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Salvation Page 28

by Ahren Sanders

  “Don’t mistake my kindness for a weakness, Ember. I’m still very serious about collecting. Have you opened the envelope Bart left yet?”


  “Do it.”

  When I rip it open, metals clangs on the counter. Bolts and screws scatter everywhere. “What are these?”

  “Those are parts to cars, specifically your family’s cars. The large screw is a part to a motorcycle, a certain someone’s motorcycle. Now, as it stands, no one is in danger, but I can get more where those came from. It would be awful if Cruz was in an accident on his way home this weekend.”

  Pain slices straight to my heart.

  “This is another way to ensure your silence. And if it’s not enough, here’s some more incentive. It would be a tragedy for Robbie’s beautiful sister to get hurt. From what I understand, they’re close.”

  With that one statement, he’s put the nail in my coffin. My heart pounds and stomach turns. Suddenly, I’m nauseated and lightheaded. If anything happens to Raven, Robbie will go ballistic. Memories of the night he told me about his accident come to me. The way he explained Raven’s devastation and his guilt over losing so many men… He’d tailspin back to a dark place. Declan would never recover. And it would be my fault.

  “Do I have your attention now?”


  “I’ll be in touch.” The line clicks.

  There’s only one way to get some easy cash in this short period of time. I sigh and pick up the phone, calling my mentor. Randy’s going to be thrilled.


  I walk into my office with my phone to my ear, listening to Ember babble about some sort of granite she found and the color of cabinets. She knows I don’t give a shit, but insists on telling me everything and asks for my approval. Truth is, I’d agree to anything as long as it brings a smile to her face.

  “And guess what else?” she squeals.


  “They think all the renovations can be done in six weeks or less! So if everything else goes through, you’ll be a homeowner by Thanksgiving. Isn’t that great?”

  “Babe, we’ll be homeowners.”

  “You know what I meant.”

  “No, say it.”

  She sighs. “There’s a chance we’ll be homeowners by Thanksgiving.”

  Finn, my Dad, and Thad come into my office, all of them looking solemn. “I need to go. Call you later.”

  “Remember, I’m meeting with Randy tonight.”

  “Do I need to worry?”

  “Nope, this is legitimate. Love you!”

  I drop the phone on the desk and look at the men. “What’s going on?”

  “The name Trey ring a bell?” Finn asks.

  “The guy Natalie was mixed up?”

  Thad flinches and looks at the ground.

  “Same guy.”

  “What about him?”

  “Shake called me this morning. He contracts with the Alabama Bureau of Investigation once in a while. They’re working on a big case, and Trey’s name was in the file. Turns out he isn’t a one-shop operation. He works for someone a lot larger, someone the ABI has been targeting for almost a year. Until recently, it hasn’t been in their best interest to bust this guy,” Dad tells me.

  “What happened recently?”

  “He went multi-state and moved some of his business into Tennessee. They suspect he’s bringing his products over state lines. Each time they get close to confirmation, it turns out to be a bogus tip.”

  “So what’s that have to do with us?”

  “ABI is working with TBI, and they’ve asked us to do an independent investigation.”

  “Dad, no offense, but don’t these State Agencies have the same resources we do? I know you’ve been involved in some heavy shit in the past, but what can we do here?”

  “We’re taking over. Shake’s coming up to help, and the agencies are stepping back. Only a select few know we’re involved. They think this guy has contacts on the inside, so we’re going to help find a way to infiltrate.”

  “Once again, no offense, but this isn’t insurance fraud. Why is Thad involved?”

  “I’m going to question Natalie,” he tells me.

  “What for?”

  “I asked him to. The plan is simple. We find this guy, monitor him, locate his hang out, and go in with some local guys I can trust. If we can bring a few of his guys into custody, the Feds will come in and try to turn one. Should be a simple job. Natalie’s knowledge of Trey could lead us in the right direction.”

  “Got it. When do we start?”

