A Tah'Narian Christmas

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A Tah'Narian Christmas Page 2

by M. A. Church

  “Keyno, Keyno, please,” Dale begged as Keyno sucked harder. “I need… I want you to… God, undress. Dammit, get naked. I want skin.”

  Keyno chuckled around Dale’s dick.

  “Holy fuck, do that again, and I’m gonna come.”

  Keyno released Dale’s shaft. “Can’t have that.” He stood up and fished a tube of lube from one pocket. Smiling, he stripped.

  Dale raised an eyebrow as Keyno settled in between his legs. “You sneaky alien, you had lube. Talk about coming prepared.”

  With a grin Keyno patted Dale’s thigh. “Turn over for me. Hands and knees. I’m gonna eat that ass before I fuck it.”

  Dale rolled over and stuck his ass up in the air. Keyno parted Dale’s cheeks, and then kissed his rosebud. His tongue fluttered around Dale’s hole, tickling the sensitive skin. With a grunt, Dale lowered his chest to the mat while Keyno’s tongue lapped at his hole, wetting him. Keyno stiffened his tongue and pushed, working his way in, spending minutes loosening Dale.

  Finally Keyno removed his tongue and slipped a finger inside, twisting it to open Dale up. He nailed Dale’s hot spot, and Dale cried out sharply. Dale’s dick jumped, slapping against his stomach and dripping precome over the mat. Then Keyno added another finger.

  “Keyno!” Dale wailed as his balls tightened. “Gonna come soon!”

  Keyno quickly spread lube over his shaft as Dale panted. He slid all the way inside in one long thrust. He’d prepared Dale so well there was no hesitation, not resistance. He held Dale’s hips steady as he eased out, and then slammed back in hitting Dale’s hot spot again.

  Dale’s chest came off the mat as he shoved back against Keyno. “More!”

  “Gonna be fast,” Keyno growled.

  “Oh yeah,” Dale gasped. “Fast and hard. Fuck me, love. Hard.”

  Keyno reached around, his hand settling right below Dale’s belly button. He pressed into Dale’s lower abdomen and worried his fingers back and forth, rubbing a particular pleasure point inside his mate.

  Chapter Three

  All Dale could do was undulate wildly under Keyno. The rapture was immediate, intense, and Dale was right at the edge. He was so close to coming. His body burned, prickling and tingling. Every slide of Keyno’s cock magnified the pleasure tenfold, and when he jabbed Dale’s prostate again, Dale screamed.

  His mind went blank as his body took over. Pleasure ripped through him as he came, and a lone tear tracked down his cheek. This one moment in time, as their bodies froze together from the pleasure, meant everything to Dale.

  This was his mate, his best friend—his family. Really, it was the only family he had now. This was his one true love. That precious moment passed and, with one more deep thrust, Keyno held himself against Dale as he came. His barb unsheathed and bit into Dale with a delicious zing.

  “Oh God, that barb.” Dale moaned, shivering from the slight nip he felt as it engaged.

  Keyno eased them down on the mat, Dale’s head on his arm while they waited for his barb to disengage. His other hand smoothed the sweaty hair from Dale’s face and thumbed away the tear. He touched Dale’s necklace—the physical symbol of their bond—of everything they were to each other.

  “Dale, please, what’s the matter? You’ve never cried before.”

  “Tears of happiness, that’s all they are. I love you, my mate.”

  “And I love you, but I still feel you aren’t being totally honest with me. There’s sadness in your eyes, Dale.”

  “I’m fine, really. I’m just…” Keyno’s barb released, causing Dale to jump from the exquisite feeling. “Oh fuck, that damn barb of yours!”

  Keyno snickered, and then helped Dale to his feet. They barely dressed before the twins woke up so they returned outside to play a little more. As the sun set they herded the twins to the bathroom to bathe. They had the final meal and spent some time reading to the twins. Szin fell asleep in Keyno’s lap, and Raiden curled up next to Dale. They put the young to bed and spent some quiet time together before retiring for the night.

