Rough Stock, the Novel

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Rough Stock, the Novel Page 11

by Alexandria Hunt

  His excitement got me excited and we strolled into the massive master bedroom en suite together, him grinning from ear to ear.

  “Finally, I get you alone, kitten,” he said the moment I closed the door. I was still naked from the night before and I made quick work of his clothes. We stepped into the shower and he lathered me up under the hot jets of water. I took my turn on him, grasping his thick rod and slowly soaping it up until he was rigid again, and ready for more.

  “Are we allowed to…you know, do this alone?” I asked. I felt foolish but I’d never been in a situation like this before. I didn’t understand what was happening, let alone the rules of the relationship.

  “We’re allowed to do anything you want, kitten,” he smiled and kissed me, the hot water flowing all around us, washing the soap bubbles away.

  Without breaking away from his kiss, I reached down, pulled one leg up and guided him inside of me. It was almost impossible, seeing how I was almost a foot shorter, so he cupped my ass and pulled me up his body.

  He rested me against the wall and with one swift stroke, he pushed himself inside.

  I gasped against his mouth and let him split me open again, stretching me and filling me in the most wonderful way.

  He fucked me slowly, sensually, and with a tenderness that hadn’t been there when we’d all been together.

  I realized then that I truly had the best of all things with these four. I had them one on one when I wanted to make love and bond emotionally…but even better I had the group when I wanted to be a dirty little baby girl and the center of attention.

  It wasn’t something I ever would have considered for myself, but it was everything I wanted now.

  He helped me dry off and get dressed after our shower; we walked hand and hand down the stairs to the kitchen for brunch.

  Once I had a mug of coffee in my hand, I took a moment to contemplate how lucky I was.

  And looked at the four men, each strikingly handsome in his own right, each one eagerly preparing my meals and caring for me…

  And smiled to myself at what a spot I’d found. After this story was finished, I might not want to go back to the city after all.

  Not when I could live like this.

  Chapter 30

  “You got the password and everything?” Harley asked me just before he went outside to join his friends at the barn.

  They’d gone down to do some work with a couple young horses and Harley had stuck around to get me set up on their wifi network.

  Surprisingly he was kind of the computer geek of the group. It seemed each one of them had their own special skills, whether they be sexual or practical, I’d never have to look for help anywhere else ever again.

  “I did, thank you,” I said and flipped my laptop shut to look at him. “Are you allowed to stick around for a moment?”

  “Hell yeah, baby girl,” he grinned and his gorgeous eyes sparkled with devilish excitement. “What did you have in mind?”

  “I don’t know, maybe get to know each other a little more?” I teased and stood up from the desk. We were in the office off the kitchen, it was furnished with walls of bookshelves, a massive oak desk, and a chaise lounge in the corner. I walked to the lounge and sat down, pulled my skirt up over my hips in the process.

  “I like the way you think,” he laughed and crossed the room to join me. He dropped to his knees between my legs and kissed my panties. “I like the way you smell too,” he said and kissed me again. He tugged my panties aside, exposing my already soaking wet pussy and kissed again, this time letting his tongue explore my cleft until he found my clit.

  I gasped and held his head in my hands. I threw my head back and lifted one foot to rest on his shoulder.

  “I like the way you taste,” he growled and plunged his tongue deeper against me, flicking my clit until I couldn’t hold back, I came with lightning speed.

  “And now I want to see how you feel…from this side,” he said, coming up for air and unbuckling his pants. He pulled his thick cock out and in the bright light it was a thing of beauty.

  “I want you inside of me, Harley,” I moaned and fell back on the chaise, my legs open like some kind of wanton slut. I didn’t recognize the girl I’d become anymore, but I didn’t mind it. I liked this level of freedom, of power.

  “I’d love nothing more,” he said in a harsh tone. He climbed onto the chaise between my legs, I watched as he slipped the head of his cock against my entrance. As if in slow motion, he pushed forward and slowly stretched me open, for him.

