Fur Ever Witched (Black Paw Pack Book 2)

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Fur Ever Witched (Black Paw Pack Book 2) Page 12

by Melanie James

  Now that sounded like a good day. “Indeed.”


  Beth nodded her head as Grace filled the drive with idle chitchat. She tried to listen, she really did, but she had a lot weighing on her mind. So much had happened in such a short amount of time that it left Beth’s head spinning.

  “A penny for your thoughts?” Grace smiled as she drove.

  “Sorry. You must think I’m the worst person, spacing out on you like that.”

  “Not at all, honey. Talk to me. What’s on your mind?”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled to have found my mate after so long. I honestly didn’t think it would ever happen, all things considered. But now I’m wondering how much more my life is going to change. I mean, I just found my place at Black Paw, and I love the freedom I’ve found to be myself. Being reunited with all of my kids—well, that’s a blessing from Freyja. And getting to spend so much time with my grandbabies… It’s more than I could have ever hoped for. Plus all the new friends I’ve made.”

  “Is there a question in there somewhere?”

  Beth felt like an idiot complaining, but her life was set to change again and it worried her. After all these years, she had finally been claimed by her mate. Euphoria didn’t even come close to describing how she felt about the situation, but she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t also scared as hell.

  “I’m worried that Gus is going to want me to leave Black Paw. I’m not sure I can give all this up. From everything I’ve heard, he spends all his time working for the Council and has a place in the city. I’m not sure I could handle leaving my family or living in the city. My wolf isn’t thrilled about the idea either. She’s come to love the pack and everyone in it. She’s much more confident and secure than I’ve ever seen her.”

  “These feelings are natural. Your life is changing and you haven’t had a chance to discuss any of the logistics of what your new life will be like with your mate. Try not to get too worked up. I’ve known Gus for many years. He’s a good guy, one of the best, and he’ll want to do what makes you happy.”

  Beth nodded and turned her attention to the passing scenery. She finally had the mate she’d always dreamed of. The fact that he was smoking hot, with a tight ass and the dreamiest frosty-blue eyes that made a winter sea pale by comparison, was a bonus she thanked the gods for.

  She sighed, remembering the first time she’d laid eyes on him. Decked out in an expensive three-piece black suit, he was the hottest man she had ever seen, let alone been in the same room with. He looked like he’d stepped off the cover of Fortune magazine. Beth had wanted nothing more than to grab him by his tie, pull him close, and find out if he tasted as good as he looked. Her fingers itched to run through his perfectly groomed hair.

  The thought alone had shocked the hell out of her. She didn’t have a seductive bone in her body—never had—yet there she was, imagining making out with a complete stranger. When the scent of her mate hit her, it left her speechless.

  Butterflies danced in her belly when his wolf took over, and she’d known exactly what he intended to do. At first she was terrified because the only mating mark she’d ever received had hurt like hell. But, then again, her former mate had zero interest in making it a pleasurable experience.

  When Gus’ fangs sank into her neck for the very first time, desire like she’d never experienced rushed through every inch of her body, making her want to know how much pleasure this man could give her.

  Shivers spread across her body, as the memories of his thick strong arms wrapping tight around her as he kissed and caressed every inch of her, flickered through her mind. Beth had no idea sex could feel so good before she met Gus. In her former life, sex had never been a good thing because it was all about her mate, usually drunk or high, rutting on her until he came.

  With Gus, it was all so new, so different. All it took was a single touch from her true mate to open her up to a whole new world of possibilities, both in and out of the bedroom.

  “Stop the car!” Beth shouted at Grace. Something out of the ordinary had caught her attention, reminding her of her fucked-up days at Twisted Tail.

  “What’s the matter?”

  “Can you park the car? We need to check this out. Something isn’t right. That looks like Ivar, one of Griffin’s sons.”

  “Should I call Rafe?”

  “Probably not a bad idea, but I have a feeling we won’t be able to wait for him to get here.”

