Saddled with Trouble

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Saddled with Trouble Page 26

by Michele Scott

  She didn’t move. He yanked her arm and started to pull her out of the truck on his side. Her hand folded around the hammer in the side pocket and as he started to pull her out of his door, she swung the hammer as hard as she could, hitting him on the side of his face. He yelled in pain. She opened up her door, jumped out, and started running. The sand slowed her down and she tripped. Sam was on her fast. She hadn’t hurt him enough. She reached out and tried to poke him in the eyes. His breath was hot on her. He held her to the ground. She tried to knee him in the privates, but instead aimed too high and got his massive gut. He groaned. She won a little leverage as he gasped. He was wavering. What was going on? She squirmed out from underneath him, got to her feet, and started to run again. She was running as fast as she could when she heard the humming of what sounded like a helicopter overhead. Yes! She slowed and watched as the chopper flew lower. Emblazoned on the side of it were the words LAS VEGAS POLICE.

  Michaela looked back to see Sam on the ground, convulsing in one of his seizures.


  THANK GOD JOEY’S COUSIN’S BEST FRIEND’S uncle’s daughter-in-law worked as a dispatcher for the Las Vegas Police Department. Between her and Davis, who didn’t ask Joe how he’d gotten his information, they were able to get a chopper in the air and locate Michaela rather quickly, before she either died at the hands of Sam or was blown away by the Santa Ana winds out in the Mojave.

  The police arrested Sam and took him under watch to a hospital in Vegas, where once released he would await trial for two murders and a whole lot more. Michaela was also taken to the hospital and released after being checked out. A police officer kindly drove her to the Bellagio, where she called Camden from the lobby of the hotel.

  “You’re late,” Camden said.

  “I have a good excuse.”

  “Come on up. I got us a suite.”

  “I take it you got the job.”

  “Nope. My lawyer called and my ex coughed up the money I was asking for. Suppose he figured I’d be a stiletto heel in his side forever. Now get your ass on up here. I’ve got something for you.”

  Michaela laughed and it felt so good. In the suite, Camden handed her a bag from Dolce & Gabbana. “What is this for?”

  “Look, if I’m going to let you make the biggest mistake of your life along with Ethan, you might as well look damn good doing it . . . Oh my God! What in the hell happened to you? You look terrible. You already been out with the horses you were picking up? What, did one go crazy and throw you? I’ve warned you about those horses. And where’s Sam? Thought he was coming with you. Wasn’t that what you wrote in the note you left me in the kitchen?”

  “Long story. Tell you over margaritas.”

  “You’re on, sister. Now you better get your ass in gear if we’re going to do this.”

  Michaela cleaned up and put on more makeup than usual with Camden’s help to cover up the bruise on her forehead, as well as the scratches she’d suffered during the fight with Sam. She relayed as much of the story to Camden as she could while she did her face.

  “I can’t believe what you’ve been through,” Camden said. “Murder—twice—buried your uncle, figured out the scam of the century, run off the road by a psycho bitch from hell, two trips to the hospital, about killed by the murderer, and now you’re about to lose the love of your life. You’re amazing.”

  “No. Now I’m depressed.”

  Camden laughed. “At least that detective was a positive, right? That man is divine. And, from what you’ve told me, he is into you.”

  “Davis, yeah. He is a great guy. I should call him.” Michaela turned her cell on. There were a half a dozen messages from a worried and concerned Davis. He answered on the first ring.

  “Are you okay? I just got off the phone with the Vegas PD. My God! I’ve been worried sick.”

  “You have?”


  “I’m sorry. It’s just that with all that happened, I didn’t really get much of a chance to call. I’ve kind of been . . . tied up. But I’m fine.”

  “You are?”

  “Really, I am.”

  “I wish I could come on out there, but my little girl . . .”

  “That’s right, her ankle. How is she?”

  “In a cast, but she’ll be fine. But between the two of you, I think I’ve developed an ulcer.”

