A Place in Their Hearts [Riverbend, Texas Heat 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Place in Their Hearts [Riverbend, Texas Heat 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Marla Monroe

  “What do you do, besides cook?” she asked with a forced grin.

  He cocked his head then smiled. “I do woodworking and cabinetry. My office is the workshop behind the house.”

  “Really?” She could see that he liked what he did from the way he smiled as he told her.

  “Yeah. I like working with my hands. That’s why I said it would make me nervous if someone was always hanging over me waiting for me to finish something.”

  “I get that. If I were working with my hands on something, I’d end up cutting a finger off with that kind of pressure. The worst I do is accidentally hang up on someone when I’m nervous about a call.”

  Jay chuckled. “Having been on the other end of a call about a piece of equipment that I can’t get to work right, I can tell you that is frustrating, but not life threatening.”

  “Oh, I’ve gotten some threats before when what I tell them isn’t what they thought it should be. I’m very happy that I work on a recorded line and no one can locate where I am after one of those calls.” Rayna shivered.

  “I can imagine. So what do you like to do outside of rescuing momma cats and working?”

  “I love the outdoors. I keep a little garden and love to hike, but I haven’t been in a while. It’s not safe to go alone, and I don’t really know many people here. That’s a hazard of working from home, as well.”

  Jay nodded. “Kenny mentioned that you might like to go on a hike. That will be fun. I’ll fix a picnic lunch for you guys.”

  “Thanks. If we go, I’m sure it will be great.”

  This is getting too hard to keep up. I really like Jay. How am I going to deal with how I feel about Kenny’s friend when I like Kenny just as much?

  “Looks like everything is ready.” Jay pulled out the bread. “Here, you can take the wine to the table for me while I set everything else out.”

  Rayna placed the wine bottle on the table then sat where Jay indicated. It was then that she realized that there were three place settings. He was planning to eat with them. God, could the night get any more difficult?

  “I’m back. Sorry about that.” Kenny walked over to where she sat and kissed her on the top of the head. “Someone’s dog got wrapped up in some barbwire, and it took a good hour to cut it all off of him. Fortunately they kept him calm so that he didn’t rip himself up too badly. Just required a few stitches and a collar to keep him from chewing on them.”

  “Oh, poor thing. That’s that Elizabethan collar we always called the cone of shame.” Rayna felt sorry for the poor pooch.

  “Yep, that would be the one.” He sat on one side of the table while Jay finished setting out the salad and salad dressings.

  “I hope you guys are hungry. I made enough for an army. We can always freeze whatever we don’t eat for later.” Jay poured more wine in his glass then passed it to Kenny. She noticed he poured only a half glass.

  “Dig in, guys.” Kenny passed the salad bowl to Rayna, and they began filling their bowls and plates with the meal Jay had cooked.

  Rayna slipped a bite into her mouth and closed her eyes as she moaned with delight.

  “This is amazing. I love it.” She couldn’t help but praise the man for his culinary skills. “You should have been a chef, Jay.”

  “It was a hard decision, but I decided I liked woodworking a little more than cooking, so that’s what I do full time and the cooking is a hobby now.” Jay smiled at her.

  “He built all the cabinets and bookshelves in the house,” Kenny told her.


  “He bitched the entire time because it took so long.” Jay chuckled as he spooned up more spaghetti.

  “Did not. I only fussed after the fourth week of waiting for you to say it was ready.”

  Rayna enjoyed their byplay and how they seemed to get along so well. It only drove home the fact that she couldn’t break them up by choosing one over the other. Her heart broke at the realization that she was going to have to refuse a second date.

  “Hey, where did that frown come from?” Kenny touched her elbow.

  “Sorry. Nothing. I was thinking about one of my last calls and how they were so upset over the changes to their policy. The elderly really get to me when they are paying for coverage and it turns out to not be what they really needed.”

  “I can imagine. You must be really good at your job to worry about your customers like that.”

