Winning Love's Lottery

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Winning Love's Lottery Page 3

by Zoe Piper

  "Sounds good. Thanks, mate. I owe you one. See you later." Mike hung up and Jase turned to see Sarah coming into the lounge. With her long blonde hair slightly mussed from sleeping and dressed in black leggings and a prettily-patterned maternity top, she looked better than when he had seen her earlier, with a bit more colour in her face.

  "Hey, beautiful. Feeling better?” He asked, standing up to give her a hug. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink?"

  Sarah hugged him back, snuggling as close as she could with her belly. "I feel heaps better. Thank you for letting me crash here.” She stepped back and stretched her arms above her head. "Your bed is sooo comfortable. I think I'm going to move in here for the rest of my pregnancy."

  "Or you could convince Mike to buy a new bed," Jase suggested moving towards the kitchen. "Tea, coffee, cold drink?" he asked.

  "Tea, please. Yeah, that won't be happening," Sarah said hauling herself up onto one of the stools by the counter. "With what we've bought for the Spawn, the budget is a bit tight for luxuries for mum and dad. However, the soon-to-be heir or heiress will sleep like the Chosen One in a very fancy cot."

  Jase looked up at his friend as he put the electric kettle on to boil. "Are finances really that tight?" He asked worriedly. He hated to think his friends were going without when he could give them the best of everything at the drop of a hat.

  "No. We're fine. We’ve saved quite a bit. The parents on both sides have gone a little crazy buying the big-ticket items like the cot and stroller. We’re just being extra careful. I have about another six weeks at work and then if the Spawn is on time, my paid maternity leave will kick in.” At the worried look on her friend's face, she continued. "Hon, don't worry. I'm married to an accountant. Do you really think he doesn't have a spreadsheet set up for this?"

  Jase smiled at her question. Mike and he might agree that Sarah was a control freak but when it came to money, Mike watched every single cent and was very good at his job. In fact, when Jase took over the Sherwood Foundation, he was planning to come clean to his two best friends and ask Mike to join the foundation's board. He hoped his plan would help earn some forgiveness for not having told them all those years ago, and the small stipend Mike would earn as a trustee would help towards their expenses. He knew Sarah planned to go back to work at this stage, but he honestly didn't know if she would after the baby was born.

  Changing the subject, he asked "So. The Spawn. Still not going to tell me the sex?" Grinning, he passed Sarah her cup of tea.

  "Nope! Like I've told you numerous times, we decided not to find out. There are so few surprises left in life. I want this to be one that I can still get."

  "But how I am supposed to know if I'm going to be an uncle or an auntie?" Jase teased her. Sarah rolled her eyes.

  "Darling, you're gay. You'll cover both roles perfectly," she drawled before taking a sip of her tea.

  Jase hummed in response.

  "What, no witty comeback?" Sarah teased, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

  "No. No witty comeback. Anyway, I have a bone to pick with you."

  "Why? What have I done now?" Sarah frowned at him, clearly trying to think of what Jase was talking about.

  "Let's see, best friend of mine. You conveniently forgot to mention that your new American boss is six feet one of dark haired, blue eyed, totally fuckable hotness." he replied candidly.

  Sarah's eyes widened. "Oh my God. You met him for all of five minutes."

  "It only takes a few seconds to make a first impression, and believe me, did he make an impression. I only wish I could have talked to him more. That accent...” Jase fanned himself, totally camping it up.

  "Jase MacKenzie! Don't you go getting all googly eyed over my boss." Sarah informed him.

  "Why ever not?" He asked innocently.

  "Firstly, I have to work with him and I can't be looking at him, thinking he's hot—"

  "Even though he totally is." Jase interrupted.

  Sarah flapped her hand at him, "Even though he totally is," she agreed. "Oh, now look what you've done." She sighed and glanced at Jase. "Okay, I apologise for forgetting to mention how gorgeous Mr Kyle Foster is. Blame it on baby brain. But hon, I'm pretty sure he's straight and you don't want to go down that path."

