Rough Stock, the Novel

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Rough Stock, the Novel Page 18

by Alexandria Hunt

  And with a heart attack, every moment counted because he might not make it.

  And without my Dad, I didn’t think I would stay in touch with my family and I wasn’t sure if I was quite ready to make that move just yet.

  As much as my mother drove me crazy, I didn’t want to say goodbye.

  Chapter 50

  There were still chores to be done, so Charlie decided he would take me alone to the hospital and the other three would join us afterwards. I was so completely filled with terror that I barely realized what was going on.

  On one level I wanted them all with me, but on the other level I understood his reasoning. Beyond just taking care of the animals, he wanted to keep my family from being overwhelmed. It wasn’t necessarily my brother or his girlfriend, or even aunts and uncles, but it was my Mom. She would be beside herself with terror, and forcing my relationship on her wouldn’t help anything.

  I knew I had to confront her about it all at some point, but now was not the time or the place.

  Charlie drove like a pro, speeding along the highway in and out of traffic with ease. I sat in the middle on the front seat of the truck and gripped his hand in mine, the connection helping me stay grounded in reality and the safety of having the love of my guys.

  “He’ll be fine,” Charlie said as we pulled up to the hospital. “If you take after your father, then I know he’s a fighter. You’re one stubborn woman who won’t give up, so he’s going to be fine.”

  “Thank you,” I said and he squeezed my hand in reassurance. “We’ll see, but I pray he makes it through this.”

  “He will. I’m going to go find parking and I’ll be right up. Text me his room number, okay?” Charlie said and pulled up in front of the doors of the hospital.

  “Sounds good,” I said, “I’ll let you know as soon as I know.”

  He touched my face with the back of his hand tenderly, lovingly, and for a moment I wondered if I could be in a relationship with just Charlie. Out of the four of them, I did feel the closest to him most of the time.

  But thinking about the other three guys and each thing they brought to me, to the relationship, made me rethink that idea. I wanted all of them, I needed all of them, and if it ever got to the point where one of them wanted to leave the arrangement, I would deal with it at that time.

  I took a deep breath, Charlie kissed me quickly, and I slid across the seat and out the passenger door.

  I walked into the sliding glass doors and was instantly assaulted by the smells and sounds of the sterile hospital environment.

  I found the front desk, asked about my dad and was told his room number. I texted it quickly to Charlie and felt my knees tremble as I thought about going to see my Dad. I didn’t know if I could face it, face him and his possible death.

  Not my Dad, he’d been the only great thing in my life growing up. He’d always been the buffer between me and my Mom and had helped me negotiate my bratty brother’s behavior.

  “Do you need something else, Miss?” the front desk clerk asked me loudly as I froze.

  “No thanks, I’m okay,” I said and sighed heavily before hitting the button on the elevator. The doors opened and I stepped in, hit the button for the sixth floor and closed my eyes as it took me up.

  I found my Dad’s room right away and my knees almost buckled when I walked in and saw him there, hooked up to machines, looking frail and weak on the bed.

  My mom was at his side, holding his hand with a look of frozen horror on her face. My brother was seated on the other side of him looking out the window overlooking the parking lot.

  “Mom?” I asked quietly and she leapt to her feet, threw herself into my arms and started sobbing hysterically.

  “I found him in his study,” she said, shuddering at the memory. “He wasn’t breathing, he looked dead, I thought I’d already lost him.”

  “What did the doctors say?” I asked and surprised myself by comforting my mother, patting her back and letting her cry in my arms.

  “They said if he makes it through the night, he’ll have a good chance of pulling through,” my brother said. “Mom, let her sit with Dad. This is a lot to take in.”

  Mom released her grip on me and stood back. I sat next to Dad and took his hand in mine, looked at him and fought the tears that were threatening to come.

  I just spoke to him, talked to him about how much he meant to me and how much I missed him…and most importantly how much I needed him in my life.

