Through The Weeds (Nightshade MC Book 2)

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Through The Weeds (Nightshade MC Book 2) Page 8

by Shannon Flagg

  She pouted when his lips left hers but then they were on her skin. He nipped a trail over her neck, down to her collar bone. Caroline tightened her grip on his hair as he reached her breasts. Buster knew what she liked; he sucked her nipple into his mouth until small screams were building in her throat. Only then did he bite down just hard enough to make pain shoot through her.

  Caroline's body bucked. She spread her legs open wider. Each time she rolled her hips, the most sensitive parts of her brushed against the rough denim of his jeans. The friction made it hard to breathe. Through the haze in her mind she heard Buster chuckle. Suddenly the friction was gone but then she felt his lips brush against her stomach.

  A moment of self doubt surfaced. She really had about ten pounds she needed to lose and could pay more attention to toning the body she did have, but it was all forgotten as his mouth moved even lower. He bit down on her hip bone, gripped her legs behind the knees, and suddenly she was as open to him as she could be. Caroline couldn't recall the last time she'd been on the receiving end when it came to oral sex. Maybe her boyfriend after college? Certainly not Ronald; he'd never ventured below her breast line.

  Buster didn't seem to mind it. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying himself as he lavished attention everywhere but where she needed it the most. Caroline moved her hips desperately, completely prepared to beg. There was no need to. His mouth closed around her clit.

  Caroline heard herself sob. She gripped his hair and let go of everything inside of her. She came harder than she ever had. Harder than she thought possible, and through it all she heard herself whimpering and moaning. It crossed her mind that she was loud enough for Jillian and Jake to hear, but she couldn't bring herself to care about anything except for the sensation building up inside of her again. When Buster shifted away, she sat up.

  She relaxed inside when she realized that he was undressing. He did so in record time, his clothes ending up in all different directions. For some reason it made Caroline giggle, and once she started, she couldn't stop.

  “What's so funny?” he demanded as he fished his wallet out of his jeans and took out a condom. “You know, some men might be put off by borderline hysterical laughter as they undress. Not me, though.”

  “You were rushing to get undressed. You want this as much as I do.”

  “Duh,” he replied.

  “And you're always prepared, like a boy scout, huh?” Caroline looked down at the condom.

  “Better safe than sorry.” He tore open the packet with his teeth. Caroline watched as he put it on; the simple action had even more heat rising inside of her. “You still good?”

  “Never been better,” Caroline assured him as he moved on top of her again. “Oh!” She gasped the word as his cock pressed against her. Instinctively she rolled her hips against him, tried to align their bodies but failed as he leaned over her.

  “You're making it really hard to take this slow.” Buster pressed his face to her neck. She felt his teeth nip down on the curve on her neck. “Real hard.” He bit down again, a little harder this time. The sensation exploded through her body.

  “I told you. I don't need slow. Please.” Caroline arched her back again. This time he thrust forward, into her. “Oh. Oh.” She dug her nails into his back as he began to slide deeper.

  “Fuck. You feel so good. So good. Just relax. Feel it, Caroline. Feel me.” Buster whispered the words in her ear. Caroline shut her eyes, let her head fall back against the bed and breathed deep until her body adjusted to his size. “Fuck.” He growled as she moved her hips against him. “Just like that. Nice and slow. And deep. That's right.”

  Caroline timed her movement to his. She'd never felt anything like this before. “Buster! Please. Please.” He began to move his hips faster, harder, deeper; deeper than she'd ever felt before. Caroline met the strokes, matched the pace until everything inside of her started to tighten. “Oh.” She couldn't form words. Couldn't beg him for more, but he seemed to know exactly what she wanted.

  “Come on, Caroline. Come for me.”

  Caroline closed her eyes and let herself fly. Let herself feel everything that his body was giving her, and it was overwhelming, to say the least. His thrusts sped up. She felt him pulse deep inside of her, watched as he threw his head back with a roar.

