Can't Be Love

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Can't Be Love Page 23

by Julie Trettel

  So I smirked back at the audacious woman instead. “Actually, I won’t.”

  Her brow furrowed. “I knew he wouldn’t go through with it,” she told her uncle. “Where’s your pretty little mate hiding, Thomas? She too scared to face me? Think you can bully her way out of the challenges? Well, think again.”

  I smiled again. This one was a hothead. I filed that away to tell Lily later. “Actually, Lily is busy training and preparing for your challenge, and I have full faith my mate will defeat you and hold claim to her rightful place by my side. I was simply referring to us, of which there will never be an us under any circumstances.”

  “When I beat your mate, you’ll have no choice,” she threatened.

  “Actually, if you were to beat my mate, and I highly doubt that possible, you will assume her role within the Pack. You will have your title of Pack Mother, but you will never have the title of my mate.”

  Dad glared at me as if I were a small child being warned to behave, but I brushed him off.

  “It’s in the rules, Thomas,” she laughed. “You can’t deny me as your mate once I kill yours and take her place.”

  I turned to Dad’s desk and pulled off the copy of the Book of Wolves I had borrowed from him the night before to study. It was already open to the page I needed.

  “Section 8, clause 7 under mating challenges, clearly states that in the case of true mates amongst Alpha males, where a dominate wolf loses his mate and refuses to take another, the winning she-wolf will live side-by-side and assume her predecessor’s title, without expectation of mating. She will not have the option to take a mate, as it would cause conflict with the Alpha. This only occurs in rare occasions and is reserved exclusively for Alphas and future Alphas.

  It’s all there, read it for yourself. I promise you, my wolf is strong. He’s aggressive, loyal, and very, very stubborn. There is zero chance that he or I will take another mate, ever. If Lily dies before our bond is secure enough to ensure I follow her in death, then my wolf and I will mourn her for the rest of our life. You can have your title, but I promise you it would be a lonely, empty life, and that’s only if you can actually defeat my mate, which I highly doubt. Consider your options, Wanda. The ball’s in your court,” I told her.

  Dad’s face was somewhere between proud and shocked as he and Jedidiah set their differences aside for a moment and studied the Book of Wolves. I’d done my homework and I knew my rights and what stand I’d take, and I would make damn sure to let any she-wolf daring to threaten Lily, know it.

  “You’re going to do what you feel you have to do, and so will I,” Wanda said. “You best enjoy your mate while you can, as she only has three days left to live.” She looked down at her watch. “Make that two and a half.”

  I growled at her and felt my dad’s Alpha power press down on me, but my wolf didn’t want to concede to him.

  “Jed, get her out of here. He’s getting stronger.”

  Jedidiah’s eyes widened as he stared at me. “Wanda, come on, it’s time to go. You have a challenge to prepare for.”

  “As if I’ll even need it,” she said sarcastically. “I already saw his little pink-haired Barbie doll. She’s no challenge for me.”

  When the door was closed behind them, I was still seeing red. Dad amped up his power, which continued to do nothing more than piss me off.

  “You will calm down, and you will concede,” he said, staring me straight in the eyes. My knees shook and tried to buckle, but I held out a little longer before collapsing into a chair.

  My breathing was erratic and I was sweating, struggling to calm down even after giving in.

  “You wolf is growing stronger. He won’t tolerate my commands much longer, Thomas.”

  “What does that mean, Dad?”

  “It means I may be out of a job sooner than I expected,” he said, smiling down at me.

  “I don’t want your job. Not yet, it’s just . . .”

  “It’s just your wolf is very powerful and has always been quite opinionated. I have always known you would need to assume control at a younger age than most, and I know you are ready.”

  “Dad . . .”

