Zendikar: In the Teeth of Akoum (magic:the gathering)

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Zendikar: In the Teeth of Akoum (magic:the gathering) Page 17

by Robert B. Wintermute

  She led them to a hole at the base of the tower. Stairs chiseled out of the black rock spiraled upward. Again, the commander led the way. Nissa noticed with a pang of alarm that the elves waited to go last, and that they did so with arrows nocked on their bowstrings. As the group walked up the staircase they passed doorways that led out into the rooms where the plants grew. Each level of the tower seemed to grow another kind of plant. One level had only a plant that smelled like water and produced flowers as large as an elf. Another was all tall ferns. Yet another had plants with flowered mouth parts that lunged at the elf keepers who protected themselves with huge shields of skins stretched across frames.

  Where are we going? Nissa asked.

  The elf commander said nothing.

  They climbed the spiral staircase until Nissa s thighs burned and she was huffing with exertion. On the top level, the sky was dark and huge. A group of elves with crystal lanterns was busy picking something off the small trees that grew there a white fruit that glowed slightly as it hung off the boughs.

  The elves that had come behind up the spiral staircase pushed the group forward with their short bows. Soon a figure stepped out from behind a tree. He was an older elf with fruits in each of his hands. As they watched he took a large bite out of one of the fruits. Juice ran down the corners of his mouth as he gave a wide grin. His teeth glowed. His eyeballs glowed. His unkempt hair looked like a snipe falcon s nest on his head. He smiled again.

  I had a dream last night, the figure said.

  In this dream a voice said, Ser Amaran? and I said yes? Ser Amaran took another bite out of the fruit in his right hand. He chuckled as though he had just remembered a good joke, and more juice ran from the corners of his mouth. The he frowned, and his whole face seemed to fall. This voice told me that Ora Ondar would fall. The voice told me that our sacred kolya fruit would be scattered across the barren waste that the Eldrazi will make of our world those parasites in the deep. His glowing eyes flashed from Nissa, to Sorin, to Smara, to Smara s goblin, and finally rested on Anowon.

  You have all been captured for being too close to the forbidden tower, the elf chief said. What were you doing there?

  Nobody said anything.

  Speak. Or are you minions of the tentacled creatures with the beautiful hearts?

  Nissa looked out the corner of her eye at Anowon, but the vampire s face had the same perplexed look she imagined she had. Beautiful hearts?

  Very well, do not tell me, he said, taking another bite of the fruit in his hand. But I will know this vital piece of information. An odd party such as yours clearly does not travel for pleasure. You are spies, of course. Vampire spies for the tentacled invasion.

  The elf commander hurried forward and whispered in the chief s ear. Ser Amaran turned his head as the commander spoke, but he did not take his eyes off Anowon.

  Lock them away, all of them. At dawn throw the bloodied one from the grove, and feed his crushed body to the slaughter shrubs. Throw the guide to the salt flats.

  Robert B. Wintermute

  Zendikar: In the Teeth of Akoum

  Nissa, Sorin, Smara, and her goblin were thrown into cells carved out of the basalt. They tried to sleep, but the spiny floor would not allow them.

  Anowon was in another cell, and all that night the stone door of the cell opened and closed, opened and closed. Once Nissa heard Anowon moan. But aside from that, there was no sound from inside the cell.

  We have to free him, Nissa said.

  Sorin shrugged. Vampires do not fear pain or death, he replied.

  He is not that way, Nissa said.

  Sorin turned to her and raised his eyebrows. He is not what exactly? A vampire?

  He is not that kind of vampire.

  Sorin smiled. He s the kind that wanted to drain you before I dissuaded him.

  The door of Anowon s cell slammed shut.

  But he is our only guide, Nissa said. The human is gone.

  Sorin said nothing.

  The goblin coughed and glanced at Smara. I know the way, the goblin said. To Teeth of Akoum.

  They both turned to the goblin, who had not spoken since Smara had bumbled into their camp in the Makindi Trench.

  Smara also stared at the goblin, who clapped its claw over its mouth.

  Sorin turned back to Nissa. You see, there is our new guide.