  They were both dripping sweat and breathing hard when he collapsed on top of her. Caroline wrapped her arms around him, held him tightly and knew that she never wanted to let go. See, she'd been wrong earlier. She wasn't just falling for Buster. She'd fallen, head first, and there was no way that she was turning back now.

  Chapter Seven

  “And when exactly were you planning on telling me about the attack on The Street Kings? Joseph demanded. Nightshade was picking up the latest package from the man, the contents still unknown. Smoke wasn't known for being forthcoming with details of anything but where to meet.

  Buster was surprised by the question. “Quite honestly? I wasn't. I didn't think that you'd care.” He stood straight, kept his eyes on Joseph's.

  “If this was a run of the mill ghetto drive by, I wouldn't care. But this was a well planned out, tactical assault which suggests it's someone a little more advanced than the baby bangers who think they can take on The Street Kings. What's to stop them from taking on you? Perhaps interfering with one of the many deliveries you do for me?”

  “We've got better security than The Street Kings,” Ace spoke up. “Physical and virtual. If someone is poking around, we'll know.”

  “And we'll kill them. They won't get the drop on us.” Train, as cocky as ever, grinned as he spoke.

  “Anyone can be ambushed. Anyone.” Joseph spoke forcefully. Of course, he'd feel sensitive about the topic since he'd been ambushed and nearly killed not all that long ago. His face still bore the scars. “I suggest that you all remember just how serious our business is. I suggest you remember what the consequences are if things go south. There are no more second chances.”

  “We're well aware of the consequences.” Buster stepped forward. “I can assure you of that.”

  “Good,” Joseph replied. “The next time that you decide to not tell me something, the message that I send is going to be bigger. Messier. Not anyone in this room but someone that you love. Someone who you will miss.”

  “There's no need for threats.”

  “It's not a threat. Anything else out of the ordinary happens, I want to hear it from you. Are we clear?”

  “Crystal clear.” Buster took a step back. Ever since the fire, Joseph had changed. Once he'd been the sane Miller, but no more. Mark was dead and Joseph was bat shit crazy. The only person crazier was Smoke, who now even gave Train the creeps.

  “Get out of here. I don't even want to look at any of you.”

  “Be at the drop tomorrow at the agreed time.” Smoke's voice sounded like he'd smoked at least two packs a day since he was old enough to light his own.

  “Count on it.” Buster replied. A heavy, cold feeling settled in his stomach as Nightshade turned and left the abandoned church. He waited until they were near their bikes. “Everyone back to the bar in two hours. We need a meeting and we need some prospects. It's time to stop putting it off. Call your choices, make sure that they're there.” Buster took out his own phone, sent a text message to the one man he wanted to nominate.


  Caroline looked pleased but confused when Buster walked into RBS. He went directly into Ryan's office, despite the closed door, and realized he'd caught the man watching something questionable when he slammed his laptop shut.

  “Ever heard of knocking, Buster?” Ryan looked embarrassed but Buster couldn't care less if he caught the man jerking off in his office. He'd seen worse at the bar on a Wednesday morning.

  “Sorry. I need to grab Caroline. I'll only have her gone a couple of hours. Is that a problem?”

  “No. Of course not.” Ryan replied. “It's slow around here today anyway.”

  “You still keep a gun here?” Bus
ter asked.

  “Yeah. It's in the safe. Why?”

  “Might be a good idea to take it out of the safe. Give it a good cleaning, just in case you need to use it. Got a feeling things are going to start getting interesting around here.” Buster couldn't say much more, it was Nightshade business, but Ryan deserved some kinds of heads-up. He was one of the good ones.

  “I'll do that.” Ryan sat up straighter. “And you don't have to worry about Caroline while she's here. I'll take care of her.”

  “I know that. It's one of the reasons I asked you to give her the job.”

  “I know that you promised me a favor for hiring her but actually, you did me the favor. She's a dream. Frees up a lot of my time.”

  Buster grinned as Ryan realized what he said. “Don't worry, I know what you meant. And thanks for looking after her while she's here.”

  “No worries. Have fun.”