  Jase relented. "I know. I'm only teasing you. He is hot and yes, he's probably straight, and what are the chances of seeing him again? You're finishing up at Bernard’s in a couple of months' time, so I won't be able to pop in to see you at the office in the hope of running into him.”

  "True, but I am still there for another six weeks, and then there's John's retirement party next week. You'll see him then. I could, you know, put some feelers out for you if you like. See which way he swings and if he's interested?” Sarah said with a smirk.

  "Uh huh. No." Jase said, shaking his head. "You keep your meddling little ways out of my love life, Sarah Lawson. I am more than capable of finding a man on my own, thank you very much. You just concentrate on being pregnant and bringing my godchild into the world. I'll worry about everything else."

  "Okay fine," she agreed reluctantly. She sipped her tea and then looked at Jase with a mischievous face. "So, if you're not going to pursue my hot boss, does that mean we can go hunting tonight?"

  Jase laughed at her. "That would be another negative. If, and when, Mr Right comes along, you will be one of the first to know. Now, finish your tea, ring my poor, misguided friend who thought marrying you was a good idea and let him know you’re okay, and then go and chill for a bit. I'm going to shower and get organised. You know where the towels and stuff are if you want to freshen up before we head out. Make yourself at home.” He leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.

  Sarah reached up and put a hand on his cheek, stilling him as he stepped away. "I love you, Jase MacKenzie. Thank you for being you and being my soul-twin." She blinked away a few tears. "Damn hormones," she sniffed. Jase smiled and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "Love you too Sare. Love you too."

  Chapter 3

  Kyle looked out his apartment window and down onto the bustling crowd on Auckland's Viaduct Harbour. He watched as people moved between restaurants and bars in pairs and laughing groups and sighed to himself.

  He didn't regret for one minute deciding to move his whole life to the country of his birth, and he had known that not having any friends would be hard at first. A sociable man with a good group of friends back home, he admitted to himself that he was feeling a little lonely tonight. He put it down to finally being over the jet lag that had plagued him on arrival and the information overload of joining a new company. The people at Bernard Engineering Consultants had been welcoming, if not a little wary. Their beloved boss was retiring and here he was, a young American, not only coming in to fill the role, but his family had bought the business. They knew changes were ahead and seemed accepting of them, but it was still a big adjustment for them.

  He turned away from the window and made his way across the open space to the small kitchen. It wasn't a big apartment. Yes, he could have gone for the penthouse apartment, and in fact, the real estate agent had seemed very disappointed when he had turned it down for the smaller one three floors down, but it really wasn't Kyle's style to flaunt his wealth. He'd learned that the hard way and now tried to appear to live as modestly as he could. Besides, this was just a short-term solution. Once he was settled, he was going to find a place that took more than eight good strides to get from one end to the other.

  After confirming there was nothing in his fridge to tempt him into cooking his dinner, he decided the only way to have any friends was to go out and make them. He would venture to the large variety of restaurants and bars downstairs, grab something to eat and drink, and maybe find someone to talk to. He wasn't quite ready to check out the gay scene here, but he had Googled gay bars in Auckland. He found there were a few but they were mainly at the other end of town.

  He made his way down to the lobby and stepped out into the cool evening air, pulling his old
leather jacket tighter. It was only a month into spring, which started on the first of September here in New Zealand. Being right on the harbour meant the chill coming off the water could be felt quite keenly. Glancing around, he decided to wander over to a mid-sized establishment that wasn't quite full yet but looked to become busier as the night wore on.

  He made his way inside a restaurant and bar called Waverley's and was quickly enveloped in the warm air, muted lighting and voices chatting over the not-too-loud background music. He was approached by a young woman in her early twenties, her smart, black-collared blouse tucked into her dress pants.

  "Hi, welcome to Waverley's. How can I help tonight? She asked with a big smile.

  Kyle smiled back. "Hi. I'm after something to eat, but I'm happy to sit at the bar rather than take one of your tables if you're busy."

  "No, that's fine. We have a small table available if you'd like to follow me." She responded, grabbing a menu from the small pile on the entry desk and turning towards the inner bar area.

