Secrets In The Dark: A M/M Age Play Romance

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Secrets In The Dark: A M/M Age Play Romance Page 4

by M. A. Innes

  “No, it is not something that I considered in the past so I have no practical application with the fetish itself. I will admit that when you mentioned what you needed from a relationship, I did not find the idea distasteful. I still have questions about what you are looking for and what you need from a partner, however.”

  It was the strangest conversation he’d ever had but also the most hopeful. Edward might state it very formally but what he seemed to be saying was that he found the age play interesting enough to get to know Mason more. What parts of age play did Edward find interesting? How much research had he done? Mason wanted to giggle—“no practical application.”

  “I can understand that you would have questions. What were you thinking?” Mason wasn’t sure what to say.

  “If you are agreeable, I would suggest dinner. It would give us time to get to know one another and explore our questions as I’m sure you have questions for me as well.”

  That was an understatement. “That sounds reasonable.”

  “How does dinner tomorrow night sound? I realize it is a bit soon but in this case putting it off seems needlessly stressful.”

  “I agree.” Completely. If he had to wait a week to find out what Edward was thinking, Mason might go crazy.

  “I have a reservation at Marino’s for seven o’clock if that works for you.”

  He had reservations already? Overplanner or just that confident? Maybe both. “That’s fine. I know where that is.”

  After confirming the details and a small discussion about Mason’s insistence to drive himself to dinner, plans were set.

  “I look forward to dinner.” Edwards’s voice was warmer now but still very formal. The excitement seeped through just enough to send shivers through Mason.

  He couldn’t wait to see what happened at dinner. He had a feeling it was going to be unforgettable.


  This was the last time he would put up with such nonsense. Standing outside of Marino’s, Edward felt ridiculous waiting for Mason to arrive. Next time Mason was just going to have to accept the fact that Edward would pick him up for their date.

  Waiting inside was an option; Edward knew that. But it felt wrong. The entire thing was frustrating and awkward. But Edward had to admit that it wasn’t just the car situation that made him uncomfortable.

  Second-guessing his decisions was a new feeling. So were the butterflies in his stomach. Maybe it was the unknown and maybe it was just Mason, but Edward had never been this anxious for a date. Not since he was a teenager at the very least. He generally understood exactly what his dates wanted and what they expected of him. With Mason, everything was different.

  Would he like the restaurant? Would Mason want Edward to take charge right away? Did Mason want this to be a traditional date? He had so many questions and not enough answers. It was incredibly frustrating. Edward took pride in being well-informed and confident in any situation. Right now, he felt like a brand new lawyer at his first deposition.

  Looking down at his watch, he saw that he still had a few minutes before Mason was due to arrive. Arriving fifteen minutes early probably hadn’t been the best decision. Waiting at home would have been even worse.

  The best thing to do was to get a hold of himself, he decided. Looking like a neurotic mess was not the best first impression. Confidence would be more effective, even if he had to fake it. Taking several deep breaths, he went over the evening’s plans in his head and fought the urge to pace.

  He’d picked Marino’s because not only was the food excellent, he knew the staff well enough that they would accommodate special requests. Their discretion was also legendary. When Edward had planned the evening yesterday, he’d known right away that he wanted a more private dinner.

  Being in the main dining room of any area restaurant would have prevented them from having the frank discussion he deemed necessary. He’d thought about inviting Mason to his home and having the evening catered but the therapist had felt that Mason might be uncomfortable with that suggestion.

  Edward didn’t want Mason to feel like he was being interrogated but he had several questions that needed to be answered before the evening was over. As Edward looked into age play and the related fetishes, surprisingly he hadn’t come across much that would be an issue. Understanding what Mason wanted was paramount. Edward needed a clear understanding of Mason’s needs and experience if he was to be a good daddy.

  He was still having a hard time wrapping his head around the idea, but the more he thought about it, the more he liked it. John was right; many of his own personal idiosyncrasies fit in with the lifestyle surprisingly well. He still needed to know what Mason was looking for, though.

  Did he want a strong controlling figure or was he looking for something else entirely? There were too many options and variables for Edward to assume anything and that was fueling his anxiety as well. Who knew there were so many ways to interpret a fetish?

  Looking down at his watch one more time, Edward saw something out of the corner of his eye as he glanced up. Walking toward him was a well-dressed young man with short, dark hair. His face was quite youthful, giving the impression he was still young but Edward knew that if this was Mason, he had to be older than he looked.


  The wide-eyed young man took a deep breath before extending his hand, “Yes. Edward?”

  “Yes. It’s nice to finally put a face with a voice.” And wasn’t that the most boring greeting ever?

  Mason smiled, “Yeah, the darkness was hard. I understand the whole idea but it’s not for me. I like being able to look people in the eye.”

  “See their reactions, I assume,” Edward couldn’t help but tease. “I completely agree. I have to say that I’m looking forward to our evening.” Edward realized that he sounded formal and awkward but he couldn’t seem to help it.

