Zoe & Dylan: The Sons of Dusty Walker

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Zoe & Dylan: The Sons of Dusty Walker Page 4

by Redford, Jodi

  Hunter gave an excited hoot before bum-rushing his grandpa. “I haz candy!” He opened his mouth to prove it before he finished chewing the Tootsie Roll. “I also gots a new kitty. She’s home with Grammy and mama.”

  Dylan smothered a groan. So much for keeping Luke in the dark.

  “Oh.” Luke eyed Dylan. “Georgianna’s in town?”

  “Uh...” Dylan scratched his jaw, debating whether he should risk lying to Luke now and pay the consequence later.

  “Not Nana! Grammy!”

  Dylan’s wince was equal parts due to Hunter’s shrill shout and Luke’s frown. Luke dragged his gaze from his grandson and pinned it on Dylan. “My ex is here?”

  No point beating around the bush now that the cat was outta the bag. “Yeah.”

  Luke’s features resembled granite. “Well, I can see I’m not gonna be welcome.”

  Shit. He had his own troubles to deal with. Adding Luke to the mix was one more headache he didn’t need. “You have to know it’d be a bad idea the two of you staying there.”

  “No, I git it. Samantha takes priority over me. I’ll go find some rat-infested hotel room to bunk in. Or maybe some homeless fella will let me share his cardboard box.”

  The only thing missing from Luke’s wounded air was the accompanying martyr cross. Dylan gritted his teeth. “You can stay at my dad’s place.”

  Malcom’s eyes lit up. “Really? That place is sweet.”

  Dylan dug out his cellphone. “Let me swing it by Marliss first, but I don’t think it’ll be a problem.” He punched in a quick text to the housekeeper and self-appointed second mother hen to him and his brothers. A few seconds later her response pinged, verifying that she and her husband, Lou, would be happy to have some guests over at the house. Relieved to have at least that potential calamity resolved, he pocketed his phone. “I’ll drive over with you and help y’all get situated.”

  Luke swung Hunter up into his arms. “Did you hear that, Little Man? Paw Paw is going to spend the whole week with you.”

  Hunter swiveled his head toward Dylan. “Lan, did you hear?” he shouted, parroting Luke. “Paw Paw iz spendzing a week with us!”

  Dylan plastered on the fakest smile in existence. “Yee haw.”


  Zoe immediately knew something was wrong the instant Dylan stepped through the door. Dread over what that something might be percolated in her gut. He tossed his keys on the console, his expression giving away nothing more than the pensiveness already suspended over him.

  Hunter barreled across the room and leapt onto the couch between her and her mom, scaring the bejeebers out of poor Tigger. The kitten climbed beneath the sofa. Hunter jumped to the floor and crawled onto his belly to peek under the couch. Ignoring his useless attempts to coax the kitten out, Zoe gazed anxiously at Dylan. “What’s wrong?”

  His focus flicked to Samantha for a second before shifting to the stack of mail resting near his hand. The knot of tension in her belly squeezed tighter. Oh God. He wasn’t happy about her mom being here. Although he’d assured her last night that it wasn’t the case, she hadn’t completely believed him. She wasn’t exactly thrilled to pieces about having her living with them for three weeks. How could he possibly be overjoyed about it?

  Apparently giving up on Operation Kitty Extraction, Hunter bounced to his feet. “Paw Paw iz gonna take me toy shopping tomorrow while you’s working.”

  Preoccupied with her worried musings, Zoe smoothed her son’s rumpled hair. “That’s nice, Boo Bear.”

  “He tolds me I could pick out whatevers I want.”

  Finally his words penetrated her haze of distraction. Frowning, she snapped her full attention to Hunter. “Wait, what?”

  Dylan cleared his throat. “I told Luke it had to be within reason. And the pet store is absolutely off limits.”

  She rubbed her forehead. “I don’t understand. Are you taking Hunter to Nashville?” He of course had every right to take their son on a road trip, but it would have been nice if he’d talked it over with her first.

  “No.” Dylan’s attention momentarily veered to her mom again before shifting back to her. “Luke is set up at my dad’s place for the week.”

  “What?” The word leaked from Zoe on a thin breath.