  Grace tried calling Rafe only to reach his voicemail. “Do you have a full mating connection with Gus? Can you speak to him through it and let him know what’s going on?”

  “Umm. I’m not sure. How do I do it?” Beth looked a little uncertain.

  “First, you have to clear your mind, then concentrate on your mate. Try calling his name in your mind.”

  Beth closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Clearing her mind as Grace suggested, she tried speaking to her mate. “Gus, can you hear me?”

  “Yes, love. I’m meeting with Rafe and Calder right now. Is everything okay? I’m sensing a lot of worry and fear from you.”

  “Please tell Rafe that one of Griffin’s sons is in town and trying to cause trouble. Grace and I need to help the young girl he’s trying to drag down the alley behind Max’s Bar.”

  “Beth, you need to wait for us to get there. Please don’t put yourself in danger.”

  “I have to help her. Grace is with me. I’ve seen what these types of wolves do to young girls. I can’t allow it to happen. Come as quick as you can.”

  “Promise me you’ll be careful. I don’t want to lose you.”

  “I will.”

  “It worked! Gus is with Rafe. He said they were on their way.”

  “So what’s the plan?” Grace asked.

  “We can’t wait. We can’t give him the chance to hurt that girl. They’ve hurt too many innocents. I can’t let it happen again.”

  “Agreed. Should we go in wolf or human form?”

  “Wolf. We need to strike first before he even has a chance to realize we’re on to him.”

  “Once we hit the alley, we shift.” Grace opened the door and hopped out.

  Beth took the lead, making sure they stayed hidden behind whatever they could find. She waited for fear or even nervousness to consume her, but neither came. Instead, she found herself filled with anger and resolve. Having spent many years cowering before Griffin and his boys, she refused to let fear dominate her. Knowing that her own daughter had killed Griffin gave her the strength she needed to intervene and help the girl. If only someone had been there to help her, all those years ago!

  “Shut the fuck up, you little whore, or I swear I’ll put a silver bullet through your fucking heart. You feel me?” Ivar shouted at the girl.

  Grace and Beth ducked down behind a dumpster as Ivar turned to cast a quick glance in their direction.

  “Let’s do this,” Beth whispered.

  Beth sucked in a sharp breath and called her wolf to the front, letting her take command of her body. Her wolf was more than happy to take control—she had a score or two to settle with Ivar. Not one to waste time, her wolf charged ahead as soon as Grace shifted.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Erin hugged her mom and dad. “I’m sorry for this mess.”

  “I know you are, baby girl. We’ll get everything straightened out. One way or another. Are you sure you don’t want us to give you a lift home since Lucas isn’t here to walk with you?” Brenna asked.

  “I’ll be fine, Mom. I’m more than capable of taking care of myself. Besides, it’s only a few blocks. I’ll be home in no time at all.”

  “I know—I’m just worried about you, with everything going on. Promise me you’ll stay safe.”

  “I will.”

  Erin watched as her mom and dad drove away. “Another perfectly shitty day for the books,” she said to her wolf as she locked the door to the clinic. Exhaustion swept over her, leaving her feeling uncharacteristically weak.
/>   Her wolf whined in response.

  “Looks like I’m not the only one too tired to deal with life.” Erin tried to remember the last time she’d sat down and ate an actual meal, only to draw a blank. Breakfast had turned into an epic failure and a plate of untouched pancakes. Dinner the previous night had also never happened, thanks to the churning in her stomach. The stress of the day left her belly in shambles and with no desire to eat. No wonder she felt drained.

  She’d used a lot of majik to save Kata and her baby, not to mention the bursts of majik she’d unleashed on Lucas. The constant use of her powers, coupled with the lack of sleep and food, left her dead on her feet. Erin needed to recharge, and fast—before she crashed hard.

  What should’ve been a short walk home was taking much longer than Erin wanted. If she had been smart, she would’ve accepted the ride her parents had offered. Instead, she trudged along, one foot at a time, wishing she had the power of teleportation.