  “This was delicious, but I’m stuffed. Can I help with the dishes?” She started to stand up, but Kenny stopped her.

  “Nope. We’re doing the dishes, or, rather, the dishwasher will do them. Why don’t you have a seat over there on the couch, and we’ll watch a movie once we’ve cleared the table.”

  “Really, I don’t mind.”

  “There isn’t enough room for the three of us in Jay’s kitchen. The only times I’m allowed in there is when I’m cooking out on the grill, fixing coffee, or helping clean up. Go relax.” Kenny urged her toward the other room.

  When both men had finished dealing with the leftovers and dirty dishes, they joined her on the couch with one on either side of her. Rayna couldn’t stop the little thrill that drag-raced down her spine at the closeness of both men. How was she going to be able to handle sitting through a movie like this?

  I’m going to end up hurt over this. I can already tell.

  “So, we have just about anything you might want to watch from comedy to shootouts to dramas. What are you in the mood for?” Jay asked her.

  “Oh, well. I like just about anything except the really raunchy comedies. What do you suggest?” she asked.

  “Hey, Jay. Let’s watch Godzilla. The new one.” Kenny stretched his long legs out as he rested one arm along the back of the couch behind her.

  “That okay with you, Rayna?” Jay asked.

  “Sure. I watched all of the old ones, but I haven’t seen this one yet.”

  Jay set up the DVD player then returned to the couch, sitting a fair distance away from her. She began to relax some as the movie started. It wasn’t until the next movie that they watched, some sort of comedy, that she found herself relaxing into both men as the good food, great wine, and congenial atmosphere caught up with her. The next thing she knew, Rayna woke up cocooned between both men so that she was warm and comfortable. Then it hit her where she was and what she was doing, and her eyes flew wide open.

  Chapter Six

  “Easy, babe. You’re fine. The movie just went off. Hate that you missed it, but you must have been worn out. We can always watch it again next time.” Kenny could tell Rayna was upset.

  “I—I’m so sorry that I fell asleep on you guys. It must have been the wine. I don’t usually do that.”

  “It’s fine, Rayna. Really, it’s fine.” Jay stood up, extending his hand to her.

  Kenny noticed how she hesitated and looked toward him before she accepted Jay’s offer and let him pull her to her feet.

  “I’m going to bed,” Jay told them. “Rayna, it was great to get to know you. Hope you come back again, soon. I’ll show you my shop.”

  “Thanks. I’d like that.”

  Kenny watched her face and noticed the unease when she told Jay she’d like to see his shop. Yep, she was attracted to both of them. Perfect. All he had to do was convince her to give them both a chance at the same time. He was positive her reaction wasn’t going to be the one he wanted, but he’d change her mind. He had to. Kenny already felt the first stirrings of attachment to her. All three of them had, had a great time that night. Now it was up to him to make sure she didn’t run screaming from the house.

  “How are you feeling? Do you need to walk around a bit before you drive home?” Kenny asked.

  “No. I think I’m wide-awake now. Thanks. I had a great evening, and the food and movies were excellent.”

  “I’m glad you did. What do you say we make plans to go hiking next Saturday if the weather permits? I’m usually finished at the clinic by noon. We could take a late picnic lunch and walk an
easy trail to get you geared up for the harder ones later.”

  She smiled but started shaking her head. “I don’t know, Kenny. I really like you, but I like Jay, as well. I didn’t expect this to happen, but I can’t date you or him since you’re best friends. It wouldn’t be fair to either of you or to me.”

  “It’s okay, Rayna. We both like you, too. We want to date you together.” Kenny waited as it slowly sank in and surprise swept across her face.

  “Like a threesome? You want me to date both of you at the same time? I’m confused. Why would you want that?” she asked.

  “Jay and I like to share. It’s just what we like. We’d do everything in our power to make you happy. Just think, two men to wait on you hand and foot. Two men to make sure you’re always happy, well fed, and well loved. There are a lot of threesomes in Riverbend. Since you don’t get out much, I bet you haven’t noticed them.”