  The next morning Dale rubbed a cloth repeatedly over the same counter he’d cleaned, lost in thought. Keyno and all the senior officers were called to the palace to meet with King Duran. A star was going supernova, and there was talk of an upcoming mission in a few days to document the occurrence. The mates could go, as well as their young.

  But that wasn’t what was on his mind. Christmas was, and it almost time for it. Well, time for it on Earth. The Tah’Narians had no concept of the holiday, which was understandable. Dale considered himself Tah’Narian, but the very idea of letting Christmas pass once again was eating him alive.

  His family always got together for the holiday. Always. And, God help him, he missed that closeness, that togetherness. He wanted… Dale shook his head. He wanted to be with them. He wanted to see his niece play tag with his young, watch his dad and Keyno talking over the grill, see his mom in the kitchen baking goodies, watch Evan try to assemble a toy… and none of that was likely to happen. Especially with Susan and her family.

  “Damn, I’ve got to stop this. There’s no point in wanting what I can’t have.”

  Chad buzzed Dale on the comm and invited himself over since Gibor also attended the meeting at the palace. Dale quickly called John and asked him and Neo to join them. John’s mate was Doc, and Neo was their young.

  Doc was Keyno’s starship doctor and a senior staff member. John’s harvest took place right after Dale’s. Both John and Chad lived in treetop houses nearby, as did several other officers from Keyno’s crew. Walkways with force fields around them ran between the houses to create a small, close-knit community.

  “Hey John, Chad,” Dale greeted his friends as they entered the kitchen. “Raiden, Szin! Dayo and Neo are here.”

  “We want to go to the play area,” Raiden demanded.

  “Say please,” Dale replied.

  “Please!” four young shouted.

  “Come on, let’s take them outside,” Dale said.

  Everyone trooped down to the play area. Chad and John exchanged glances. Once they got the young settled, Chad started in.

  “Okay, what’s the deal?”

  Dale frowned. “What? What deal? What are you talking about?”

  “You’re acting funny and being too quiet. The smart-assed comments are down to just a few a day also. What gives?”

  “Let me make sure I’m hearing this correctly,” Dale said. “You’re complaining I’m not insulting you enough? Well hell, Chad, I can fix that. Let’s start with your insane flying.”

  Chad rolled his eyes. “Blow it out your ear, dude. At least I’m flying.”

  “It’s entirely possible the flying instructor gave you your license so he wouldn’t have to fly with you again. That guy who gave you the driving test back on Earth was shaking like a leaf and mumbling about retirement once you got done with him.”

  Chad narrowed his eyes at Dale. “Know what? You can—”

  “We’re getting away from the real topic of conversation,” John said. “Which was very well done on your part, Dale, but I’m not as easily distracted as Chad. What’s wrong?”

  “It’s not fair. He doesn’t pick on you like he does me,” Chad groused.

  Dale shrugged. “What can I say? He knows how to use a scalpel.”

  “You’d better worry about the soniclasar scalpel I know how to use.” John smirked. “But that’s beside the point, and we know something is wrong with you. So spill it.”

  Dale sat quietly for a moment, watching the young play.

  “It’s Christmas, isn’t it?” Chad said quietly.

  Dale sighed. “Yeah.”

  “I know what a big deal that time of the year was with your family.”

  “Mom and Dad went all out, you know? Every room in the house, plus the outside, was decorated.”

  “Your dad had the place lit up, no doubt about it. Even got my dad into it.”

  “Oh man, that was something. Your dad had no business be
ing around anything electric.” Dale grinned at Chad. “He was an accident waiting to happen.”

  “Waiting to happen, hell. It was more of when was it going to happen. Remember when he blew every circuit in the house that one year?” Chad asked.

  “I thought your mom was going to kill him. He was messing around with the outside lights right before church.” Dale snickered. “But I have to say for us, it wasn’t so much the religious aspect of the holiday. It was more a time for family and, well… I miss celebrating it.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Chad said. “The holiday has crossed my mind a time or two lately. I mean, we’ve all learned to love Tah’Narian culture, but frankly, the older my young gets, the more I remember all the things we enjoyed as kids—like Christmas.”

