Welch, D [Shadow People 02] Shadow Spies

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Welch, D [Shadow People 02] Shadow Spies Page 5

by Doug Welch

  Eric eyes scanned each of them, and he turned to look out of the front of the limo. “Please everyone, have a drink. It will be a few minutes until we reach the resort.”

  They all settled back in the soft leather seats with a drink in their hands.

  “I think June should get a raise,” Paris said. “Have you ever experienced anything like this?”

  “I'm in a daze,” Caesar replied. “Everything seems to be happening so quick. It’s a little surreal.”

  Alex gazed out the window. “This isn't what it was like when I was here. The rooms were nice, but you had to get your own drinks and there was no valet.”

  Elizabeth settled back in the seat. “Be prepared Alex. I have a feeling that we are going to have maids to dress us.” She coyly glanced at her.

  Alex grinned. “You're kidding.” She stretched her legs and leaned back in the seat. “I have a feeling I'm going to like this.”

  Paris sipped his beer as he watched the landscape flash by, sand and rocks dotted with stunted shrubs, broken by a few clumps of true greenery confined to multiple businesses and housing complexes.

  The limo entered a freeway ramp, merged with the six lane interstate highway and the view changed. Desert shrubs gave way to towering high rise buildings thrusting up from the arid desert like stands of giant concrete trees. There was a forest of them, all shapes and sizes, extending toward the horizon on either side.

  Soon, exit signs for roads like Tropicana, Flamingo and Sands lined the busy freeway into the distance. After a while, the limos left the interstate and entered a wide boulevard leading into the thicket of buildings.

  At a busy intersection, they turned onto another street that held more vehicles and people than Paris had ever seen in one place, even in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Eric's voice came from the front.

  “This is the Las Vegas Strip. Actually, its proper name is Las Vegas Boulevard, but everyone calls it The Strip.”

  Crowds marched up and down both sides of the median-divided boulevard, filling the sidewalks, and entering and leaving exotic casino entrances and massive ornate hotels. Many people stared at the cars in which they rode, as the limos crawled through the congested traffic. Eric gestured to the crowds.

  “There's a big trade show running right now. But in a few days, it’ll be less crowded. It'll be easier to move around then.”

  As the car inched along the street Paris stared in awe at the huge casino and hotel complexes. The display of luxury and, he admitted to himself, ostentatious hedonism, continued until the limo turned into the driveway of a huge building that towered over the city.

  The limousine slowed to a stop in front of a portico with a sparkling glass and marble exterior. Soaring over the front of the edifice were the spires and crenellated towers of a fairyland castle. Eric exited the car, ran around to the passenger doors, opened them, and escorted them from the vehicles. Paris still held the beer in his hand.

  “What do I do with this?” he said indicating the bottle.

  “Take it with you. This is Las Vegas. No one is going to say anything. I promise you,” Eric said.

  The group followed Eric and James into the front entrance. Again Paris experienced the blast of heat followed by the transition to the cool interior of the hotel, and then they walked into the hotel lobby.

  The resort featured a fairytale palace theme. A vaulted ceiling soared over them in graceful arches. Stained glass windows sandwiched between the arches allowed the desert sun to illuminate the marble floors and walls in rippling patterns of multiple colors. He could hear a cacophony of sounds emanating from the expansive casino visible from the resort entrance.

  Paris tried using his engineering skills to estimate the cost of building merely the lobby. Once he reached a billion he gave up on the effort, just surrendered and experienced it.

  They walked past a registration area that looked as long as a city block and into an ornate opening at the end. Passing through the opening, they entered a plush lounge, decorated in multiple pastel colors that contained a tasteful grouping of obviously expensive chairs and sofas. Their feet sank into thick carpeting in colors that complemented the hues of the walls and ceiling. A carved, gleaming, massive mahogany desk dominated one side of the lounge.

  Behind the desk a beautiful young woman dressed in an attractive business suit rose to greet them.

  “Welcome to the Elysium Resort and Casino. My name is Emily. We've been expecting you. I am here to help you register and answer any questions you may have. Please, if you will each sign the guest register, we can escort you to your suite.”

