What If

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What If Page 6

by Shirley Anne Edwards

  Because we had time to kill, Dylan and I drank soda and ate some chips. We sat out by the pool talking. Glancing at my watch, I was surprised to see it was two thirty.

  “Crap,” I moaned, uncrossing my ankles and sitting up.

  “What’s wrong? Your sunburn still hurts?” He folded his hands behind his head and settled back in the lounge chair.

  “It’s not that. I should really go home and change. I must look like a total grub.” The short white mini-skirt and purple tank with silver stars I wore seemed to be the ideal outfit to wear for a Saturday, but for the party, I wasn’t too certain. I had a cute red and white polka-dot strapless dress that would have been better, but that would mean I would have to go home to change.

  He tilted down his sunglasses, his eyes roaming over my face and then the rest of my body. “Trust me. You’re fine.”

  “Really?” I didn’t believe him for a minute. “I bet all the girls wear tight short dresses and T-shirts showing off major boobage.”

  He let out a roaring laugh. “Wendy, you crack me up. You’ll give all the girls a run for the money with your boobs regardless of what you’re wearing. You’re great the way you are. Those silver stars bring out the color in your eyes.” He wiggled his eyebrows. He wasn’t staring into my eyes, but down at my chest.

  I held back a sigh. He was like most of the boys I knew—obsessed with breasts. “Good to know. I better call my parents. But first, would you mind showing me where the bathroom is?”

  He helped me up from my chair. Such a gentleman. “Sure. You can use the master bath upstairs. You can also use my iPhone for your call.”

  I held up my palms and shook them. “Ooh, you with your fancy phone. I think I’m jealous.”

  “Now you’re gonna get it.”

  Catching me off guard, he lifted me off my feet and carried me toward the pool.

  “No!” I yelled when he pretended to throw me in. After a few lame struggles on my end, he set me on my feet. I grabbed him, but he jumped away and ran into the house. I gave chase, following him inside.

  Giving up the pursuit, I detoured to the bathroom and made myself as pretty as I could with what was in my bag. At least I had my cover-up compact, cherry-flavored lip gloss, and a brush to help put my hair into some semblance of order. I wasn’t sweating too much, thank God, because asking for a stick of deodorant from Dylan would’ve been too awkward. I used some soap and ran a washcloth under my arms just to be safe.

  While he got ready in his bedroom, I stayed in the hallway and called my house with his phone. It was a good thing he gave me a quick overview of the fancy cell because I’d had no idea how to use the thing.

  “Hello?” Dad answered.

  “Hey, Dad, just checking in.”

  “Well hello there, stranger. It’s a good thing I picked up instead of your mother. She isn’t too happy with you.”

  I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall. “What did I do?”

  “It’s what you didn’t do. You should’ve called to tell us where you are. She phoned Pam after you left the house this morning and didn’t return home. She became nervous when Pam said she wasn’t with you. All we needed was a call from you.”

  I felt horrible. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to make Mom upset. You know the guy who’s having a party today? I saw him in town and returned to his house to help him get ready. I even met his dad. His name is Dylan Mayone. That’s why I’m calling you now. The day got away from me.”

  He sighed loudly.

  “If I had a cell phone, this wouldn’t happen.”

  A snort left him this time. “How did I know you were going to say that?”

  I turned my head when Dylan’s bedroom door swung open. He stood in the doorway, wearing dark blue jeans and a plain white T-shirt.

  Whoa. He made even the simplest of outfits look great.

  I was so busy admiring him I didn’t catch what my father said. “Huh? I missed that.”

  Dylan motioned at me and the phone.

  “My dad,” I mouthed.

  He nodded and turned back to his room.

  Dad kept talking, but again I focused on Dylan’s cute butt.

  “Do you want me to talk to Mom and smooth things over? She’s not going to make me come home and miss the party?”

  “I’ll put her at ease. You get a pass this time, but next time, use your head. I don’t want to have nightmares of you at the bottom of Brookeside Lake or hurt somewhere because a car hit you while you rode your bike.”

