Christmas in Vampire Valley

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Christmas in Vampire Valley Page 4

by Cooper, Jodie B.

  Myth said the ruby pulled two perfect mates together. Among the Sídhí, the flawless gem was a priceless piece of mythical history.

  "That's what the explosion was all about." I finally connected the pieces. "Kendrick set me up." It had to be my boss. Everything pointed at him, from insisting I work in a witch's costume that he provided to Narlene telling the guardians I was near the dressing rooms before the explosion.

  "We believe he's involved in a large crime ring, but we haven't been able to prove it. He talked to Phinnea and nobody else." Chandar rubbed the back of his neck, looking toward the bulk of the castle high above us. "We had hoped to catch him red handed, but then Phinnea changed the original plan, saying the boss wanted you and the gem. Things went a bit crazy from there."

  "You haven't taken him into custody yet, have you?" Brandon demanded.

  The guardian snorted. "I take it you do recognize his last name?"

  I groaned. Who wouldn't recognize MuskLeke? High Councilman MuskLeke was a political bulldozer and Kendrick was part of his far-flung family.

  "In other words, Kendrick is Jack the Ripper's great nephew and no one hurts one of Jack's people, except Jack." Brandon sounded furious, completely opposite of the gentle caress as his thumb rubbed my neck.

  Wait a minute!

  "You mean Councilman MuskLeke was London's serial killer?" I swallowed, unable to keep the revulsion from my voice.

  "It's what you might call an open secret in certain circles." Brandon growled, nodding toward his cousin. His arms tightened so snug around me I couldn't have moved even had I wanted. "You are not using her as bait. I'll kill the first one who suggests it."

  "Bait?" Oh, that's what had him growling. "They wouldn't suggest using me unless there was no danger. Right?"

  Brandon chuckled with zilch humor. "When MuskLeke is involved, it is always dangerous."

  Brandon cleaned up and changed into a Grim Reaper costume to compliment my witch's outfit. He didn't look very Christmassy as he twirled me around the great ballroom.

  The band played Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer.

  The music slowed and so did Brandon, curling me closer. His face was set in stone.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with the silky strands of his hair. I might've been bait to catch a serial killer, but I had never been happier. "If you don't quit scowling, I'll go dance with Ryan."

  That got me a short growl. He leaned closer, nuzzling my ear and whispered, "I thought you liked Ryan."

  "Um, yeah, he's okay." What was his point?

  "So, did you really want him to have two broken arms?" His voice was so serious that I leaned back, looking into his grim face. His face matched his voice and outfit.

  "You wouldn't hurt your own twin. Anyway, if you didn't want him to dance with me, broken legs would be better."

  "Fair warning, Megan, I want you as mine." His words sucked the air from my lungs. "I'll kill anyone that touches you. I'd make a onetime exception for Ryan and break his arms so he couldn't touch you."

  I laughed uneasily. "You've got the Grim Reaper persona down pat. Anyone would think I was your mate or something."

  I looked into his sparkling green eyes and I saw love staring back at me.

  Music erupted in my blood, dancing in my head. The song filled me from the inside out, an alien tune that no one else, except Brandon heard. Eerie and heart stopping, the symphony crashed through my blood. Singing in pure crystalized tone, the Song of the Sídhí named Brandon as my mate.

  My thoughts scattered into a million tiny shards.

  He held me close, never dropping eye contact. "Meg, talk to me. You look like someone smacked you with a baseball bat. Please, tell me you want me as badly as I want you."

  Did I want him? He had to be kidding. He was my heart's desire, but I couldn't tell him that without sounding like a cornball.

  "You knew?" I whispered in his mind, unable to wrap my brain around what my body was telling me.

  "I've wanted to ask you out forever. On the first day of school, I finally built up my nerve and walked up to you. My synth picked that exact moment to sing for you. I kept waiting for you to hear it, but you didn't."

  "I remember. You looked kind of stunned and then hurriedly asked if I had a fun summer." My mouth kept talking, saying things that weren't important. I wanted to shout at him, asking if he wanted to bond with me. He said he wanted me, but that wasn't the same as bonding. Vampires were a bit funny about pure mating. There were no two ways about it, I was a fairy and one day, I'd be a darn powerful one.

  His lips twitched into a smile. "Yeah, I had been worried you'd say no, but after my synth sang, I knew I had to get it right the first time."

  I grinned, and asked, "Too afraid of yard duty?"

  The music slowly faded from my veins.