  “There are other couples, I mean threesomes here? How many?” she asked. Her brows narrowed to meet over her nose.

  “About six or seven families. Some have children. We can introduce you to some of them if you want.”

  “I don’t know. I’m not sure I would be comfortable with dating two men at one time. Let me think about it, Kenny. I like you both a lot, but this is really different to how I was brought up.”

  Kenny sighed. “I understand, but at least agree to go hiking this weekend. You can get to know us better with no pressure. Just a short hike and lunch and that’s all.” He smiled, praying she’d agree.

  “Maybe. I’ll think about it and let you know later this week. Okay?” she asked.

  I don’t have a good feeling about this. She’s balking. I’ve got to figure something out to get her to agree.

  “I hope you really will think about it. It’s not a big deal here in Riverbend. No one is going to judge you or say anything to you about it. It’s just a way of life for some of us.” He walked her to the door, making sure she had her sweater on before taking both of her shoulders in his hands. “Good night, Rayna.”

  He bent over her and gave her a light kiss that teased him as much as it would her then opened the door and turned on the outside light so she could see to get into her car. He walked her out but didn’t attempt to kiss her again. She needed time. He got it. He didn’t like it, but he understood. Kenny watched her back out of the drive then drive down the road to disappear into the dark. Then he sighed and walked back into the house.

  “What did she say?” Jay asked when Kenny walked inside and locked the door.

  “She’d think about it. She’s spooked. I asked her to at least go hiking with us before she made up her mind, but I’m not sure she’s going to go. She likes us both. She admitted that much.”

  Jay nodded. “That’s a start, but I think she needs to talk to someone who’s living the life that we want. Maybe we can get one of the other wives to go hiking with us. That would mean more people so not so tense for her. Plus, she can watch how they interact and maybe ask questions if we provide some time for her to do that.”

  “That’s a great idea. I’ll ask Jared and Quade if they and Lexie would go hiking with us. They would need to get a babysitter for their son, but I bet they’d enjoy getting out some by now.” Kenny smiled. “I’ll call them tomorrow and check in on their mare. She’s about ready to foal.”

  “Good timing then. Kenny. I really like Rayna. She doesn’t feel like any of the women we’ve dated in the past. She feels like home to me. Having her leaning on me while she slept earlier was the best I’ve felt in a long time.” Jay leaned against the kitchen island. “What about you?”

  “I feel the same way. She’s special. She could be the one we’ve been waiting on all these years. Now all we have to do is convince her that she’d be happy with two men instead of just one.”

  * * * *

  Rayna caught herself daydreaming between calls again. Ever since the night she’d eaten at Kenny and Jay’s place, she’d been thinking about them at the oddest times. Her dreams had been sexy and embarrassing since she wasn’t one to dream about two men at one time. Hell, she wasn’t even one to dream about one man. She just didn’t have such explicit dreams until she’d met Kenny and Jay. Now all of her thoughts were consumed by them.

  Would it be so bad to date both of them at one time? Maybe. Maybe not. All she could think of was how much she’d enjoyed the night they’d eaten at their place. They’d both waited on her but hadn’t pushed her for more than she was comfortable with. Neither man had tried to make out with her during the movie. In fact, she’d obviously been the one to end up curled up next to Jay. Kenny hadn’t seemed to care that she’d done it either.

  Rayna was no closer to making up her mind about hiking that weekend as when Kenny had asked her. Being out in the middle of nowhere with two men who wanted to date her sounded like a bad idea. But that was silly since Kenny was the town’s veterinarian and wouldn’t risk his reputation by pulling something with her out there. Still, did she want to encourage them if she wasn’t going to date both of them?

  It was already Thursday, and she needed to call Kenny to give him an answer instead of putting it off until the last minute. She sighed and decided to tell him that she couldn’t do it. He’d understand and hopefully not pressure her. The instant she made the decision to turn them down, her chest started aching as if she’d lost her best friend.