  Mom sat next to me and for the first time in years, I felt like I needed her too. She’d always been such a difficult person to connect with, we were so different, but if she could learn to accept me and my guys, I could learn to accept her and all her ways.

  I felt Charlie sit next to me at some point and rub my back slowly as I concentrated on letting my Dad know how much I loved him.

  At some point during the night, Clive, Ty and Harley joined us quietly in my Dad’s room. My mother didn’t even flinch, she looked up, smiled and thanked them for coming to support us.

  I hoped this was the start of a new beginning, that she was finally accepting them in my life and seeing me as more than her messed up little girl.

  I dozed on and off in the chair next to Dad’s bed, my brother and his girlfriend showed up again, and the whole lot of us pulled up chairs and sat around my Dad as if we were paying homage to him.

  As the morning light started to creep into the room, Mom took a chair across the bed from me and our eyes met. She smiled at me and reached over to take my hand in hers, us resting them on my Dad’s chest.

  “I don’t think I say this enough to you, Morgan,” she said with a small frown. “But I love you and I’m so proud of you.”

  “In spite of everything?” I asked, my eyes flitting around the room to my four cowboys.

  “In spite of everything,” she said and gave my hand a squeeze. “Because of everything. You’re an amazing young woman and I’m so happy you’re my daughter.”

  “Thank you,” I said and closed my eyes, savoring the moment because I wasn’t sure when I would ever hear her say something like that again.

  “I’m proud of you too, you know,” Dad said from his spot on the bed between us.

  “Dad!” I called out, “you’re awake!”

  I looked down and he was staring at Mom and I with his eyes wide and sparkling as if he’s just played a hilarious prank on us.

  “Yes, it seems as though I am. And it only took a heart attack to get my two favorite girls together,” he said with a tired voice and a small smile on his face.

  “So, this was your intention?” Mom asked, playing at being hurt. “Why I never.”

  “I love you two,” Dad said and my brother rushed out to get the doctor. “I love all of you, even those crazy cowboys. Anybody that makes my daughter that happy deserves it.”

  “You’re delirious,” I laughed, “it must be the meds.”

  “No, it’s facing my own mortality,” he smiled. “It makes a person realize how much the people in your life really mean.”

  We stood around his bed as the doctors checked him out and declared him a survivor. He would take some time to mend, but he would recover from his heart attack.

  “Thank god,” Mom said with a sigh. “I don’t know what I would have done without you.”

  “And now we know we don’t have to go without any of our family,” Dad said and closed his eyes again. “Now that we’re here together, we know we can get along.”

  He steadied his breathing and fell asleep, and this time it didn’t terrify me because it was the sleep of the healing, not the sleep of the dying.

  “He’s right you know,” Mom said and looked at me, then to each and every one of us in the room…my guys, my brother and his girlfriend. “This is what’s important in life, no matter what anybody thinks. As long as we have each other, we will be strong.”

  I felt a huge burden lift from my shoulders and realized that life really was better with those you love in i
t with you.

  I had my cowboys, I had my family, I had my career and I had enough love and support to have the best life possible…beyond anything I could have dreamed of.

  I realized how blessed I was, and how big and bright the future was looking from this point of view.

  I was loved and I loved, and everything was going to be perfect. And even if it wasn’t, I had everything I needed to make it as perfect as it could be.

  And that was enough for me.


  “Now slowly release the clutch and hit the gas,” Charlie said and held his hand over mine, gently guiding it.

  I didn’t know how to drive a stick shift and he was attempting to teach me.

  It wasn’t going well.

  “Okay, let’s do this,” I replied and exhaled, lifted my foot off the clutch, tried my best to balance it with applying my foot to the gas, and promptly slipped. The big Dodge truck lurched forward, made an awful grinding sound, and stalled dead.

  “God dammit!” I exclaimed. “Mother fuck, I’m never gonna get this!”

  Charlie chuckled and said, “Ma’am, you’ve got a filthy mouth.”