  It was incredible, having sex with Harley in the middle of the day, my eyes locked on his beautiful amber ones. He was a caring lover, slow at first but increasing in speed until he was slamming into me hard enough to knock the chaise an inch or two with each thrust.

  I cried out his name and finally couldn’t hold back any longer, I tensed up and dug my fingernails into his back, pulling him in as deep as I could get him.

  And I came. We came together. His heart was beating fast as he dropped down on top of me, kissing my lips and my neck.

  “You’re incredible,” he whispered and kissed me again. “You’re perfect, Morgan. You know that, right?”

  “I’m far from it,” I laughed and kissed him back. “But with you and the other guys, I feel perfect. Maybe I’m perfect for you?”

  “That’s enough, it’s all we can ask for,” he said and kissed me again.

  We stayed like that for a time, kissing and talking, until he had to get to the barn. Ty came back looking for him, found us like that and laughed approvingly. Unfortunately I didn’t get a chance to talk them both into having me on the chaise, but I didn’t mind too much. I also had work to do.

  I spent a couple hours on my article and had it almost finished when I decided to head down to the barn and see what they were up to.

  Mr. Monty had loved what I’d written so far, and the newspaper’s lawyer had been working hard to have everything dropped against me. Bayside Properties had gone silent, so Mr. Monty took that as a good sign to go ahead with my work.

  The article on the Huntington Four had gotten a ton of attention too, most of it fan mail from horny women who wanted to know how to get in touch with my cowboys. I did my best to not sound jealous and irritated when Mr. Monty told me this of course, and I didn’t tell him where I was. I let him think I was still at home, in the city.

  I did tell him to forward the messages and I’d make sure the guys got them. This was an outright lie, of course; there was no way I was going to let these women have access to my men.

  I texted Selena a few times, told her as much detail as I could while typing it out on my tiny phone screen, but she was distracted with some new guy of her own.

  I even did the grown up thing and texted my mom to let her know I was too busy for dinner on Sunday. She sounded upset, but understood. That was strange, though; she usually would make a massive deal of me missing something she’d planned.

  I brushed it off and headed to the barn, to my guys.

  I found them on the other side of the main barn in a round corral with a young horse. I watched for a moment as Charlie and Ty worked with the animal, soothing it and settling it down. It was very impressive.

  “There she is, our little princess,” Clive said when he saw me. His eyes lit up and he wrapped his hand around my waist to give me a kiss.

  “Hello, baby girl,” Harley said and kissed my cheek demurely but touched my hair in a way to remind of his passion just a couple hours earlier. His hand ran down my back and squeezed my ass possessively, reminding me of last night.

  I blushed furiously and said, “Hey guys. So what’s going on?”

  They took turns explaining the process of breaking a horse, and I watched intently, learning body language and what to look for when dealing with a young animal.

  “So now that you’ve learned so much, do you want to go for a ride?” Charlie asked me as he approached the fence.

  “Not on that one,” I laughed as
Ty wrestled it into a halter.

  “No, he’s not ready yet,” Charlie smiled. “We’ve got an old guy in the barn who would be perfect.”

  “Okay, I’ll give it a shot,” I said, obviously willing to try new things. “I’m a little sore though, so nothing too crazy.”

  “Just down to the river and back, it’s less than an hour,” Clive reassured me.

  And with that they started a flurry of activity. Ty let the young horse free and then they all moved on to selecting their horses…and mine. He turned out to be an old grey gelding named Doug.

  “Hey Doug,” I said and petted his face. “Be nice to me, promise?”

  As if agreeing, he nuzzled me with his velvety nose.

  “All right, let’s get you in the saddle,” Ty said from behind me and helped me into the saddle.

  It felt okay, not as scary as I had thought. “I think I can do this.” I grinned. “This is amazing.”

  “I knew you’d like it, darlin’,” Charlie said and brought his horse next to mine. “Follow me and Doug there should keep straight in line.”

