Above All Else: A Bad Boy Military Romance (Easy Team Book 2)

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Above All Else: A Bad Boy Military Romance (Easy Team Book 2) Page 19

by Gemma Hart

  I was eventually asked by the UN to return to Loranza to try and smooth the chaos Pryto had caused. Xander had gone with me without question. He didn’t ask permission from the UN or from me. He just was always there for me. And I never had to doubt his presence. It gave me unspeakable strength.

  The first thing I did upon returning was give Uncle Gregory a proper State funeral and burial. He had been buried in a common plot at a nearby cemetery with only a plain wooden marker.

  The funeral procession drew out nearly the entire country’s population. People wept with abandon as they realized the lies of Minister Pryto and what it had cost them.

  As I had put my rose on top of his gleaming coffin, I silently thanked him for all of his love and guidance and prayed that I had done enough to make him proud.

  I will always love you, Uncle. Forever and ever plus a day.

  If nothing else, at least I was able to give him a proper funeral worthy of the loving and caring man.

  Then I began assembling the National Reorganization Committee, a committee to help advise me as I rebuilt the nation. I recruited economists, scientists, engineers, and social workers to help me restabilize Loranza.

  And the first thing on the agenda: help prepare Loranza to become a democratic republic. Essentially, removing the monarchy.

  And that was why Xander was sitting next to me in the sitting room, studying me for any wavering.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  I nodded. “I am.”

  “You’re not doing this because of me or Wyoming, are you?” he asked, his eyes narrowed suspiciously. “We can make both work. You don’t have to sacrifice your birthright.”

  I shook my head. “I’m doing this for a lot of reasons but mainly because even though I know most of the damage Pryto caused is fixable, some of it will never be fixed. And I know the issue of having a monarchy is one of them,” I said. “People are supportive of the Crown right now because they feel guilty and awful but that’ll pass. And there are some tough months ahead for Loranza to get back on its feet and that’s when the topic of the monarchy will come back up again. They will blame me for their difficulties and say that supporting the monarchy is what’s draining the economy, even though it’s not. So I’d rather just remove that obstacle from the table completely.”

  “But that kind of resentment will also pass as well,” Xander argued. “And I think your presence as their Princess and Queen will be more comforting than divisive.”

  I shrugged. “Maybe,” I said. “But I also agree with them. It’s the modern century. Who can really justify a monarchy anymore? I am proud of my country’s history and my own family lineage in how they shaped and formed Loranza but I think we need to embrace the future so we can grow and thrive. And the monarchy isn’t in Loranza’s future.” I gave a little smile. “I can live with that.”

  Xander reached for me and pulled me into his lap. “The country could never have a better Queen than you,” he said, trying one more time to change my mind.

  I smiled, resting my head against his shoulder. “Then as its Queen, I should do what’s right for them. And what’s right is to help it grow and stand up on its own two feet.”

  I looked up at him, brushing my fingers against his rough stubble. “Don’t worry,” I said confidently. “I’m not sad to abdicate. I think I’ve done my people proud. And it’s not like I’m homeless after I leave the throne.” I grinned. “At least I hope I’m not.”

  Xander tightened his grip on me. “You know you’re not,” he said gruffly. “Devil’s Horn is your home. Always and forever.”

  I kissed his lips lightly. “Devil’s Horn. Loranza. Anywhere,” I whispered. “As long as it’s with you.”

  Xander cupped the back of my head as he deepened our kiss. His arms circled me as his tongue explored my mouth with confident ownership. I let my body melt against his, my mouth open to him, welcoming him.

  As our bodies began to heat up in matching desire, he scooped me up into his arms and carried me over to the large bed. Laying me down, we quickly undressed each other, hungry to feel each other’s bare flesh.

  As soon as my breasts were freed, Xander pulled a nipple into his mouth with such force, it made me gasp and arch my back in response. He wrapped an arm around my back, supporting me while also keeping me pinned beneath him, helpless against his oral assault.

  After he gave my other breast equal attention, I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling his head up towards mine. As our lips touched, our passions exploded and our kiss deepened into a heated, breathless joining.

  I rolled over on him, straddling him. Xander’s eyes fired up appreciatively as he looked up as my breasts swung over him.

  “Have I ever told you how fucking magnificent you look, baby?” he said.

  My body burned at his words, craving his voice, his touch. I slowly, seductively, leaned over his body, sliding down till I was facing his thick and dripping cock.

  I ran my hand down the length of it, admiring it as it twitched against my touch. With aching slowness, I tongued his cock, swirling around the sensitive head. I burst with pride as I heard him groan in pleasure above me.

  I mouthed him completely, going down as far as I could. He was so thick and long I had to use my hands to help sheath him. Rhythmically, I began to go down on his cock, using my tongue to swirl against the veiny underside.

  “Oh fuck,” he groaned. “You feel so damn good.”

  His hand was pressed against the back of my head, urging me deeper. I took more and more of his cock, reveling in his taste, when he suddenly grabbed my hair, pulling me up.