  “I’ll make sure, Daddy.”

  “Ah, you’re such a sweet talker.”

  My father knew me too well. Sometimes I just had to pull out all the stops.

  “Aren’t I your little girl after all?”

  “Yes, you’re my princess. I don’t want you staying out too late. Home by midnight. I assume Pete will be there to keep an eye on you?”

  Oh, no, I forgot to call him. “Um…yeah, he should be here soon. If not, I can get a ride home with Pam.”

  “Or you call me. Okay?”

  “I will. Love you, Dad.”

  “Love you, too.”

  I hung up, or I think I did because this touch-screen technology was a bit too advanced for me.

  “I’m not sure if I hung up corr—” I strolled into his bedroom and froze. Dylan stood there in only a pair of jeans. He’d taken off his shirt and held another one in his hands.

  “Sorry.” I covered my eyes and backed away.

  He pulled my hands away. “You’ve never see a guy without his shirt on before?” He held up a black button-down shirt and shook it.

  “None of the guys I’ve seen without their shirts on look like you.”

  Again with my mouth! I could feel my face turning red. He grinned, and his shoulders shook as he chuckled.

  “I think I’ll go wait downstairs where I can’t say anything else stupid.”

  “You’re honest. I appreciate that. Sit. Make yourself comfortable.”

  He patted the bed. I glanced over his shoulder at the open door. He noticed my stare and rolled his eyes.

  “If I wanted to jump your body, I wouldn’t do it here with less than ten minutes until people start arriving. I’ve been brought up better.” He admired himself in the closet mirror while he put on his shirt.

  I dropped his phone on the bed and sat on the edge. I would have to do some damage control. “Like I told you before, I can be a bitch. I don’t have much practice with cute guys…ah…I mean being in a guy’s bedroom while he’s…crap.”

  I slapped my palms over my face. I’d never live this down.

  Dylan knelt down in front of me and took my hands, running his thumbs across my knuckles in soothing motion. “You’re too cute. Relax. You think too much. I know it’s hard being around me. I can’t help I’m too hot for words.”

  I groaned, and he tugged on my hair. We both started laughing. After a few seconds our laughs died out. His hand moved up my arm until it landed on my shoulder. He scooted forward until our noses touched and, when his mouth touched mine, my eyes drifted shut. I gasped, and his tongue licked my bottom lip and—


  The loud ring made me flinch. Dylan sat back on his heels, letting out a deep breath. When he stood, he kissed my forehead—something totally unexpected. While he took one last glance at his reflection, I touched the spot where he’d kissed me. It tingled.

  “Let’s go meet our guests.” He held out his hand for me to take.

  “Your guests,” I corrected him. If he wasn’t going to bring up our kiss, I wasn’t going to either.

  Squeezing my fingers, we left his room. “This party is as much mine as it’s yours.”

  When we walked down the stairs hand in hand, a warm feeling settled in my stomach.


  The party was in full swing by five. The whole junior class had to be here, or it felt like it. Pam pulled me off to the side as soon as she arrived with Toby.

  “When did you get here? Your mom calle
d me and started in with the questions. I thought she was going to have a cow when I told her I didn’t know where you were.”

  I took a sip of my soda. “Have a cow? Channeling the old school, Pam?”

  She pinched me on the arm. “Stop being a douche.”

  I settled against one of the stone walls near the pool. People talked or danced to club-sounding music blasting from the stereo system on the patio. At one point, a few kegs of beer appeared near the coolers, and there was some type of blue punch going around that had vodka and whatever else type of booze mixed in. I was offered the beer and the bright colored drink but passed on both.

  “I went into town to see Pete but met up with Dylan instead. He asked me to help him set up for his party.”

  She let out a girlish squeal and clapped. “And?”

  “And what?”

  “It couldn’t have taken you two this long to pull this all together. What did you do until everyone came over?”