  “I’m sorry,” I replied, opening my mouth wide and putting my hand over it in shock. “I said I was going to cut down on my swearing.”

  “You know how I could punish that filthy mouth of yours, right?” he drawled and my stomach turned to molten lava.

  “I can imagine,” I replied, “knowing you, I have an idea.”

  He told me to put my foot on the clutch and he slammed the truck into park. He leaned towards me and pulled me in for a kiss, his tongue wrapping around mine in that familiar and oh so exciting way that had first made my blood roar a couple years ago.

  It had been one hell of an interesting two years, filled with love and lust and more amazing fun that I’d ever expected could be packed into one life.

  My blog was wildly popular, and I’d been featured on some pretty big websites too. It seemed everybody was fascinated with our country lifestyle, and for the more curious readers, my relationship with the four cowboys seemed endlessly exciting.

  And I won’t lie, it really was.

  Charlie’s hands tugged at the front of my blouse, pulling the buttons open one by one, leaving me breathless in anticipation.

  “I thought you were going to do something about my dirty mouth,” I exhaled slowly as he pulled my breast free and latched his lips on it.

  He grinned up at me and said, “Fuck. Shit. Oops, looks like my dirty mouth needs something to do too.”

  He nipped my nipple until it was rock hard and sensitive to the lightest touch.

  I threw my head back and moaned as he pushed his hand into my bra and squeezed my other nipple between his fingers until it was pebbled at his touch.

  We had been driving the truck across one of the hayfields when I’d stalled it out, so we had plenty of privacy. We were in the middle of our giant acreage, nobody around for miles.

  So, of course, when I heard a knock on the window in the midst of Charlie’s attentions, I just about screamed.

  My eyelids flipped open and I saw Clive’s gorgeous face smiling at us, his green eyes sparkling with lust.

  “What’s going on in here?” he asked with a chuckle.

  Charlie didn’t miss a beat, he kept my breast in his mouth and waved his friend in to join us.

  I grinned as Clive opened the passenger door and climbed inside without hesitation.

  There wasn’t much room, but somehow I ended up turned around riding Charlie’s thick cock while Clive worked my breasts with his fingers and tongue.

  I sighed and moaned, writhed in absolute pleasure as I felt Charlie’s thickness fill me wide and deep and Clive’s hot tongue stimulated me until I could no longer contain myself.

  Joy bubbled up in my chest and made its way out of my mouth, I couldn’t contain myself any longer. I sobbed my orgasm and clutched the back of Charlie’s head, stared into his glittering, beautiful eyes and felt tears of joy slip down my cheek.

  Clive finished on my breasts, circling his hot tongue around my nipple one last time and kissed his way up to my neck, gently nipping my flesh, making me shiver.

  He pulled away, brushed my hair back and kissed my cheek. Charlie pulled me close and kissed my mouth, both sets of lips on my skin sent waves of pleasure through my orgasmic aftershocks.

  “Oh god,” I moaned and let my mind settle down after all the electric jolts of bliss shot through it like lightning on an open field. “You two…what would I ever do without you?”

  “You’d probably be lonely with a bunch of cats,” Clive chuckled and licked my neck softly.

  “Or you’d be bored as hell without us to keep you entertained,” Charlie laughed.

  “That’s true…maybe not the cat part, but lonely and bored, yes,” I said and sighed in contentment. Outside the truck the rain had slowly turned into huge, wet flakes of snow and the windows were fogging up.

  “We should get back to the house,” Clive said, “looks like driving school is done for the day.”

  “That’s fine with me, I don’t know if I can concentrate right now anyhow,” I replied and looked at the two of them. “If everyone is home, we could have a sleepover tonight at my place.”

  They both broke into matching wide grins and agreed wholeheartedly. Sleepover was code for me wanting all four men at my house…and in my bed. I didn’t do it all the time, I would end up a skeletal husk if I did that…but I did crave all of them a few times a month.

  And right now was one of those days.

  Clive exited the truck and climbed into his own. Charlie took over driving our big Dodge and I soaked in the afterglow of my pleasurable morning.