  I nudged Doug how they’d shown me and brought him behind Charlie’s horse. Ty, Clive and Harley rode on either side of me and we were off across the wide green field.

  It was exciting, I was exhilarated by the freedom I felt, even just going at a walking pace, being atop a horse was incredible.

  We laughed and talked as we rode and I learned more about each of them as we went along.

  I was seriously the most spoiled and lucky woman I knew, being surrounded by these guys. It almost felt like I was in a dream — I was living the dream for sure.

  We made our way to the river, a rapidly flowing expanse with gentle, grassy banks on either side.

  “Do you own the land on the other side too?” I asked as we paused to let the horses drink.

  “We do, all the way up to the base of that mountain,” Harley replied, pointing at the rise in the distance.

  “That’s so much land!” I exclaimed. “Can you even see it all in a day?”

  “If we take the truck out, yeah. We can’t do it on horseback, though,” Charlie replied.

  “Oh shit, we should get back to the house, you guys,” Clive said, his voice low and full of warning.

  We followed to where he was pointing and saw a huge bank of thick, black clouds rolling in towards us.

  “That does not look good,” Charlie said and rode up to me. “We do need to get back, it’s coming in fast!”

  He urged his horse into a canter and I kicked Doug, hoping he’d follow.

  He did and I soon settled into the slow lope that we needed in order to beat the storm.

  We were about halfway across the field when disaster struck. Lighting struck somewhere close behind me and Doug bolted. I jerked at the reins and thought I was going to slow him down when the thunder followed and erupted somewhere right over our heads.

  Between my fear of storms and Doug’s wild-eyed panic, we somehow ended up in a dead run.

  Right towards the river.

  Right back into the storm.

  I screamed and heard my cowboys calling for me, but we were going too fast, and there was no way I was going to be able to stop.

  Chapter 31

  A million things ran through my head while Doug raced across the field but none of them made sense. It was more like a kaleidoscope of fear and horror than anything, random fractured images spun behind my eyes and I clung to the saddle horn for dear life while praying I would survive.

  I heard the guys still yelling for me, but Doug was dead set on getting the hell out of there so he wasn’t going to stop any time soon.

  And let’s face it, I had no idea what to do in a situation like that, I didn’t know how to loosen my grip on the horn and yank the reins back to regain control.

  Logic had no place in my head, it was ruled by pure animal instinct, and that instinct matched Doug’s: I wanted to run to safety, whatever that meant.

  I hunched over the saddle, held onto the horn and squeezed my eyes shut.

  I heard one of the guys exclaim a warning that was all but lost on the wind, but its intent was clear.

  I opened my eyes and looked ahead. Doug was running straight for the river.

  I tugged on the reins again as the water rushed up faster and faster. The horse wouldn’t slow down, though, and I prepared myself for hitting the icy cold current when he hit the water.

  I tugged on the reins one last time out of pure desperation and the horse swerved abruptly right before we got to the river. I exhaled in relief but no sooner had I done so, than I was thrown from the saddle and he ran off, leaving me rolling on the ground in extreme pain.

  Lightning cracked overhead and I screamed, ducking down and curling up into a ball.

  I felt my knee crunch as I moved it and opened my eyes again to look down.

  My jeans were torn open and blood streamed from a massive gash in my leg. My knee felt weird too, it was clicking when I moved it and kept radiating sharp pain up and down my leg.

  “Morgan, are you okay?” Charlie’s voice sailed over the landscape towards me.

  I looked up as thunder rolled overhead, I cried out and rolled my eyes with fear. Charlie didn’t even wait for his horse to stop, he was out of the saddle and hit the ground running towards me, his face a mask of concern.

  “Talk to me, you’re safe now,” he said and dropped to his knees beside me. He lifted me gently into the circle of his massive arms and held me against his chest. His heart was beating faster than mine and I knew he must be so worried about me.

  “I’m sorry,” I wailed and clutched him as he helped me stand. “I hate storms, I don’t even know why but they terrify me.”