  He flipped me over and with a fiendish glint in his eye, thrust into me all the way down to the root.

  I threw my head back, my mouth open in a silent cry, as I was stretched and filled in that delicious way that only his cock could create.

  I gasped as he pulled out and plunged in again. “Oh god,” I murmured, the heat in my body roiling now and threatening to spill over.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said, pulling my nipple between his teeth. He bit down, sending a sharp streak of pain straight towards my pussy. I clenched in response and he grunted. “Let it go. Let it all go for me.”

  He plunged in deeper and deeper, filling me so completely with him. I wrapped my arms around him, holding him to me. I never felt so totally whole and satisfied as I did when Xander was inside me.

  Both our breathing grew ragged as we felt the pressures of our pleasure overwhelming us. Xander cupped my face, looking down at me with heated, protective, fiery love in his eyes.

  “Come with me,” he said, plunging in deep again. “I want to feel you come with me.”

  And as he thrust in once more, we shuddered in each other’s arms, our bodies breaking down and exploding at the same time. Ecstasy filled us completely and ran through our veins like molten lava. I cried out as I let my release take me further and further away.

  Xander collapsed next to me. He pulled me and we laid, face to face together.

  His large hand brushed away some stray locks of hair away from my cheek. “No matter what though,” he said, his thumb stroking my face, his hand cupping my neck, “you’ll always be a princess to me.”

  Would this man ever stop stealing my heart?

  I imagined those wide open lands, the clean sweet Wyoming air, Pluto strolling ahead of us in the tall grass. I imagined the cozy ranch house and the warm wood. I imagined the soft cotton sheets of the bed and the good hot coffee that Xander always stocked.

  And I knew that I had a slice of paradise on earth.

  “I love you,” I whispered.

  Xander kissed my forehead before kissing me. “Always and forever, sweetheart,” he said. “Always and forever.”


  Eight Months Later

  “No wonder you never want to stay longer in L.A.,” Emilia said with a wry smile as she looked out the window at the dusky wide Wyoming skies. “Who’d want to stay in L.A. when you have
this waiting for you?”

  Xander chuckled as he popped open another bottle of wine while also grabbing two more beers. He handed one of the beers to Hawk while refilling mine and Emilia’s wineglasses.

  “Feeling the country pull, baby?” Hawk teased his fiancée.

  Emilia turned around and smiled. It was as clear as day to anyone that the two were clearly in love. Her eyes glowed with humor as she gave a shrug. “I dunno. I’ve never fallen asleep to anything except police sirens and drunken hobo shouts.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “This might be too peaceful for me,” Emilia said ruefully. She turned to me with friendly curiosity. “It has to be an even bigger adjustment for you.”

  I could tell by her awkward pause at the end of her sentence that she had been tempted to say ‘Your Highness’ even though I had insisted she call me Sofia.

  I squeezed her arm good-naturedly.

  “It was in the beginning,” I admitted. “But now, it’s as much home to me as it is to Xander.” I winked at her. “I can do with a little peace and quiet, personally.”

  Hawk and Bear chuckled while Emilia shook her head in wonderment.

  “I still can’t believe what you went through,” she said, marveling at me. “It sounds like something out of a movie. A runaway princess. An evil minister. A dashing mercenary.”

  Hawk pouted. “Not that dashing,” he said.

  Emilia and I burst into giggles.

  “You’re right,” Emilia corrected. “Definitely not as dashing as another mercenary I know.”

  Now it was Xander’s turn to pout. “I would think that you’d want to come to my defense here.”

  Emilia and I laughed and exchanged exasperated looks. “How are both of you more sensitive about your looks than the women here?” I demanded.

  Hawk patted Xander’s shoulder comfortingly. “Another way of saying she agrees with Em,” he said pityingly.

  Xander gave his friend a glare and a playful jab in the ribs while Emilia and I burst into peals of laughter.

  “Besides, none of it is more dramatic from what it sounds like the both of you went through,” I said, smiling. Xander had filled me in on their history. “A war-torn country. An earthquake. A medical epidemic.” I shook my head. “Sounds like these men have a knack for finding women in danger.”

  Emilia grinned at me before looking over at her fiancé with eyes glowing with love and tenderness. “And I think it’s a good thing for us that they do.” She said with a soft rueful voice.

  Hawk smiled back at Emilia with a loving warmth that was only matched by the look Xander was giving me.

  I smiled at Xander and he winked at me. “Just don’t expect any more dashing mercenaries,” he warned with mock severity. “You get one a piece. That’s it.”

  “Yeah!” Hawk added, giving his fiancée a stern look.

  Emilia and I burst out laughing again. Fearing another round of questions on who might have the better hair or the better gun, I led Emilia towards the living room while Xander led Hawk out to the back porch.

  We dropped onto the couch with a sigh, both laughing at each other as we got comfortable.

  I gently touched Emilia’s left hand.

  “It’s a beautiful ring,” I said, admiring the glittering diamond.

