Can't Be Love

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Can't Be Love Page 13

by Julie Trettel

  “Yes, I do think that’s for the best,” he confessed.

  “Well, come on then. Let’s do this.” I was less certain than I sounded. My mind was made up and I knew Thomas wasn’t going anywhere. I didn’t understand why I felt so confident about us, but I did and needed to not overthink it. What I worried about the most was Sydney. I had been to the tavern and heard how proud people were to have her as their future Pack Mother. How disappointed would they be to find that role would go to me instead?

  I faltered at the door. “Change your mind?” he asked.

  “No, just nervous,” I admitted.

  “Nervous? What do you have to be nervous about?”

  I didn’t like feeling vulnerable in front of anyone, even if it meant putting up a sarcastic front to cover it, but I couldn’t do that with Thomas.

  “I know how much everyone loves Sydney around here, and how they all thought she’d be the best Pack Mother ever. How disappointed will they be?”

  Thomas smiled and hugged me. “Sydney would have no doubt made a fine Pack Mother, but she isn’t you and the mere fact that you are more concerned about their feelings than your own, tells me what an amazing job you’re going to do in that role. My Pack wants me happy, healthy, and strong, and with you by my side, I will be. They’re going to love you, Lily.”

  I did some quick meditation breathing and nodded. “Okay, let’s do this.”

  He put his arm protectively around my waist and guided me into the tavern. I spotted the girls quickly, as well as the Six Pack, but not before everyone else in the place noticed me.

  It went from a vibrant, loud, music-filled room to dead silence. I looked up at Thomas, but he just smiled and ignored them all. He guided me over to his friends, who were sitting next to his sisters. The guys shook hands and I hugged the girls. Wyatt was there and introduced me to his mate, Kate.

  “Don’t pay no attention to those staring rudely, Lily. I’m glad you and Thomas came out tonight. I’ve been dying to meet ya,” Kate said, and I felt an immediate friendship bloom.

  The place was just starting to recover from our appearance when Sydney walked in. It was total silence once again. Sydney’s eyes met mine and she lit up and smiled, walking over to hug me.

  “Girl, I sure hope this means you made the right decision,” she told me.

  “I’m not sure at this moment which one that would be.”

  “You here with Thomas?”


  “You staying when Madelyn heads back home?”

  “Yes,” I confessed.

  “Then you made the right choice. Welcome to Collier. Milly, a round for Lily and Thomas on me. Let those old biddies talk. We needed some good gossip around here.”

  “I’m pretty sure you’re in the middle of that gossip,” I reminded her.

  “Poor Sydney, lost the best thing she had going for her. Yeah, I’ve been hearing it all around town and seeing the looks, but you know what? I don’t give a shit, and neither should you.”

  She wrapped an arm around me and we both stared at Thomas. She gave me a squeeze. “I’ve never seen him look so happy. That’s you, not me. I’m going to be just fine, so please don’t worry about me.”

  “I love you, Syd. You’re the best,” I told her honestly, hugging her tightly.

  “Look at that, I didn’t even have to get you drunk to hear those words this time,” she replied.

  I snorted.


  Chapter 18

  The night out had been a little uncomfortable, but not terrible. I had wanted to introduce Lily around, but we stayed close to my sisters and friends. More attention was drawn our way when Sydney arrived, but she and Lily made a quick show of unity and the mood lightened when no fireworks went off between the two of them.

  I liked having my mate by my side. I liked that we were not hiding it from others. Overall, it had been a good ending to an amazing day. Even better was coming home and having her curled up in my arms as she slept. I had lain awake just watching her for hours, taking in all that had happened between us.

  Morning came much too quickly. I woke up wanting Lily so badly it was uncomfortable, but a quick glance at the clock on my nightstand told me we didn’t have time. Sighing, I got up and headed for the shower.

  When I was done, Lily still wasn’t awake.

  “Lily, we have to go,” I told her, giving her a shake.