  Shaking his head no, his eyes twinkled. "Mowing a jungle every day was the least of my concerns. I was terrified you'd turn me down."

  Vance's voice appeared in my head. "You two head outside."

  "No," Brandon said emphatically, projecting his mental voice so Vance and I could hear him. "There's no way you can protect her out there."

  "We've got a good chance at linking Councilman MuskLeke to Kendrick, but only if we catch him red-handed." Vance sounded frustrated. "He'll never approach Megan with so many witnesses around. Chandar and I will be within twenty feet at all times."

  "I agree." I smiled into Brandon's scowling face, trying to sweeten the blow. "Come on, Mr. Grim Reaper, let's explore the garden."

  Following me through an archway of chiseled stone roses, he grumbled beneath his breath. "I'd rather take you home, not go tromping through the garden at midnight."

  I chuckled and squeezed his hand. "Surely, we can find something to do in a dark garden."

  "Kissing you again is at the very top of my list, but not a good idea." He paused. Looking down at me, he gently caressed my lower lip. "Those beautiful red lips are way too distracting. When they touch me, I forget my own name, much less what's going on around me."

  Oh. My heart melted and I fell for him all over again.

  I heard two soft pops, quickly followed by two thumps.

  Phinnea stepped onto the path, waving a gun. I didn't have a clue what type it was.

  "Well," she smiled, pointing the gun at us, "now that I've gotten rid of your shadows with a couple of tranquilizer darts, let's go for a little walk."

  I heard someone walk up behind us. From the snorted chuckle, I assumed it was Norman. Before I could resist, he snapped a silver cuff on my wrist.

  Brandon bared his fangs and snarled.

  Phinnea pointed her tranquilizer gun at my chest.

  I knew it wouldn't kill me, but the only tranqs that worked on a Sídhí used mite juice, a nasty venom that caused pain and paralysis. I'd be completely helpless for hours.

  Brandon tensed, allowing Norman to snap the other end of the cuff around his wrist. He curled his fingers around mine.

  "We should've brought an extra set," Norman said, referring to the single pair of cuffs connecting Brandon to me.

  "We had another, until Chandar changed sides," Phinnea said harshly, spitting on the ground. "Let's go, the boss wanted the gem hours ago."

  She smiled; a curving of her lips that held the promise of pain. "One wrong move and I won't tranq you, I'll kill you both."

  She turned on her heel, heading out of the garden.

  I tried mentally speaking to Brandon, but as I suspected the silver killed that ability.

  We followed her out of the garden and through the edge of the village.

  Following a path made with pea-sized gravel, we ducked under a thin chain blocking the entrance to the cemetery. The closed area of the park was deathly quiet, a perfect place to kill someone if you didn't want witnesses.

  Gravestones led the way, some tilted while others soared above us carved in various shapes from angels to sword toting warriors. Weeping willows spread through the cemetery, casting odd s
haped shadows through the area. A lone coyote howled in the distance. It felt more like Halloween than Christmas.

  I shuddered, praying for another miracle, a Christmas miracle that would see Brandon and me to safety.

  She halted by a small non-descript headstone, so old I could barely read the writing proclaiming it to be the grave of a beloved mate, a human by the name of Pedro Galdora.

  Immediately behind her, a giant weeping willow weaved with the wind. She glanced around, completely ignoring us. "Get to the wyvern barn and grab us two mounts," she ordered Norman. "Make sure the blasted thing has a muzzle on."

  I watched the vampire race out of the cemetery, toward the huge barns housing Sídhí's version of recreational riding. Wyvern had the intelligence of a dog. The vicious winged creatures looked like a small dragon. Give one a chance and it'd bite a riders foot (or other bodily part) clean-off.

  I leaned against Brandon, inching slowly behind him so Phinnea couldn't see my actions.

  She turned away from us, looking toward the front of the cemetery.

  Her inattention gave me the opportunity to slide my hand down Brandon's tight jeans, moving from his waist slowly down his front pocket.

  I felt more than heard him suck his breath in as I neared his private area.

  I tapped the long, hard length of his switchblade and glanced up to see him watching Phinnea's every move. He twisted a bit, putting his body between her and me.

  Slipping my hand into his tight pants, he tensed.

  I didn't blame him. Yes, there was sexual tension between us, but even more important was the sharp edge of the synth blade. If I touched the switchblade at the wrong spot, I'd release the blade that was snug against his body.

  I certainly didn't want to make my mate into a eunuch.

  Curling my fingers around the knife, I carefully pulled it out of his pocket.

