What If

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What If Page 10

by Shirley Anne Edwards

  I grabbed a banana from a basket on the counter and peeled it. “Where’s Dad?”

  “At one of the lawn care stores.”

  “Typical Saturday fun I see. Is it okay if I go out with Pam and some of my friends for Halloween? There’s a costume dance at the cultural center tonight.”

  Mom stood and threw the papers into the garbage can. “I don’t see why not. What time?”

  I shrugged. “I’m waiting for Pam to call me with the info. She came into the café dressed like a cat.”

  I took a huge bite of the banana as the doorbell and phone rang at the same time. Mom came out of the kitchen while I answered the phone. It was Pam. I jotted down the plan. We would all meet at the center at seven thirty.

  Mom returned with the near-empty basket. There was one chocolate, peanut-butter cup left. I stole it for myself.

  “No more?” I hung up the phone, unwrapped the candy, and took a bite. Mmmm….

  “Was that Pam calling?”

  “Yup. Now I have to find something to wear. I guess I’ll go as a witch. We still have the hat and cape around somewhere?”

  “In the hall closet. Will Pete be going with you?”

  “That’s the next thing I have to do. I’m gonna beg him to go with me. He thinks we’re going to watch movies or do something with just the two of us.”

  Mom stopped me before I could leave. “Is something going on between you two you would like to talk to me about?”

  I finished eating the candy and threw the wrapper into the garbage. “What do you mean?”

  “You haven’t noticed how Pete stares at you? He touches you more, and he gave you a kiss—”

  “Mom!” I covered my heated face in mortification.

  “Wendy Angela, I know you’re at the age when being friends with boys can change. Pete is a great guy. I wouldn’t mind if you two…started dating.”

  “You’re okay with us as a couple?”

  She came over and patted my arm. “The way you two act around one another is very different from even a few months ago. I was once like that with a boy friend of mine.”

  “Really? You had a guy friend who became more than that?”

  “Yes. Your father.”

  I’d forgotten my parents were high school sweethearts.

  “We’re still good friends. It’s just…we’re seeing if there’s something more between us.”

  “You know you can tell me anything, including sex.”

  I think my whole body turned red. “So, what’s for dinner?” I needed to change this conversation.

  “Stuffed peppers. Invite Pete over.”

  Mmm…I loved stuffed peppers. Pete did, too. “I figured out how to get him to come with me tonight.”

  She laughed. “A way to a man’s heart is always through his stomach.”

  The doorbell rang again. Mom sighed, and her cheeks turned rosy as she reached under the sink, revealing a bag of candy.

  Before I could tease her for being a sneak, she hurried to answer the door.


  “How are you doing, Mrs. Preiss?” I asked Pete’s mom.

  Opening the door wider, she let me into the house. “Very well, dear. How are you and your family doing?”

  “Great. Is Pete home from work?”

  “Yes. He’s down in the basement lifting weights.” She smiled, causing her whole face to brighten. Mrs. Preiss wore glasses and had short auburn-colored hair that was slowly going gray. She motioned over to the door near their kitchen. “You know the way.”

  “Thanks. Would it be okay if Pete came over for dinner? A group of us are getting together down at the center for a Halloween party.” It was low of me to ask her, but there would be no way he’d refuse now.

  His mother’s smile grew. “I don’t see why not. He’ll have to ask his father also, but I don’t see him saying no.”

  I smiled in return and went to the basement door. Mr. Preiss sat at the dining room table, reading the newspaper.

  “Hi, Mr. Preiss.” I opened the door and made my way down.

  “Hello, Wendy,” he responded without glancing up.

  I descended the carpeted steps, the guitar sounds of some rock band hitting my ears. One end of the basement had a television and a couch. Gym equipment with a treadmill, bike, and all different sizes of weights sat in the far corner. Pete lifted black dumbbells. He was shirtless, sweat glistening off his chest and shoulders.

  His furry chest had become bulkier from the weights he’d been lifting. He had formed some major arm muscles and nice abs. He wasn’t near Dylan’s physique yet, but in a few more months, he would look just as good.