  “Son, it is my greatest privilege to pass the reins on to you. You’ll understand that someday. I cannot get Lily out of this week’s challenge, and I pray to God she survives it, because I truly fear what will happen to you if she doesn’t. Two Grand Council members will be here to oversee the fight. With your permission, I’d like to discuss this with them. I know it will be difficult for you to sit there watching and remain neutral. I need to explain what’s happening here, that we’re heading into transition and how unstable that could make you during the challenges. If Lily wins this, there’s a very small chance we may be able to end the challenges for you after that. You will have shown your willingness to comply and that may be enough.”

  “Don’t tease me, Dad,” I said stiffly, still trying to regain full control.

  “It will mean that you will advance to Alpha without contestation. Is Lily ready to take over as Pack Mother?”

  “I’m positive she is, but I’d like the chance to discuss with her.”

  “Yes, your mother has questions and concerns as well that we will need to discuss,” he said, pointing to his head, letting me know she was already well aware of the situation.

  A part of me felt terrible that Dad would even consider giving up his pack position for me, but mostly I felt relieved that he was willing to help and that there was a possible solution to end this nightmare. I knew it would take every ounce of personal restraint I could muster just to sit through Lily’s challenge. The thought alone made me feel sick to my stomach and completely helpless.


  Chapter 29

  Thomas sent me a text to meet him at the Tavern for dinner. I was still in my workout clothes, my hair was pulled back into a half ponytail, not long enough for a full one, but enough to keep it from falling in my face. Normally I took great care about my appearance in public, but I had too much on my mind and too much to do to be concerned.

  I had one full day left to prepare for this battle. I’d taken my time and done my homework on my opponent. Wanda Larken was ruthless, but she was also noted as emotional and unstable. I could work that to my benefit.

  I had called Kyle to see what he could give me on the Larkens. It was more than I hoped for. They were into some pretty shady stuff, and there was no way I was going to allow that into Collier. I had to protect my Pack and that meant focus, something I wasn’t great at to begin with.

  Lizzy had proven to be a great sparring partner. There was this sort of sadness surrounding her, but once we broke past that, I saw glimpses of someone entirely different. She always appeared to be the quietest, most reserved, and weakest of the Collier girls. I was wrong about her. Her inner strength and stubbornness when she set her mind to something was astonishing, and I couldn’t wait to dig deeper and get to know the real woman beneath the façade she carried.

  When I walked into the Tavern, there was only a brief pause this time and then everyone went back to their conversations. It sort of freaked me out. Was I finally starting to fit in? Or had they just written me off as “soon to be dead, so don’t waste the time?”

  I took a high table for two near the bar because it was the first I saw. My leg muscles were still burning from my workout, and I just couldn’t muster the energy to move any further.

  “Just one tonight?” Milly asked.

  I couldn’t help but smile, feeling no more animosity from her. “No, two. Thomas should be along soon.”

  She nodded. “Coke while you wait?”

  “You know, I could really use some whiskey tonight.” She gave me a look, like she remembered what happened when I drank, and I grinned. “Okay, okay, one Whiskey Sour, and a Coke. I’ll behave tonight, I promise.”

  She gave a quick laugh. “I’m going to hold you to that just one, but you definitely earned it. Heard you’ve been working your ass off training for yo
ur upcoming battle. It’s not against little Jessie, is it? No one ҆round here seems to know for sure who the second challenger is.”

  Gossip ran rampant in the Tavern, and Milly was the ring leader of that crazy circus. I wondered why she hadn’t heard about Wanda. It should have been public knowledge already.

  Before I could respond, Edna and her two friends that always seemed to be with her shuffled over to join in the conversation. Feeling a presence just behind me, I turned to see Emmett and James standing just behind me, glaring at the gathering crowd of gossipers.

  Clay walked up into the middle of them. “Would y’all just back off and leave the girl alone? She has enough to deal with without you up in her business.”

  “We just want to know who the challenger is with,” Milly insisted.

  “It’s okay, Clay, thanks.” I meant it, too. Having Thomas’s friends show their support was everything. “To put your minds at ease a little, I have not been given a challenge date for Jessie Parker. That’s not to say it won’t come, because I also have not been told that she has officially reneged on the challenge, but at this time, there is no challenge.”

