Summer Temptation: A Summertime MFMM Romance (Summer Lovin' Book 3)

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Summer Temptation: A Summertime MFMM Romance (Summer Lovin' Book 3) Page 1

by Lana Hartley

  Summer Temptation

  A Summertime MFMM Romance

  Lana Hartley

  Summer Temptation

  A Summertime MFMM Romance

  By Lana Hartley

  Copyright 2018 by Dark Princess Press

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or persons is entirely coincidental. This work intended for adults only.

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  Created with Vellum

  To K,P, & H



  Summer Lovin’ Series

  1. Daniel

  2. Michael

  3. Grace

  4. Richard

  5. Grace

  6. Grace

  7. Richard

  8. Grace

  9. Grace

  10. Grace

  11. Daniel

  12. Grace

  13. Grace

  14. Michael

  15. Grace

  16. Grace

  17. Richard

  18. Grace

  19. Epilogue


  Three wildly powerful men.

  One sweet little flower.

  While each will try and claim her.

  In the end, she’s the one.

  With all the power…


  She’s sweet. New to the world at times.

  Beautiful eyes wide open as she sees the trappings of the wealthy.

  That’s where we first see her.

  And each of us feels a stirring.

  A longing.

  A craving for something that only she can give.

  What is it about her that compels us?

  Maybe the meticulous way she cleans a glass when serving drinks.

  We wonder what she can do with those hands.

  Or the delightful way she smiles.

  We imagine what else that mouth could do.

  So we make her a deal.

  Stay with us for the summer.

  Please us. While we tease you.

  And at the end, choose which of us you wish to belong to.

  She agrees. For she wants us too.

  The stage is set as the weather gets warmer.

  Dear Grace. Prepare yourself for this summer.

  Summer Lovin’ Series

  At the Hamptons summer wedding of billionaire Theo “The Duke” Athens to the world’s most over the top bridezilla, Emma Vandercliff, the wedding party is treated to a round of drinks from Oberon Lawson, the mysterious & intimidating billionaire who owns most of the neighborhood.

  Maybe there’s something in the drink—or maybe it’s just enough of the liquid courage they all need—but hijinks ensue as each member of the wedding party has a wild night they’ll never forget. Secrets are uncovered, stakes are raised & lives are changed forever.

  The only thing certain by the end of each novel is the happy ending—but the person you arrived with might not be the one you end up going home with by the time the night is through...

  Book 1 - Summer of Love - Natalie Knight

  Book 2 - Summer Escape - Liz K. Lorde

  Book 3 - Summer Temptation - Lana Hartley

  Book 4 - Summer Flame - Gage Grayson

  Book 5 - Summer Secrets - Vivien Vale

  Book 6 - Summer Heat - Alexis Angel

  Book 7 - Summer Lover – Gage Grayson and Carter Blake

  Book 8 - Summer Fling - Daphne Dawn

  Book 9 – Summer Sins – Gage Grayson and Carter Blake

  Book 10 - Summer Bride - Natalie Knight and Daphne Dawn



  I fucking hate weddings.

  I’m pulling into the parking area in my 1953 Chevy Corvette, and it’s too crowded. I just had this baby refinished in black cherry red. She better not get one fucking scratch.

  If I didn’t have to be here, I wouldn’t be. But sometimes in my business, you don’t have a choice. Got to finish closing the deal.

  I don’t care if this is the biggest damn shindig of the whole Hamptons for the summer—I don’t need to see or be seen. Just need to check out some details, and then I’m out of here.

  Weddings, even love, only exist for the completely deluded. There’s no one for anyone. Just a pack of lies and heartache.

  My gorgeous machine goes from a purr to a roar as I step on the pedal, just lightly.

  That right there, that growl. That’s love. The only kind I need.

  I’m angling her in to the line of cars that are waiting, and I have to admit, I’m worried. This looks like a fucking mess. Cars parked too close everywhere.

  I get out to look around, wondering where the valet is.

  A couple of cars up, a woman stumbles out of an open car door. She’s holding a massive bunch of keys, which she drops on the ground as she stumbles up the gutter.

  She cries, “Shit!” and dives for them, desperately picking them up.


  I’m stunned.

  She’s petite and slender, dressed in a white blouse, black slacks and high heels. Her hair is incredible, so thick and dark. It falls around her shoulders and is waving in the wind from her frantic motion, like tossing storm clouds.

  She drops half the keys again, repositions herself and bends over again, trying to pick them up.

  Holy shit. What an ass.

  I start moving closer to her, and that’s when I notice Chad Huntington-Beaumont, the Hamptons’ most infamously idiotic bachelor, between two cars in front of her. He’s leaning on the hood of his car gesturing with his drink and spilling it every time he waves it across the bonnet.

  Little hottie crouches down, gathering up her keys.

  She calls out to him, “I told you, I don’t have your keys!”