  Kyle followed her, taking note that there were a few tables vacant and what appeared to be a good-sized group, laughing in the back corner. He smiled at the young hostess and thanked her when she drew up to a small table in the opposite corner. "I'll send someone over to take your order in a few minutes, but while you wait, can I get you a drink?" She asked, pulling a small notepad out of her pocket.

  Kyle looked quickly at the drinks menu on the table. "Um, what beer would you recommend?” He glanced up at her.

  "Oh, we have a selection of in-house craft beers on tap if you'd like to try one of those?" She replied, leaning over slightly to point them out on the menu.

  Kyle hid his smile as she brushed up against him. "Thank you, Miss, I really appreciate your help. I'll take the lager, thank you." He drawled, his Texas accent broadening slightly. He noticed the red flush make its way up her neck as she wrote down his order.

  "Not from around these parts, are you? She smiled. "I'll go and get your beer and let you look at the food options. The fish of the day is freshly caught snapper which you can have battered, crumbed or pan fried."

  Kyle nodded his thanks before she turned away. While he waited for his beer, he looked out the bar window onto the viaduct area with its large yachts moored in prime positions. Auckland really was a lovely city, not that he had seen much since arriving, but with the advent of the upcoming summer, he planned to get out, not only on the beautiful harbour but to the beaches and countryside that was within easy driving distance. His beer was placed in front of him, and he thanked the waiter before picking up the menu. It seemed pretty standard fare with a mix of steaks, pasta, and of course, fresh seafood. He liked the sound of the freshly caught fish the hostess had mentioned earlier, and when another young waiter came over to take his order, he chose the pan-fried snapper with a salad and fries.

  He let his gaze wander around the bar-restaurant while he waited for his food. He saw several groups of twenty-somethings drinking and laughing. There were a few good-looking guys about and Kyle was happy to enjoy the view. His mind wandered to the man he had met briefly that afternoon, and he let himself imagine what it would be like to be here with Jase MacKenzie on a date, enjoying a beer and each other's company before going back up to his apartment.

  His dinner was served quickly, and he settled in to enjoy it. The sight of the delicate fish, lightly fried in an herb butter to golden brown made him realise how hungry he was. The side salad was a little basic, but it was fresh and nicely presented. The fries were hand cut and thick and crunchy, just as he liked them. Superbly cooked, the fish melted in his mouth.

  He was relaxing with a second beer when a loud burst of laughter drew his eyes across the bar to the large group in the opposite corner. A small jolt of recognition went through him at the sight of the blonde head of his PA leaning in close to a tall fair-haired man. He watched as the man leaned down to whisper in her ear and saw her look up and nod in acknowledgement. Sarah stood up and stepped away from the table and started to walk his way. He realised she wasn't necessarily coming over to him, but to the ladies' bathroom situated on the other side of the bar where he was sitting.

  As she got closer, Sarah noticed him, and a broad smile spread across her face. "Kyle, fancy seeing you here."

  He stood up and smiled back at her, "Hi, Sarah. Having a nice dinner?"

  She nodded and indicated over her shoulder to the crowd behind her. "Yes. We come here quite often and it’s good for a group of us.” She looked at his empty plate and partially drunk beer. "Are you here on your own?"

  "Um, yes ma'am, I am," he admitted

  Sarah looked horrified. "Oh, we can't have that. Come over and join us, please?"

  Kyle glanced back towards the group of friends and noticed the tall blonde man Sarah had been talking to looking their way. "Oh no, I couldn't do that. You're here celebrating a friend’s birthday, aren't you? I couldn't intrude."

  Sarah waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, rubbish! Look, I just have to use the ladies’, and then I shall take you over and introduce you to the gang. They won't mind at all, and you don't have many friends here, do you?"

  After knowing Sarah for a couple of weeks, Kyle was coming to see she was strong-willed and liked things done her way. About to decline again, he realised she was right. He didn't have a lot of friends, and even if it was only for an hour or so, he'd much rather be talking to other people than sitting alone in his apartment.