  Murmurs and sighs of relief went through my captive audience.

  “We heard there was another challenger, though, and look at you. Clearly you’ve been preparing for it,” one of Edna’s old crows said.

  I looked down at my attire and frowned, wondering if I should have taken a few minutes to clean up before dinner. I’d been so hungry and excited to spend a little time with my mate that I hadn’t even considered it.

  “You look fine, child, just different than usual. No one was judging,” Edna insisted.

  I snorted. “Y’all have been doing nothing but judging.”

  She gave me a knowing grin. “Yes, but not over how you look or what you’re wearing now,” she added.

  “I do like your candor, Edna,” I confessed, earning myself another true smile from the old bat.

  “So? Who is it then?” Milly asked excitedly.

  “Wanda Larken. I battle her in two days,” I told them, surprised at how loud and angry the voices grew as the information spread around the room.

  “That bitch has the audacity to show her face in Collier territory?” Edna said just as I took a drink of my whiskey. It burned through my nose as I tried not to choke.

  “There’s a reason Alpha didn’t make a public announcement,” James leaned down to whisper in my ear.

  I shrugged. “They have a right to know. Challenges are public information.”

  “No Larken is going to take down a Collier,” Hewitt loudly yelled to the agreement of others.

  I snorted. “Thought I was nothing more than an outsider. I’d think you’d want someone a little closer to home for your Pack Mother, the way you’ve all been acting.”

  The room quieted.

  Edna was the first to speak. “Child, we were all shocked when you showed up. Everyone loves Sydney, and no one wanted to see her hurt.”

  “I’m right here, you know,” Syd said from across the room. “And I’m not hurt. I’m happy Thomas found his true mate. Maybe a little jealous that I haven’t found mine yet, but Lily’s a great person and she’s what’s best for him. That’s all that matters to me, and that’s all that should matter to you guys, too.”

  “Thanks,” I mouthed to her, and she nodded.

  “Of course, we know all that,” Edna said, blowing her off. “We protect our own around here. Sydney’s Collier. You, Ms. Lily Westin, are not . . . yet. Most of us remember you as a young pup, running around with Madelyn. We’ve seen you grow up into a fine young woman. We aren’t even questioning your capacity to care. You just have some mighty big shoes to fill as our future Pack Mother, and we’re not going to go easy on you because we need to know you’re tough enough to handle the job.”

  I nodded. “Okay, I can accept that. Time will tell on that one.”

  “Time, shime,” Hewitt said, swaying when he stood to walk over to my table. “No offense, Syd, but you were always too sweet and too quick to appease everyone to make a truly good Pack Mother. You need a pair of balls for that job, and you, missy,” he said, putting his arm around me, more for his own balance than as a show of comradery. “You have a big set of balls, a smart mouth, a quick wit, and still a kindness to everyone, despite how poorly you’ve been received. You will make a fine Pack Mother, and have my full support. Now kick some Larken ass to seal the deal.”

  Cheers actually went up to his speech, and I shook my head, laughing.

  Edna had to add her two cents. “Far as I’m concerned, if it’s a match between you and a Larken, you have my full support, too.” Her friends nodded their heads in agreement.

  “Thanks, Edna. That means a lot coming from you,” I admitted.

  Thomas walked in and looked confused. Several said hello to him and began to scatter. He stopped to talk to Clay for a moment, and I had no doubt Clay filled him in on all that had just happened. James and Emmett were still standing guard at my back. When Thomas finally got to me, he surprised me by leaning down and kissing me for all to see. Hewitt started hooting and hollering his approval. Somehow I’d made a strong ally in the town drunk.

  Emmett finally left his station to help Clay pull another table over and my three Six Pack guards joined us. I could feel Thomas’s wolf was agitated, so I scooted my chair closer to his so that our thighs touched. He didn’t calm immediately, so I turned and placed my hands on his chest and leaned closer to whisper, “Are you okay?”