  She circulated around the room, correctly identifying them by name, and had them sign the guest book. As they signed, she gave each of them a key that looked like a piece of jewelry.

  When she’d finished, she stood in front of the group.

  “Through that entrance,” she said, indicating an opening at the far end of the lounge “is the private elevator to your suite. It opens only to your key. The key is electronically coded, and you may keep it after you depart as a reminder of your time here. Eric and James will escort you. Do you have any questions?”

  Alex giggled. “Just one. When does the fairy godmother arrive?”

  Emily chuckled. “Enjoy your stay, Miss Fox. I believe when you leave I will have to address the two couples as Mister and Missus, am I correct?”

  They all grinned and nodded.

  She smiled. “Congratulations on your weddings. We will endeavor to make them as memorable as possible.”

  They rode the elevator in two groups. Eric accompanied Paris, Elizabeth, Caesar and Alex, while the remainder waited with James.

  The doors of the elevator opened into a foyer with embossed, lavender satin wallpaper. Gilded mirrors and satin covered settees, colored to match the walls, adorned each side. They walked through the foyer and into the suite.

  “Oh my God,” Caesar said. Alex gasped. Elizabeth gazed in astonishment. Paris felt stunned.

  The suite rose to a second story from a huge central living room, and two magnificent, sweeping marble staircases descended from either side of the upper floors. Suspended mid-center of the room, a massive crystal chandelier hung from the vaulted ceiling. Pastel colors in multiple shades intermingled on the walls, floors and ceiling and framed paintings, which appeared to be originals, adorned the walls. Ornate scroll work trimmed the doors and borders. What seemed an acre of plush carpeting covered the floors and stairs and stretched into other, less visible areas.

  Groupings of couches, chairs, and gleaming wood coffee tables were scattered about the spacious living room. A grand piano occupied one corner. At the far end of the living room, windows stretched from floor to ceiling, wall to wall. They appeared to be polished to the point of invisibility, and the tinted glass allowed subdued sunlight to bathe the room.

  Paris walked to the end of the living room and looked out of the windows. The suite was in one of the pinnacles of the resort, and he could see what appeared to be the entire skyline of Las Vegas spread below him. He felt a slight sense of vertigo and stepped back. He heard voices from the vicinity of the foyer and returned to the group.

  Tom gazed around with an amazed look. Dan stood with his mouth hanging open. Roxanne looked bewildered and June stood with her arms folded with a huge, smug grin on her face.

  They all assembled in the living room standing around gazing at the decor, afraid to touch anything.

  Eric joined them. He wore an amused smile. “Does the suite meet with your expectations, sir?”

  “Yes,” Paris' voice croaked.

  Eric laughed. “Pardon me for laughing sir. It's just that it’s always a pleasure to see a guest's reaction. It’s beautiful, isn't it?”

  “Gorgeous,” Paris replied. “I feel like I don't want to disturb anything.”

  Eric's face turned serious. “You must consider this your home during your stay. If you want anything rearranged, anything added or removed, you only have to ask and it wi
ll be done.”

  He turned to face the group. “Relax and enjoy yourselves. Refreshments can be found in the drink caddy. There are several more rooms and amenities in the suite, including an infinity pool on the balcony. Some guests find it intimidating because it appears to fall over the edge, but I can assure you it’s completely safe. It’s heated, and there are chairs and towels. If you didn't bring bathing apparel, that can be provided. It's private, so some guests swim in the nude. If that is your preference, no one will object.

  “There is a large professional kitchen. Your meals will be prepared here by one of the Elysium's master chefs. The formal dining room adjoins it. The suite contains a gaming room with a billiard table, card tables and video games. The upstairs bedrooms sleep ten guests individually or twenty paired without crowding. The two master bedrooms are located under the stairs on either side. I assume the newly-weds will occupy those. We can keep them vacant for the wedding night, or prepare them now, however you chose. James and I will leave you alone to unwind from your trip. Does anyone have questions?” He was answered with silence.