  “Yeah. We did the whole deal too,” John said. “But it was more a keeping up with the Jones type of thing. Just the way my grandparents were. The servants cooked dinner. We ate, and then opened our gifts. Then Grandfather retired to his study and Grandmother went out to do her charitable work. I ended up alone or I went to a friend’s house.”

  “I don’t mean any harm, but that sucks, man,” Chad said.

  “Yeah, what he said.” Dale shuddered.

  “Well, it doesn’t matter anymore.” John blew out a breath. “They were clear how they felt about my mate and young. So, the question is, what are you going to do?”

  “I think you should talk to Keyno about this.” Chad gently poked Dale in the arm. “I really don’t think he’d have a problem with you introducing another Earth custom. He hasn’t complained over any of the other things you’ve taught the Tah’Narians to enjoy.”

  “That’s true, but this is different. Christmas is a religious holiday. Well, it used to be. It’s so commercialized now. And Tah’Narians don’t worship the same gods that Earthlings do.”

  “Dale has a point.” John thought for a moment. “Okay, so turn it into a family thing, a tradition for just you guys. Explain what the meaning behind Christmas is and then leave it there. It’s not like Szin or Raiden couldn’t research it if they wanted.”

  “There’s something more, isn’t there?” John asked.

  “Yeah. I miss my folks.” Dale glared at Chad. “And if you start making fun of me—”

  “I miss mine too, Dale,” Chad said, taking the air out of the rant Dale was getting ready to launch.

  “I feel for you two.” John sighed. “I don’t miss my grandparents like I thought I would.”

  “After what they said about Doc and Neo—”

  “And about John,” Chad reminded Dale.

  “It’s okay, guys. I’ve dealt with it. My grandparents didn’t accept me as your parents did. I have you guys, my mate, and my young. Plus there’s Malk and Kia, Cielo and Ti. I’m good,” John said. “Honestly you guys are more of a family to me than mine ever was.”

  “I’m glad.” Dale hugged John. “I may talk to Keyno and see how he feels about this. Of course, that means I’m going to have to admit there was something bothering me.”

  “Like he doesn’t already know.” Chad sniffed.

  “Yeah. He’s probably going to threaten to put me over his knee again.”

  Chapter Four

  “Dammit, Dale,” Keyno muttered.

  He saved the program he was researching and stood, pacing the conference room where he and his crew were scheduled to meet with King Duran. “I really should put you over my knee for this, chosen.”

  He knew something was bothering Dale, but, when asked, Dale said all was fine. Keyno knew his mate, and he knew something wasn’t right. There was an unhappiness hanging around Dale. After several failed attempts to get Dale to talk, he broke down and did the only other thing he could think of—he sent a deep space message to Dale’s mother. The reply had come in less than an hour ago and had explained so much. What he didn’t understand was why Dale hadn’t talked to him about this. They shared everything.

  “Ah good, you’re here early,” Keyno said to Doc and Gibor. “Come in and have a seat. I want you both to read over the link I sent you on the comm before King Duran arrives.”

  Several minutes later, Doc looked up. “Hmm, interesting.”

  “It explains a lot, really. Wonder why they didn’t mention this holiday to us?” Gibor read the information again.

  “Knowing John, he figures the social aspects don’t apply to him. I’d have to agree,” Doc said.

  “It might be the religious angle,” Gibor added. “But Dale has introduced new customs before. The young shower comes to mind.”

  The young shower was what Dale had called the baby shower he threw the king’s mate. Other Tah’Narians males enjoyed the event so much they threw showers for their mates.

  “Didn’t you take him on the honeymoon too?” Doc asked. “That’s an Earth custom I believe.”

  “Exactly. So I don’t know why he’s not talking to me about this winter-type celebration. It seems to be very important to him.”

  “How did you figure out this holiday custom of Christmas?” Gibor asked.

  Keyno sheepishly glanced at his friends. “I sent his mother a deep space message.”

  “Ah, smart. So how are we going to do this?” Doc asked.

