legs and spreading them wide to allow my body to press up against hers. I could feel her hard nipples digging into my chest. She kissed me deeply.

  I continued to fuck her with deep, slow strokes. I wanted to extend it as long as possible. It was just what I needed. For several minutes, my mind was completely blank but for experiencing Jessi. Her wet, inviting mouth. Her hard, limber body. And most of all the feel of her pussy, hot, wet, grasping at my cock.

  She came suddenly, at least to me. It began with a small shiver that ran through her body, but built to a rumbling explosion as she pulled me tight and her cunt spasmed wildly on my cock.


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