  “Today. We’ll meet in an hour. And this stays absolutely confidential, Robbie. Ember can’t know anything. Our team is secure.”

  I nod in understanding. It’s going to suck keeping it from her, but it’s necessary.

  “When are you going to see Natalie?” I look at Thad, whose face is blank.

  “Within the week. She’s still in bad shape.”

  It’s hard as hell to keep a straight face, especially when my eyes meet Finn’s. The day after Ember went to Alabama, Natalie got her ass kicked. She ended up in the hospital with a punctured lung from a broken rib.

  Thad called Ember to tell her, and she decided not to tell him about her visit. She wanted the timing to be right. I waited for her to feel anything, but it was clear she didn’t give a damn.

  “All right, then, let’s find this guy.”

  This is the first time Dad has asked Finn and me to work on a project of this magnitude, and I can’t wait to bring this motherfucker down.

  Chapter 41

  Boy’s Night


  For the first time in forever, all the guys, including Max, are together. We planned a poker night when we found out he was taking leave. You’d have thought we were having the party of the year with the way Ember screeched with excitement.

  She went into planning mode, and before I could object, this turned into the most sissified boy’s night ever. Tradition holds that we have a few snacks and a shitload of beer. Raven put her own signature touch on it last year when she started ordering in dinner, but Ember took it to a whole new level. The food was one thing, but when she came home with poker inspired party plates and matching napkins, I lost control. She was having too much fun for me to stop her. I tried to tell her we were okay lugging a cooler into the living room, but she insisted on setting up bins loaded down with beer and placed several around the room.

  When the guys started arriving, I gave them the look that meant ‘keep your mouth shut’. They smirked but complimented Ember on the appetizers. I didn’t have a chance to warn Cruz when he and Alex arrived. It was too late to stop him.

  “What the hell is this? I thought we were doing poker night, not a fucking food network showcase. I was fully expecting bags of chips with onion dip in a can.” He throws his hands in the air.

  The room is silent as Ember starts turning a deep shade of pink. Splotches grow on her chest and neck, and she looks at every man in the room. No one will look her in the eye.

  “Little Star, really, this is a travesty!”

  I’ve never wanted to slap a guy so hard when Ember’s face turns so red it matches her hair.

  “Is it too much?” she asks, directing her question to me.

  “Fuck no! This is great, probably the best we’ve ever had.”

  Every head nods in agreement.

  “I thought this was what every girl did when it was poker night at their house. With Max here, I guess I may have gone a little overboard.”

  My heart fills with pride. I go to her, but before I can get there, Max already has her in his embrace.

  “It’s about time a woman looks out for me.” He kisses her cheek loudly and spins her around.

  I punch him on the shoulder until he puts her down, and I scoop her up.

  “Did I embarrass you?” She looks at me wearily.

  “Nope, it’s perfect. Everything is perfect.”

  “Is Cruz right? Do
you usually serve chips and awful dip?”

  I don’t answer but brush my lips across hers lightly.

  “I’ll take that as a yes. Next time I’ll know.”

  “Hell no!” Tripp yells. “This shit is terrific. Hayes is hosting poker night every time.”

  She beams. “Thank you, Tripp. If Cruz is so offended, he’ll really be upset when he’s the only one that doesn’t get any chocolate turtle brownies.”

  Groans of appreciation fill the room, and Cruz looks horrified.

  “Ember, don’t be silly. That’s my favorite.”

  “That’s why I made them, you big jerk, to commemorate your first poker night with the hottest group of straight men I know.”

  He flaps his mouth open and shut a few times without a good comeback.

  “Speaking of travesty, what the hell are you wearing?” Gabe asks Cruz with a scowl.

  “I’m playing to win. The internet said I should dress so you couldn’t read my tell,” Cruz answers, referring to his black hoodie, ridiculous visor, and sunglasses.

  “That’s fucking crazy. Can we get started now?”

  For an hour, we play several rounds. Everyone except for Cruz beats Jimi. Finally, he can’t handle it.