  Michaela laughed. This guy really cared. “I’ll be back in a couple of days. I think I’ll try and get some R&R. Then, I have to figure out how to get Dwayne’s horses home. The police impounded the truck and trailer. But that’s the last of my worries.”

  “I’m working on getting Dwayne cleared of the charges. It doesn’t look as if he had anything to do with his cousin’s crimes.”

  She sighed. “Thank God.”

  “You should take some time out. See that rodeo you were talking about.”

  ‘The NFR isn’t just some rodeo. It is the ultimate rodeo. You’d love it. Too bad you couldn’t come.”

  “Yeah. How long you think you might stay?”

  “I’ll get things figured out by Sunday and leave here Monday morning.”

  “What are you doing on Tuesday?” he asked.

  “Same old. Getting up, working horses.”

  “You need a coffee break?”

  She smiled. “I just might. Know where I can get a good cup of Joe?”

  “The Honey Bear Cottage. I like to go there around four.”

  “Funny. Me, too. I need a pick-me-up about that time.”

  “Maybe I’ll see you there.”

  “Maybe you will.” Michaela told him goodbye and donned the gorgeous, drop-dead-sexy rose-colored dress Camden had given her. She walked out into the front room of the suite. “Doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Good thing I don’t have big boobs, or I’d be falling out of this thing.”

  “For once, go with it. You look fabulous.”

  “I plan on it.” Oddly enough she did want to look good, and although it had been one eventful day and she should be exhausted, a weight had been lifted. She knew that both Uncle Lou and Bean could now rest in peace.

  They met Ethan in the lobby. Camden had done as she’d promised and arranged rooms for everyone. She had a date later on that evening with the manager.

  Gosh, did Ethan look handsome in a light gray pin-striped suit and white shirt. Michaela’s stomach sank.

  “Look at you!” Camden said. “Didn’t know you cleaned up so well.”

  “Thanks. I try.”

  “Where’s the blushing bride?”

  “She’ll be down in a minute. Something about wanting to look perfect.”

  “Ah. I’m sure she will. I think I’ll grab us some champagne before we head out.” Camden winked at her.

  Ethan smiled at Michaela and approached her.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “Sure. Big step. A baby and everything.”

  “Yes it is.”

  “You do understand, don’t you, Mick?”

  No! she wanted to scream. I don’t understand why Summer is carrying your child and you’re marrying her. But the words that came out didn’t match her feelings. “I do. You’ll make a great daddy.”

  He hugged her. “Thanks.” He kissed her on the top of her head. “You’re my girl, you know.”

  She nodded. “I know.”




  SAM WAS CONVICTED FOR THE MURDERS OF UNCLE Lou and Bean, as well as for fraud. Michaela received her inheritance and used some of it to pay back all of the owners of the mares who’d had foals that did prove to be out of her stallion, Rocky. The AQHA did not pursue the charges, and Michaela did move on to her uncle’s ranch. Camden also moved in with Michaela and refuses to ever get involved with a man again, especially one like Kevin Tanner. Kirsten was convicted of vehicular assault, and on top of some jail time must do community service, which entails roadside litter cleanup. As far as Michaela and the rest of her
family, friends, and foes, look for the next segment of The Horse Lover’s Mysteries in Death Reins In.


  As a writer of fiction, at times for the story’s sake, I might take a bit of literary license. I realize that in Saddled with Trouble that I did a bit of this with Dwayne Yamiguchi’s character. I have been to the NFR in Las Vegas several times and have grown up around horses, so I know what it takes for the men and women of rodeo to qualify to compete at the NFR. With Dwayne’s position at Uncle Lou’s ranch, I realize that he probably would not, in the real world, be an NFR competitor. To compete at that level would mean a rider must be completely devoted to that task only. I completely respect the men and women of rodeo and hope you enjoy reading The Horse Lover’s Mystery Series.




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