  Buster wasn't sure how much fun they were going to have because he wasn't really sure exactly what Caroline's feelings would be of their destination. Either way, it was something that needed to be done.

  Caroline looked up as he came out of Ryan's office. “I'm stealing you for a little,” he told her. “What are you wearing under that desk?” She cocked an eyebrow at him. “I've got the bike. I'm not being dirty.”

  “I've got on jeans and a pair of boots. I was actually going to call you in a little while and see if you wanted to give me a ride home from work. Should I bring my purse or are we coming back?”

  It wasn't lost on Buster that she didn't ask where they were going or why. She took a lot on trust when it came to him. “Leave it. I've got to bring you back. I've got a meeting in a few hours.”

  “Let's not waste time, then.”

  Buster led her out to the bike, handed her the spare helmet he made sure that he was never without. Maybe he shouldn't think of it as a spare. It was her helmet, and all that implied. He watched Caroline put on the helmet and realized he was gone for her in a way that he didn't think possible.

  “What?” She looked over at him curiously.

  “Nothing.” Buster swung his leg over the bike and waited to feel her mount behind him. She pressed her body against his, clasped her hands together as low as she could on his stomach. He heard her chuckle. “Watch those hands. I lay down the bike and that jacket isn't going to help you.” The fact that she kept a jacket at work, despite the weather, so that she could safely ride with him was enough to make him hard.

  “I'll behave,” she promised. He could hear her smile as she laid her head against his back.

  “Yeah, right.” Buster laughed as he turned over the engine. There was no more talking over the rumble. He pulled out into the sparse traffic and Caroline held on tight. She lifted her head once they'd started to move. Normally, he wasn't a fan of riding with a passenger, but Caroline was different from anyone else. She held him tight, leaned into the turns with him.

  When they finally came to a stop at the warehouse where Buster had met with Manuel, she hopped off and removed her helmet. “This is our final destination? It's like the start of a horror movie. What are we doing here?”

  “You're going to learn how to shoot.”

  “Wait, what now?” She frowned as he dismounted and opened the storage compartment.

  “This is a Glock 30. It's a .45, so it's going to have a bit of a kick.” Buster second-guessed the choice, but the only other option had been a gun that had belonged to Missy, a sleek silver .22. While it might have been the better choice, he didn't want Caroline to even hold anything that had been Missy's. The bitch had been toxic. Her things had to have been tainted by it.

  Caroline's eyes were wide, but she moved towards him. “You really think I need to know how?”

  “Yes,” Buster replied. He waited for her to ask why, but she didn't. Instead she pressed her lips together and studied the gun like it was going to turn into a snake and bite her. “You want to know the first rule?”

  “Please,” she replied.

  “If you pull this gun on someone, you better be prepared to use it. A gun isn't going to diffuse a situation, it's going to escalate it. Got it?” Buster had never taught anyone to shoot before. He barely remembered learning himself.

  She let out a shaky laugh. “I expected you to say something about never pointing it at anyone, but that makes sense. Do you think that I'm going to have to make that choice?”

  “I'd rather that you never had to make that choice, Caroline.” The idea of her taking a life didn't sit well with him. Even if it was self-defense, it would change who she was. “But there is a possibility, and I don't want you to not know how to protect yourself.”

  “Alright. Show me.”

  She was an eager student. Buster explained the basics, how to load and unload the clip, how to switch the safety on and off. “It's heavier than you think.” He handed it over. “I want you to brace your wrist with your opposite hand. Otherwise, the kick back is going to throw your aim completely off.”

  “What am I shooting at?”

  “Shit. Give me a minute.” Buster looked around. Ideally, he should have found something larger than the beer bottles he collected. “Alright. I'm going to line these up.”

  “See, this is the moment where I should shoot the bottles as you put them out and reveal that I've known how to shoot since I was ten years old.”


  “No. But that would have been pretty cool. Got to say, I'm a little scared but also sort of excited. So, I just what? Point and shoot? I'm kidding. I know that I've got to line up the shot, squeeze the trigger, not pull it.”