  “Cheaters! You’re all a bunch of fucking cheaters!” Jimi yells, throwing his cards on the table.

  “You still suck at poker. Admit it.” Tripp rakes in the chips and hands the cards to Finn to shuffle.

  “Nope, I owned that hand.”

  I take a drink of my beer and shake my head. The guy won’t admit he sucks at poker. Ember comes around, collecting empty bottles. When she brings in a plate of brownies and sets them on the coffee table, the game breaks.

  Max moans with his first bite and looks at me seriously. “I’m gonna marry her.”

  I open my mouth to cuss him out, but Ember giggles beside me. She slides her arm around my waist and smiles at him.

  “I’m glad you like them. They were my grandmother’s recipe. I figured tonight was a special occasion.”

  “Me and you. Tomorrow. The courthouse. We’re getting hitched. I’ll treat you so good, you’ll never remember this loser’s name,” he tells her pointing at me.

  “Watch it, douchebag. I’ll kick your ass again.”

  He shrugs and goads me more. “Someone’s gotta make an honest woman out of her. I’ll gladly take the job.”

  “I hate to tell you, even as cute as you are, I’m pretty smitten,” Ember’s sweet voice answers him. She uses the word from so many months ago when I described Jonas.

  “They’re all gone!” Cruz interrupts us, looking at the empty plate, horrified. “I went to the bathroom and they’re all gone!!!”

  Ember doubles over, laughing. “I saved you a few in the kitchen.”

  He pulls her away and apologizes profusely about making fun of her. All my friends watch me with understanding in their eyes. She’s my fucking perfection.

  Several hours later, I’m watching with jealousy as Cruz and Alex look over appliance catalogs with Ember. She’s ripping out pages and making notes furiously. If it weren’t for my fucking pride, I’d lose purposely to join them. Max notices my distraction and kicks me under the table.

  “What the fuck?” I wince.

  “Don’t be a baby. Knew it was your good leg. Just trying to bring you back to the game.”

  “I’m here.”

  “Told you, man, it’s a disease.” Finn chuckles at the other end of the table.

  “Can we talk about the project you guys are working on?”


  “How about if I said I know all about it because James called me. I’m in. Surveillance only. I’m home for a few weeks.”

  Finn and I look at each other and communicate silently.

  “Damn! Sometimes I wish I wasn’t an accountant so I could be a part of the fun shit,” Jimi claims.

  “I’m not an accountant, and I still get slighted,” Tripp adds and Gabe agrees.

  “Look, guys, I can’t talk about this right now.” I cut my eyes to Ember, and they nod in understanding. “But, let’s just say, this is big.”

  “Night or day?” Tripp asks.

  “Both. You think you can keep an eye on Ember without fucking pissing me off by making passes at her?”

  “Nope.” He grins, licking his lips. “But I’ll promise to take care of her.”

  My jaw ticks as I stare at him. He laughs so loud that Ember stops and looks at us.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You and I have a date Tuesday night. You pick the movie,” Tripp tells her, further pissing me off. “Basically, your man has to work late.”

  She looks at me for confirmation, and I nod.

  “Ooohhhlalalala, we’re in.” Cruz invites himself, and Tripp looks at me, terrified.

  I smile widely and raise my eyebrows, challenging him to argue. He sighs and throws in his cards. “I thought I finally had a night out with a hot babe. Now, I have the three of them?”

  “Yep, and don’t forget that hot babe belongs to me.”

  Everyone at the table laughs as Gabe deals another hand. “Harper’s going to want to come. She love those guys,” he says, referring to Cruz and Alex.

  “Abbi will want to join in too,” Jimi adds.

  “Maybe we’ll choose a scary movie, so she has to cuddle against me,” Tripp teases, shifting his cards.

  “I’m pretty sure Robbie may commit murder if you put Ember in a position to cuddle against you,” Finn says.

  “Can we please change the subject?” I ask, annoyed.