  “Good. Relax and indulge yourselves. Simply press the assistance button on the remote’s keypad and we will return.”

  They headed to one of the settings of chairs and couches. Alex and Caesar sprawled on one of the sofas, Alex stretching out with her head on Caesar's lap and Paris and Elizabeth sat close together on one of the love seats. Dan sat with Roxanne, his pretty, dishwater-blond cop girlfriend, on a comfortable couch. Tom swung his long black hair over his shoulder and settled his six-foot frame in an overstuffed chair. June found a seat beside him. They were all quiet for a moment; looking at each other.

  It was Alex who broke out in giggles.

  “God! Can you believe it? I feel like I'm a princess in a fairy tale! This is so over-the-top.”

  Caesar gazed around. “It’s impressive.”

  “It's beautiful and very romantic,” Elizabeth said.

  “June, you managed to exceed my wildest expectations. Thank you,” Paris said.

  “You said to pull out the stops, boss. There's more to come.”

  “I think you tied down the accelerator,” Paris replied. “Do I dare to ask how much this is going to cost?”

  “Don't worry Paris,” June said. “The State of Kentucky is paying for it, although they may not know it yet. Maybe you can send the Governor some wedding pictures. I chose the Elysium because they have a reputation for making certain that everything’s perfect. So far, they haven't let me down. Besides, you four deserve it after all the turmoil. You need the fun.”

  “I never expected it Paris,” Tom added. “I mean, the idea of going to Vegas was great but this..? Wow, awesome!”

  Dan and Roxanne rose and walked to the window to look out at the view. Dan's voice echoed from the end of the room. “I'm truly happy for you two. I know your mother and father would have loved this moment. I'm only sorry they aren't here to savor it with us.”

  The familiar feeling of loss invaded Paris' mood. He firmly clamped it down, determined to not let anything spoil his happiness. “They’ll be here, Dan. I don't know how, but I'm sure of it. Let it go.”

  Dan nodded. “The view is spectacular folks. Come and see it.”

  Everyone rose from their seats, walked to the end of the living room and stared out of the windows. After a while, Paris located the remote which held the summons button and pressed it. Soon, the sound of the elevator doors distracted them from the view.

  Eric and James rejoined them. “Is everyone comfortable?” Eric asked. Apparently taking their subdued silence for assent, he continued, “Good. I need to review the wedding plans and the schedule we've prepared for you. If there are any changes you desire, please let us know. This afternoon, we will drive you to the marriage bureau where you can apply for your licenses. The office is open until twelve midnight, seven days a week. You must bring your identification and know your social security numbers. There is a fee. You can pay with cash or a credit card. You can be married at any time after that.

  “Tomorrow, we’ve scheduled a shopping day to allow the brides, grooms and the wedding party, to choose clothing appropriate to the ceremony. We’ve set fitting times for the brides, because they may have a more difficult time choosing a gown, with the best bridal shops in the city.

  “You may also want to purchase other things at that time. If your trip keeps you away from the suite, we can recommend eating establishments for lunch or dinner. We will be at your disposal the entire time. The women will be traveling together in one car and the men in another.

  “As for the wedding arrangements, there are several nice wedding chapels in the city, including two at the Elysium. We’ve conducted weddings here in the suite, and it can be redecorated for that purpose. It’s your choice. We can arrange for a clergyman, a non-denominational priest, or secular official to conduct your weddings. We also have a wedding planner employed at the Resort who can handle most of the details. You can talk about it and make your decisions. The time of the wedding is scheduled for two days from your arrival, is that adequate time?”

  Paris considered the schedule and his options. The image of Beth and Alex gliding down either side of that marble staircase, made him feel liquid inside. “I think we should be married in the suite. It's perfect.”

  Alex looked excited. Her eyes sparkled. “Beth, can you imagine both of us gliding down these stairs with these two adorable hunks waiting below? It's awesome.”

  Elizabeth smiled. “It would be impressive.”

  Caesar’s eyes glistened. “Marvelous. I think we should do it.”