  “He and Trin are pinning down lyrics. Malcom is there to ensure Trin doesn’t go after your dad with the fireplace poker should Luke be stupid enough to suggest he’s the better songwriter. That didn’t go over too well last time.”

  “Unbelievable,” Samantha ground between her teeth. “Then again, it’s just like the man to roar into town and start bribing Hunter for his affections while I’m here. Well, he’s got another think comin’ if he assumes he can outdo me in gifts.”

  Zoe groaned, visions of semi-trailer loads of Toys R Us swimming in her head. “Let’s not make this into a competition, please. The last thing Dylan and I want is for our son to become spoiled because you and Luke are trying to one-up each other.”

  Her expression petulant, Samantha grumbled. “Fine. But if that man buys my grandson a Great Dane there will be hell to pay.”

  Zoe winced at the pounding in her head. “Trust me, that won’t happen.” She pushed up from the couch and trekked up the stairs. She bee-lined for the medicine cabinet in the bathroom and fetched the bottle of Tylenol. The steady clomp of footsteps behind her announced that she had company. After popping two of the tablets into her mouth and chasing them with a sip of water she pivoted and stared at Dylan. “Why is fate such an asshole?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, it’s sure been putting in overtime disrupting our lives the last few days.”

  “I’m sorry my parents are such a pain to deal with. Believe me, I wish they could be normal. Even just for a day.”

  He strode to her and cupped her face. “You’re not their keeper and don’t need to apologize for them. Besides, I’ve been dealing with your dad for a while now. Long before you and I got together.”

  “I know. But my mom—”

  “Ain’t that bad.” He grinned at her snort of disbelief. “Honestly, she’s not.”

  “You’re being nice for my benefit. She’s opinionated, nosy, smokes more than a chimney, and thinks it’s entirely appropriate to make death threats against her ex.”

  Dylan’s knuckle gently grazed her cheek. “Let me ask you somethin’. You like my mom, right?”

  She gaped at him. “Are you kidding? I adore Georgianna.”

  “Well, see, that’s the thing. My ma isn’t without her flaws too. And being her son, sometimes those are extra magnified to me because I tend to forget one crucial fact. She’s human. Just like your mom is.”

  “You truly are an amazing and sweet man.” Sniffling, she wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled into him. “And you’re right. She is. And so is Luke.”

  “Let’s not get carried away here.”

  Blubbering a laugh, she hugged him tighter. “Thank you for letting him stay at Dusty’s. I owe you big time.”

  “Hell, darlin’. Luke and the band are as much my responsibility as yours. Completely so, in the case of Trin and Mal.” He ghosted his fingertips along her arms. “But if you’re intent on repayment, I got somethin’ in mind.”

  The hard bulge poking her above her navel clued her in to what that somethin’ might be. Her insides liquid, she raised her face to Dylan. He took her up on the silent invitation by ducking his head and claiming her mouth in a searing kiss. Her moan became lost to the hungry sweep of his tongue over hers. He banded his arms around her, pulling her snug to him. Knees weak, she gripped a fistful of his flannel shirt, holding on for dear life.

  A moment later he came up for air, his face flushed with desire and his eyes burning with an intensity that stole her remaining breath. “I’m desperate to sink inside you, angel.”

  “I know. I want you beyond all reason too.” She chewed her bottom lip. “We could have a quickie. If we’re quiet.”

  His low chuckle added to the goose
bumps already occupying her overheated skin. “What’s the likelihood of that?”

  “True. You are a screamer.”

  “Sassy woman. We both know whose vocal chords would be bringing down the house.”

  She offered him a haughty look. “I am the daughter of a world famous country star. What do you expect?”

  He swatted her ass with a grin. “Later? After everyone’s gone to bed?”

  “It’s a date.”

  They headed downstairs. Their son was snuggled in Samantha’s lap, his rapt attention glued to the Winnie the Pooh book his grammy read out loud from. Sighing, she crossed to the couch and hugged them both. Her mom smiled and patted the space next to her.

  Zoe shook her head. “I need to get dinner figured out.”

  “Angel, park that cute fanny. I’ll get it taken care of.”

