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Salvation Page 17

by Ahren Sanders

  “Shut up, Tripp, and keep your eyes to yourself,” Robbie snarls.

  “Hard to, when that sexy thing walks into the room.”

  “Watch it.” Robbie slices his eyes to his friend.

  “Thank you, Tripp. I need to go next door and help the band with their tuxes. Then I’m meeting the girls.”

  I lift up to give Robbie a quick kiss goodbye, but he grabs my hand and gives a chin jerk to the others, leading me away.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Going with you.”


  “Because looking the way you do and knowing Cooper and Nate, I’m going to be at your side.”

  “You’re crazy, you know that?”

  “Yeah, crazy for you. One thing I’ve learned this weekend is that you have tested my limits. I thought Declan was a pussy-whipped, overprotective, idiot, but I’m beginning to see where he’s coming from.”

  I don’t argue, instead smile at him warmly, squeezing his hand. “I’m beginning to love the overprotective idiot act.”

  He huffs and turns away, but not before I see him grin.

  As soon as I hear the minister say, “Declan, you may kiss your bride,” tears flow freely down my face. I smile and clap with the rest of the crowd.

  This was the most awe-inspiring, sentimental, beautiful wedding I’ve ever attended. The tears started as soon as Raven walked down the beach on James’s arm. Declan was visibly shaken at her beauty. When he said his vows, I was not alone, as sniffles could be heard all around. After hearing how torn up he was last summer, and now his heart-wrenching confession of love would make even the coldest heart melt.

  Then hearing Raven’s words of love and devotion made me glance at Robbie. He was stoic, not moving, but when his eyes met mine, he held my stare. I could still hear her words, but I could feel him. We only broke our gaze when the minster started speaking again. I glanced around to see if anyone else caught the intense connection flowing between us, but no one seemed to notice.

  I follow the crowd to the outside gazebo where the guests are gathered, while the wedding party finishes their pictures. To my surprise, Robbie comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, pointing to the beach where Raven and the rest of the Collins family are huddled and lifting a lantern to the air. Waterworks start flowing again, but this time, I’m thinking about my dad and the importance of family. Robbie questions me, but I assure him it’s just the beauty of it all.

  His parents join us, and James makes me promise him at least one dance before he and Jenna go off to mingle.

  Robbie nuzzles my neck from behind as we watch the sun start to fade.

  “This was the most wonderful event of my life. Thank you so much for inviting me,” I say softly and link my fingers through his.

  “It’s me who should thank you. I’m standing here with my arms around the most beautiful girl in the world. I’m a lucky bastard.”

  “Robbie, it’s common knowledge the bride is the most beautiful.”

  “I disagree. I’m aware of my sister’s beauty. But you, you’re radiant. Absolutely radiant.”

  I turn into him and see a change in his expression. He opens his mouth to say something, but Tripp comes over, handing us both another drink. We talk for a while and then eat once the buffet is open, Robbie never leaving my side. When we see Finn’s parents, both of them eye me in wonder.

  My knees wobble when Mrs. Black hugs me and whispers, “He finally found someone.”

  I surprise myself when I whisper back, “I really hope so.”

  She nods and runs off to Jenna, where they both glance at me with huge smiles. I don’t have time to think about it because Declan and Raven are finishing their first dance.

  After the obligatory functions are done, the party breaks loose. Robbie stays somber, somewhat quiet, but keeps looking at me affectionately. When Nate asks me to dance, Robbie glares at him but nods, and I laugh.

  It’s not only Nate. I dance with all of Sayge, sans Declan who hasn’t left Raven side. I meet the guys from Ryan’s Knight and dance with them, too. Tripp, Max, and Finn take turns spinning me around the dance floor, until James steps in when Tony Bennett’s voice fills the speakers.

  He holds my waist loosely and places my hand in his, pulling it to his chest. “You look exceptional tonight. Jenna can’t stop raving about your dress.”

  “Thank you,” I say sincerely.

  “Have you had a nice weekend?”

