Fur Ever Witched (Black Paw Pack Book 2)

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Fur Ever Witched (Black Paw Pack Book 2) Page 15

by Melanie James

  Erin could do little more than hang on tight as Lucas pushed her to a new level of sexual awareness and bliss. Her climax engulfed her very soul. For the first time, she felt the true harmony of being bonded as one with her mate.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Rafe looked up from his laptop to see Gus standing just outside of his office door, staring at his cellphone. “Is everything all right?”

  “I just got an urgent text from Marcus that the Council and guards are on their way here.”

  Rafe jumped to his feet, knowing that if the full Council, along with their guards, were headed his way, it most certainly was not a good thing.

  “Someone reported Erin and Brenna to them. Rafe, I can’t tell you how bad this is going to look to the Council, Black Paw having not one, but two witches under their protection. Especially after the decree stating that all witches be killed on sight.”

  “Motherfucker. I will not let them take Erin or Brenna. They are not just witches, they are part wolves. Erin has the full ability to shift and so does Brenna. While Erin was born part wolf, the gods blessed Brenna with her own wolf when she was mated with Reider.”

  “I don’t know if it’s enough to make a difference, or if they will even bother listening.”

  “How much time do we have before they get here?”

  “An hour…tops.”

  Rafe nodded and headed outside to the backyard, quickly shifting to his wolf form. Howling as loud as he could, he called for all pack members to gather at the pavilion for an impromptu and urgent pack meeting.

  Mina, Beth, Gus, Bree, and Kenzie were the first to join him. Rafe shifted to human form, and fired off a quick text to Lucas and Reider explaining the newest threat to Brenna and Erin, asking them to join him by the podium when they arrived.

  One by one, wolves from all over Black Paw made their way to the pavilion. Rafe pulled Tanner aside as soon as he and Hannah arrived.

  “After I give my speech, can you try to get a feel for who might have turned Erin and Brenna in to the Council?”

  “What the fuck. That’s what this is about? This pack is damn lucky to have them on our side. Consider it done.”


  Rafe made his way to the podium, flanked by Mina, Gus, Lucas, Erin, Brenna, and Reider. Glancing around at his pack, his heart sank. What he was about to ask of them wasn’t easy. Witches had decimated their ranks, stripping loved ones from every single family within the pack. But the pack shouldn’t lay the blame on Brenna or Erin.

  “I stand before you today, not only as your Alpha but as your friend and brother. I know each and every one of you and your families. We’ve laughed together and cried together through the good and the bad. You know I want nothing but the absolute best for our pack and everyone in it. That includes Erin and Brenna.”

  A collective gasp rose from the crowd. Rafe glanced across the stunned faces to gauge their reactions.

  “I want you to take a moment to think back over the years to the time before Brenna and Reider came to Black Paw. Do you remember what it was like? We had zero medical care because we couldn’t expose ourselves to human doctors. Mothers all too frequently died giving birth. Our children died from human diseases because their wolves were far too weak to heal their tiny bodies. Think of all those we lost before Brenna became our healer.”

  “What about those we lost because of the witches?” someone shouted from the crowd.

  Rafe sucked in a deep breath. “Everyone lost someone in that horrific, unprovoked attack. We were unprepared and we all paid the price—a price that still weighs heavily upon each and every one of us. Yes, the blood of witches runs through their bodies, and their majik is powerful, but so does our blood—the blood of wolves. Erin and Brenna are mated to full-blooded wolves. I’ve seen their brand of majik used to save many members of our pack, including myself, my mate, and her sisters.”

  Rafe’s eyes roamed the crowd, looking for one person in particular.

  “Kata, can you tell me what happened when you were in labor?”

  The crowd pulled back, leaving a wide circle around Kata, waiting to hear what she had to say.

  “Erin and her mom saved me and our baby. Neither of us would be here if it weren’t for them. I will thank Freyja every day for sending them to us.”

