A Place in Their Hearts [Riverbend, Texas Heat 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Place in Their Hearts [Riverbend, Texas Heat 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Marla Monroe

  “Oh my God. I’m going to break a rib laughing. Thanks. I needed this.”

  “Since Kenny is going to be late for dinner, why don’t you come over and we can eat it when it’s ready and he can have leftovers?

  “Oh. Um. I don’t want to leave him without something to eat.”

  “Honey, if you eat all of what I have cooked, I’ll cook him another meal. I have enough for three or four days. That’s what I do. Cook big batches and we eat leftovers when he’s busy or I’m too busy to cook anything. I just finished a job, so I was cooking up before I end up busy again.”

  “Okay. I’d like that. What time?” she asked.

  “Just whenever you want to come over.”

  “I have another hour of calls and paperwork. How about five?”

  “See you then, sweetheart.”

  * * * *

  Jay had Rayna doubled over laughing when Kenny walked in at just shy of seven that night. Her laughing eyes and the broad smile across her face warmed his soul.

  “Hey there. What a wonderful sound to come home to. Is he tickling you or telling tales?” he asked as he hung up his jacket next to the door.

  “I just found out that you got in trouble for bringing home wild animals to doctor on when you were eight.” She giggled.

  “I see. Maybe I should tell about the time you caught your mom’s kitchen on fire trying to make that flaming dessert you’d seen on TV.”

  “Too late, I told her that one because I knew you would eventually.” Jay laughed as he started heating up Kenny’s meal in the microwave.

  “You guys going to keep me company while I eat?” Kenny asked.

  “I will for a few minutes, and then I’ve got to go home. I work early shift so I have to be up by five to be ready and coherent.”

  “I understand that. Did Jay show you his shop? It’s kind of amazing if you’re not scared you’ll cut your hand off or something.”

  Rayna smiled at him then looked across at Jay. “He did. He even let me turn the lathe on a chair leg. It was fun.”

  “Hey! I had to beg to get you to let me cut out one of my own bookshelves.” Kenny scowled at his friend.

  “You didn’t smile pretty for me.” Jay winked at Rayna.

  Everything seemed to be going great. He had no doubt this had been a test to see if he got jealous because she’d asked for Jay’s number and then had come over to spend time with him without Kenny being there. She’d learn that they didn’t get jealous as long as the three of them were connected.

  “Here you go. We have enough for another meal for maybe Wednesday or Thursday. I’ll make sandwiches tomorrow night.”

  “Sounds good.” Kenny sat down and started eating. “How was your day, babe?”

  “About normal. I did have a funny call about a drug. The lady was questioning some of her husband’s medication payments and wasn’t sure why one of them wasn’t covered on their supplementary card. I had to explain that their policy didn’t cover erectile dysfunction medication. She got really quiet then asked me to repeat what I’d just said. She politely thanked me and screamed her husband’s name before she hung up. I think he had a lot of explaining to do when she got hold of him.”

  Kenny and Jay both burst out laughing. Kenny nearly sprayed the iced tea across the bar before he swallowed it.

  “That’s funny,” Kenny said. “Do you get very many calls like that?”

  “Not really. A lot of my calls are bad news calls. Your policy doesn’t cover this or yes, that is how much your deductible is. I hate those calls. I feel like I’m always giving bad news.”

  “I guess it would feel like that. Have you thought of doing something else?”

  “Actually, I’ve been thinking about finishing my coding certificate and taking the exam so I could code insurance from home instead. I just haven’t convinced myself that I can make as much money doing that as I do answering calls.”

  “I can tell you that you do much better if you like what you do in your job. Eventually you’ll get burned out with one you don’t really like, and then you could be stuck without a way out. I’d at least get your certificate on the coding thing and then decide.” Jay reached out and squeezed her hand.

  “Jay’s right, babe. If you decide not to switch, you still have the certificate if you decide later you want to try it.” Kenny took another bite from his plate and watched her.