  Erin kept her head down in order to avoid making eye contact with anyone she happened to cross paths with. People she had considered friends fanned out and away from her as she approached. It was disheartening, to say the least. They acted like she had cooties—or perhaps the black plague. A few were even brave enough to whisper the word ‘witch’ as she passed by.

  If she’d had more energy or knew a good spell, she might have responded or even turned them all into frogs, but honestly, what was the point in arguing? She was the one who had let the cat out of the bag. There was no use worrying about it because there wasn’t a damn thing she could say to change anyone’s mind. The pack’s decision to accept her or not wasn’t something she had any control over. The only thing she could do was focus on her career and continue to do her job to the best of her abilities. Maybe then would she find acceptance.

  As for her mate…she was done. After the last little spat and knowing his true feelings, Erin had no desire to submit to that again. Sure, the sex was fucking mind-blowing, but she didn’t need his remorse or dishonor running through her veins, making her feel like pond scum. Those were his true thoughts and feelings, and she couldn’t change his mind any more than she could change any of the minds of those who whispered and steered clear of her as she walked down the street.

  The only difference was, her mate’s thoughts had been made blatantly clear through their mating connection. Her high from the whirlwind hookup in the breakroom had crashed down around her as his guilt and regret washed over her. Talk about a buzzkill. It was the second time she’d opened up to him, and the second time he’d ripped her heart out of her chest while it was still beating. It had taken all of her strength to hold back the tears in front of him. She’d turned the hurt to anger instead, and lashed out at him once more.

  It wasn’t like she could go back in time and find a way to un-hear or un-feel any of it, nor could she undo her disastrous display of majik in front of the diner. This was her life, and it was thanks to her own stupidity.

  “Thank the gods we’re finally home. Now let’s see about dinner, a long soak in a steamy bath, and some much-needed sleep.”

  Erin waited for her wolf’s answer as she approached the entrance to her apartment. The tiny hairs on her arm stood on end. Something wasn’t right. A shiver of fear raced through her veins. The door was open just a crack. I know I closed and locked this door when I left, she thought.

  She called for her wolf, but there was no response. Erin tried to summon majik from her witch, but came up empty-handed. Her witch didn’t offer up so much as a crackle of power. She was drained, and apparently so were her witch and wolf. For the first time in a very long time, Erin found herself completely alone.

  Guess it’s up to me this time. Erin pushed the bottom of the door open with her toes, and peeked in cautiously. What she wouldn’t give for her wolf to be awake to scent the apartment and tell her if anyone was still inside. The thought of someone being in her apartment gave her the chills. Her personal sanctuary had been violated.

  “I’ve been waiting for you,” Christoph whispered in her ear.

  Erin felt the burn as a silver chain wrapped tightly around her neck, cutting off her oxygen. She gasped for breath, but none came.

  “Ever since you bumped into me that day on the street, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. I had hoped to lure you in slowly, gracefully, but I’m out of time and so are you. Your little majik trick this morning has a lot of people gunning for you, including your so-called mate, and it won’t be long before the Council steps in to destroy you. I just can’t let that happen.”

  Summoning what little strength she had left, she tried to fight, but it was no use. Without her witch or wolf, she had zero chance of fending off Christoph. Her main hope—of remaining conscious—faded with each passing second.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  “Can you drive any faster?” Panic rocketed through Gus after his conversation with Beth. He had begged her to wait for them to get there, but she had refused, intent on taking matters into her own hands, and she shut down their connection. He had always prayed that when he found his mate, she would be a take-charge woman who could stand on her own two feet. Now he very much regretted that wish. It was the one time in his life the Fates had given him what he’d asked for. He was far from amused.

  “I’m doing sixty. I don’t think I can go any faster on these roads without killing us,” Lucas explained.

  Rafe tried to calm his uncle’s fears. “Tanner is going to try to flash over there right now. He’s been practicing, but doesn’t have full control of his new power yet. He said he’d eventually make it there, he just couldn’t guarantee how quickly. He’s still hit or miss on precise locations.”

