Can't Be Love

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Can't Be Love Page 8

by Julie Trettel

  “Ditto,” I told her, suddenly excited for the week ahead.


  Chapter 11

  I was nervous going back to Collier’s Alpha house. I’d just left without giving any real explanation. I knew it was a dumb thing to do, but at the time it felt like the only thing to do.

  I fidgeted with the bracelets on my wrist, running them up my arm and letting them clink back together as we drove. Thomas finally reached over and stilled me. He took my hand confidently and my wolf started to settle, as did my nerves. It amazed me, the effect his touch had on my emotions.

  We got to the house and I started to get out of the car.

  “Wait,” Thomas said. “I know you don’t want a big pack announcement, yet, but don’t you think we need to tell them? Maddie’s going to get it out of you eventually, you know she will. Then she’ll tell Mom, and I’ll have to explain to Dad why I didn’t go to him with this, and . . .”

  “We’ll tell them,” I said, watching relief wash over him.

  “You’re sure?”

  “My family already knows. Yours should too, especially if you decide to go all psycho wolf on me again. Best your dad be ready to subdue you,” I teased him as I got out of the car.

  “I’m not even sure my wolf would have submitted to my father in that incident. Just, try to keep your clothes on around other guys this week.”

  I snorted. “You make it sound like it’s a common occurrence.”

  “Is it?” he asked, and I didn’t think he was entirely joking.

  We were still bantering back and forth when we walked into the house. Maddie was in the living room sitting on the floor playing a game with Oscar while holding a sleeping baby.

  “Is it what?” she asked without looking up.

  “Am I in the habit of running around naked in front of guys?” I asked her as casually as if I’d never left at all.

  Surprised at my voice, she looked up. Considered it for a moment. “Depends. Is alcohol involved? How about Cole Anderson? You’d definitely get naked for that.”

  She was laughing when an aggressive growl rumbled through Thomas, who was standing next to me. His hand tightened around mine until pain shot up my arm.

  “Ow,” I cried out, causing him to let go so fast you’d think he’d just touched fire.

  “Question mark?” Maddie asked. “You’re back, and holding hands with my brother?”

  “Fine. Thomas is my one true mate. I freaked out a little. It’s Thomas!” I said, feeling a weight lifting from my chest confessing it to my bestie. I needed some time with MC to help me sort it all out.

  “I am right here, you know,” he pointed out, but I ignored him.

  Madelyn laughed so hard, she woke the baby. Liam came running in to find out what all the commotion was about, and Oscar scolded us all for disturbing Sara’s nap. He gently took the baby from his mother and went to sit in the rocking chair and soothe her back to sleep.

  “What’s wrong?” Liam asked, though his total focus was on his mate.

  She pointed up at me, still laughing so hard she couldn’t speak. Annoyed, I crossed my arms over my chest and waited for it all to pass.

  “Lil? When did you get back?” my brother finally asked.

  “A couple hours ago,” I sighed.

  “She . . . mated . . . Thomas,” Maddie managed through tears and laughter. “She mated Thomas!”

  Liam looked at us both in shock.

  “You took my sister as a mate?” Liam demanded.

  I stepped in front of Thomas without even realizing I was doing it.

  “Not yet, not that it’s any of your business. Plus, technically you took his sister as your mate first. Just pointing that out,” I said as he snarled at me, causing Thomas to tense behind me. I wasn’t sure how I knew that exactly, but I did. “Would you relax, both of you? He’s my true mate, Liam,” I told him.

  “Thomas Collier? The biggest do—” Liam stopped himself before finishing the statement.

  “Biggest douchebag on the planet,” Thomas finished for him. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, I’ve heard that one a few times already.”

  I cringed, suddenly hating the nickname I’d long ago reserved just for him.

  Our voices must have summoned the others, because the next thing I knew the entire Collier family was standing around gawking at me and Thomas.

  “Hi,” I squeaked, wanting to crawl into a hole and die. It was not how I’d imagined his family finding out when I agreed we should probably tell them. It didn’t help that MC was grinning like a fool.