  “I’ve researched what is needed for this holiday. It seems to revolve around three things: an older, heavy set male with white hair in a red suit who delivers presents to all—and I mean all the young on Earth—who are good. He is called the Santa Claus,” Keyno said. “The parents use this jolly fat male as a bribe to reinforce good behavior.”

  “Why have an older male do that?” Gibor wondered.

  “No idea. The second thing is a tree that’s laden with shiny baubles and lights. It’s supposed to have many gifts under it. It seems the humans who celebrate this holiday spend much money and then complain about it later. There was a small reference to some sort of religious matter, but I’m not going to try to explain that.”

  “Why do they spend money they don’t… Never mind. I often don’t understand humans,” Doc said.

  “I’m going to set up everything at my house, including the preparations for the final meal. That is the third thing. We are supposed to eat, then lie on couches and moan because we ate too much. I ran a list off for you both. All I ask is if either of you plan to use the decorations listed to please wait. I want this to be a surprise for all our mates. Is that agreeable?”

  “Yes. I don’t have a clue what to do anyway.”

  Gibor nudged Doc. “I have the feeling we’re about to learn.”

  They met with King Duran and gained permission to study the star. The timing was perfect. They wouldn’t leave until the holiday was over. After several hours of meetings Gibor, Doc, and Keyno told King Duran what they planned for the human holiday.

  When they finally returned home, Keyno joined Dale in the kitchen to prepare the final meal. When Dale dropped a plate on the floor, Keyno’s hand slapped to his hip where his stunner would have been.

  “What is wrong with you? You’re as jumpy as a cat on a hot tin roof.”

  “I am not.” Keyno denied.

  “Yeah, right. If you’d had your stunner on, you’d probably shot me just then.”

  Keyno was horrified. “I would never do that.”

  “Oh for God’s sake, I’m kidding. What’s got you so on edge?”

  Keyno frantically searched his mind and came up with the only thing he could think of—the upcoming mission. “Well, as you know there’s always some danger in a mission. A star going supernova is a big deal, and it could result in a black hole.”

  “Is there really any danger?”

  “Probably not, but having the mates and young there is a worry.”

  “And I know you. You’ll take every precaution there is. So stop worrying about it. King Duran wouldn’t let us go if it was more unsafe than usual.”

  “It’s just an added worry. You, our young…” Keyno shrugged. “You are my family, and I worry.”

  “Yeah. Fam
ily.” Emotions ran across Dale’s face. “But I promise I won’t cause any trouble this time.”

  Keyno’s small smile had Dale rolling his eyes. “Nice to know, but trouble seems to find you regardless.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Dale huffed as Keyno pulled him close and scent-marked him. “I can’t help that. Best I can do is tell you I won’t go looking for trouble.”

  “Good to know. Let’s bathe the young and get them ready for bed. I have plans for you tonight.”

  Dale turned and hurried out of the kitchen. “Waiting on you,” he threw over his shoulder with a sexy smirk.

  Chapter Five

  Dale had just finished feeding the young the next morning when Keyno came into the kitchen.

  “Hey, Jolak sent a comm message wanting to know if you and the twins could come to the palace while I do a quick check on my starship. All the senior officers are meeting me at the spaceport.”

  “Sure, let me get the young ready.” Dale gathered what he needed. Keyno helped Dale buckle the young into the flyer, and they left.

  “I thought we were going to the palace,” Dale commented as they flew toward the spaceport.

  “I’m just going to swing by and see if they’ve docked my starship, the Galaxy, yet.” Keyno flew closer, and then made a lap around the spaceport. “Hmm, that’s interesting. The transport ship from Earth has returned.”

  “Keyno, why the devil are we circling the spaceport? And why are Doc and Gibor landing? I thought you said we… Oh God, oh my God…”

  There on the walkway was a female—a human female. An older human female with an older human male standing beside her. Keyno’s Weapons Chief, Second Officer Malk—a large sable-haired Tah’Narian with striking amber eyes—walked with the humans. His mate, Kia, was from Ne Reyn, a planet that was ninety percent covered in water. Its inhabitants were amphibious. Malk was speaking to the female and pointing at the flyer that was rapidly descending.


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