  “Sure, let’s talk about you.” Jimi looks at me. “How are things?”

  “Things are fine. Work is good. Family is well. Ember and I should be in the house come late fall. But I’m guessing you were indirectly asking about my recovery.”


  “Obviously, you know my leg is healthy. All activity is fine. There are a few aches and pains once in a while, but I have all strength back. Mentally, I’m healed, too. I call my counselor every few weeks. Not about anything specific, but he was a cool guy and we became friends. Nightmares are gone. Ember makes me talk about the guys that died.”

  Finn’s head snaps up. His face clouds with worry.

  “Believe it or not, it helps. We don’t talk about the actual accident, only the guys. For so long, my memories were erased and replaced with what I saw that day. Now, they’re back. Instead of relating their names to death, I think of the good times.”

  Five sets of eyes stare at me in wonder.


  “She’s a miracle worker. Even your fucking therapy never got you this far.”

  “We gonna pour some wine and talk about guys, or can we get back to poker?”

  Finn deals another hand, while I steal a look at Ember. She’s staring at me with a gleam in her eyes. I know this look, and I share the sentiment. I love her, too. Little do I know that loving her will cause me the greatest heartache in my life.

  Chapter 42



  Stay calm. This is almost over. I repeat those words to myself as I wait on the small bench outside the restaurant. Dade decided to change locations instead of sending Bart to Clyde’s. At first, I refused, but he followed up with a picture of Declan and Raven walking out of the OB-Gyn’s office. Regardless of my hesitancy, I agreed.

  Once again, I struggled with the idea of telling Robbie what was happening, but when Natalie was beat up, I kept my mouth shut. Dad told me Natalie claims innocence, saying she was jumped. He’s unsure of her involvement, but I believe her. Dade somehow got to her. It also served as a reminder to me that he means business. He said he would ‘deal’ with her, and he did.

  The small restaurant is settled among some large warehouses. There’s a good flow of traffic and pedestrians, so at least I’m not in an abandoned area of town. My pulse races when I watch Bart walk in without acknowledging me. Seconds later, the phone buzzes with a text.
/>   Meet Bart inside.

  My knees shake and stomach twists as I walk in the door and spot Bart.

  “Guess you do have to see me again, sweet cheeks.” He gives me the creepy smile and jerks his chin, indicating for me to follow.

  Confusion sets in when he walks me through the kitchen and out the back door. I stop in my tracks.

  “Where are we going?”

  “Dade wants to meet you.”

  “I’m not going in there.” I point to the warehouse in our path. Rape, torture, and death all come to mind. I may be naïve, and questionably stupid, but I’m not ready to die.

  As if he can read my thoughts, Bart tries to reassure me. “Rape and murder aren’t really my thing.”

  “Excuse me if I’m a little hesitant to believe you. How do I know what’s waiting for me on the other side of that door?”

  “We aren’t the mafia, Ember. We run a legitimate business.”

  “Isn’t your business in Alabama?”

  “We’re branching out. Let’s go.”

  “No, I’m serious. This may be D-day, but it’s not that D-day. I don’t want to become a statistic.”

  “Told you, we aren’t into that.”

  “You set a fire. You beat up my sister.”

  “We didn’t do that, Ember. My hands are clean. You are so close to being through with this, don’t fuck it up now.”

  “Why can’t I hand you the envelope and walk away?”

  “Because I wanted to meet you.” Dade’s voice fills the small alley.

  He stands in the doorway of the warehouse with two large men behind him. My breath hitches when our eyes meet. He is nothing like I expected. The man is extremely attractive, at least six-feet tall with dark hair and eyes. The light blue suit, which was obviously tailored to his body, sets off his tan skin. He’s not scary or sinister in any way. If I saw him on the street, I’d think he was cute.

  “Sweet cheeks, you may want to shut your mouth.” Bart chuckles.

  I snap my jaw shut.

  “I’m not going to hurt you, Ember. Come on in. My office is inside.”


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