  “What’s all this about?” Zach Collier asked.

  My mouth dropped open to speak, but nothing came out.

  “Mom, Dad, sisters, meet my mate,” Thomas said, sounding proud and looking much too smug.

  “Your mate? Lily? But she doesn’t even like you,” Shelby blurted out.

  “If she was your true mate, don’t you think we’d know that by now?” his sister Ruby asked.

  “Settle down and hear them out,” Zach ordered, and the whole room went quiet, staring at the two of us.

  Thomas started to talk, but I cut him off.

  “Trust me, no one here is more shocked than I am. Truth is, until I arrived here, last week, I hadn’t seen Thomas since I was what? Maybe fourteen years old? A long time. Coming here was the first time I’d seen him since either of our wolves surfaced. I know, it’s still sinking in for us too, but it is true and we’re trying to make the most of it with a trial run. I’ve said some pretty horrible things about him over the years. Really hoping he doesn’t prove me right on any of them, but we’ll see. Now can we please try not to make a big deal out of this?”

  Thomas had six sisters: Lizzy, Clara, Peyton, Ruby, Shelby, and Madelyn. He was the baby of the family. Of course I knew this, but seeing the six of them staring at me under scrutiny was very unnerving. Maddie kept laughing about it, but Lizzy and Peyton had always been overprotective of Thomas and they didn’t look too happy about our situation. They had spoiled him rotten as a small pup, and even though I’d felt part of their family my entire life, I suddenly found myself the outsider.

  Thomas must have sensed my discomfort, because he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me tightly against his side. My wolf calmed immediately and my entire body relaxed as I melted against him.

  Peyton’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “It’s true then?” she asked. “She really is your one true mate?”

  Thomas nodded. “Yes, she really is.”

  “How odd is that? I mean Liam and Lily are twins, what are the odds that you and Maddie would be their true mates? Heck, you and Mad are practically twins. So weird,” Ruby assessed.

  “I wish I’d find my true mate, sooner rather than later,” Clara sighed, sinking down on the couch and grabbing a pillow to hug. “I think it stinks that the two youngest found theirs first. How unfair is that really?”

  Shelby came over and hugged me. “Welcome to the family, Lily. Though really it’s kind of gross. You were sorta already like a sister and now you’re mating our brother.” She crinkled up her nose and Maddie laughed some more.

  Cora stroked Madelyn’s hair with glassy eyes. “How I’ve missed that laugh in this house. And Shelby’s right, Lily. You’ve always been a part of this family. ‘Bout time we made it for real, and for keeps.”

  I gave Thomas a comical look that made everyone laugh.

  “We’re still dealing with the shock factor. Let’s not jump ahead too quickly,” I reminded them.

  Cora and Zach shared a knowing look and grinned. I knew that look. It was the one where I could swear they saw into the future and knew everything would work out. I wasn’t sure if that made me feel better or worse, though.

  While the girls all ganged up on Thomas with question after question that I knew he didn’t want to answer, Maddie snuck over and we disappeared. I felt only mildly guilty for leaving Thomas to fend for himself, but mostly I was grateful to not be center stage for it all. We didn’t s
ay a word as I followed her out of the house and down the street.

  We headed off into the woods not far from the house and came to an embankment that overlooked the river. I had been there many times as a child, and even more by myself as an adult in the years after Maddie had disappeared.

  We sat on the rocks, but the peaceful serenity didn’t last long before MC started attacking with questions.

  “So, you and Thomas, huh? How are you handling that?”

  I snorted. “Poorly.”

  We both laughed before sobering.

  “It’s weird, right? I don’t mean you and Thomas. I mean the feel of the bond. It was hard to talk about it with you before, because I knew you couldn’t fully understand, but if you need to talk about it, I’m here.”