  Buster finished setting up the bottles. “That's a good start.” He came up behind her. “Don't lean back and away. That's good.” He watched as she instinctively put one foot forward. “Now, raise your arms and square your shoulders, lock your elbows.” Before he could tell her anything else, she squeezed the trigger.

  The shot went wide, hitting the side of the warehouse. “Fuck. I can do better than that. And also, ouch. That kicks like a fucking mule.”

  “Try breathing this time.” Buster placed his hands on her waist. “Inhale deep and release slowly as you squeeze the trigger.”

  “I was breathing.” Caroline huffed but she did as he asked. This time, the shot winged one of the bottles. “I hit it.”

  If she'd been aiming for center mass, it would be a debilitating shot. “That was good. Now, come on, try it again.” Buster had two clips in the compartment on the bike, and she was going to go through all of them.

  By the last clip, Buster was fairly sure that she was comfortable with the gun. Her accuracy wasn't bad for someone just starting out. “You're pretty good at this. It's pretty hot.”

  “Is that why you really brought me out here? To get all hot and bothered? Because I've got to admit, I'm feeling a wee bit tingly right now.”

  “Is that right?” Buster leaned into her, let her feel his length. He'd been rock hard the entire time. Seeing her shoot was more than pretty hot. “You wanna make a quick stop at your place before you go back to work?”

  “Why waste the time?” Caroline lowered the gun and turned to face him. “Far as I can tell, it's just us and the feral cats out here. Besides, you really care if someone did see us?”

  “Aren't you turning out to be a dirty one?” Buster couldn't say he had a problem with that. In fact, he didn't. “You want me just to throw you down in the dirt or what?”

  “No dirt sex, I've got to go back to work and I'm thinking that it would be as problematic as beach sex with dirt getting places it shouldn't be.” Caroline crinkled her nose. “I was more just thinking you'd shove me up against a wall, yank down my pants and we'd go at it.”

  “So, you've been giving this some thought, have you?”

  “Maybe a little.” She continued to smirk at him. “What do you think?”

  Buster thought, for the first time, that he was in love. He nearly replied with just that but stopped himself at the last seco
nd. Instead, he chose not to speak at all. He moved in on Caroline. She threw herself at him, rubbed against him.

  “I'm going to take this as you like the idea very much.” She let out a scream as he lifted her off of the ground and swung her around. “Stop, you're going to make me dizzy.”

  “Oh, I'm going to make you dizzy,” Buster assured her as he claimed her mouth with his own.


  “We need to start figuring out an exit strategy when it comes to Joseph Miller.” Buster saw no point in beating around the bush. It shouldn't surprise any of Nightshade. They'd all realized the man was different since the fire. How could he not be? “He's as crazy as Mark was.”

  “Not going to be easy.” Danny stated the obvious. “We're wound in pretty deep with him. Right now, he's pretty much our only source of income aside from the construction company. If we're out with him, I'm not sure we'll be making enough to live on.”

  “Well, if Miller's out of the picture, it leaves a lot of people needing what we already do. Only difference is, we take the risk and get all the reward,” Buster answered. “We were set to take out Mark Miller. Why can't we do the same with Joseph?”

  “He's too paranoid.” Train spoke up.

  “So, we'll use that against him. We'll figure something out, Train. Do you want to keep on living with Joseph and his threats hanging over our heads? I don't. I'm not saying I've got the magic plan in my back pocket, because I don't. But all of us, together?” Buster would bet anything that they could do it. “Come on, you really think he's better than all of us put together? It's not possible.”

  “I'm just about sick of Miller and his threats.” Danny was the first to speak out. Buster had thought that he might be. “Buster's right. He's as crazy as Mark, maybe crazier and that's saying something.”

  “It's not going to be easy but I'm willing to be it'll be fun.” Ace grinned. “I say fuck it.” Fuck it was also the new motto Ace seemed to have taken with his life. He was drinking, fucking and partying harder than ever before.


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