  She grumbled and rolled over, pulling the covers up over her head. I dressed, continuing to talk to her, but she didn’t budge.

  “Lily,” I said louder, shaking her harder.

  There was a knock at the door and I gave up my efforts so I could answer it.

  Opening the front door, I saw Maddie, Liam, and the kids.

  “You ready?” Liam asked. “Your dad got tied up and asked if we could pick you up and drop you at the airstrip.”

  “I’m about ready, but . . .”

  Before I could finish, Maddie and Liam both started laughing.

  “Let me guess. You can’t get my sister up?”

  I nodded. “I think she’s just really tired. We stayed out too late last night. I hope she’s not coming down with something.”

  “She’s not,” Maddie assured me. “It just takes an act of God to get her moving. Once she’s up, she’s usually good, though. Oscar, go wake up Aunt Lily,” she told her son.

  “Any means necessary?” he asked, looking a little too pleased by that thought.

  “Extreme force if you must,” Liam told him, and they high fived before Oscar shot off down the hallway.

  “Aunt Lily,” I heard him yelling.

  “End of the hall,” I hollered after him.

  I heard a screech from Lily and my entire body went into full panic mode. I growled and took off down the hall with Liam laughing behind me. When I entered the room, the tank top Lily was sleeping in was soaking wet, leaving little to the imagination. I quickly moved to cover her when the others walked in.

  Oscar came from the bathroom with another cup full of water. “Out of bed or I’ll get ya again, Aunt Lily,” he said, giggling.

  “You wouldn’t!” she dared.

  “Oh, wouldn’t I?”

  “Why didn’t you just wake me up?” she whined to me.

  “What?” I said, exasperated. “I’ve been trying for half an hour or more. It was like you were dead to the world.”

  She rolled her eyes and pulled the covers back, getting out of bed. “Well, I’m up now. How much time do I have?”

  “You don’t,” Liam said. “Plane’s gassed and waiting.”

  “No shower?” she whined.

  “You’ll survive. They do have showers in Alaska, and it’s a pretty short flight. Depending on which plane you’re on, you might even have one on the flight,” Maddie said, trying to be encouraging.

  Lily pouted, but she quickly packed and we were soon on our way. We said goodbye to my sister and her family and walked across the tarmac to the small plane awaiting our arrival. I checked in with the captain when we boarded, and escorted Lily to the back to take our seats.

  “I can’t believe how hard you slept,” I teased.

  She shrugged. “I get that a lot.”

  “So, I’m going to have to get an air horn or something just to wake you each morning?”

  “Honestly, that probably won’t help. It’s been tried before.”

  I rubbed my hand up her thigh. “Perhaps you just need to be persuaded in other ways then.”

  I watched her gulp and smelled her arousal spike.

  “It could be worth a try,” she said slyly.

  Much to my disappointment, we did not join the mile high club on our flight there, but the time passed quickly with heated innuendos and playful small talk until we were told to buckle up and take our seats for landing.

  Tulok met us personally at the airport when we landed. He hugged me, then Lily, kissing her on the cheek.

  “Welcome. Welcome,” he said. “Amka cannot wait to see y
ou and welcome your beautiful mate.”

  “How is she?” Lily asked. “It’s been quite some time since I was last here.”

  Tulok stopped and stared at her for a moment. “Lily Westin?” She beamed up at him. He looked back and forth between the two of us. “Zach only said you would be bringing your new mate along. My apologies, Lily. I am caught off guard. Amka will certainly be thrilled. It has been too long since you last visited us, child.”

  “That it has,” she said affectionately. “How is Amka?” Lily asked, taking the old man’s arm as he escorted her to a waiting vehicle. Tulok caught her up as they chatted about the Alaskan Pack.

  If it had been anyone else along for the trip, and the old Alpha had paid that much attention to them over me, my wolf would have been furious, demanding respect, but he was surprisingly calm. Lily was a Westin. Until then, I never really stopped to consider what that alliance would mean for Collier Pack, or what other connections she would strengthen just because of who she was.