  The look she slid to Dylan must have been full of doubt because he crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. “What? You don’t think I can cook?”

  “Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches don’t qualify.”

  “Woman, you are going to be eating your words. And my world famous spaghetti.”

  Hunter’s head whipped up. “I like s’ghetti.”

  “Damn, he really is an apple off the old tree.” Nodding in approval, Dylan strode toward the kitchen.

  Still not entirely convinced of his culinary capabilities, she plunked down next to her mom. Samantha offered her a shrewd look. “You need to marry that man right now.”

  Her nerves started their Mexican Hat Dance in her belly. Her mom was absolutely right. Only a fool would keep a wonderful treasure like Dylan Walker waiting forever.


  As promised, Dylan’s spaghetti was better than palatable. She wasn’t too proud to admit that it probably even surpassed her version. Spearing one parmesan-flecked meatball with her fork, she anted up a suspicious squint. “Why have you been keeping this talent under wraps?”

  “You’ve never given me the opportunity to show it off. By the time I get home every night you already have dinner goin’.”

  She dropped her gaze and picked at the heap of sauce-covered noodles on her plate. “You’re right. Guess I’m just so conditioned to doing everything myself.”

  “You don’t hafta, angel. That’s what I’m here for. To help shoulder the load and take care of you and Hunter.”

  Samantha cleared her throat. Zoe lifted her head and met her mom’s pointed stare. The mass of anxiety swirled like a tornado in her gut. Her palms were clammy and her throat drier than a desert. Despite all of that she still managed to shove the words past the prisoner of her tongue. “Valentine’s Day.”


  She tore her gaze from her mom’s and returned Dylan’s perplexed glance. “We should get married on Valentine’s Day.” She rushed on when he continued to gape at her. “I know it’s corny, but I figure it’s a good way for us to always remember our anniversary.”

  Dylan busted out the biggest grin in all existence. He pushed back his chair so fast, it was a miracle it didn’t topple. The next instant he tugged her out of her seat and hoisted her into his arms with a jubilant “Whoop!”.

  Swinging her in his arms, he danced her around the dining room. The pirouetting did little to ease the tempest of nerves sloshing in her tummy but she did her best to tune out the queasy sensation and even returned the joyful kiss he planted on her lips.

  “Well, I think this calls for a toast.” Samantha lifted from her seat. “Let me grab one of those bottles of wine I brought with me.”

  Dylan stole another kiss and set her on her feet while her mom went in search of the vino. He shook his head as if he wasn’t entirely sure the moment wasn’t a figment of his imagination. “I’ll admit I was hopin’ for sooner, but you’ve still made me the happiest cowboy on Earth, darlin’.”

  She only prayed that she would make him happy.

  “I can’t wait to tell my brothers. They’ve been anxious to plan the bachelor party.” He stooped to peer into her eyes, concern flickering in his own hazel irises. “Hey, I hope you’re not worried about that. You know we wouldn’t do anything crazy. No strippers or nothin’.”

  Samantha reentered the room, bearing a bottle of Chardonnay. “Better not invite Luke then. Lord knows he probably keeps them on retainer.”

  “Mom, please.” The nausea increasing, Zoe shoved away from Dylan and made fast tracks for the downstairs powder room.

  “Zoe, we’re doing a toast.”

  Ignoring her mom’s reprimand, she elbowed the door shut and dropped to her knees in front of the toilet. An unpleasant round of heaving hit her, but fortunately her spaghetti dinner didn’t make a return trip. Shivering and miserable, she huddled into a fetal position on the throw rug. Seconds ticked by before a soft knock sounded.

  “Zoe? Are you okay?”

  She groaned weakly and Dylan opened the door. He hunkered next to her, fear carved into his features. “Baby. Jesus. Do you need to go to the hospital?”

  “N-no. I’m fine. The excitement got to me is all.”

  “And here I was swinging you around.” He cursed under his breath. “Goddamn it, I’m a dumbass.”

  Risking the discomfort it’d bring her, she shook her head. “You’re wonderful.” Her voice broke on the last word. Unable to contain the dam of her tears now that they’d been sprung, she sobbed against her forearm, quickly soaking the sleeve of her sweater.

