The Fairhaven Chronicles Boxed Set: The Revelations of Oriceran

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The Fairhaven Chronicles Boxed Set: The Revelations of Oriceran Page 55

by S. M. Boyce

  Curious and a bit concerned what the second Rhazdon Artifact had done to her, she unbuttoned the top of her gown and raced over to the mirror. The outline of a tribal-style bear was now tattooed across her torso in colorful swirls. In its center was the figurine, fused to her body.

  She rolled up the sleeve on her right arm and examined both the new tattoo and the dagger.

  Wow. She had done it. She had really done it.

  With these Rhazdon Artifacts, she could finally defeat Luak. And boy, did that asshole have it coming.


  Despite promising no payment besides the Rhazdon Artifact, Queen Angelique had thrown Victoria and her friends a celebration. They experienced the full honors of Lochrosian heroes, including medals, flower petals, and a spell-generated twenty-one-gun salute.

  Victoria had hated most of it, because the fanfare made her nervous. At any moment someone could jump out of the crowd and attack. She was, after all, a Rhazdon host, and more than one grizzled wizard had reached for his wand as she passed.

  Audrey, though, had had a much worse time of it. Many of the civilians glared at her tiara, and she had never gone anywhere without a suspiciously observant entourage.

  But they had suffered through it to make Angelique happy, which honestly surprised Victoria. At some point in the battle their precarious truce had become an alliance.

  Thank goodness it was over.

  With a bored sigh, Victoria tapped her thumbs together. She and Fyrn were waiting in a penthouse suite in New York City.

  She’d had one more job to do before she took on Luak head-to-head.

  She and Fyrn sat in silence, each keeping their eye on the hotel room’s door. Any minute now the senior official who oversaw the division in charge of “requesting” magical help would walk into his penthouse suite and get a very nasty surprise.

  Victoria wasn’t going to kill him, but she wouldn’t mind breaking a few of his bones. No one threatened her people, and blackmailing Fyrn was equivalent to blackmailing her.

  And she didn’t take kindly to threats.

  The door finally swung open, and Victoria stood without a sound. In a few easy steps she ducked behind it, so as to remain hidden while the man entered.

  A bald man in a black suit stopped after just a few steps and his head jerked toward the still-seated Fyrn. Apparently he took a few moments to evaluate his life choices, because there was a delay before he tried to flee.

  Before he could make it into the hallway, Victoria used her newfound strength to force the door closed. It slammed so hard the wall shook, and she hid a grimace. It would take time to explore the bear figurine’s power, but this would do for now.

  Not entirely concerned with the man’s wellbeing, Victoria lifted him and threw him backward. He landed on his ass and skidded as though she had thrown a pillow and not a full-grown man.

  Damn, this strength was wonderful. While she didn’t understand why a petite elf like Elle was tied to the bear, she was sure she would find out eventually. And if Shiloh’s story was any indication, it would not be a pleasant chat.

  “You’re going to listen very closely,” Fyrn snapped. He tapped his staff against the blue carpet and the crystal glowed to life.

  “Y-you can’t hurt me. I could expose Fairhaven and all the magical cities. I could—”

  “You could try shutting your mouth,” Victoria interrupted.

  The bald man turned his attention toward her. “You don’t know the trouble you just got yourself into. You—”

  Victoria summoned her blade out of thin air, and the man squeaked.

  He squeaked.

  Victoria couldn’t believe this was the man in charge of magical affairs, but if he were coward enough to blackmail Fyrn and then hide, she supposed she shouldn’t be surprised.

  “Do you know what I am?” Victoria asked.

  Fyrn shot her a warning glare, but she knew what she was doing. After dealing with the Lochrosian Queen, Victoria could handle this little extortionist.

  “No,” the man admitted.

  “I’m a very bad enemy to have. I’m not entirely human anymore, and quite frankly, I don’t like you. If you blackmail anyone with the threat of exposing Fairhaven again, you won’t live long enough to follow through. Are we clear?”

  He gulped so loudly she heard him swallow. That was answer enough for her.

  Satisfied, she nodded to Fyrn and gestured toward the door. “Shall we?”

  The old wizard frowned, but obliged her. When the door had shut behind them, he leaned in and whispered, “Laid it on a little thick, didn’t you?”

  She shrugged. “He deserved it.”

  “Can’t fault you there.”

  They headed toward the taxi waiting for them in the back alley. Thanks to Fyrn’s magic, any cameras that picked up their images would see only their glamours: two kangaroos bouncing through the hall.