  “I’ll think about it. It wouldn’t take much more for me to be qualified to apply. I’ll look it up and see where I stand with credits.” She looked at the clock over the stove. “I better go. Thanks for dinner, Jay. Hope you both have a good night.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car.” Jay followed her to the door and opened it for her.

  “Bye, babe. I’ll talk to you later.” Kenny lifted his iced tea glass as she smiled.

  Once they’d walked out the door and Jay had closed it behind them, Kenny jumped up and walked over to listen to their conversation. It wasn’t that he was jealous or wanted to snoop. He really just wanted to know if she was going to date them both. Her being here told him yes, but he wanted to know for sure. He really liked Rayna.

  “I really enjoyed the tour of your shop, Jay, and you know dinner was amazing. I’m stuffed. I can’t eat with you very often, or I’ll be as big as a barn,” she told him.

  “Nonsense. You look amazing, and a few extra pounds wouldn’t hurt you one bit. Thanks for coming over and keeping me company. I appreciate it.”

  Kenny watched as Jay held her door open then swept in and kissed her, his hand cupping her cheek as he did. Kenny smiled at the gentle way he was kissing her. Jay didn’t normally do easy. He was usually more aggressive.

  When Jay released her, Rayna slowly opened her eyes as a wide smile spread over her face. Kenny grinned.


  “Good night, Jay.

  “Night, sweetheart.”

  Kenny couldn’t wait until their next date. He’d talk to Jay about it as soon as he walked back in. They were in. She was going to date them both.

  Chapter Nine

  Rayna found herself shopping with Lexie Saturday morning to find something to wear Saturday night out with the guys. She’d talked to both of them off and on over the last week and had thoroughly enjoyed every conversation. This would be the first real out-of-her-comfort-zone date they’d had. They were going out to eat at the steakhouse just outside of town then dancing at the bar later that night.

  “What about this? It’s tasteful but has just a bit of sass to it, as well.” Lexie held up a lovely Easter-grass-green dress with a low, scooped neck and an A-line form.

  “I love it. I’ll try it on.” She took the dress and located the sales clerk to open the dressing room door for her.

  Once she had it on, she twirled to look in the glass and was pleased that it hid her slightly large hips. She opened the door to let Lexie see.

  “Oh, that is perfect. You have to get that one,” the other woman said.

  “You like it?”

  “I love it. It brings out the green in your eyes. You have pretty eyes, Rayna.”

  “Thanks. I’ll get dressed. I think we’ve just about got it nailed down.”

  “Shoes are next,” Lexie called out over the door.

  “I hear you.”

  Rayna had never had so much fun shopping. At least not after her mother had died. They found some strappy green sandals with enough cushion for dancing that would go great with the dress. Then they shopped for a new pair of shoes for Lexie and a couple of outfits for her growing boy.

  “I swear he’s going to be taller than his fathers if he keeps growing. This is the second time in two weeks that I’ve had to get larger pants because his legs stick out too far.” Lexie squeezed Rayna’s shoulders. “Thank you so much for asking me to go shopping with you. I haven’t been out without little Marcus since we went hiking.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I needed help, and you’re the only other person I know to have asked for this kind of he
lp. Normally I’m asking for the name of a good plumber or an electrician.”

  “Those days are behind you. No matter what comes of your relationship with Kenny and Jay, we’re still friends. Got it?” Lexie asked.

  “Got it. Thanks.”

  “So are the fireworks there?”

  “Oh, um. Yeah, I guess you could say that. We’ve only really kissed a little. I think they’re going slow for me.” Rayna was sure they were since she’d noticed how hard a certain part of their anatomy had been the few times they’d been together.

  “That’s good. They’re serious about you then. They aren’t just in it for a bed partner. They’re looking for a romance, someone to come home to every day. That’s super!”

  “Really? You think so?”