  “Shhh. Sugar, you’re gonna make me start bawling too. And that ain’t manly. I’ll have to start wearing dresses and women’s underwear. Then we’ll have a problem, seeing how I’ll probably like it.”

  Her laugh watery, she turned and wrapped her arms around him. He hooked his free arm beneath her knees and straightened. Cuddling her to his chest, he headed for the stairs.

  “My mom is waiting for that toast.”

  He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “It can keep until tomorrow.”

  “The dishes—”

  “Can also keep.”

  His stern expression hinting that he’d shoot down any further protests from her, he carried her to their room and gently set her on the bed. She grabbed his hand as he began to lean away from her. “Can you hold me for a while? I-I don’t want you to leave.” Ever. But she couldn’t tell him that. Not without looking like a neurotic basket case. Never mind that’s exactly what she was.

  His gaze soft and full of so much love it made her heart ache, he squeezed her fingers before releasing them and crossing to the other side of the bed. The mattress shook and then the next second his comforting warmth enveloped her from behind. He tucked her in his arms, drawing her upper leg between his. “How is this?”

  “Perfect,” she whispered, eyes stinging from the deluge of tears they’d released.

  He began singing to her, his husky baritone vibrating along her cheek. The sweet melody of his love song slowly chased the tension from her limbs and the heaviness from her chest.

  She couldn’t let her fears defeat her. Dylan was her future. Losing him would destroy her completely.


  He awoke to the best sensation in existence—Zoe’s lips wrapped around his dick, her tongue lovingly stroking the head. Groaning, he cracked open his eyes and lifted the sheet. She tossed him a wink and continued working him over. Opening her mouth wider, she sucked him toward the back of her throat.

  “Sweet Jesus.” He raised up slightly and sifted his fingers through her hair. “I’ve missed this. Waking up to you lovin’ up on me.”

  She released him with a succulent pop. “Me too. I’m sorry I fell asleep last night.”

  It took a moment for him to recall their planned date. “Don’t ever apologize for that, angel. You’ve been busy with work and taking care of our boy. Plus you weren’t feelin’ well. I wasn’t about to suggest we get busy under the sheets, all that considered.”

  “Well, if you’d rather not do it now...” She started to back off of him, her eyes twinkling.
/>   Growling a laugh, he reached up and snagged her wrists before she could retreat farther. “C’mere, you vixen.”

  She began to lower her mouth to his cock again but he squeezed her fingers. “Turn around so I can eat your pussy at the same time.”

  Desire flushing her cheeks pink, she dutifully obeyed the request and straddled his face. He bracketed her pussy with his hands, looking his fill before sliding his arms around her hips and drawing her down on his mouth. He licked lazy figure-eights across her clit, slicking up the nubbin until it was swollen and throbbing against his tongue. The whole time she continued annihilating his senses with her own brand of teasing. Sucking him deep enough down her throat he could feel her tonsils hitting the underside of his gland. And when she swallowed? Holy hell. It was a damn miracle he didn’t lose it right then and there.

  Flicking his tongue faster, he slipped one finger inside her and massaged her G-spot with a beckoning motion.


  “Mm hm. You’re gonna come for me, darlin’. Don’t even fight it.” He resumed his feasting, his tongue relentless in its quest to shoot her over the edge. She broke apart with a strangled cry, her body convulsing.

  Before she completely came down from the rush, he rolled her onto her back and settled between her thighs. Holding her glassy stare, he sank inside the velvet heat of her pussy. The pleasure scalding through his veins tore a groan from him that he swore traveled all the way from his toes. Her nails dug into his flanks, encouraging him on. Like he was remotely capable of denying her anything. Especially with the alluring way her pussy rippled around him. Flexing his hips, he drove into her deeper, satisfaction flaring through him when his name snared in her throat.

  “You like that, baby?”

  “God, yes. It’s so good.”

  He lifted up onto his knees and braced her legs on his shoulders. He pumped his hips, the friction tighter than ever. A breath hissed between his teeth. With the way she clenched him, not coming would be a struggle, but he didn’t want to make that rollercoaster ride into bliss without her. Judging from the trembling in her limbs, that wouldn’t be an issue.


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