  I studied my sandals, and before I could say another word, she let out another squeal.

  I winced. “Can you stop that?”

  She snuck a peek over her shoulder and then turned back to me. “Did you make out with


  “No! We didn’t have time to do that. Wekindakissed.” I rushed the last part.

  “When? How? I want all the details.”

  “In his bedroom while he was getting dressed—”

  This time she squeaked. “You saw him naked? Does he have a big you-know-what?”

  “I didn’t see him naked,” I whispered. “He was changing his shirt. He has a great chest and a six pack.”

  We both moaned. Mister Six-Pack Abs grilled at the barbeque. He waved. I returned the gesture.

  “He was so sweet today. Maybe I’ve been wrong about him. I don’t know what to do. I’ve never felt this way before. Is this the way you feel about Toby?”

  She twirled the end of her hair and snuck another peek over her shoulder. “Yeah, but I really need—”

  Shrieks and screams surrounded us followed by a splash. A few guys from the football team threw some girls in the pool. Toby strode toward us. He had an evil look in his eye, and both Pam and I ran in the other direction.

  Toby grabbed Pam and dragged her toward the pool. I was almost near the patio when Anthony came out of nowhere and blocked my way.

  “No monkey boy tonight?” he snarled in my face.

  The beer on his breath was foul.

  “Drunk already, Tony? Where’s your partner in crime? Maybe he can help you sober up, jackass.” I started to move around him, but he seized my arm. I lifted my leg to kick him in a certain area that would make him cry like a baby.

  Dylan came up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. “Is there a problem?”

  Anthony’s face paled, and he let go of me. He held up his hands and moved away. “No problem. I’m just talking to Wendy about school.”

  I held back a retort.

  “Is that true, Wendy?” Dylan asked.

  I nodded in the affirmative. I’d hate for his party to be ruined because of Anthony the jerk.

  “Cool.” He gave Anthony a stiff smile. “I have the first batch of burgers ready. Why don’t you go get some?”

  Anthony nodded like a bobble-head doll and strode away, shooting me a spiteful glare.

  I moved my arm where it stung from his hold. Stupid bully.

  Dylan placed his palm against my neck. “Are you okay? I can kick him out if you want. No man has a right to touch a woman like that.”

  I almost melted right then and there. He was too good to be true.

  “He has issues. He’s always been like that. He likes to bother me because I’m Pete’s best friend.”

  “Why? Does he have a thing for you? Is he jealous?”

  “Me? Hell no.” I shuddered and rubbed my arms, suddenly cold. “He and Pete used to be friends, but something happened between them before middle school. For some reason, he and Conner treat Pete like crap. Pete doesn’t deserve it. He’s such a great guy. I hope he comes soon so you can meet him. He’s not the loser everyone makes him out to be. He’s artistic, sweet, hardworking—”

  “Whoa there! Are you sure you two aren’t going out?”

  I dipped my head. “He’s one of the best people I know. I love him and want to defend him from the assholes like Anthony who make his life miserable just because they think they can.”

  “Isn’t it usually the other way around and the guy defends the girl?” Dylan had a peculiar expression on his face. He appeared jealous, but again it could’ve been the fading rays of the sun playing tricks on me.

  “We defend each other. Anyway, you said the food’s ready? I could eat a burger or two.”

  He nodded and started to say something else, but we were interrupted, and Pam, who was still dry because Toby had faked her out, came over with Christina and another girl from the cheerleading squad.

  Dylan continued staring at me strangely. This conversation between us wasn’t finished.

  Chapter Ten

  The next few hours flew by. A lot of food and drinks were ingested. People got tipsy and some borderline wasted, but for the most part, there were no fights or any other problems. I spent most of the time sitting by the pool and gossiping with the girls, pretending I wasn’t searching for Dylan. We would lock eyes every so often, and I ended up giggling and my face would heat up. I’d blame it on all the sugar and caffeine I drank. By the time nine rolled around, I drank enough soda to float away. I really wanted to talk to Dylan, but he was always surrounded by people.