  Victoria grinned. Magic was a beautiful thing.

  End of Book Three. Victoria & Audrey are back in the series finale, Nightfall (Fairhaven Chronicles #4). Read it next in this box set edition.


  Written November 17, 2017

  Holy shit you guys!

  Hmm, wait a minute. That’s how I opened my author notes for Shimmer. I see a pattern.

  WAIT. I had a brilliant idea.

  This should be our new greeting for all Fairhaven fans.

  Can’t you see it?

  You’re at an authors signing, waiting in line to get a book autographed by Michael Anderle, and then you start to hear it… a swelling chorus of a familiar battle cry…

  “Holy shit you guys!”

  And you know right then and there: Your people have arrived. You are not alone.

  Either that’s an inevitable future, or I have consumed far too much caffeine in an effort to meet my deadlines and I’m just spouting nonsense at this point.

  Honestly, it’s a tossup.

  But hey, holy shit you guys, you just finished book three in the Fairhaven Chronicles! The story is so much fun to write. Fairhaven is coming alive, and even with an oppressive asshole running Fairhaven, Berserk cannot be silenced!

  I mean, come on. If you were on the run from a murderous elf, wouldn’t you still find a great field to play Berserk and let off some steam?

  I would. As long as there was a wizard medic. I have one helluva low pain tolerance, I’ll tell you what.

  Thank you, thank you, thank you for being along for the ride. I love that you’re here with me, at the end of book three and probably wondering when the hell I’m going to finish book four (which will be ready oh so deliciously soon, thankyouverymuch).

  I can’t wait to see what you think of Victoria’s new powers and her plan for Fairhaven.

  It’s mischievous. It’s satisfying. I think you’ll be pleased.

  In the meantime, I hope you have a lovely start to your holiday season. It’s getting colder here in Washington, and while I was sad to see the beautiful summer go, it’s the perfect time to hole up in my writing cave and create new stories for you.

  This is a time of cozy blankets, hot tea, and family… whether those are your blood relatives or the friends that make life so much sweeter.

  Whatever your holiday, however you celebrate, I hope this season is a lovely one for you.

  Now… I have a book to write! Better go re-caffeinate and get to work.

  Much love,



  Written November 17, 2017

  Busy time of year for everyone. Good for you for de-stressing with a good story! A little magic always helps me unwind and The Fairhaven Chronicles takes me away to a fun adventure. Books are a great way to take a break from relatives too.

  The holidays do approach and there’s a lot of planning going on to make sure everyone catches a plane or the guest room is clean or shopping, shopping, shopping. I have a tradition from Chicago that I’ve missed and look fo
rward to reinstating when I get back there next year. It’s more suited for that kind of place – a city with a lot of great transportation – tends to lend itself to a population that moves around a lot and is always on the go.

  Thing is, a lot of those same people didn’t have a place to go for Thanksgiving dinner. Home was too far away or there weren’t any relatives. So, my first year in Chicago I put out the word that I was having a potluck Thanksgiving, all were welcome to put their feet under my small, glass topped table in my tiny kitchen. That Thursday, the kitchen was full and I only knew one of the faces – the offspring. The rest were newcomers and it was one of the best times I ever had.

  After that, I started doing it for every holiday. Now, keep in mind that my kitchen was so small that to get something out of the oven, everyone on one side of this tiny table that I found in an alley had to get up and move out of the way. And yet, every holiday the place was full – there was an Easter where I had to borrow chairs and dishes from the neighbor upstairs. Word got around that there was always a seat available at Martha’s. This was taking place against the backdrop of the Great Recession and I look back now and wonder how I was able to afford the food every year. There was a year where someone got a free turkey from their job and that helped out a lot. Still, it all came together every time and there was everyone’s favorite and leftovers and a lot of laughter around that table. These are some of my best memories.

  It didn’t make a difference about the surroundings – the couch was used and lovingly referred to as the spoon because of the way it curved in the middle, the TV was a 24” (but color!) and the dishes were Corelle and all anyone talks about to this day is how much fun they had with each other. In the end, that’s all that matters – the connections we make. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


  Written November 17, 2017

  Thank you for reading the Fairhaven Chronicles!

  (And making it through Martha’s author notes as she believes she was able to publisher note block me. Since you are reading this note, she failed. If you are not reading this note, she succeeded – not that you would know that since you aren’t reading these notes right now.)

  How is that for logic?

  I’ve decided that I hope to provide a little insight on some of the challenges and wins of becoming a small indie publisher (as opposed to an indie author publishing) during these Publisher notes.