  But Anowon saw how the brood was released. Perhaps he knows how to put them back?

  Sorin s smile dropped a jot. The vampire does not know how to put the brood back, he said. You can trust me.

  The door to Anowon s cell opened. Someone laughed as they exited his cell. Then the cell door slammed again. She could understand some of what the strange elves were saying. Two were talking about the fruit eater whoever that was.

  Who is this Ser Amaran from the grove of fruit trees? Nissa said.

  Sorin waved his hand. Some minor figure.

  Anowon would know who Ser Amaran is, Nissa said.

  Sorin snorted. We should be more concerned with how we are going to get out of this cell.

  When they open the door, you can use your rot talk to destroy them.

  I cannot risk that not with this many crystals and lava rock around. The sound could echo. And nobody wants that.

  Then I will have to end whoever opens the door, Nissa said.

  Perhaps if there is one guard or two, Sorin said.

  But six? I think not.

  Nissa pushed her chin out. I am Joraga, she said.

  You are unarmed, Sorin said. Anyway, I don t think they plan to let us out.

  They have to some day.

  Do they? Sorin said. Did you happen to notice what the kolya trees were growing in? Or were you too busy watching the minor elf stuffing his mouth with his sacred fruit?

  I did not notice anything unusual about the bed the trees were growing in. This pillar is the remains of a life bloom Roil. Did you not hear the elf?

  Nissa waited for Sorin s response.

  Yes, Sorin replied. But I also heard her say that most life blooms last a day or two at the most.

  Nissa s trap had worked: Sorin had been listening. He had good ears for a human, as she had been at the end of the line and he d been the first. She would have to watch him closer. Humans did not have ears capable of hearing a whispered conversation from half a mile away. That was an elf s ability or a vampire s.

  I saw bones protruding from the soil under the trees, Sorin said.

  Bones? Nissa said. Could elves do something like that kill and bury beings to ensure their plants lived? Sure, she thought. Her own people often killed any sentient beings they found in their forest, regardless of species. If these Nourisher elves tied their way of being, their tribal identity, with those trees, then they would do any sort of thing to ensure that they thrived and prospered.

  Yes, bones, Sorin said. If they are to use us for fertilizer, why not kill us here in this cell with poison?

  Nissa looked down at the empty bowl of gruel her jailer had shoved at her. She d eaten it all without a word, gagging slightly at the grubs which she had seen the elves picking off the kolya leaves earlier that day. But at least she had known they were fresh.

  Then we need to free ourselves quickly and rescue Anowon, she said.

  Are we not back to the discussion we were having before? Sorin said.

  From far away Nissa heard the low drone of a horn. It was a tremendous dusty sound, the loudness of which increased then dropped off then built again to a crescendo. She heard the sound of thick-soled sandals shuffling in the hallway.

  What was that? Sorin said.

  Death, Smara said, suddenly. Death, death, death, death.

  Hush, Nissa said. She listened to the horn for a while longer. A signal horn. They use a similar code to the Tajuru a force approaching.

  Well, we must get out now, Sorin said. He cast his eyes around the cell. They had been over the cell in the daylight and found nothing. The simple bench was carved out of the wall, and there was no window.
The solid door was the very piece the builders had cut to make the doorway, presumably. It fit into the doorway so snugly that Nissa could not see light at the seams.

  Sorin got to his knees before the door to look at the lock. After a moment of inspection he inserted his long first finger into the keyhole and drew it out again.

  If the door were wood, he said, if it had ever been alive, I might have had some enchantments that could putrefy it or make it an entity for us to command. Sorin pushed on the door, and when it did not move he strode over to the bench and sat down.

  Nissa bent down for a look in the keyhole. She d heard the elf unlock and lock the door three times when he and the others put them in the cell at Ser Amaran s order, and the two times they had been brought food. She had never heard the jingle of keys, or the scrape of metal on metal, or metal on rock. They were elves after all. If she were to design a lock, it would not feature metal a useful but untrustworthy creation. She would use something natural. Nissa looked into the lock hole again.

  The hole was dark, or course. But Nissa could see clearly enough the hallway on the other side of the door. There was no keyhole shape to the hole, just a circle. What kind of key would fit a circle? she wondered.