  We rolled up to the gigantic main ranch house, my house, and Charlie jumped out to carry me up the stairs.

  They were hilarious, always treating me like I was a delicate little creature, a princess, fragile and precious.

  It didn’t bother me though, I loved being cared for so completely. As much as I’d always been an independent kind of women, having four gorgeous cowboys in my life, ready to do anything for me at the drop of a hat, was the best feeling in the world.

  The moment we got to the front door, Charlie set me down and I heard Clive coming up the steps behind us along with an extra couple sets of footsteps.

  I turned to see if he’d brought along Ty and Harley, my body nearly shaking with anticipation, to find him with the other two of my hot, sexy cowboys.

  They all had those smiles, those seductive smiles that promised me a night of pure passion as the focus of their desires.

  How did I ever get this lucky?

  I could have taken the time to go over it again and again, but right then I didn’t care about my luck or what had brought me to these delicious men.

  My mind took a backseat to my body and lust was the driver, logic was no longer in control when these four men got me revved up and ready to go.

  “Take me upstairs,” I said as they surrounded me, their mouths all over my neck and exposed skin, their hands sliding up under my clothes, seeking and finding my curves and swells underneath.

  “Not a problem,” Ty said, his voice deep and rumbling in his chest as he picked me up.

  The other three men took the stairs two at a time, opened the front door and began to strip down the moment we were all inside.

  “I love how eager you all are,” I laughed as Ty set me down. “I always worry that you’ll eventually get bored or something, but it doesn’t seem to be happening any time soon.”

  “Never,” Charlie said, his voice deep and thick with lust and his hands rough and running along my arms. “I’ll never tire of you, Morgan, I could have you every day for the rest of my life and never get bored of you.”

  “I’d be a fool to give you up,” Clive agreed, his hands on my breasts, his face inches from mine. “It’d take more than wild horses to drag me away.”

  “Good luck ever losing me, kitten,”
Ty chuckled and grabbed my hands from behind me, kissing my neck and making me shiver in delight at the sensation. “I know you have claws, and I know how to get past them, remember?”

  I smiled and sighed, relaxing back into their arms and Harley’s voice came deep and sensual in my right ear. I felt him kiss my exposed shoulder before he said, “You ain’t getting rid of me either, my hot little red head. You taste too delicious for that, I can’t imagine ever walking away.”

  “Good, then as long as you four are pleased with me then I’ll stick with you. You know my motto…the only thing better than a hot cowboy with a big…you know…is four hot cowboys with four big…you knows.”

  Ty released my hands and I reached out, grabbed two throbbing cocks in my hands and heard Harley and Clive both breathe in sharply.

  “Now get me upstairs, I want to have some fun all night.”

  I was lifted in their arms and carried up the stairs to my huge master bedroom at the top of the curved staircase. I had to reluctantly release the cocks I’d been gripping, but I could feel thick shafts poking and prodding me as we moved.

  I was lifted as if I were a feather blowing on the breeze, light and delicate, beautiful and precious. They set me in the middle of my massive custom bed, it had enough room for all of us to play and sleep, and I fell back onto the soft, luxurious blankets.

  “I’ve been thinking about this all day,” Ty growled and climbed between my legs immediately. “Imagine you wondering about us getting bored, darlin’, are you kidding me? I’ll never get enough of this.”

  He pushed my thighs apart and kissed his way up my inner leg to my soaking wet pussy. I trembled in anticipation and bucked my hips up to meet his mouth by the time he found my slit and the sensitive clit waiting for his touch.

  Harley kissed my left breast, took it into his mouth and sucked while Clive joined him on the other side. I writhed and bucked harder as they added so much sensation to the pleasure that was coursing through my body.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful like this,” Charlie rasped, kneeling on the bed on my right side. He had his glorious, massive shaft in his hand and was jerking it furiously, watching my face as I began to climb the peak towards my inevitable orgasm.


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