  A trip to the bathroom was in order after all the soda I’d consumed. Inside the house, a few people hung out in the kitchen and the hallway, but the majority of the crowd remained in the backyard. I checked my watch and wondered where Pete was and if he was coming. Having my own cell phone would’ve come in handy. I felt strange asking Dylan for his phone again.

  The line for the downstairs bathroom wasn’t too long, and after I did my business, I slipped out front to get away from all the noise and wait for Pete. I was still upset by the way we’d left things unresolved between us. I’d never gone this long without talking to him or just the two of us hanging out together. I missed snuggling with him in my bed as I fell asleep. I sat on the front steps and enjoyed the silence. It didn’t last for long. The front door opened. I turned around, annoyed someone invaded my peace.

  “There you are. I wondered where you disappeared to.” Dylan had a huge grin on his face.

  I stood and wiped off the bottom of my skirt. “I needed a minute. It’s getting pretty rowdy back there.” The muted sounds of the music, water splashing, and laughter reached my ears.

  “Rowdy?” His lips twitched, and I expected him to laugh. Instead, he descended the steps and held out his hand. “Let’s go for a stroll.”

  My heart jumped into my throat. I would truly be alone with him then. “I’m not sure—”

  He grabbed my hand and started tugging me along. “Come on, just for a few minutes.”

  “All right.” I acted as if it wasn’t a bit deal.

  He smiled, and I grew lost in those dimples of his. “I’ll protect you from the dark.”

  “I’m not afraid of the dark.” I had never been afraid of those things that went bump in the night, and I wouldn’t start now.

  We moved away from the lights and the noise of the party. Soon, dark shadows covered us. A screech exploded through the air, and a bat flew out of a tree. I jumped.

  “I always thought those night sounds were from birds, not bats.” I shivered, and he hugged me.

  “Can you keep a secret?”

  I looked up at him. My head felt comfortable against the inside of his shoulder. “Of course. No one can hear us but the bats.”

  “I hate those furry blood suckers.”

  I turned away and chuckled. He poked me in the side, and I swatted his hand away. We stopped near one of the huge oak trees lining the left side of the driv
eway. Leaning back against the tree, I could only see the outline of his face in the shadows.

  “I can’t believe a big guy like you would be scared of a rodent with wings.”

  “I’ll be okay. You’re here to protect me.” His voice barely rose above a whisper.

  We shared a laugh. Then he planted both his palms on either side of my head, caging me in, and I bit the inside of my mouth. I didn’t tell him to back off and waited to see what his next move would be.

  “Me protect you? You outweigh me by a good forty pounds.”

  He snorted and kissed the side of my neck under my ear.

  “Um, are you trying to pull a move on me? Is this why you wanted to go walking in the dark where a bat could come out of nowhere and attack us?”

  Another bat screeched in the distance.

  He rubbed his nose against my cheek. “You found out my evil plan. We never finished what we started in my bedroom.”

  “What’s that?” I whispered.

  “This.” He kissed my top lip and then my bottom lip. As his mouth moved against mine, and his tongue licked my lips, I let him in.

  Wow, my first real kiss from a boy!

  We kissed for a few seconds, but then he moved away. My lips were still puckered when he released them.

  Coming out of a daze, I shook my head. “I guess you’ve had a lot of practice at this? I haven’t.” My face burned over my honesty.

  He bumped his hips with mine and let out a husky laugh. “I’ve kissed a few girls.”


  He kissed me again. This time we used our tongues.

  The way he moved his mouth and the wonderful circling motion of his tongue made me feel like jelly. I could barely stand up. I closed my eyes and held onto him tightly. He smoothed his palms up and down my back. I pushed my hands through his hair. Even when I lifted my eyelids and noticed a bright light, I couldn’t stop kissing him. We were hidden by the leaves and the branches of the trees, so if someone drove by, they wouldn’t see us.


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