  Right now, my company LMBPN is focused on not adding additional authors so as we are fixing two important challenges – art and marketing. On the art side, I’ve engaged some of our artists and made sure that we are supporting them appropriately so that our pipeline (which can be a little wild and difficult from time to time) doesn’t overcome their ability to get out a quality cover without ripping out their hair.

  Because an artist with most of their hair gone is a very sad head to see.

  At times, you work with an artist who is so amazing, you keep wanting to place them on another project, and another, and another and so on. However, I did this recently when I spread an artist too thin and gummed up the works on other projects with a ‘pet project’ 3d troll.

  To be fair to me, both myself and the artist didn’t know how long it would take to do a troll in 3d. I have since learned that you need to add the word incredibly in front of long when discussing 3d projects. Especially projects with hair.

  Either way, the 3d troll caused a domino effect to miss another book cover finishing and DAMN - release date destroyed for another author.

  Art is a major issue with production, and at the speed we are producing, it is also a major expense. LMBPN Publishing is working to create high-quality covers (that match the genre) while pulling down the expense if possible.

  Our second pillar of effort in my company is related to marketing more effectively. I’m talking about becoming better with ads (Facebook, Bookbub, and Amazon Marketing Services), using email more effectively and creating word-of-mouth among happy readers.

  This challenge might be a harder nut to crack. We shall see.

  Either way, when we fix the marketing issue, I will be able to help ALL of the authors in our group by spreading the cheer of their books and increase the series sales, magnifying their take home as well.

  That will be a good day, for sure.

  Sarah (S of SM) is ROCKING this Fairhaven series and the fans are loving her covers, so CHECK on the success of this artwork!

  (Personally, I really love these covers as well, but that can be our secret – I’m sure Sarah isn’t reading these Publisher notes ;-) )

  Oh, she is ABSOLUTELY reading these authors notes, I guarantee it. In fact, I’m curious if you will admit to me in our Slack group that you read them, Sarah?

  This is Sarah. Yes, Michael, I read every one of your notes to make sure you say nice things about me. As long as you continue making me look good, I’m a happy camper. If not… well, Bertha and Edgar might have to pay you a visit…

  In another note, many of the LMBPN collaboration authors are joining the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America group (which is open to anyone world-wide) and our first meeting will be in May.

  Traditional Writers? Meet Indie Writers… Indie Writers, meet Traditional. I know SFWA has been open to Indie writers for a while, but if I can swing it, I hope 20 of us will join the meeting this year, and move it to 50 next year and do one of those ‘hear us roar’ things. Probably not, authors are a rather introverted group, so it might be more of a ‘we are indie, hear us typing on our laptops while we hide in our rooms’ sort of thing.

  We shall see.

  As the end of the year comes up, I wish you and your family whether they be by birth, or friendship or closeness, the very best holidays.

  Ad Aeternitatem,



  Book Four in the Fairhaven Chronicles

  a Novel by S. M. Boyce & Martha Carr

  A part of the Revelations of Oriceran Universe

  Written and Created

  by Michael Anderle & Martha Carr


  NIGHTFALL (this book) is a work of fiction.

  All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Sometimes both.

  This book Copyright © 2017 S. M. Boyce, LLC and Martha Carr

  Cover copyright © LMBPN Publishing

  LMBPN Publishing supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce the creative works that enrich our culture.

  The distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  LMBPN Publishing

  PMB 196, 2540 South Maryland Pkwy

  Las Vegas, NV 89109

  First US edition, December 2017

  The Oriceran (and what happens within / characters / situations / worlds) are Copyright (c) 2017 by Martha Carr and LMPBN Publishing.

  Click to View Full Size Map

  Click to View Full Size Map


  From S. M. Boyce

  This series is for those who love to use magic to escape the mundane.

  From Martha

  To everyone who still believes in magic and all the possibilities that it holds. To all the readers who make this ride so much fun. And to all the readers just like me who create wonder, big and small, every day.

  JIT Readers

  John Ashmore

  Larry Omans

  Paul Westman

  Erik Cushman

  Thomas Ogden

  Joshua Ahles

  Tim Bischoff


/>   Lynne Stiegler


  Victoria rested her elbows on the edge of the safe house’s windowsill and peeked through a gap in the pair of tattered curtains. Styx slept on her shoulder, his head leaning against her neck as she stood guard. A tilted fence framed an overgrown yard and separated the weeds from the pockmarked street. Half a dozen mansions lined the road, but a candle burned only in one other window at the end of the lane.


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