  Her voice is high with stress, singing with tension like a tight bowstring. Somehow, it soothes me. Even in a place of panic there is a resonance. A vibration I’m utterly drawn to.

  That voice. I’ve never heard anything like it.

  I want to hear it relaxed and happy. I want to hear her whispering sweetly while we lie naked in the almost dark, my soul being stroked by that soothing tone just as my skin is caressed by her hands.

  I want to hear her purr and growl just like my car. I feel like I could listen to that voice forever.

  I walk up behind her as Chad comes off the road on to the pavement. He stops in front of her.

  “How the hell do you know if you have my keys or not? You seem to have everyone’s. Mine are in there. I know they are. Now give them to me, you useless klutz.”

  She looks up at him. I can’t see her face, but I imagine she is both determined and frustrated. Before she can answer, I speak up.

  It’s not like me, but I want to be her savior. I’m happy I arrived right at this moment.

  He’s unkempt, hair a fuzzy mess and his shirt open. A jerk and a slob.

  “Chad. Stumbling over the gutters as usual? Don’t you have better things to do than pick on helpless women?” I try to keep my tone light. I’m pissed off, but I’d rather not let this escalate. It’s a tempting idea, to destroy him emotionally and physically, but I’m trying to breeze in and out of here with little impact.

  He brings his eyes slowly up to mine. His expression changes, falling through the cheeks and mouth, eyes popping wide. He had no clue I was even there. I don’t really give a fuck what he thinks. I just want him to lay off this little princess I’ve
found. Typical bully behavior from a guy with short dick syndrome.

  Big, wide, blue eyes. Sharp, delicate features. Big, red, pouty lips. She smiles, and her lips fold like rose petals, brightening her eyes.

  She leaves the keys in a pile on the pavement and stands up.

  “Hi, mister. There’s a bit of a delay in parking right now. I seem to have lost the key I need.”

  I hold out my hand with a smile.

  “Dan. Daniel Marks.”

  “Oh!” She shakes my hand quickly, grinning and blinking. “Gracie. Grace Evans. Nice to meet you.”

  “And you.”

  “Excuse me.” Chad waves from behind Grace. “Is anyone listening to me?”

  “No,” we both say in unison, sharing a grin.

  “I’m serious. I want my keys. You have to have them.”

  Grace turns back to him. “I’m really sorry, I don’t. I can’t give them to you anyway. You’re obviously too drunk to drive.”

  “Listen up, you stupid ditz. You’re staff here, get it? People like me are in charge. Always have been, always will be. It’s your job to give me what I want.”

  He takes a step forward, and Grace takes a step back, right into me. She looks up, startled, but grins when she sees I’m smiling at her. I put my hands on her shoulders.

  “Chad,” I look away from Grace and give him a firm glare, “I know, you’re an asshole, but this is beyond even for you. Why do you have to leave in such a hurry anyway--did you and the other guys have a dick measuring contest? Come up short again?”

  Grace giggles against me, and the motion is almost as good as the giggle itself. God, I love her voice. It’s the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.

  “Shut up, Dan. We aren’t in the boardroom of the bank right now. I don’t give a fuck how much of a hotshot you are. If I want my car, it’s no business of yours.”

  “It is when it interferes with my business. You’re upsetting the poor valet to such an extent she can’t get the other cars parked. I’d call that my problem.”

  Chad huffs. His face is a bit red, which only gets worse as he starts to scowl. I can tell he has a lot to say, but I figure I’m not the right audience.

  He opens his mouth, and I glare a bit harder.

  He thinks better of it, wandering off muttering, sculling the last of his drink.

  I give Grace’s shoulders a squeeze before letting her go.

  “There you are, sweetheart. Feel better?”

  “Sure, thank you.” She grins up at me, all big eyes, red lips and suggestive smiles. The long, dark hair responds to her movement, floating around her in thick clouds. The offset against her pale skin is almost painful to look at.

  Or at least my cock thinks so. It’s in some pain. I can feel warmth throbbing through me every time she moves. My cock points at her every time she speaks like her voice is a magnet for it.

  “I still have to sort out all these keys.” She looks down in dismay.

  “How about you do mine first,” I hold up my key chain, “That’s one out of the way, and you have the key.”

  “Okay.” She shrugs slightly as I hand her my key chain. The way she looks hopelessly at the pile of keys suggests she’d do anything to avoid that job.

  “How did a pretty girl like you end up out here parking cars?”

  “Oh, I’m helping out a friend. I thought it would be easy! But then, four people came in at once, and Chad started arguing with me. While I was looking for his keys, three more people showed up, and I just had this tangle of keys and chains by then. It’ll take ages to fix up.”

  “Well, you should be free to focus on it now. I bet you can nail it in a few minutes now there’s no one nagging you.”

  She grins, eyes lighting up.

  “You think so? Thank you.”