  One thing was certain: the cell had not been built to hold elves. Either the occupants of the Impossible Garden never thought they would imprison an elf, or there were other cells for elves elsewhere in the tower. The door was very small, and Nissa concluded that the cell had been built in all likelihood for goblins. Even the cruellest elf would leave a window if he knew elves were being held. Not being able to see and smell the outside world was paramount to the most inhumane torture for an elf. No, their cell had not been built for elves.

  Nissa looked into the hole again. Silent figures passed in the hallway. Inside the lock s hole the opening from keyhole to keyhole was absolutely smooth. She pushed her finger into the hold and felt a sensation. The feeling was neither hot nor cold, but buzzed slightly.

  There is a field of power here, Nissa said.

  Sorin rolled his eyes. You are coming to that realization only now? he said.

  Nissa ignored him. Goblin, she said. Have you looked? You are of the Lava Steppe Tribe, are you not?

  The lead goblin stood and walked to the lock. He did not glance at Nissa. With a grunt he bent and peered in the rock. He looked up at Nissa, then back at the lock, and then back at Nissa, before shrugging.

  They heard footsteps approaching in the hall. Soon something was inserted into the keyhole from the other side, and the door swung out into the hallway. A force of six armed elves strode in. They had bright bladed scimitars and armor composed of pieces of chipped slate wired together.

  Nissa could smell the fear on them, and it smelled like warm copper coins. She peered closely at them. They are not afraid of us, she realized as their eyes jumped toward the hallway. The lead elf tucked something into a pocket in his robe. A key, Nissa supposed. He closed the door and frowned at Nissa.

  Sorin took a deep breath. Nissa saw what was to happen, and she just had time to clap her hands over her ears. A moment later a string of rasping, somehow vile sounding words emanated from Sorin s open mouth. Many of the words came with a guttural boom from the back of his throat. Sorin snapped them off in such a way that his tongue clicked wetly in his mouth.

  The effect was instantaneous. The elves fell dead and rotting a moment later. Nissa found herself on the basalt floor as well. The very room vibrated when she stood, as did the contents of her skull.

  Sorin stood in the middle of the floor, cleaning his fingernails with his small eating knife, which he pointed at the mess on the floor. Now, Sorin said. Who will find the key in all that muck?

  The smell in the small cell was overwhelming. The sloughed bodies of the elves were already in an advanced state of decay, and just looking at them caused Nissa a bit of unease.

  I thought it was to risky too use your rot talk among the crystals? Nissa asked.

  I decided it was a risk worth taking. Now, goblin

  Fetch. Sorin pointed at where the head elf s slate-plate armor lay crumpled and wet.

  The goblin looked at Sorin for a long moment as though he had not fully understood the language he was speaking. For a moment Nissa thought he would say something, but instead he blinked once and then stood and proceeded to the bodies.

  It took some mucking about in the bodies, but finally the goblin produced the key and held it out to Sorin. The human eyed the dripping key warily.

  Well, Sorin gestured at the door. Use it.

  The goblin walked to the door, inserted the key in the hole, turned it, and nothing. The key did not click in the lock, and the door did not open to either pushes or pulls.

  Sorin threw up his arms. Wonderful, he said.

  The horns had grown louder. And Nissa thought she could hear something else: a deep growling, maybe. Like boulders dragged across a flat place.

  Sorin took the key between two pinched fingers and tried it in the lock. It turned but would not open.

  When it was Nissa s turn, she stood before the door and looked closely. The basalt was worn smooth around the keyhole, and a similarly smooth area was visible where the elves put their hands to push the door closed. There were also two patches on the floor where the elves feet had worn it smooth. Nissa placed her sandaled feet in the smooth areas. She inserted the key and turned, and the door snapped open.

  Sorin stood and moved to the door. He took a wary look out to make sure some of the scuffling feet they had been hearing in the hall were not passing. Smara was muttering under her breath behind Nissa as she slipped out of the cell. Sorin was standing in the middle of the hall. The doors of four similar-sized cells were visible in the light of the torches that sputtered in the hall. Nissa opened them all and found them to be empty until the last. Anowon was waiting, and he brushed by Nissa when the door opened. Without stopping, he walked down the hall, sweeping past Sorin.