  I put my arm around her and squeezed. “Thanks. I’m not even sure where to begin. When I first sensed him when we arrived, it was the greatest feeling ever. I couldn’t believe it and I was so happy, and then my wolf led me to him. It was like every dream I’d ever had about my future mate crumbled in an instant. And I feel terrible about that. If it were anyone else, I’d be spending every waking moment getting to know him and falling in love, but I’ve built Thomas up into this enemy inside my head and I’m not sure I could ever truly love him, Mad. When I’m not thinking and I just feel, I think maybe things will be okay, but then I remember. I remember how he was never there for your family when they needed him. I remember how he disappeared at every vigil. Why would he do that? How can I trust he’d ever be there for me?”

  “Oh, hon. I’m so sorry. Thomas and I have talked a little, but nothing about what happened. I’m sure he knows what happened to me and all. Heck, the whole Pack probably knows by now, but things are still pretty tense with us. I can see how much my leaving affected him. I’m sure he had his reasons for all of that, Lil.”

  “I just can’t come up with one single scenario that would have made it okay. Actions speak so much louder than words, and despite agreeing to give us a shot and see how things go, I’m not sure I can fully let my guard down with him. A part of me will always worry that he’d leave me both physically and emotionally, like if something serious ever happened.”

  “It’s not the same Lily,” Maddie insisted.

  “Isn’t it, though?”

  “Thomas isn’t the boy we used to know. I think we both need to give him the benefit of the doubt and find out who he really is now as a man.”

  “You can really do that?” I questioned.

  She nodded and smiled. “Yes, and so can you. He’s my brother, Lil. I love him. And he’s your mate. That’s not something you just turn your back on. What is it your mother is always saying?”

  “God never makes mistakes, especially when pairing mates,” I said, rolling my eyes.


  After a moment of silence, I told her about everything that had happened since the moment I’d arrived in Collier, including how much time I’d spent with Cole and the invaluable advice he’d given me. She got a good laugh as I painted the picture of my tattoo attempt that Thomas had interrupted, and I confessed how much it had turned me on seeing the aggressive side of my mate.

  “Eww, Lily! There are some things I do withhold from you regarding your brother out of respect to you. Please do the same.”

  I laughed. “MC, I lived in the same house with you and Liam. Trust me, you overshared plenty. Next time, use a freaking dampener, will ya?”

  Maddie’s cheeks heated to a dark red.

  We talked for several more hours about anything and everything, and I could finally breathe again. I felt Thomas’s presence even before he cleared his throat, and I knew by the look on MC’s face that Liam was with him. It unnerved me a little to see our bond strengthening in that way.

  “We really didn’t want to interrupt, but Sara is screaming for her mommy,” Thomas said.

  “Oh, no. We completely lost track of time. Is she okay? Where is she?” Maddie started asking.

  “She’s fine sweetheart. Her big brother isn’t going to let anyone near her while she’s upset. You know how he is,” Liam chuckled. “She just started fussing. We wanted to give you guys as much time as possible.”

  She jumped up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Thanks.”

  They left, leaving me alone with Thomas.

  “It’s getting late. So, how about three options?” he asked.

  “Um, okay,” I agreed wondering what he was up to.

  “An awkward dinner at my parents’ where my sisters will no doubt continue to gawk and snicker, because once the shock started wearing off they all decided our, uh, situation, is quite hilarious. Option two, we walk into town and grab some dinner. Or, option three, I can order to go and we can head home and have dinner alone.”

  He had an uncertain look in his eyes as he said option three, but there was also obvious heat behind them that made me gulp. I weighed all three options and sighed.

  “If we head into town together everyone will start talking. I think I’ve had enough of that for one day, and obviously that omits your parents’ place, too, so dinner at home, I guess it is,” I said, uncertainty evident in my voice.

  I couldn’t tell if that pleased him or disappointed him. Maybe a little of both, but he quickly shook it off. “Subs okay?” he asked as I nodded my head and he dialed a number on his cell.

  In no time at all we walked to the sub shop, where he went in and picked up our order while I waited outside.