  “Thanks.” Gus looked out the window anxiously. The thought of losing his mate had him on edge. It had been years since he’d felt the pull of his Berserker. All those years spent on the Council taught him how to control the beast, learning to keep a level head, no matter what the situation. Sitting in the car, watching the trees flash by did little to keep him calm or patient. With his mate in danger, the Berserker wanted control. He would do whatever it took to protect her.

  Barely able to contain his shift or the Berserker, Gus’ skin itched, anticipating the fight. Ripping the tie from his neck as they entered town, he was ready to spring from the car the second they came to a stop.

  “Do you know who or what we are dealing with?” Calder asked.

  “Not really, no. Mina and Beth know Griffin’s sons, but I don’t. They’ve told me numerous horror stories about what Griffin’s sons did to women in the past, though, and I trust their judgment.”

  “You’re not helping matters, Rafe,” Gus warned. “I swear, if anything happens to her…”

  “We’re almost there. Lucas, I want you to call Erin in case we need her. I’d rather not waste any time on her getting there.”

  “You sure you don’t want me to shift?”

  “Gus and Calder will shift as well. I think the three of us should be able to take down one wolf. Call Erin.” Rafe’s command left no room for Lucas to argue.

  “Will do, boss.”

  Gus, along with Rafe and Calder, flew from the car as it came to a screeching halt seconds later. They shifted instantly and headed towards the alley where Beth and Grace had said they would be. Gus’ heart pounded and he feared for the worst.

  They rounded the corner just in time to see Beth lunging for the man’s neck. Grace stalked closer to the man, ready to attack.

  Gus froze in his tracks in horror as the man shifted to his wolf form just as Beth was ready to attack. The wolf was much larger than her, and managed to not only avoid her strike but get a swing of his own in. By the grace of the gods, Beth managed to retain her wolf form. Gus thought for sure Beth would’ve backed down from the larger wolf, but she didn’t.

  A snarl flew from Gus’ snout, a clear warning for Ivar to back away from his mate. When the wolf failed to do as commanded, Gus leapt into action to protect Beth.
  With a deep howl that reverberated through his chest, Gus called Rafe and Calder to his side. Together, the trio stalked toward the wolf.

  When the wolf realized he was outnumbered, he tried to make a hasty getaway. It was in that moment that Tanner materialized directly behind Ivar. Tanner’s size—and his ability to teleport—threw a monkey wrench into Ivar’s plan.

  Having no means of escape, Ivar shifted to his human form and pulled a gun from the waistband of his pants. He raised the gun and pointed it at Beth.

  “I will blow her fucking head off if anyone so much as twitches a tail.”

  Gus saw firsthand just how devious Griffin’s son could be. He knew the Council had made the right decision in ordering all descendants of Griffin Engel to be turned over for judgment. The only problem with that order was, Gus couldn’t follow it. After this stunt, there was no way he would allow Ivar to live another day. He didn’t give a flying fuck who the person was. If his mate was threatened, the offender was as good as dead, and Ivar had sealed his own coffin.

  It had been years since Gus’ mind had been connected to Black Paw, or any other pack. It was time for him to make that connection once more. He focused all his concentration on connecting to Rafe first; because of Gus’ inherent power and abilities, yielding control to Rafe’s Alpha was of utmost importance for the harmony of the pack.

  Without taking his eyes off Beth, he felt Rafe’s heavy stare upon him, almost as if Rafe were asking, ‘Are you sure you want to do this?’ For once in his life, there was no question about his intent to submit. His mate’s life was on the line, and that was all that mattered.

  Gus would give up his own existence if it meant his mate would be spared. Submitting to an Alpha who had nothing but the best interests of his family and pack in mind was the least of his worries.

  Gus wasn’t sure what to expect when his mind linked to Rafe’s, nor was he sure how his wolf would feel about submitting to a dominant Alpha. It was anyone’s guess.


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