  Looking down for just a moment, Mason blushed and smiled, “Yeah. Me too.”

  With his internal alarm clock buzzing, Edward looked down at his watch. “Let’s go inside; our reservations are ready.”

  “Wonderful. I can’t wait. I’ve heard great things about Marino’s.” Mason looked at the building excitedly. Ignoring the rush of pleasure, Edward told himself he was simply happy Mason liked the restaurant he had chosen.

  “I’m glad. It’s one of my favorites.” As Mason stepped closer to Edward, reaching for the door, Edward could feel the brush of his arm across his chest. Just that innocent touch sent electricity racing through him.

  Edward reached to get the door first. “Let me.”

  He should have stepped back a bit and given Mason more room to walk through the door. In any other situation, he would never have crowded his date, but he liked the feeling of Mason pressed up against him as the young man moved through the doorway. And something about crowding into Mason’s personal space felt different.

  It didn’t feel intrusive or wrong. In fact, it felt very right. Almost as if he were staking an invisible claim. He wasn’t invading Mason’s space; he was drawing Mason into his.

  Edward felt the small shiver that raced through Mason as the boy slid against him walking through the doorway. Mason looked up and Edward could see the heat radiating from his eyes. No, the boy had no problem with Edward invading his space. None at all. Could he feel their connection too?

  Following Mason, Edward put his hand on the small of Mason’s back and greeted the maître d’ with a quick nod. Even through the soft material of his shirt, Edward could feel the heat that radiated from Mason and the small shivers that raced through him. Nerves or something else?

  “Sir, right this way, please.”

  “Thank you.”

  They were led through the refined, understated dining area to the back of the restaurant. Edward could see Mason’s surprise as they went past the regular tables and into a small private room.

  The room was well appointed and beautifully decorated. The contrast between the dark wood floors and trim, and the cream drapes t
hat covered the walls gave the space an elegant look. The fact that it was secluded and soundproof gave Edward confidence they would have the privacy they needed.

  “Your table, sir. Please let me know if there is anything else I can provide.” The maître d set down the menus and stepped back.

  “Thank you.”

  Leading Mason toward the small table in the center of the room, Edward enjoyed the look of pleasure on Mason’s face. His boy seemed to approve of the restaurant, and hopefully the privacy as well. Maybe not his boy quite yet, but that little part of Edward, the piece that always knew the outcome of a case beforehand, was completely convinced that Mason was his.

  Standing behind Mason as he sat, Edward leaned down and helped the boy slide his chair closer to the table. “I hope you don’t mind the private dining room. I felt that it would be easier to discuss certain things without an audience.”

  Mason looked back over his shoulder and blushed, a knowledgeable look passing through his eyes. There had to be a million things going through his head. Running his hands up Mason’s arms as he straightened, Edward loved the small shiver that raced through his boy. Definitely not nerves, at least not entirely.

  As Edward walked around the table to his own seat, Mason was obviously trying to compose himself. Part of Edward liked knowing that he was making Mason blush and tremble, but a bigger part wanted to make sure Mason was comfortable. It was an odd feeling. Especially for a first date.

  Where to begin? He had so many questions and he thought that Mason would probably have just as many. How was he to get the answers without making either of them uncomfortable?

  “What would you like to know about me? I know we didn’t have time to become very well acquainted at dinner the other night. Especially since we were supposed to be there with other dates. You probably have quite a few questions.”

  Watching the surprise that came over Mason’s face, Edward knew he’d made the right decision. His boy was probably expecting him to take charge of the conversation, but Edward was curious to know what was on his mind.

  Would he ask a simple question? Something about Edward’s work perhaps? Or would he ask about a topic that was more interesting? This first question was definitely going to be a peek into Mason’s mind.

  Mason glanced down at his lap before taking another deep breath and looking back up at Edward. He seemed to be considering his words carefully. He was definitely nervous. Almost as if he were wary of how Edward would respond.

  “Are you sure that age play is something that you can accept…that you could find erotic?”

  He paused. Trying to give Edward time to think? Time to bow out? “Not everyone can, and I understand that. But if this is something that you’re really not sure of, then I need to know that right off the bat.” His words were measured and cautious, almost as if he were trying to keep them from tumbling out all at once.

  Edward thought about how to respond. He didn’t want to lie but he also wasn’t sure how to answer the question. He went between being confident in his desires to incredibly confused dozens of times a day. That was not the right answer, though. He could see how important the question was to Mason.

  Honesty being the best policy in this kind of situation, Edward tried to clearly explain his thoughts to his boy. “I’m sure of some things and concerned about others. I spent much of Thursday researching different aspects of age play.”

  He paused, thinking of how to word the things that were going through his head. “When you told me that you wanted a daddy and not just a typical relationship, I wasn’t sure what you meant at first. My previous relationships have always taken a more traditional path. So, while I have a basic understanding of the fetish you were referring to, I have nothing that I can use as a reference.” What else would his boy want to know? He paused again to consider.