  “Yep. Men around here either go hard and heavy when they aren’t looking for more than sex, or they go achingly slow and drive you crazy while you wait for the big punch. It can drive you insane while you wait for them to do something interesting.” Lexie smiled. “If you want things to heat up a little faster, tease them so that they can’t handle the stress and make a move. It won’t change how they feel about you one bit other than maybe speed up the process of the bed-partner part.”

  “Goodness. I’m not sure if I can tease them. I haven’t really gone out on many dates. I mean maybe a few dozen in the last eight or ten years.”

  “Here’s what you do,” Lexie began, helping her create a plan of attack.

  They had a light lunch at the diner and talked about the town and some of the local gossip. Then they split up so that Rayna could go home to get ready for her date.

  She carefully hung the dress up and set the box of new shoes on the floor beneath it. She hadn’t had that much fun in a long time. If nothing happened between them, she would never regret one minute of her dating the two guys. They’d opened up her world to others and gotten her out of her little house.

  She took a quick shower then ran water in the tub to shave her legs and trim her toenails before drying them and adding the same color as her fingernails to her toes. She rubbed in her favorite lightly scented lotion and looked at herself in the bathroom’s full mirror. Her hips were a little larger than she liked and her stomach rounder and softer than she’d have wished, but she felt like she looked pretty good for a stay-at-home worker. She needed to get out and exercise more. Maybe hiking would become her new hobby. She’d enjoyed it and had definitely felt the effects the next day.

  If things work out with the guys, we can hike at least once a month when it isn’t bad weather.

  Deep down inside, she prayed that it would work out. She already liked both of them a little more than she’d believed she would so soon. They seemed to make everything about her and didn’t resent it.

  I could easily fall in love with them. Both of them, though? Maybe. I’m not sure how that works.

  Once she had her dress and shoes on, Rayna spent a little more time with her hair and makeup. She didn’t like to wear a lot of stuff on her face, but a little eyeshadow and mascara along with a swipe of lip-gloss wouldn’t be too much. She slipped the lip-gloss into her hip purse and added a powder pack to dab her forehead and cheeks if she got sweaty dancing.

  Crap! How did that work? Did all three of them dance together, or would they each take turns on the floor with her? She was going to need to start an exercise program just to keep up with them if she had to dance with both of them all night.

  When the doorbell rang, Rayna nearly screamed in surprise. She checked the time and realized she’d been daydreaming away her time. She opened the door to find Kenny standing just outside with a long-stem red rose.

  “A rose for a rose.” He handed it to her.

  “That is so sweet. Let me put it in water so it won’t die. Come in. Is Jay out in the truck?”

  “Yep. He’s driving. I’m gathering our woman up to take her out to eat.”

  Rayna found a bud vase, and after cutting off an inch of the stem, set it in the vase and left it on the kitchen counter.

  “Do you think Patches will bother it?” she asked.

  “I doubt it. How is the little momma doing?” he asked.

  “Look for yourself.” She pointed to Patches curled up on the cushion on the floor next to the box of kittens.

  Kenny looked inside the box then gave Patches a quick rub. “Good momma. You’re doing really well there.”

  “She is. I’ve never had a pet before, but I don’t do anything for her except food, water, and litter tray. When she wants affection, she jumps up in my lap while I’m talking on the phone, and I pet her while I talk.”

  “That’s a perfect pet. Will you keep her and the kittens or find them homes?” he asked as he closed the door for her.

  “I’m keeping Patches and finding homes for at least three of the kittens. I figured I might keep one of the kittens to keep her company.” She locked the door then dropped her key into her bag.

  “That’s a good idea. We can post them on our board when they’re old enough.”

  “That’s what I was hoping for.”

  He helped her climb up into the truck then sat next to her.

  “Hi, Jay. How are you doing?” she asked.

  “Great now that you’re sitting next to me. I was about to come in and rescue you.”

  “Sorry, I had to show off Patches and the kittens to Kenny. They’re growing so fast.”

  “That’s fine. I was just kidding.” He squeezed her hand.

  “Thank you for the rose. I figured it was from both of you?” she asked, a little unsure.