  Eric looked pleased. “I believe the Resort’s management was hoping you would say that. With the obvious beauty of the brides and the attractiveness of the grooms and the wedding party, don't be surprised if they ask to take pictures to use as publicity.”

  Paris snapped his fingers. “Speaking of pictures, we need wedding pictures. Is there a shop were I can buy a camera?”

  “Don't trouble yourself, sir,” Eric said. ”Let the wedding planner handle that. We have professional photographers on-site to snap candid and posed photos of the wedding party activities and the wedding. They are guaranteed to be unobtrusive. The staff can install video cameras placed at strategic positions that can capture images of the wedding and we can produce professional quality videos. Let us take care of it.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Paris said, and scanned the group. “How does everyone else feel?”

  They all nodded agreement.

  “Very well, allow me to introduce the other members of the staff.”

  Two young women walked into the living room. “These are the maids, Maria and Annette. They will be assisting the women. James and I will be assisting the men.”

  Paris started, then narrowed his gaze. For the first time, he fully looked at the Hispanic valet. The man looked familiar. He felt he'd seen him before, but the name didn't register. He examined him closer. James' eyes flickered in his direction but then returned to the front. His face relaxed into an impassive half smile.

  Jaime, not James, Jaime.

  The valet called James gave no indication of any change in his expression but Paris knew. ‘James’ was an old Army buddy. Corporal Jaime Felix, one of his platoon corporals.

  Eric was still talking. “We are going to get you all settled in your rooms now. Do you have any questions?” The group remained silent. “Very well.” Eric started to organize them but Paris interrupted.

  “James, can you show me and my fiancée to our wedding suite?”

  Eric raised an eyebrow but nodded to James, who, without speaking, led Paris and Elizabeth to one of the rooms located beneath the staircase.

  After they’d entered and closed the door, Paris swung to Jaime. “Jaime what the hell are you doing here?”

  “I might ask you the same question Lieutenant. I thought at first you didn't recognize me.”

  “Are you kidding, Corporal? I'm a country boy from K
entucky. I couldn't connect James with Jaime. The J sounds like an H. – I'm sorry, this place is overwhelming. I wouldn't have been able to recognize my own mother.”

  Elizabeth sat on the side of the huge bed and listened to them.

  Jaime laughed, “It does get a little overpowering. I'm glad to see you Lieutenant. It's been a while since Iraq.”

  “Jaime, it's not Lieutenant anymore, just Paris. – Oh, I forgot, this is my bride-to-be –Actually, she’s my soul-mate, Elizabeth.”

  Elizabeth smiled and nodded.

  “I saw her pictures,” Jaime said. “Really, Miss Rowan they don't do you justice, you're much more beautiful in person.” He turned his attention to Paris. “We were prepared before you arrived. I hoped it might be you, Lieutenant, when I saw the name and the drink list.”

  “Paris, Jaime, Paris. We're out of the Army. Forget all that. Let's get together with a few beers and talk.”

  “Lieut – Paris. They frown on the hired help fraternizing with the guests. I could lose my job. It pays very well and...I have a family.”

  “Really? I've got to meet your family. Maybe if I talked to the hotel management..?”

  “I can't risk it,” Jaime said. “I'll give you my phone number and my address. If you get some time, visit or call me, and I'll pick you up. If not...well, I'll be here.”

  “I’ll be sure to make time, Jaime,” Paris said firmly. “I’m not letting an opportunity like this pass me by.” He turned to Elizabeth and pointed to Jaime. “I never told you, but this man saved my life in Iraq.”

  “Hey, Lieutenant, I saw you save a few too. I think we’d all be dead if you hadn’t been the C.O.”

  After dodging more of Paris’ protests, Jaime insisted upon leading them through the room's features and then left them to take care of the others.

  “I can see that there is a lot more to learn about you,” Elizabeth said after he left.

  “Not much Beth. You know most of it. The Army days… are just the Army days, mostly boring. It doesn’t matter.”

  “I don't believe that Paris, not at all, but I'll wait until you're ready to tell me.”


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