  Before that moment, I was too caught up in what she could do for me and how she made me feel. I hadn’t given any thought whatsoever to my Pack and her benefit to them.

  “What’s that look for?” Lily asked me as we settled into the vehicle.

  “You’re pretty amazing, you know that?”

  She leaned over and kissed me. “You’re just figuring that out?”

  I shook my head. “Nah, just reaffirming.”

  The ride from the airport to Tulok’s home was a short one, but the scenery was amazing. I had always loved visiting the Alaskan Pack, and I didn’t mind the snow. My wolf kept me warm in the cold. There were a variety of animals in the area, and they lived peacefully amongst other shifters, too, like the puffins and the polar bears. I had made friends with many of them, tagging along on visits as a pup with my dad, and never turned down an opportunity to return.

  Arriving at our destination, I took Lily’s hand as she exited the vehicle. Her shoes hit the ice and had I not been holding her, she would have surely fallen. Instead she laughed and grabbed hold of me for dear life. My wolf surged with happiness, and I could have sworn I felt her wolf, too.

  Amka came out to greet us as we were still tangled around each other, trying not to fall over.

  Lily laughed. “I meant to change to boots on the drive over.”

  “Those things will never work here, child,” Amka scolded over her heels.

  “Sweetheart, you will never believe who Thomas has taken as a mate,” Tulok told her.

  The old woman took a much closer look at the two of us, and gasped. Her hands flew to her mouth and she started talking quickly in a language I didn’t know. The Pack lived deep in the Alaskan tundra and had maintained many of their native traditions and language, virtually untouched by the growing world around them. It was a good place to get back to the basics, find your foundation, and connect with your animal spirit on a much deeper level. Dad had sent me to this place on the first anniversary of Maddie’s disappearance, and again the summer after my wolf surfaced.

  “Lily-girl, is that really you?” Amka asked.

  “Yes. It is so wonderful to see you, Amka,” she said, risking the short distance between me and the woman to go and embrace her. I nervously stayed close by in case she started to fall again.

  Why would she even bother wearing those ridiculous shoes at all? She knew where we were headed, and obviously had visited before, so she had to know what to expect. I didn’t like her risking injury over something so stupid, and I would let her know it the moment we were alone.

  “You know better than to wear that nonsense here. What were you thinking?” Amka scolded.

  Lily blushed and looked my way. I wanted desperately to read her mind just then.

  “I, uh . . .” She shook her head to clear her thoughts. “I did come prepared, I just forgot to change my shoes before we landed,” she finally said.

  “Well, come along then. Tulok will get your things. Thomas, help her into the house,” Amka instructed.

  She didn’t have to tell me twice. I leaned down and scooped Lily up into my arms, cradling her against my chest. She giggled and smacked me, demanding to be put down, but I didn’t listen until she was safely inside.

  “Why did you wear those stupid things?” I asked as I set her down.

  She frowned down at her shoes. “I love these shoes. Plus, someone woke me up rather abruptly and shooed me from the house. And I really love that they bring me up to the perfect height for this.” There was a sparkle in her eyes when she closed the gap between us and kissed me.

  Tulok cleared his throat behind us.

  “To hear this girl talk about you, not that long ago, Thomas, this is the last thing I ever would have expected,” Amka said. “You know she used to go on and on about how you were the . . .”

  I put up a hand to stop her, knowing what was coming next. Lily buried her face against my chest. “I’m never going to live that down!” she exclaimed.

  “Seriously, is there anyone within five packs that you didn’t complain about me to?”

  “Probably more like ten packs. I know a lot of people,” she confessed. Even the tips of her ears were bright pink, which secretly made me happy watching her squirm.

  “I should have known, should have seen the signs then. Only a true mate would get that worked up over someone,” Amka confessed.

  I liked to hope she was right. She pulled Lily from the safety of my arms and placed her hands against Lily’s cheeks, looking deeply into her eyes. “Your wolf has always been so restless. She’s finally found peace with your mate. I am glad you did not fight the bond, child, for it is strong between the two of you.”