  “Kata’s is just one of many stories of Erin or Brenna using their majik to assist or save someone here at Black Paw, but do you know what happens after they’ve drained their powers helping others?”

  Several shook their heads, indicating they had no idea what happened afterwards.

  “Yesterday, Erin was attacked by one of Griffin Engle’s sons. She was too weak from helping Kata, so she had no majik left to defend herself. Christoph was able to not only capture her but hold her hostage until we were able to save her.”

  “What’s that got to do with us or how the witches killed my daughter?” a woman in the crowd yelled.

  “The point is, Erin risked her own safety to save Kata and her child while being shunned by Dale. I’m asking you, as your Alpha and as your friend, to see the truth and not be swayed by the actions of a few. Erin and Brenna have given so much to our pack, and to our families. We call on them day or night, and whenever an emergency arises there they are, offering their love, help, and support. I’m asking that you give them the same in return.”

  “Why should we accept her when her own mate refuses to? She zapped his ass right outside the diner.”

  Lucas stepped up to the podium. “The hardest day of my life was watching my family die and not being able to do a damn thing about it. I swore to Odin the next witch I saw would die for what they had done to my family. So what happened? The Fates decided to test me in every way imaginable. They gave me a mate who is fierce, loyal, and filled with compassion. They also made her half witch.”

  Lucas paused, and motioned for Erin to join him.

  “It took me almost losing her to realize how much I love her. I was an idiot. She wasn’t one of the ones who killed my family, and neither was Brenna. Why should they pay the price for the transgressions of others? Should we blame all of Twisted Tail for the hell Griffin put us through? Or should we accept the fact that we can’t blame the bunch for the actions of a few?”

  Lucas pulled Erin into his arms, kissing her passionately for all to see. “Erin is my true mate and I accept her as she is.”

  Rafe stepped up to the podium once more. “The Council and their guards are on their way as we speak. They are coming for Brenna and Erin. I’m asking you to stand with me, with them, to protect our pack. Will you stand beside them as they have always stood beside you?”

  A chorus of cheers erupted through the pack, but as Rafe looked on, he noticed a handful of people who looked appalled at the thought of protecting Erin and Brenna. Rafe was disappointed, but he knew it was their decision to make and as much as he disliked it, he accepted it. Not everyone had forgiveness in their hearts. Their actions left no doubt in his mind who reported Erin and Brenna to the Council.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  “For those of you who wish to show your support for Erin and Brenna, I ask you to remain. We’ll get the grills going. Anyone who isn’t comfortable staying, you’re free to leave with no hard feelings.”

  Erin’s eyes nearly popped out of her head. “Do you really think it’s a good idea to have a cookout? Now? With the Council coming?”

  Rafe winked at his mate before turning to Erin to answer. “I’m not expecting a fight. Are you?”

  “I have no idea what to expect.”

  “We’ve got this. Don’t worry.”

  “Easy for you to say.” Erin threw her hands in the air, thinking Rafe had finally lost his damn mind.

  Feeling like she’d been dropped in the middle of a scene from The Twilight Zone, Erin watched in astonishment as several members of the pack approached her and Brenna to thank them for everything they’ve done for the pack over the years. Having no idea what to say in return, she
offered the only response that popped into her mind, mumbling the words “you’re welcome” over and over.

  Others rushed around carrying trays of raw meat headed for one of the many barbeque grills lined up near the picnic tables. Children ran around laughing and playing while the adults smiled and joked with one another.

  “Lucas, am I missing something? Why is Rafe throwing a party? Like right at this very minute?”

  “Relax, babe. He knows what he’s doing.”

  Erin shook her head in disbelief.

  “I want you and your mom to stay close to your mates. The Council is here. Let me and Gus deal with them,” Rafe whispered as he walked by.

  Lucas nodded, motioning for Reider and Brenna to join him and Erin, and they watched from afar as the situation began to unfold.