  “Give me a minute.” He huffed, and after a few more arm pumps, dropped the weights on the floor. He wiped his face and arms with a towel and walked over to me.

  I lifted my face, and he placed his mouth on mine. We kissed one another with only our mouths. I ended up spreading my palms over his slippery shoulders while I slowly moved over to nibble on his salty-tasting cheek.

  “Mmm.” I nuzzled his cheek.

  He patted his face with the towel again. “Behave, Wonder Woman.”

  He tapped the top of my head and gave me another peck on the lips. If he hadn’t been so sweaty and we’d had more time, I would’ve recommended we sit on the couch and kiss some more. I sighed.

  “You’re coming to my house for dinner. Mom’s making stuffed peppers. I also ran it by your mom, and she said yes. All you have to do is ask your dad. Pam invited us to tag along with the group to the party at the center. Go take a shower and figure out what kind of Halloween costume you’re wearing.” I spoke so fast I don’t think Pete had time to take it all in because while I talked, he was busy chugging some water and then he started coughing. Droplets ran down his chin and chest toward his belly button.

  He moaned—or was that a growl. “Wendy, I thought we made plans already.”

  “Pretty lame ones if you ask me. We always watch movies. Let’s go out and have fun. You don’t have to worry about anyone misbehaving. Pam promised me Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum won’t bother you.”

  “Why, because of Dylan?” He frowned, Dylan’s name sounding like a curse.

  “Yes, and because of Toby. Haven’t they been cool to you over the past month? Didn’t Toby invite you to help him pick out some weights or something like that?”

  Pete licked his lips. “Yeah. I guess you’re right.”

  “Good. Since I already told your mom about the party you can’t refuse.”

  Instead of him yelling at me again, he got this wicked twinkle in his eyes and encircled me in a hug.

  “Eww! You’re all sweaty!”

  I struggled in his arms, and as I landed back against the banister, his leg wedged in between mine, and he gave me another kiss. This one was a full wet, tongue-licking, lip-mashing one that made me gasp for air.

  The door upstairs opened. “Son?” Pete’s father called down. “Your mother says you have something to ask me about tonight?”

  “Yeah, Dad. Give me a minute. Just cleaning up here.” Pete placed his forehead against mine, and I gripped both his arms.

  I was breathing heavily. In the midst of our kissing, his knee had been rubbing against the inside of my leg. I’d been enjoying…just a little bit…rubbing…humping it.

  “Oh, that was…nice. Your moves have improved.” I kissed Pete’s chin.

  He kissed the tip of my nose and backed away from me. “That was more than nice. I’d love to do more. Too bad my parents are upstairs.” He grimaced and turned away to get his water.

  “I guess we should go upstairs before we get carried away and we’re caught.” I ran a finger across my mouth, wanting more of Pete’s wonderful kisses.

  “Good idea.” He sounded gruff. Grabbing his T-shirt, he pulled it on.

  As I walked toward the stairs, he came up next to me, gave me a kiss on the cheek and smiled. “I’m always in the mood to practice more. Next time, you can come over when my parents are out a
nd help me improve on my skills,” he whispered into my ear.

  I ruffled his hair then lifted my mouth to his one last time. Twining my fingers with his, we climbed the stairs hand in hand.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Pete was fresh and clean when he came over for dinner. He wore a black and white hockey jersey and brought along a grungy hockey mask that had seen better days. I took a quick shower because of our combined sweat and the stench of coffee and scones that caked me. Dinner was a lot of fun. We discussed a range of topics, although Dad was more interested in talking sports. Dad assumed Pete lived and breathed it as much as he did. Pete held his own though.

  After we ate, I found the witch’s hat and cape. I dressed all in black, from a long-sleeved T-shirt, knee-length skirt, stockings, and boots. Mom went a little overboard taking pictures and acting like we were going to the prom instead of some cheesy Halloween party, but Pete got into it and wanted her to e-mail him copies.