  The shop was just across from Sydney’s store, and as my luck would have it, she was closing up for the night. She spotted me before it even registered, and was quickly crossing the street heading right for me. I took a deep breath. This meeting was bound to happen sooner or later. I had hoped I’d have a little more time to prepare for it, though.

  Syd walked right up to me and, shocking me more than anything, wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight embrace.

  “I always knew it was a possibility I’d lose him, but I’m so happy it was to you,” she whispered.

  “You are?” I blurted out. “Why?”

  She pulled back and looked me in the eyes and I saw absolutely no animosity there.

  “Look, I know how you feel about him, but you really should give him a chance, Lily. Thomas Collier is one of the best men I know. Get to know him and you’ll see I’m right.”

  “But Sydney, you were supposed to be his mate,” I reminded her. “I know you love him, but I don’t feel that way about him.”

  “A part of me will always love Thomas, but if you could see how happy he was to find you, his true mate, I knew I’d never be enough, and I also know that I deserve my true mate, too. I didn’t really understand the difference until I saw how he lit up talking about you. I want a man that thinks the moon shines on me that way too. I don’t deserve to settle for second best, and neither do you. Maybe you’re not in love with him yet, but I’m willing to bet your bond is strong and will only continue to grow. I truly hope we can still be friends,” she said hesitantly.

  I nodded, trying to absorb what she had said. Thomas lit up just talking about me? I thought he was as disappointed in our mating as I had been. I hugged Sydney again, unable to formulate any words.

  Thomas came out with our food at that moment.


  Chapter 12

  Lily refused to go inside with me, worried someone would see us. The last thing I expected to find was her hugging Sydney when I came back out.

  “Uh, hey, Syd,” I said, awkwardly. I hated the uncertainty the bond gave me at times, but this would have been a bad situation regardless.

  “Hey, Thomas,” Sydney returned without letting go of my mate. When she finally did, she turned and grinned at me. I knew that look—it was the one that always meant trouble. She had seemed genuinely happy for me when I last saw her, but that look told me she was up to something. She rose on her tip toes and kissed my cheek as she walked by.

  A loud, angry growl ripped
through Lily, shocking us both. Sydney just grinned.

  “Dammit, Sydney, you did that on purpose,” Lily accused.

  “Just proving my point.” She laughed. “See you two later.”

  As she left, I stared at Lily, trying to hide my happiness that she had growled at Syd over me. It was a start at least, some little sign that she felt the bond as strongly as I did.

  “So, what was her point exactly?” I finally asked Lily as we got back to the Alpha house and retrieved my car.

  “Nothing,” she said, a little too quickly, and I didn’t ask again as her cheeks matched the pink streaks in her hair.

  We drove back to my house in silence. I carried the food in when we arrived and held the door open for Lily. She sat on the sofa and I assumed that’s where she wanted to eat. I dropped the bag of food on the coffee table and went to grab some plates from the kitchen. Returning and passing her one, she filled it and began to eat in silence.

  I kicked off my shoes by the front door and hung my hat on the rack before joining her. It should have been uncomfortable, but it wasn’t at all. Just having her there gave me peace.

  “Was your meal okay?” I asked, as she finished eating and rose to take her plate to the kitchen.

  “It was great, thanks,” she said as she washed her plate and set it on a dish towel on the counter to dry before returning to clean up our mess and take my plate, too.

  “You don’t have to do that,” I told her, not wanting her to feel she had to wait on me.

  “Don’t be silly. It’ll only take a minute,” she said, brushing it off like it was nothing, but it sure felt like everything. “I was a little nervous about running into Sydney, but honestly I’m glad it’s done and over with,” she chatted as she cleaned. “Are you sure it won’t bother you if we stay friends?”

  “No,” I said, then grinned at her and couldn’t resist myself. “As long as you remember your way back to my bed the next time the two of you decide to go out and get drunk again.”

  She turned around in surprise, wet dishrag still in her hand. I was gloating over shocking her and didn’t notice her wrapping it up until she snapped the wet rag at my leg. It stung, but the surprise attack only lasted a second before I grabbed a towel and began rolling it up, too.


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