  “Yep. We decided two roses looked kind of odd in a vase. We decided one from both of us would be fine.” Jay started the truck.

  “You thought perfectly. Hey, when the kittens are ready, do you want a shop cat?”

  Kenny burst out laughing.

  Rayna frowned. “What?”

  “I just won a bet,” Kenny told her.

  “A bet? You bet on me?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I bet Jay that you’d ask him if he wanted a cat before they were six weeks old. He bet you wouldn’t ask until you’d put them up for adoption.”

  “What if I hadn’t asked at all?” She scowled at them.

  “Then it was a draw, but really, Rayna. You’d have asked eventually.”

  She sighed and smiled. “Yeah. I would. The best home for a rescued animal is with a vet or at the home of a vet.”

  “So, I win. You can pay up next weekend, bro.”

  “What does he win?” she asked Jay.

  “I have to wash his truck, as well as mine,” he said.

  “So, do you want a shop kitty?”

  * * * *

  Rayna was positive the date was going perfectly. They’d had a great dinner where she hadn’t felt too nervous about being out with the two of them. Now they were at the bar and had found Brody, Lamar, and Caitlyn there, as well. Caitlyn was expecting and just beginning to show. They all six shared a table and were having a wonderful time.

  “So when Lamar asked the man what the cage was for, he told him it was for his wife. She liked him to tie her up sometimes, and the cage was going to be for her birthday.” Caitlyn chuckled.

  “Oh. My. God. Really? People do that?”

  “Yep. They’ve gotten some odd requests, but that is the wildest so far.” Caitlyn sipped at her ginger ale. “How are things going with you and the guys? They can’t seem to take their eyes off of you.”

  “Really? I think we’re doing pretty good. I wasn’t too sure about a threesome kind of relationship, but I talked with Lexie, and now talking to you, I’m seeing that it might be the perfect kind.” Rayna looked over to see that Jay was watching her with a soft smile. Seconds later, Kenny looked her direction.

  “See what I mean? There are ups and downs just like in any marriage, but to me, the pros far outweigh the cons.”

  “I’m beginning to see that. It hasn’t been but a couple of weeks, so I’m still learning how it all works. I really lik
e being with them and enjoy their different personalities,” she told the other woman.

  “The new stage is the fun stage. Everything is so fresh, and you’re just getting your feet wet. Later, you get comfortable with them, and you aren’t as cautious about things you say or do. You’ll see.”

  “I guess I’m still a little nervous about it, but I’m not running.”

  “Good. Just give them a few weeks and you’ll be wondering why anyone would want to stick to just one man.” She winked at Rayna. “You’ll see what I mean.”

  She could feel her cheeks heating up at the innuendo behind the wink she’d given her.

  “Hey, babe. Let’s dance.” Kenny stood over her, holding out his hand.

  “I’d love to.” She accepted his hand and stood up.

  He led her to the crowded dance floor and pulled her into his arms where they swayed to the gentle beat of “Unchained Melody.”

  “Thank you for saving me. I was getting embarrassed.”

  “I noticed your face getting that sweet shade of pink that looks so good on you.” He pulled her closer so that she could feel the long line of his hard dick against her belly. “What was Caitlyn telling you about?”

  “Nothing really. She just gave some little hints, and my imagination got away from me.”

  “Oh really? Like what was one of the hints?” Kenny asked.

  “Not on your life. I’m not going there.” She giggled and rubbed her pelvis lightly against the bulge snaking its way down his leg.

  “Two can play at that game, babe.” He turned her slightly so that when he moved her back against him her nipples raked across the buttons on his shirt.

  “Oh my.” She felt her entire body begin to burn.

  “See.” He grinned down at her. “But feel free to continue doing it. I’m really not complaining.”

  She laughed with him.

  “If we haven’t already said it, you look amazing in that dress. It really complements your hair and your green eyes.”

  She knew her face was moving from pleasantly pink to fire-engine red now.

  The song ended, and another faster one took its place. “Ready to call it a night?”


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