  Lily dared a quick glance at me. “I didn’t fight it that long,” she blurted out.

  I chuckled. “I think we were both equally shocked at first.”

  There was casual conversation as we caught up, and Amka fixed lunch for us. The morning passed quickly, and I still had no idea what we were doing there. Dad hadn’t really said, just that Tulok had asked for help.

  As we were sitting down to eat, their granddaughter arrived to join us. I hadn’t seen Karis since she was just a pup, tagging along behind me as I tried to ditch her to play with my friends in the polar bear community. I’m sure she was around somewhere on my last few visits, but our paths just hadn’t crossed.

  Karis was now all grown up, and it suddenly made me feel old. She had long hair braided into thick dreads dyed red, and had clearly grown into a young woman while I was away.

  “Lily!” she squealed, and ran to hug my mate. “Upa only told me Thomas was coming and bringing his new mate. He didn’t mention you would be joining them. Why didn’t you tell me?” Karis pouted.

  “I did not know, child. Lily is Thomas’s new mate,” Amka told her granddaughter.

  Karis turned large oval eyes my way and opened her mouth, then shut it again, before bursting out laughing. “You mated Thomas Collier?”

  Lily didn’t look so uncomfortable this time, she just smiled happily. “We haven’t completed the bond, yet, but we’re getting around to it. Just let it be a warning to you, Karis. Don’t judge people, period. Trust me on this. No assumptions, and whatever you do, do not openly complain about anyone, especially a boy. I’ll likely never live it down, but just like Mom always said, ‘God doesn’t make mistakes matching mates,’ and yes, Thomas is mine.”

  Lily walked over and hugged me close, and I leaned down and gave her a quick kiss.

  Karis and Amka sighed, sharing a look I didn’t completely understand, but they looked happy.

  “So,” Lily said, “catch me up on all that’s going on with you.”

  Karis chatted on and on about how she had finished her senior year the previous spring. She had originally thought she was going to stick around and just take online classes for the first two years of college, but she had been accepted to Archibald Reynolds College, an all-shifter college, for fall enrollment.

  Lily told her about
her brother, Chase, and his mate, Jenna, who were currently attending the ARC. They had caused quite the uproar around campus the previous semester when his wolf bonded with her panther. Of course, word of their mating had already reached the Alaskan Pack, who had stood with them when Jenna’s father had declared war against the wolves in protest of their relationship.

  It had been a sad time for the packs. Many good men and women had lost their lives in the battle, but it had also helped to unite the packs stronger than ever.

  After lunch, Lily changes her shoes and the ladies took off to join Amka on her afternoon walk visiting others in the area. She was loaded down with a basket full of baked goods to distribute. Each Pack Mother brought their own unique touch to the Pack. I couldn’t wait to see what Lily brought to Collier.

  Finally, alone with Tulok, we could talk freely. “Tulok, Dad did not explain what you needed assistance with, only that it was urgent and I should go. What is happening?”

  The older Alpha hesitated and stared out the window, lost in thought, before finally speaking. “The shifters are under attack. There is no other explanation. A puffin, a polar bear, and now one of my wolves have gone missing. Always just before a fresh snowfall. No tracks, no scent to follow. I am at a loss of what to do. I do not know the enemy we are facing. It has been very disturbing and has my people scared. I reached out to your father for any suggestions, and he offered your assistance to come up with fresh eyes to look over the facts.”

  I nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. It was not normal for any of these people to just disappear. The wolves, puffins, and polar bears had lived in harmony for as long as human history could remember in these parts.

  “Show me where they disappeared and let me speak to those who last saw each of them. I am not sure what I can do to help, but I will look over all the facts and hopefully see something that was missed along the way.”

  “Thank you. That is all I can ask. The forecast is calling for snow again tonight, so everyone is anxious. Do not confuse that for guilt when you speak with them,” he warned.


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