  “I find many aspects of the lifestyle interesting. The control and even some of the references to discipline were surprisingly erotic. However, some of my concerns stem from the fact that I don’t know what portions of the lifestyle interest you the most.”

  Mason tilted his head and watched Edward quietly. He was obviously trying to work through Edward’s thoughts. “But you find some of it hot?”

  “Yes. I find much of it erotic in nature.”

  Most of the tension and worry faded from Edward. It was as if the stress just melted away. He found it interesting that Mason’s first question had been about Edward changing his mind. Had that happened before?

  It all came back to the central point that Edward had no idea how much experience Mason had and what the boy even needed. That had to change. He didn’t even know what the boy liked for dinner much less what he found erotic. Getting to know his boy had to be the primary objective tonight.

  “Have you found yourself in that situation before?” His turn to ask a question.

  “What do you mean? Have I had someone change their mind?” Mason squirmed in his seat and seemed to fight the urge to look away.

  Edward nodded, “What kind of age-play relationships have you been in? Have you had someone decide that the lifestyle isn’t something that they were comfortable in?” Okay, maybe that came out as more of an interrogation then he intended.

  Mason was saved from having to respond by the waiter entering the room. He looked up at the man and seemed to sigh in relief. Edward found it an interesting response. He hadn’t thought it was that difficult of a question even if it hadn’t been phrased very eloquently.

  As the waiter filled their water glasses, he looked to Edward. “Sir, are you ready to order or would you like a few more minutes?”

  “We’ll need a few more minutes. Thank you.”

  “Could I get a Coke, please?” Mason interrupted, looking slightly uncomfortable.

  “Yes, sir. I’ll have that brought to you in just a moment. Please take your time.” The waiter stepped back from the table and walked silently out of the room.

  Mason watched him walk out the door then turned back to Edward and blushed. Edward found the boy so interesting. There was obviously so much going on in his mind but it was so hard to decipher.

  Edward started to speak again, but the waiter returning quickly with Mason’s drink made him pause. The tension in Mason’s frame was building again. What was going through his mind? Edward knew he wouldn’t be content until he knew everything about his boy.

  “So, tell me about your experience.”

  A flash of humor showed for just a moment and Edward thought that he must have been hoping for a reprieve from the question. “No, I didn’t forget, Boy.”

  His boy’s humor faded, replaced with something hotter at Edward’s words. Hmm, perhaps somebody liked his nickname.

  Shifting in the chair again, Mason looked slightly uncomfortable. From the look on his face, Edward had the impression that it wasn’t the chair that was uncomfortable. Was his boy turned on? By what?

  “I’ve been interested in age play since I was a teenager. I’ve tried vanilla relationships in the past but they haven’t worked out.” Mason paused and fiddled with the silverware, rolling the knife back and forth on the table. “I tried several times to bring it up with guys that I was seeing but I’ve always gotten bad reactions.”

  “So having me not only stick around after you’ve explained what you were interested in, but the fact that I actually found the idea erotic is more than you anticipated.” Not the answer he was expecting, but it put things into perspective for Edward.

  His boy knew what he wanted but had never experienced it with someone else. Actually getting what he wanted might also be a problem. To Edward, it seemed as if Boy wasn’t sure what to do now that he had someone to explore his desires with.

  Edward decided to pay no attention to the charge that raced through him when he heard Mason admit he’d never been anyone’s little before. If only his cock could ignore it as well, he would be much more comfortable.

  Mason nodded and looked a little sheepish. Edward still had more
questions than answers. “So while you haven’t brought someone else into your play before, you have explored things related to age play on your own?”

  Mason blushed even deeper, but he didn’t look down. His boy was starting to get over his embarrassment, good.


  Okay, time to give Boy something easier. “What else would you like to know about me?”

  It felt a little weird directing Boy to ask him questions but Edward knew that Mason needed to be encouraged to ask. Without understanding Edward, he would never relax enough to accept Edward as his daddy. And with each step, it was becoming easier to see himself in that role.

  The question came right away. Mason didn’t even have to think. “You mentioned control and punishments,” Mason shivered; the delicate reaction seemed unconscious. “What else have you found interesting?”

  They seemed to think a lot alike; Edward liked that. “Again this is all theoretical, because as I said, my knowledge is academic. However, for me, I find many of the items and traditions associated with age play all relate back to control.”

  Edward thought about how to explain it without coming across as a “complete control freak,” as John would say. “For example, with the diapers and special underwear that is often associated with age play, I find that to me they speak more about controlling the boy’s body than strictly fantasizing about anything truly age-related.”

  Mason’s eyes widened and he took a deep breath as Edward did his best to explain. Maybe he was a bit dominating, but did Boy’s response indicate dislike or did he find Edward’s controlling tendencies desirable?

  “I understand that the roles themselves create intense emotional bonds that can be deeper and develop more quickly than couples in a more traditional relationship. There is also a certain level of trust that is inherent when parties assume their personas. That is one of the more difficult pieces to imagine. However, I think that would become evident in time.”


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