  You could at least thank the elf, Ghet, Sorin said. I would have left you.

  Nissa followed Anowon, and the others followed her. They passed empty rooms, some with plates of warm-looking food still in them.

  Wait, Nissa said. She ducked into a room. Sorin s great sword and Nissa s staff were propped in a corner. She seized them and left.

  The first attack involved something large hitting the tower. The tremor seemed at first like the Roil, until Nissa checked the vial of enchanted water hanging from her neck and saw it was not boiling. But the tower shook all the same. Anowon was some distance ahead, and they all ran to catch up. A brace of elves charged out of a room to Nissa s right, and Sorin drew his sword and cut them down where they stood. Their bodies were withered husks when Nissa stepped over them, and Sorin s sword pulsed deep and black. He sheathed its hungry blade, and they ran after Anowon.

  Once free from the cells, they descended the stairs. On every level elves were among the plants shooting arrows out. Nissa saw forms flying through the night. On the level where the plants with mouths lived, Nissa watched as a plant snatched a flying brood lineage out of the air and chewed it down. She also saw eight elves pulled out of the bushes and dropped by flying brood.

  Nissa stopped. How are we going to get out of this tower? she asked nobody in particular. But Anowon did not stop. He charged down the spiraling stairway. Soon they were at the second to last level Nissa recognized the giant ferns and she could see the assembled host. Their dark shapes extended far into the darkness. There were no torches and no battle cries only the screams of elves pulled from their positions and the harmonic music of bowstrings released in staccato.

  Nissa stopped again, taking Sorin s shoulder. We cannot win if we step out through those doors, she said. Sorin nodded. Anowon was ahead, but Sorin ran after him and caught the vampire before he turned the spiral corner. Sorin spun Anowon around, and the look on Anowon s face made Nissa start. His lips were stretched back and showed his fangs. His eyes were red and narrowed, and blood was coming out of t
he corners of his eyes. He was crying blood.

  None of that seemed to bother Sorin, who dragged Anowon back up the stairs as though he were a toy. Nissa threw down any elves they met with her staff. There was a tremendous collision, and the tower shuddered. Elf screams erupted from below.

  They ve broken through, Nissa yelled.

  The stairs ended, and Nissa and the others found themselves on a wide platform. Kolya trees grew in raised beds. Three brood were standing next to the stairway entrance, and Nissa charged through, tripping on the body of an elf and falling. She twisted her stem sword free and connected with the verdant energy of the Turntimber.

  Mana moved through her and she camouflaged herself to a patch of basalt. The brood that had been descending on her pulled up and hovered above the entrance. The brood s head moved back and forth, searching for Nissa s form.

  But the creature did not have long to look, for Anowon came through the doorway behind her and grabbed one of the brood s hanging tentacles. The creature tried to pull away, but the vampire punched the tentacle with his fist, and the creature fell dead. A glyph glowed red on the tentacle where Anowon had struck.

  Sorin was next. The two remaining brood took a look at Sorin, tall and pale with his great sword unsheathed and glowing like the starry night sky, and they turned to fly. But a keening song came to Sorin s lips, and the brood froze midair and fell as lumps of flesh into the darkness below.

  They turned to Anowon. In a moment the dead brood stirred and moved slowly back into the air. The Glyph glowed softly on the tentacle as it moved.

  Come, Anowon said. This will fly us down.

  Nissa s skin itched seeing the effects of Anowon s vampire-rapture.

  Another tremendous impact shook the tower. That was enough to dispel any unease Nissa had about the zombie brood. At Anowon s command, the creature wrapped one tentacle around her waist and stepped off the edge of the tower. The flying brood lineage could not fly normally while holding all five of them in its tentacles, but it controlled itself enough and glided fast toward the ground in a sort of controlled freefall. As they passed, Nissa could see that each of the tower s ledges held hundreds of roosting brood. In the starlight Nissa could see the land around the base of the tower. Six massive brood had planted their shoulders against the tower and were pushing it back and forth.


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