  I can’t do it. It would be too hard to deal with two male egos at one time. What happens if I get mad at them? How could I ever win an argument when there are two against one?

  Most of her thoughts were silly, but she’d made up her mind. She sighed and called the number Kenny had given her to use.


  “Hey, Kenny. It’s Rayna.”

  “Hey, Rayna. I was actually about to call you. One of the threesomes I told you about is going to go hiking with us on Saturday. Do you know Jared, Quade, or Lexie? They just had their first son two months ago.”

  “I think I’ve met Lexie once at the diner. She was pregnant then, but I didn’t know she was in a threesome with two men.” Her resolve to say no shifted slightly.

  “They’re great friends. The men run a ranch, and she runs them.” He chuckled.

  “I bet the little boy runs all of them now.” She laughed.

  “You’re probably right. So, are you game to meet them?”

  “Well, I was going to say no, but since you’ve already asked them, I guess I’ll go. I’m still not sure about all of this, Kenny. I’m afraid we’re just putting off the inevitable.”

  “Just give us a chance, babe. I promise you’ll have a great time, and Lexie will be more than happy to tell you what living with two men is like. We aren’t asking you to marry us or anything. Just date us and see how things go.”

  “Okay. I’ll keep an open mind and go hiking. Where and when?” she asked.

  “I’ll pick you up on the way home from the clinic at say twelve thirty. We’ll pick up Jay and meet the others at one. Be sure and eat a little something and hydrate yourself before we go.”

  Rayna felt her mouth curve up into a wide grin. She was actually going to go, and she felt like she’d enjoy it with the other woman along to talk to.

  “Okay. I’ll see you Saturday.”

  Once again, she needed to find something to wear. She had some shorts that would be good for a short hike. They reached just above her knees. She wasn’t sure if a regular T-shirt was best or a sleeveless top would be better. In the end, she opted to wear an overly large T-shirt over a sleeveless top in case she needed to remove the T-shirt if she got hot.

  Rayna pondered how a threesome relationship actually worked. Did the woman spend time with both men all the time, or did they do things separately at times? Did they all three sleep in one bed, or did the woman sleep with a different man each night? How did it work out when they decided to have children? Did one of them agree to let the other one have the first kid, or was it just the luck of the draw?

She shook her head.

  I’ve got too many questions. I’m going to have to wait and see what Lexie is comfortable talking about.

  She couldn’t believe she was actually going to go out with two men at one time. By going on the hike, she’d basically agreed to do just that. What had happened to telling them no? She swore she’d made up her mind to call and tell Kenny she couldn’t handle it.

  Rayna logged off her shift and updated her paperwork before going to check on Patches. The sweet momma was asleep in the box with her babies lined up at her belly sleeping, as well. She had one paw across two of the little kitties. They were all so cute it was going to be hard to let them go when it was time to find homes for them. Hopefully she could put a notice at Kenny’s office and find good homes for them that way. She was sure anyone who visited the vet would provide a good environment for them. She’d ask him when he picked her up on Saturday.

  I can’t believe I’m really doing this. It’s only a double, um, co-date? What did you call it when two sets of three did something together?

  A party?

  Chapter Seven

  At twelve thirty, a knock at her door sent lunatic hummingbirds careening around inside of Rayna’s stomach. She swore she was going to throw up if they didn’t settle down.

  When she opened the door, it was to find both Jay and Kenny standing outside her door in sexy shorts and tank tops. She was sure her mouth dropped open, but she made sure to close it.

  “I got finished early so I went ahead and picked up Jay before coming to get you. I didn’t want to catch you unprepared.”

  “That’s fine. I’m ready. I have water and a first aid kit in my pack.”

  Jay spoke up. “No need for you to carry a pack this first time. We’ve got everything covered.”

  “I don’t want to leave it all on you guys. I can help.”

  “We know, babe, but there’s no need when we can carry it.” Kenny took the pack from her hands and set it just inside the doorway.


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