  "No, I don't have any friends here and thank you; if you’re sure I’m not intruding, I would love to join you."

  Sarah grinned at his submission. "Excellent. Right, I'll just go and freshen up and try to convince the Spawn that it really doesn't need to sleep on my bladder. I'll be right back."

  "I'll go pay for my meal and meet you back here then," Kyle responded. Sarah carried on to the ladies’ room, and Kyle finished his beer as the young hostess came up beside him.

  "Have you finished sir? Can I get you anything else?" She enquired, smiling up at him.

  "Yes, I'm all done thank you. I'm just going to settle my bill and then join some friends. It was a lovely meal."

  "I can do that for you. I'll bring your bill over right now."

  Kyle reached into his back pocket and pulled out his wallet, retrieving his credit card. He handed it to her with a smile. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

  The hostess blushed. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but where are you from? Your accent is lovely."

  Kyle chuckled and let his drawl thicken, "Why ma'am, I'm from Houston, Texas."

  "Oh, my," the young women breathed, appearing quite flustered.

  A choked laugh sounded behind him. Kyle turned to see Sarah grinning at him. The hostess looked quickly between them and muttered a brief “excuse me” as she scuttled off to the till to process Kyle's bill.

  "Why, Mr Foster. Are you leading that poor girl on?"

  "No ma'am, I most certainly am not. My mama would be horrified if she thought I was doing something like that." Kyle responded, grinning back at her.

  "Well, if I was young, free and single again, I would certainly fall for that accent and charm thing you've got going on. Come on, let me introduce you to the reason I'm not young, free and single anymore.” With that, she turned on her booted heel and headed back towards their table.

  Kyle shook his head in amusement at the back of the retreating woman and followed in her wake.


  Jase felt a nudge in his ribs from his friend sitting to his right. He turned to look at Mike in question.

  "Who is my wife talking to?" Mike asked, nodding his head in the direction Sarah had gone.

  "Hm? How would I know? Just because we've known each other all our lives, doesn't mean I know all of her friends."

  Mike raised his eyebrows.

  "Yeah, okay. I do know all of her friends," Jase admitted. He turned in his seat to see where Mike Indicated. "Huh. I think that's her new boss, Kyle Foster."

at's Kyle Foster?" asked Stuart from across the table. The birthday boy grinned. "Mike, your wife’s been holding out on us."

  Mike frowned. "What do you mean?"

  "What I mean is your wife has not shared that her new boss is hot, hot, hot." Stuart laughed at the slightly confused look on his friend's face. Mike turned back to see Sarah making her way to the ladies’ and that her new boss was talking to one of the waitresses.

  "You think he's hot?" Mike asked, still frowning. He turned to Jase and nudged him again. "Do you think he's hot?"

  Jase took a long drink from his beer before putting it down. "Weellll… he's certainly easy on the eye, and the accent is rather attractive too," he admitted.

  "Ooooh, do we have a crush, Mr MacKenzie?" Asked Stuart, staring candidly at his friend.

  "No, Mr Johnson, I do not have a crush," Jase retorted. "Anyway, Sarah is pretty sure he's straight, so there’s no point crushing after someone I'm not going to get, is there?"

  "Oh, so we don't know for sure if he plays for our team?" Stuart prodded. "Okay then, I'll just ask him"

  "What?" Jase stared at his friend across the table.

  Stuart nodded to behind Jase. Jase looked over his shoulder and saw Sarah leading Kyle towards their table. He muttered a curse under his breath as he turned back and looked down to fiddle with the beer bottle in front of him. He didn't need his meddling friend dragging her boss over. He really was going to have to talk to her again and make her realise he was more than capable of running his own love life.

  He lifted his head when he heard Stuart call out to the approaching couple. "Sarah darling, how do you do it?"

  "Do what?" She responded, coming to stand next to Mike and resting her hand on his shoulder. Jase could feel the presence of the tall American behind him.

  "Bring the hottest guy in the place over to our table with only a few words in his ear," teased Stuart. "No wait, let me guess, he's my birthday present, isn't he? Really, darling, you shouldn't have."


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