  “They apparently terrify that old horse too,” he chuckled. “Now let me see the leg.”

  He looked down at it and swore under his breath. I tried to put weight on it but wasn’t able to.

  I heard a rumbling sound and looked up to see Clive riding over, leading Charlie’s horse behind him.

  “Lose something?” he smirked at Charlie, but it left his face the moment he saw me limping. “Oh shit, Morgan, are you hurt?”

  “She’s in pain and her knee is all tore up,” Charlie said. “We need to get her home.”

  “I’ll take her in front of me,” Clive said, dropping Charlie’s horse’s reins. He stood still as Charlie helped me hobble over to Clive and lifted me into the saddle with him.

  “We’re not too far off track,” Charlie said, “it shouldn’t take more than an hour to make it back to the ranch house.”

  As if to contradict him, the skies opened up just then and began to pelt us in huge shifting sheets of rain.

  “And here’s the storm,” Clive said, yelling against the wind. “We can’t go back in this, she isn’t dressed for it.”

  I sank back against him and closed my eyes, letting the two of them determine my fate. My fear had taken every ounce of energy out of me and I couldn’t think straight.

  “We can make it to the cabin though,” Charlie said. “It’s not more than half a mile upstream.”

  “You’re right, let’s go there,” Clive agreed. Charlie jumped onto his horse and we rode side by side along the river’s edge. “You’ll be dry in no time,” Clive told me as we moved. “The cabin was built years ago by Charlie’s grandpa. It was his little fishing getaway, there’s food, firewood and a first aid kit.”

  “We can wait out the storm,” Charlie said, agreeing with Clive. “It’s strange that I didn’t see this one coming.”

  “Maybe you should get a weather app on your phone.” I smiled, coming out of my fear-induced shell just a little. “Speaking of which, do they work out here? Should we call the other two?”

  “I already texted them, darlin’,” Charlie said and grinned at me. “And please tell me the name of the app I need to download when we get home. Apparently my cowboy weather lore isn’t always the most reliable.”

  I blew a wet strand of
hair off my face and squinted at him through the rain as water streamed down my face. “Apparently not,” I said with a laugh.

  Another jolt of lighting crashed through the sky, lighting up the dim landscape, but this time I didn’t panic. Nothing could hurt me as long as I was in the arms of one of my cowboy protectors.

  My knee throbbed and felt hot as we rode slowly towards the cabin. I worried that it would get infected without proper care, but Clive had mentioned a first aid kit so I was sure I’d be fine.

  Besides, I really did believe that having any one of my guys by my side would save me from anything, and in this case I had two.

  Chapter 32

  “I thought you said cabin,” I laughed as Charlie carried me up the steps to a beautiful little house on the banks of the river upstream from where I fell.

  “Yeah, grandpa liked luxury, even when he was trout fishing for a week here and there.” Charlie grinned.

  Clive led the horses to a little shed nearby where he said they could be fed and watered. Charlie opened the door and kicked it wide with his foot.

  “This is more than a little luxury, it’s like a chalet in the middle of nowhere,” I said appreciatively. I looked around and took it all in, the peaked post and beam roof, the rustic but elegant furnishings, the floor to ceiling fieldstone fireplace.

  “Let me get a fire going, you’re shivering,” Charlie said and pulled me into his arms. He helped me get out of my soaked boots, jeans and shirt and led me to the leather sofa in front of the fireplace. He pulled out a thick, soft blanket and wrapped me in it before lifting me so I could lounge while he worked.

  I warmed up as I dried off, but watching his muscles ripple under his wet white shirt was doing more of a job heating me up than the blanket.

  I was fascinated by his body as he cut some kindling, built it up in the fireplace and struck a fire.

  Within moments he piled some wood on top and it was roaring heartily.

  “You’re good at that,” I said and held the blanket tight. He stood and unbuttoned his shirt, I was mesmerized as he opened it and slipped out of it, revealing his incredible body.


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