  With Gus by his side, Rafe plastered a smile on his face as he walked over to greet Deacon and the rest of the Council. “Gentlemen. What a surprise. What brings you all the way out here on such a fine day?”

  It was no surprise to Rafe that Deacon was the first to respond. “We’ve received some disturbing information about Black Paw harboring two witches. The Council hereby demands that you turn them over for prosecution.”

  Gus stepped up to confront Deacon. “Where did this information come from?”

  “We received an anonymous tip. Had you been doing your duty for the Council, you would have known that.”

  “Cut the shit, Deacon, and stop acting like you’re the leader of the Council. Last time I checked you were nothing more than a temporary member. Not only that, don’t you think if there were any full-blooded witches here I would have reported it myself?”

  “That’s for the Council to decide. Bring the witches forward.”

  “On whose authority?” Gus asked.

  “Mine. Now step aside, old man,” Deacon replied with a smug grin on his face.

  Gus’ fangs lengthened in response.

  “Easy, Uncle. I’m sure Deacon didn’t mean any offense.” Rafe placed his hand on Gus’ back.

  “Don’t presume to put words in my mouth, mutt, or I’ll burn your ass and the old man’s at the stake, along with your witches.”

  Rafe worked hard not to lose his cool, knowing that if he did, the situation would escalate beyond the point of no return. At the same time, however, he wasn’t about to stand for Deacon’s disrespect towards his pack. “May I remind you that you are on my land, surrounded by my pack? Watch yourself and be respectful of the children gathered here.”

  “Marcus, surely you aren’t going to allow this. Since when has the Council ever acted in such a disrespectful manner?” Gus questioned his Council brother..

  Marcus motioned for patience. “Let us meet the women and see where things stand. Agreed?”

  Rafe nodded. “Follow me.” He opened his mating connection with Mina. “Mina, I want you out of the way if something happens. I will not risk our children. Deacon is a wildcard, and I have no idea how far he’s willing to go.”

  “Please be careful.”


  Rafe led the councilmen over to Erin and Brenna. “These gentlemen are from the Council. They would like a word with you.”

  The women and their mates stepped forward.

  “Guards, arrest them,” Deacon ordered.

  Rafe and Gus moved to block the guards. “You are not taking any of my pack anywhere.”

  “These women are witches. I can smell it oozing from their pores. Do you deny it? The decree clearly states that any witch is to be destroyed—for the simple fact is, witches and wolves cannot coexist.”

  It was finally time for Rafe to sport a smirk of his own. “Well, it’s a good thing you’re wrong about witches and wolves. They can in fact get along and live peaceably. Erin and Brenna have helped our community thrive for years, and I can prove it.”

  “The decree states—”

  “I heard what you said,” Rafe interrupted. “Brenna, Erin, would you mind showing the Council how it’s possible for you to get along so well with the wolves?”

  On his command, mother and daughter shifted to their wolf forms.

  “What kind of sorcery is this?” Deacon demanded.

  “Lucas, Reider, please step forward.” Rafe motioned to the two men behind him. “Council, I’d like you to meet the true mates of the wolves you see before you.”

  Several of the Council elders began to whisper amongst themselves while Deacon stood alone, hurling accusations at Rafe. “We will not be deceived! There have never been any known witch-wolf hybrids. Why should we believe this to be real? It could be a spell cast by your witches.”

  But Rafe was only half-listening. A movement off in the distance had caught his eye. He saw a patch of dense fog swirling across the ground, a pair of ravens flying high above the rotating clouds. A strong gust of wind blew the clouds away, revealing a frail old lady.

  One second she was yards away; the next she stood before Deacon and the rest of the Council.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” Deacon’s fists were clenched as he shouted at the newcomer.

  “Silence.” The woman waved the staff she carried in Deacon’s direction, instantly sealing his lips shut.

  His hands flew to his mouth in horror. He tried to speak, but nothing came out.

  Rafe and Gus bowed before the newcomer, and the rest of the pack was quick to follow.