  “The best of my life. I’ve never been to anything this full of love and friendship before.” I realize my mistake when he grimaces, but then pastes a smile back on.

  “Hopefully, it’ll be the first of many.”

  “Thank you for allowing me to be a part of it.”

  “You have no idea, do you? My son is enamored with you. He wouldn’t have taken no for an answer. We’re happy to have you.”

  Not sure how to respond, I move my cheek to his shoulder and let him lead me around the dance floor. Right before the song comes to an end, he lifts my chin and gives me a smile. “Now is not the time to talk, but I want you to know, if you ever need anything, call me.”

  He kisses my cheek and leads me back to Robbie. The photographer, followed by Charlie, comes around and snaps candid shots. Tripp rolls his eyes several times before forcing Charlie back to the dance floor over his shoulder. Blake is obviously not the jealous type because he laughs on the side and cheers them on.

  Chills run up my spine when the song switches again to a slower number and Robbie exhales, “Fucking finally.” He leads me to the dance floor as Eric Clapton’s “The Way You Look Tonight” starts.

  “One hour. That’s how long I’ve been waiting for this song to play.”

  His words hit me deep, and I see the same look from earlier in his eyes. “Is something wrong?”

  “I love you, Ember. I’ve wanted to repeat those words you didn’t mean for me to hear. The minute they spilled from your mouth, my heart started racing. It took all my power not to roll you over and tell you right away. Since the night I walked into Clyde’s, I’ve been falling in love with you. “

  His hands slip into my hair as he kisses me deep, not caring who sees. When my body starts to tremble, I lean back and grip his hand tight. “I love you, too.”

  His fingertip catches the tear that I tried to stop. “Why are you crying?”

  “Because I’ve never been this happy in my life.”

  “Get used to it. For as long as you trust me, my goal is your happiness.” He kisses me so tenderly that more tears escape.

  I silently pray, please don’t let me screw this up.

  Chapter 23

  She’s Out of Our Life


  “I really don’t want to leave this place,” I tell Robbie, sipping my coffee. The unobstructed view of the ocean and sounds of waves in the distance make me wish we had more time here.

  “I’ll bring you back anytime.”

  “Want some more coffee?” I stand but don’t get far before he tugs me into his lap and starts kissing my jawline.

  “No, I want some more of you.”

  His words cause the familiar fluttering to start in my stomach. When his hand skims up my thigh and under the lace boy shorts, my breath hitches. One finger slides into me easily, followed by another. I forget we are outside on the patio where anyone can walk by and see, and instead, let his skilled fingers work their magic on me. Just like every time he touches me, all logic flies out the window.

  “Do you know how good you feel? How slick and wet you are against my fingers? Knowing that I did this to you? I keep thinking about last night, Ember, fucking you on the beach, under the stars, where anyone could have seen us. Did that turn you on, knowing a stranger would see you riding my cock and screaming my name?”

  Words don’t form, but I nod. It’s no secret that I love when he talks dirty. Memories of last night rush through my mind.

  Robbie laid me down so gently, taking his time to kis
s and touch every inch of my body. By the time he had me naked, I was desperate for him. The feeling so intense, I was sure I would burst into flames. He was so tender, reconfirming he loved me while he made love to me slowly. I came twice before he rolled us on the soft sand, bringing me on top.

  As hard as I tried, I wasn’t as controlled as he was. Animalistic desire took over, and I slammed myself up and down until he moaned my name. The touch of his thumb pressing on my clit set me off again, causing me to explode, bringing him with me. I collapsed against his bare chest, heaving to catch my breath. It was easily the most powerful orgasm of my life. Even knowing we could have been spotted, or watched, I didn’t care.

  Now, I’m letting him finger me senseless once again out in the open. I whimper when he hits a sensitive spot, and he growls, “Inside now.”

  We scramble up and something inside catches my eye. “Robbie, someone’s in there.”

  “Probably, since there are four other people in this condo. Don’t make eye contact. Go straight to our bedroom.”