  The streets were crowded with kids of all ages wearing costumes. They traveled from house to house, asking for candy. Pete and I shared a bag of peanut M&Ms while we walked.

  Before we reached the building where people near our age loitered and were dressed in strange costumes, we kissed for a few minutes behind an oak tree while acorns fell on our heads. Laughing, we held hands and entered the cultural center.

  Pam stood at the entrance with her cell phone up to her ear. Behind her were about ten other people. Christina dressed as a 1950s girl complete with a poodle skirt, Jessica was a cheerleader—no big surprise there. Susie had come as some sort of fairy, and Megan dressed like a slutty Catholic school girl. The group of guys standing behind us wore various football players and gangsters’ costumes. Toby, Conner, and Anthony huddled off to the side together, wearing big hats with feathers, knee-high boots, and sashes that had the word Musketeer written in glitter.

  Pete stuck to my side. Dylan didn’t make an appearance.

  “Hi, girls!” I waved.

  Megan blew a big bubble and chewed loudly. She annoyed me like no one else could.

  “Channeling your inner slut, Meg?” I poked her with my broomstick.

  “Ha-ha. I’d say you have another broomstick up your ass.” She gave me the finger, and Pete stepped toward her. I held him back. He didn’t know the type of relationship we had.

  “Girls, please.” Pam held out her hands. “We have less than three hours until Rocky. Let’s get in there and fill up on candy and other junk food before the movie begins. Toby!” She let out a shrill laugh and jumped into his arms.

  “She’s had way too much candy,” Susie explained.

  We all nodded in understanding. The group made their way into the big hall. I grabbed Pete and towed him along.

  Halloween decorations, balloons, and streamers filled the room. Music blasted from a sound system on the stage. People danced in the middle of the floor or sat at tables. My group stayed near the corner.

  “This is amazing,” I shouted into Pete’s ear.

  He bent down, lifting up his mask. “How much longer do we have to stay?”

  “I thought we would stay until the movie began. What’s up? You’re not having fun? We just got here.”

  He rested his hands on my hips. “I don’t want to embarrass you. Your friends already think I’m a loser, and I don’t want them to think of you that way. I can always head over to the high school and see what’s going on there.”

  I hauled him in close. “Oh, no, Preiss. We’re in this together. Let’s go talk to the others.”

  I stepped toward them, but Pete stopped me again. “What if we leave early enough where we can watch a scary movie down in my basement? My parents won’t mind. We could always.…” He whispered in my ear about those other things he thought I would like to do with him while we watched the movie.

  I covered my mouth, shocked. Kissing wasn’t the only thing on his mind.

  “Peter Michael Preiss! I don’t know what to say about that.”

  “Think about it.” He gave me a kiss and was the one to tug me this time.

  Giddy, I scanned the room. My heart jumped into my throat. Off to the side talking to a small group stood a tall, blond guy wearing black pants, a long white button-down shirt, a cape, and black gloves. A white half-mask covered his face. Dylan was disguised as the Phantom of the Opera. His eyes tracked us. It might have been a trick from the lights, but the look he gave Pete and me was chilly.

  I held up my hand in hello. Dylan’s mouth tilted up. To anyone else it would’ve been a warm greeting, but his eyes were empty and stone cold.

  For some reason that frightened me more than any horror movie could.

  “I gotta pee.” Pam grabbed my arm and screamed into my ear. The music was so loud and pulsing all around us that I could barely hear her. “I need to refresh for Rocky.”

  I nodded. She talked to the other girls, but they continued dancing, so we walked to the bathroom.

  “I’m going to crash soon. How many Kit Kats did we eat?” I asked.

  She led the way down the hall. “Enough where I’ll be shitting out chocolate.”

  “Nice, Pammy, nice.” We entered the empty bathroom and went into each of our stalls and did our business. I took longer while she washed her hands. Her phone rang.

  “Hello? Why are you calling me? I can’t deal when you’re like this.…”

  I heard the door open and close. She had left me.

  I finished up, expecting Pam to be outside. She’d sounded pretty annoyed on the phone. I expected her tell me her drama after she ended her call. But she wasn’t there.