  He looked as if he were studying me, and then leaned forward till our foreheads met. I sensed the shift within him as he finally started to calm. “I am now,” he confessed, stealing another quick kiss.

  Milly showed up and took our orders without any further fanfare.

  “Thanks for watching my girl’s back,” Thomas said, speaking to Emmett and James.

  James was sitting next to me and nudged me with his elbow. “She ain’t gonna need our help. Hewitt’s right, this girl’s got a pair.”

  “I assure you, she doesn’t,” Thomas mumbled under his breath as my cheeks started to burn and I turned to scold him, but he was grinning and looked happier than I’d seen him since our return to Collier.

  Dinner was pleasant, and despite the weight of the challenges, the evening passed in lighthearted fun as I got to know this half of the infamous six-pack. They were loud, often vulgar, very animated, and sexy enough to gain the attention of every eligible she-wolf in Collier, as woman after woman stopped by to say hi, under the guise of introducing themselves to me, all the while staring at them. It really didn’t bother me though. I genuinely liked the guys.

  As we finished up and said goodbye, Thomas and I made our way back to the car to head home. Several people stopped us along the short walk to wish me well in the challenge. Many of them had not been at the Tavern that night, only showcasing just how fast gossip spread through Collier.

  Thomas was quieter than usual on the drive home. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence, just different, and I knew he had a lot on his mind.

  “Are you okay?” I asked when we were in the house and able to speak freely.

  “No,” he said honestly, looking vulnerable. “We need to talk.”

  My initial response was to overreact and start second-guessing everything that had transpired between us, but I took a deep breath, letting his scent soothe my nerves as I reached for his hand and led him over to sit on the couch. I sat first, patting the space next to me.

  “Okay, talk,” I said.

  He hesitated, like he was puzzling out what to say, or how to say it. “I met with Wanda today.” An unexpected growl erupted from me. Instead of causing added tension, Thomas laughed and leaned forward to kiss my lips. “That’s my girl. I may have angered her and she’s certain she’s going to win this battle, but I assured her she’d never actually win me. She’s a hothead, Lily. You can use that to your advantage.”

  “Already did my research on her. It was clear
ly documented. I’m ready for this, Thomas. I’ve got this, and I don’t want you worrying about it.”

  “I’m going to worry, slugger. I love you. I hate that there is literally nothing I can do to stop this nightmare. I’ve gone through every word in the Book of Wolves about the mating challenges and my hands are tied. I can’t get you out of the fight. I need you to know that if she were to win, there is a section of code I will invoke that will ensure she will never be my mate.”

  “What?” I asked, not sure I was hearing him correctly.

  “It’s an Alpha-specific clause. My wolf and I will never take another mate. For us, it’s only ever going to be you, no matter what.”

  I sighed. “Thomas, the last thing I’d ever want is for you to be lonely. Your wolf needs companionship too. It’s what feeds our emotional connections. You have to know that.”

  “We’ll survive, Lily, but we’ll never truly live without you.”

  “And you told Wanda that?”

  “Yeah, I was sort of hoping it would make her rethink through this and back off, but it backfired on me.”

  “Because, unlike me, you didn’t do your homework and know who you were dealing with. I won’t make that mistake, and besides, none of this matters anyways, because she won’t beat me,” I said with a certainty I felt deep down in my soul.

  “There’s something else,” he said hesitantly, giving me an apologetic look that made my stomach flip with nerves. “My wolf lost it today, Lil. He tried to overtake Dad when he went to make me submit. While you give him a peace I’ve never felt before, you’ve also empowered him, and Dad feels like it’s only a matter of time before he’ll refuse to submit at all.”

  “What does that mean, exactly?” I asked. It didn’t sound good, but I didn’t know where he was going with it either.

  “Dad thinks it’s time,” he said simply. “And I didn’t want to agree to anything without discussing with you first.”

  “I’m not following you, Thomas. You’re not a danger to the Pack. If you’re having trouble controlling your wolf’s aggression, we can work on that. What do you mean it’s time? I don’t understand.”


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