  We both grab our coffee mugs, and I open the door and freeze. Raven and Declan are watching us, causing my face to heat. I’m standing in Robbie’s dress shirt from last night. They are going to know what we were doing. I try to act calm and offer them some coffee. When they decline, I go to the kitchen to make myself busy as they talk.

  Declan surprises me by pulling me into a giant hug and whispering in my ear, “I don’t want to embarrass you, babe, but I wanted to thank you for the sexy as fuck gift you gave Rave.”

  The nightie! I giggle and smile at him, nodding. Robbie’s glare causes me to laugh even harder. Really? He’s jealous of his brother-in-law?

  Unfortunately, when they leave, everyone else gets up. We have plenty of time to take one last walk on the beach before going to the airport. Robbie notices the sense of sadness that washes over me when we get into the van.

  “I meant it, Ember. We’ll come back anytime.”


  “For you, I’ll do anything.”

  I expected Cruz and Alex to be waiting for us when we got home, but seeing Aunt Chloe is a surprise.

  “I couldn’t wait. When I saw the picture you sent Cruz of the two of you, I decided to cook us all dinner. This will give you time to tell me everything,” she tells us, the smile on her face beaming.

  “Actually, we were going to Robbie’s tonight. I came by to get some things.”

  Her eyes twinkle as she glances between the two of us like we announced our engagement.

  “Babe, we can stay for dinner. I’ll go put your things in your room.” Robbie goes up the stairs, and my aunt sighs.

  “You love him. He loves you. It’s written all over you both.”

  I give her a small smile and nod slightly but don’t say anything out of fear that I’ll start gushing about how perfect he is.

  She jerks her head to the kitchen, motioning for me to follow. Cruz and Alex sit at the table, looking at me intently. I grab my phone and start telling them about the entire weekend, showing pictures as I go. Robbie joins us, grabbing a beer, and shakes his head when I tear up describing their vows.

  Sometime during dinner, the mood shifts. I look at Chloe when she clears her throat.

  “I have some news.”

  We all wait expectantly.

  “Thad and I spoke, and we decided to give Serena some money. The stipulation is she leaves us all alone.”

  My fork clangs as it hits the plate. “Why?”

  “I told him everything that Robbie and Finn found, and we decided it was the best thing to do if we wanted to keep her away from you.”

  “H-h-h-ow much?” I stutter.

  “Enough to get all her bills current and pay off a few credit cards. All together, about ten thousand dollars.”

  “What?!? Where did you get that kind of cash?”

  “We have that kind of money, Ember.”

  “I don’t understand. I worked to the bone to have clothes on my back, and you can throw her ten grand?” my voice starts to quiver.

  “She’s a stupid bitch. She got money every month to take care of you girls. It wasn’t until you moved here I knew how bad it was, Ember. I’m sorry for not protecting you. But, now, I can take care of you, and the money is only money. My concern is you.”

  I’m furious. My hands start to shake with pure rage. “So, what? She gets off that easy? More hard earned money that you and Dad have, and she gets a free pass- again? That’s absolutely ludacris!” I practically shout.

  Chloe’s eyes grow wide at my outburst. “Thad and I agreed to do whatever it takes to protect you. For the first time ever, you’re living the life you deserve. She’s not going to disrupt that.”

  I open my mouth to argue more, but Robbie covers my hand and questions her. “Is this the end of her then? No more?”

  “I called her today and told her the terms of my deal. She agreed to stay away from us.”

  “Then this is a good thing.”

  “What about Natalie’s problems?”

  “Don’t know and don’t care. Let them handle it. She’s out of our life.”

  “Thank fucking Christ,” Cruz snaps and starts to clear the table. “The only down-side is I was ready to verbally smack her upside the ass when I saw her again.”

  “Me too,” Alex adds.

  Conversation carries on around me as I process what has happened. My poor dad once again had to come to my rescue. When will it stop?

  “Hey,” Robbie’s concerned voice breaks me out of my thoughts. “You okay?”

  “No. Yes. I mean, I don’t know. Trying to process it all.”