  “Just be careful. Anyone could take advantage of you if you don’t watch out for yourself.”

  She laughs, a really carefree sound. “That may be, but how could I tell? I’m always putting myself out for other people. It just seems right, you know? To be a giver.”

  To be a giver.

  It’s the opposite of my personal philosophy, and yet, coming out of her mouth, it sounds like gospel. I nod slowly.

  “I can see that. I better let you get back to work.”

  “Yeah, sure.” She holds up my keys. “At least I don’t have to look for yours.”

  She trots over to my car and starts her up. I admit a mild level of anxiety, as Grace seems to be really revving the gas. It’s a powerful vehicle.

  Maybe she won’t be able to handle it. I’m worried for her all of a sudden.

  Even behind the wheel of my small sports car, she looks tiny and delicate.

  With a few jerking stops and starts that make me wince, she gets my car out of the spot. She pulls it smoothly around the line of cars, and I beam at her, giving her a thumb’s up. I think she’s going to make it.

  She grins back, taking a hand off the wheel to return the thumbs up. As she looks over with the gesture, she tries to turn the wheel. The car suddenly shoots forward, as if she smashed the accelerator.

  I’m gritting my teeth as my little beauty plows right into the ass end of the bride and groom’s limo.

  After the horrific crunch and shrieking metal, all I can hear is Grace starting to cry. I run over to the car and open the door, peering inside.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m so dumb. I’m sorry. I wrecked your car.”

  “Are you alright?”

  “Yes, I’m alright.”

  “You won’t be once I’m done with you.”

  A stern voice rings from behind me. I glance over to see a very attractive and professionally made up woman striding towards us.

  Jesus. She’s hot. Tall and blonde with piercing, like scary, blue eyes. Her expression terrifies me, and I’m just a bystander.

  “Oh no!” Grace murmurs. “Its Abigail!” Her face twists, going white with panic as she turns her wide eyes to the ground.

  Abigail reaches the car and crosses her arms.

  “Grace, seriously, this is unacceptable. I’m so sorry, Mr. Marks—”

  “Not at all, my dear. Grace is doing her best under some tough conditions.”

  She eyes me, the car, and Grace.

  “You aren’t upset?”

  “Well…I’m not happy about the car. But I think the work conditions are desperately lacking. This poor girl is clearly in need of support.”

  Abigail’s eyes narrow. I pull out a business card and quickly scribble my table number on the back, handing it to Grace.

  “You come and see me after reception. We’ll work something out. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Thanks.” She gifts me with her voice and a lovely smile again.

  I turn and start heading inside, hearing Abigail sending Grace inside for waitressing.

  Today is looking up by a factor of ten. I’m glad I came. This day could redeem weddings entirely in my book.



  I’m into this party, throwing down some bitchin’ wine and catching the vibes. The atmosphere is high, the rumble of voices punctuated by laughs and exclamations. Sharp clashes of champagne flutes and clattering cutlery paint the background.

  I love a good party. Wedding, anything. Lots of people getting together, talking, dancing, hooking up. This is where all the action happens. This is what I live for. People are the key to everything. Once you know what they want, you can get them to do anything.

  It’s even easier at events like this. They are dressed to show off their egos, full of fine food and bursting with liquor. There has never been a better combination for a man like me. People are vulnerable here and they don’t even know it. They’ll tell secrets. They’ll give themselves away.

  “I told you man,” I try to tell Erik ‘no’ for the third time as I enjoy the wine. It’s not easy, even if the wine is an outstanding drop. Trust the Vandercliffs.

  “Why am I not surprise
d? Seriously, I didn’t expect this to be so damn difficult. I’m wanting to buy so much property and at a ridiculously good price—it should be easy to make the sale.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I laugh at him. “How come nobody’s biting, then? You do something to upset someone more powerful and influential than yourself?”

  “Look, I don’t know.” Erik takes a sip of wine as Rose leans against him. He’s trying to play it cool, but I can see he gets more distracted every time she touches him. “I have to say, I’m getting a bit frustrated with it. Maybe it’s just bad luck. It’s a pain in the ass.”

  “And you’re telling me this because…?”

  “Your bank. If I get one of you on my side it might be enough influence to get me back in the game. I just want to get some heavy hitters to speed up the buying process for me.”

  “I’m not the bank, man. If I jump in with you, it doesn’t mean the bank does.”

  “But it’s all influence, isn’t it? Everyone knows you’re involved with all the financial decisions at the bank. You bring in all the new clients. That’s why I’m approaching you, not Dan or Richard.”

  “Well, Richard is the whiz.” I’m only half listening, scanning the crowd as I sip the wine.

  I’m looking for Richard actually. We should run into each other soon and work out some details.

  Other people might be uncomfortable in a conversation like this. I’m working for the man blocking all of Erik’s property acquisition attempts. I have to wonder if Rose is playing him, too.


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