  “My children, please take your true forms.” The old woman gave a wave of her staff, and Erin and Brenna shifted back to their human forms and dropped to their knees at the stranger’s feet.

  “Please, my children—rise before me and let me get a good look at you.”

  Brenna and Erin did as they were asked, rising to face the woman. Careful not to make eye contact, they kept their heads bowed and their eyes on the ground.

  The stranger waved her staff once more, transforming herself from the frail old woman as whom she’d first appeared into a stunning woman. She now looked no older than thirty, with fiery red hair cascading to the middle of her back.

  “There, that’s better.” She turned to face the Council members before continuing. “I’ve come with a warning for the Council, and it is one you would do well to heed.”

  The members of the Council nodded and waited in silence for the woman to continue.

  “Neither a witch nor woman can ascend the throne. The queen will be more. Only she can unite enemies of old. These women are my children and therefore under my protection. They were sent to Black Paw by me.”

  The woman waved her staff once more, and Deacon’s angry voice filled the air as he shrugged out of Marcus’ hold.

  “You do not decide what the Council will or will not do!”

  “You bloodthirsty fool. Do you not realize to whom you speak? Does anyone claim responsibility for this idiot?”

  Complete silence fell over the land.

  “That makes it easy.” The woman whistled loudly before shouting, “Geri, Freki!”

  Without warning, Tanner found himself in his wolf form, standing in front of the woman.

  “Let me have a look at you.” Her fingers roamed over his fur, pausing briefly to scratch his ear. “My, my. Odin wasn’t kidding. You are a big boy. Take this fool to Odin and say he insults Freyja. Go on, now.”

  Tanner trotted over to Deacon and took his pant leg in his mouth. As soon as the connection was made, they disappeared into thin air.

  “Now, where were we? Ah yes.” Freyja padded closer to the Council. “As you can see, there are several unique individuals among this pack. Never forget who placed them here.”

  Each of the Council members nodded in agreement, as if they were too afraid to speak.

  Freyja pointed to Mina, Beth, and Grace. Before anyone could blink they stood before her, along with Erin and Brenna.

  “My beautiful daughters, you have grown to be strong and courageous women. The Fates will continue to test you, but rest assured, my majik is yours and runs th
rough your veins. I will always be there to assist you when you need it. All you have to do is ask.”

  Tanner reappeared at her side, and Freyja reached down to pet him. “As for you, my beautiful Mina, round with your young, I offer you this blessing.” Freyja gently placed her glowing hand across Mina’s stomach.

  “Thank you, Goddess.” Mina’s voice shook as she spoke.

  Giving Tanner one last pat on the head, she started to fade away. “All you need to do is ask, my daughters.”

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  “What do you think will happen to the councilman who pissed off Freyja?” Erin snuggled closer to Lucas, laying her head on his chest.

  “I can’t even begin to imagine what his punishment will include. It’s one thing to piss off an Alpha, or even the Council. I would not want to piss off a goddess.”

  “Agreed, but whatever punishment he gets, he absolutely deserves. I’m not about to waste my time feeling sorry for him.”

  “I met Deacon at the Council when I was there with Rafe. He was an ass then, too.”

  “So what happens next? Where do we go from here? Do we just hang out and wait for the other shoe to drop?” There was no doubt about it, the last couple of days had been ones for the record book. Between the revelation of the prophecy, learning that somehow she was destined to be queen of the witches, and Freyja showing up at Black Paw, Erin’s head was spinning. The task of taking on her aunt Mariska was pretty much a guarantee, her mother declared, and that scared the bejesus out of her.

  “You need to relax. We don’t have to make any decisions right now. There’s no ass to kick, and no immediate danger.”

  “I wish I could let it all go for the night by flipping a switch and turning my brain off. Wouldn’t it be great if life were that simple?”

  “I know the perfect way to take your mind off everything for the rest of the night.” Lucas flipped Erin to her back, surprising her.

  “Oh, do you?” The corners of her mouth tilted upward in a smile.


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