  The bathroom was around the corner, away from the auditorium. I strolled down the dimly lit hallway to head back to the party, but I noticed some of the Halloween drawings the Pre-K kids had hung on a bulletin board. The drawings were beyond cute, and I wandered down to the end of the hall to check out more of them. I needed to drink something besides sugar. Bending down, I took a few gulps from the water fountain. When I straightened, Dylan leaned against the wall with his arms crossed.

  I wiped my mouth—and not only because I drooled. He was so gosh darn sexy in his Phantom costume, who could blame me? He gave me this piercing stare through his mask and approached me.

  “That’s a great costume. I bet the girls have been trying to get your number all night.” I eyed his pockets. “Where is the almighty iPhone?” I asked, ignoring the increasing pounding of my heart in my ears.

  He smiled. “In my pocket. I don’t go anywhere without it. You’re pretty hot yourself, Miss Witch. Black looks good on you.”

  I laughed. “You, too. Never knew you were into Broadway.”

  “A guy like me can’t be into Broadway?”

  “Not if you’re not gay. Oops, there I go again running off at the mouth. I think I ate enough candy to feed the whole town.” I hopped lightly on the balls of my feet. “Chocolate makes me way too hyper!”

  “I can see that.” He reached out his ungloved hand, and I stepped to the side, another picture on the wall catching my eye.

  “Aw…these are too adorable.” I folded my hands behind my back, studying the drawings.

  He walked beside me in silence. We reached the end of the hall near the janitor’s closet. I turned, this time with the intent to return to the party, but he suddenly crowded me against the door.

  “What are you doing?” I tried to push him away. He wouldn’t budge and imprisoned my hands I’d pressed against his chest.

  “Are you and Preiss together now?” I could smell the hint of something fruity and dark on his breath.

  “Have you been drinking?” I asked in a hushed voice. My legs shook, and I wouldn’t say it was necessarily fear but something different.

  He took off his mask, and it floated to the floor. “I had a few sips of some chocolate liqueur in celebration. But I’m not drunk. Answer me.”

  Swallowing hard, I peered over his shoulder. “Ah, kind of. I mean.…”

  He snorted and laid his chee
k against mine. His mouth was damp and moist on my ear. “I saw you two kissing outside underneath a tree and in here.”

  “Yeah, so?” I tried to move my head away from his, but when his mouth touched my cheek, I bit my lip to hold off a sigh. He smelled incredible. Who would’ve thought I could get drunk on sugar and not booze? “Dylan, someone is going to see us. We should—”

  He pushed me harder against the door, and his mouth landed against mine. I struggled at first, but when he increased the pressure of his lips, I surrendered. We kissed each other as if we hadn’t in years. It certainly felt like that. In the back of my mind, I knew this was so wrong. Pete was just down the hall. When Dylan squeezed my butt, I pulled away to take several deep breaths.

  “We…got…to stop this. I can’t. I thought we talked about this.”

  He tugged on my ear with his teeth. I hid my face against his shoulder, swallowing a moan while I tried pushing him away. I heard the sound of metal scraping. He turned the door knob behind me.

  “We can go in here, just for a few minutes. Please, Wendy. I…I need to touch you, love you. Please.”

  His begging tempted me to do what he wanted. He kissed me again. I held onto his shoulders and kissed him back. When his hand went under my shirt and tugged on my bra, his thumb slipped inside one of the cups and stroked my breast.

  His other hand slipped under my skirt and touched my inner thigh. I shoved him hard.

  I covered my mouth, trembling. He had this crazed look in his eyes. It made me very nervous. I wondered if he wouldn’t take no for an answer and force me into the closet.

  I leaned against the wall and cupped my cheeks. They were burning. “I…I can’t do this with you, and also with Pete. I want…I want to be with him. What you and I have together, this thing is…I don’t know, just physical.”

  “Why is that a bad thing? You’re so turned on now because of me. We’re just having a good time.” He latched onto my arms and lifted me up on my toes. His face dipped toward mine.


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