  The doctor’s face softened as she looked down at the ring. “It is,” she said. Her voice was tender and soft as she thought about the strong mercenary who was madly in love with her. “I can’t help but smile every time I look at it.”

  I sipped my wine, contemplatively. “You know,” I said, “I’m sure I could still borrow some of the Royal Jewels. Would you like a tiara for your wedding?”

  Emilia’s eyes widened before she burst into a fit of giggles. “Wow! A royal tiara for my wedding!” she said, unable to stop laughing. “I never would’ve imagined a doc from east L.A. getting such a treat! Thank you so much for the offer. Really. But that’s okay. I think I’ll be happy with just a nice veil.”

  I grinned. Emilia was the first woman friend I had ever made who truly felt like a real friend.

  Both Hawk and Emilia were like Xander. They made no moves to take advantage of my past and tried to gain nothing from me except friendship. It was so heartwarming to see my little circle of friends grow.

  Emilia’s eyes suddenly took on a sharper, devious glow as she gave me a sly look. “What about you?” she asked, her lips turning up at the corners. “You and Xander must’ve talked about weddings as well.”

  I smiled as I took a sip of wine.

  “We have,” I said. “Kind of.”

  “Kind of?” she asked, surprised. “I would think Xander would want to drag you down the aisle so he can make sure he has you forever.”

  I laughed.

  “Well,” I started, “so much has happened over the last year.” I thought back to my uncle’s death, my kidnapping, my abdication—I felt like I had had enough excitement for a lifetime. “Most of the time we’ve had together has been under this cloud of tension. There was always some kind of reminder in the back of our heads of all the terrible things that was happening in Loranza. This is now the first chance to really get to spend time together without having to worry about anything else except each other. I think we’re just enjoying that.”

  Emilia nodded understandingly.

  “I can see that,” she said. “I can see where you’re coming from.” She took a sip of her wine before patting me on the arm. She grinned conspiratorially. “I’ve never seen Bear as happy as he has been when he’s around you. The man looks at nothing else when you’re in the room.”

  I blushed hearing her words but I couldn’t stop smiling. I also couldn’t look at anything else when he was in the room.

  My Bear.

  My Xander.

  “Chaos and trauma can overwhelm a relationship but they can also cut down to the core of one as well,” Emilia said. “You learn real fast what kind of person someone is when they are placed in a dangerous, life or death situation.”

  She spoke with firmness and authority and I remembered Xander telling me about Qunar and the dangers Emilia and Hawk had faced while there.

  There was a sisterhood I felt with Emilia because of our similar experiences. We both had lived through harrowing and dangerous situations. We both loved men whose jobs it was to work in those harrowing and dangerous situations. There was an understanding and closeness between us that existed without us even speaking because of this shared factor.

  “That’s true,” I agreed. “I think he knows me and I know him in a way most people don’t know each other.”

  Emilia’s eyes glittered warmly. She smiled and her expression deepened as she listened to me. She understood exactly what I was saying. After all, she shared those same feelings with Hawk.

  “And what is it that you’ve learned about him?” she asked softly, knowing that the words I spoke would echo the same words in her own heart.

  I looked down at my hands, remembering Xander’s touch. His deep eyes, his broad chest, his incredible physical presence—they all rang through my mind. But so did his protective nature, his loving heart, his teasing sense of humor.

  I smiled to myself.

  “That he sees me,” I said softly. “He sees all of me and at the end of the day, still loves me.” I looked up at the kind and beautiful doctor. “And he knows he will always find that in me as well.”

  Emilia smiled back. A river of warm understanding ran between us. Sisters through our men. Our brave, fierce, bloody, dangerous men.

  “And how wonderful is that,” she said with a smile, raising her glass towards me in a toast.

  I clinked it softly with mine.

  “Wonderful,” I said, smiling back, knowing the future for once in my life felt full of love and potential.

  The End

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  If you enjoyed reading about Xander and Sofia, check out the first in the Easy Team series:

  What I Fight For

  And meet Hawk and Emilia!

  I’m sure they’ll take your breath away!

  Here’s a sneak peek of their action packed romance:

  What I Fight For

  Gemma Hart

  Copyright 2016 Gemma Hart

  All Rights Reserved

  This work is not bound by DRM, which allows you as a reader to enjoy this story on any digital platform you choose to use. But please respect the work of this author. No part of this book may be reproduced or copied without permission.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Any similarities to events or situations is also coincidental.

  © 2016 Gemma Hart

  All Rights Reserved


  To literally the BEST readers in the world!

  Once again, you’ve given me the chance to let my imagination run wild and I love that I can share it with you!

  Author’s Note

  Within this novel are two fictional countries. Although they are fictional, I hope that I have done a good enough job to render them as realistically as possible so that you will enjoy the story without disruption.

  But, just in case I haven’t done that good of a job, help a writer out and let your imagination run free with the story!

  Either way, just know, this is a love story for you, my wonderful reader!

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