  “We’ll stay here tonight. I want you to be around people who love you.”

  “I think that’s a great idea. I’m staying, too. I brought a mood enhancer, if anyone wants to join me.” Chloe reaches in her pocket and brings out a joint.

  “Aunt Chloe!”

  “What? I was stressed about telling you. Now I can relax.”

  Robbie chuckles and pulls me into his lap. “None for me. I have other ways to relax.” He kisses my temple lightly on my scar.

  Heat crawls over me. Splotches break out down my arms, and everyone in the room starts laughing at me.

  “I can’t believe you said that.” I move to get away, but he holds me in place.

  “Sit still, babe. All the wiggling is making me hard,” he says softly. “And you know what your blushing does to me. So I suggest you try to rein it in before I take you to your room and embarrass you further.”

  My body goes still, and I look around to see three sets of eyes shining with happiness. Cruz looks up and mouths a silent ‘thank you’.

  “Just for that, every one of you is watching last week’s American Idol with me tonight. I DVR’d it.”

  “You better know I love you to sit through that shit. But I suspect you’ll make it up to me tonight.” Robbie nips on my ear and stands us up. “Let me go call Finn and tell him the news about Serena.”

  He walks out, and Cruz practically attacks me. “Spill!”

  “All I can say is, I’m finally living a dream.”

  He hugs me quickly, and we finish the kitchen in comfortable silence. Now, if I can only convince my dad not to jump off the deep end when he sees how much I’m in love.

  Chapter 24

  Don’t Ever Lie For Me


  I walk to Raven’s kitchen and check my phone again, pleased when I see the text from Ember.

  Ember: Finally done for the day. Come over when you’re finished. Tell Declan happy birthday!

  That’s my cue to wrap this up and leave. I almost groan when I hear Raven behind me. She hands me a beer and pours herself a glass of wine with a look of determination.

  “Thanks for making sure all the tuxes went back to Clyde’s.”

  “You know it wasn’t a problem. Is this your way of starting a conversation to ask me about Ember?”


s cool.” I try to sound casual.

  “I already gathered that, since you brought her to your sister’s wedding. Tell me something I don’t know.”

  “Like what?”

  She looks at me and crooks her eyebrow.

  “Shit, RJ, I’m not a chick. What the hell do you want to know?”

  “How do you feel about her?”

  Fuck no! I am not talking to my sister about the fact that I’m in love. That every time I see Ember, my mind goes to wanting her naked and hearing her come undone around my dick. No, there are boundaries.

  “Did you seriously ask me how I feel? Not sure I’m comfortable with that conversation. Like I said, she’s cool. She’s smart and passionate about things she believes in. I enjoy spending time with her. But she’s so damn shy. I can make her blush just by kissing her. She’s met our whole family, and I have yet to meet anyone in hers.”

  The lie flows out of my mouth so easily, my gut turns with guilt. Weeks ago, I made the decision to keep Ember sheltered from the fucking wild life Raven chose. While I hate blatantly lying, it is what I need to do to protect Ember.

  “Like you said, she’s shy,” Raven states, waiting for me to respond.

  “Yeah, but it’s always me making a move. Even when we’re in public, she won’t even hold my hand unless I grab hers first. It’s like she’s embarrassed.”

  I lie again… my girl has become brazen, bold, and feels safe with me. Sweat runs down my back as the room heats up. My palms get clammy and the beer I’m holding slips. I need to wrap this up fast. Raven’s intentions are clearly in the right place, but it’ll be harder to apologize for being dishonest the longer this conversation goes on.

  “Okay, let me fill you in on something. It’s not you. Ember told me herself that guys have always overlooked her. Girls have never been that accepting of her, so she’s insecure. You need to talk to her and continue to tell her how much you like her. Coming from a woman, not your sister, we want to be reassured. She needs a little push. And don’t forget that you and the guys are a little intimidating. You’re good looking and confident. I remember how Abbi acted when she first met Jimi. Look at how that turned out.”


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