  "Well, about time you showed up," Phinnea said snappishly, glaring at Kendrick as he hurried toward us.

  He curled his sharp nose up at her. "Meeting my girlfriend at the Country Club was necessary. You might not have a reputation to protect, but I do. She gave me the perfect alibi."

  He turned to me. "You're more bloody trouble than I thought you'd be."

  Claws extended, he stalked toward me.

  Brandon stepped forward, leaving his bound wrist slightly behind him.

  I took the hint and quickly sliced the silver cuff off his wrist. I twisted the blade around, cutting my end off in the same motion.

  Brandon extended his claws and roared. Every night creature within hearing went instantly quiet, hiding from the larger predator as he issued his challenge.

  Kendrick hesitated, sniffing in contempt he charged forward claws glinting in the brilliant moonlight.

  They met head-on, slashing at each other. Blood spewed upward.

  Phinnea darted toward me.

  I dashed around a large statue, climbing its tall pedestal like a monkey. I stilled, waiting for her.

  She rushed around the corner, never looking up.

  I jumped, landing on her back. I shoved the knife into her chest, ripping downward.

  She shrieked. Bucking like a possessed donkey, she threw me off.

  I smacked against the marble pedestal, literally seeing bright flashes of light floating in front of my face. My head pounded in pain.

  I shoved myself vertical as footsteps ran toward me. I glanced at Phinnea, but the vampire lay curled on her side, arms wrapped around her middle trying to keep her insides from falling out until her body healed the gaping wound.

  Knife outward, I spun toward the sound and nearly gutted Brandon as he flew around the corner.

  "Thank God," he said fervently, wrapping his arms around me.

  I held him tightly, shuddering in the aftermath. "Are you okay?" I didn't give a darn about hurting his male ego by questioning his fighting ability.


  I leaned back, until I could see his face and frowned at his tight expression.

  "Yeah, right, sure you're fine. How bad are you hurt, Mr. Macho Vampire?"

  He chuckled, tightening his hold on me. "A few gashes on my arms and a deeper one on my thigh. It's nothing that won't heal."

  He tugged me forward, rounding the statue that kept us hidden from the bulk of the cemetery.

  He froze.

  Kendrick lay on the ground unmoving with his neck slashed open.

  His girlfriend, Shirley, stood above him. An inch under six-foot, the vampire was rumored to be two-thousand years old. It was an age not unheard of among the long-lived Sídhí. Hands tapping against jean-clad legs, the tall blonde smiled at me.

  "Well, it seems you've done most of the hard work for me."

  A series of things clicked in place. "You wanted the gem, not Kendrick."

  She chuckled nastily. "Good guess, but not true. I wanted you. Kendrick and the gem will help muddy the trail."

  She let the words settle into me. I wanted to wait her out, but didn't have the patience for it. "Meaning?"

  She touched a small headstone, reverently caressing its rough top. When she spoke, her voice was rough with emotion. "A hundred years ago, while visiting South America, I found my mate, a human by the name of Pedro Galdora. I didn't even have time to bond with him. Your filthy grandmother showed up and had him beheaded, while I was in a healing coma."

  I sucked in a sick gulp of air. No wonder the name on the headstone seemed familiar. I knew part of the story. A sick, perverted rancher had made his living by capturing teenage girls and selling them into slavery. Pedro kidnapped the wrong girl, a young merchant fairy. When the girl finally escaped, she ran to the Fairy High Council. My grandmother hunted Pedro down, finding him in the arms of a vampire.

  She fought the vampire and killed Pedro.

  "Grandmother thought you died."

  "The council woman's siren shriek cracked my skull in a dozen places, but it didn't kill me." Shirley snarled, baring lengthened fangs. "This is the first chance I've had to revenge my beloved."

  "You'll never get away with it," Brandon said, snarling so harshly I could barely understand him.

  She laughed a high-pitched sound of insanity. "Of course I will. High Councilwoman Beatrice thinks I'm dead. When she receives Megan's head in a box, she'll never consider a dead woman."

  Fear rippled up my spine, but my resolve hardened. If she planned to kill me then she would kill Brandon as well.

  I touched the synth crystal in my blood, pulling strength into me, building my power. I held the power in as it grew.

  Shirley was old, fast, and powerful. I had a single chance to stop her.

  My mind skimmed the area, seeking the living objects around me. I settled on the old willow tree. Its fluffy branches touched the ground. I wrapped my mind around the molecular structure of the tree, shoving every ounce of power into my command.

  Feathery branches shot forward, wrapping around Shirley. Her wild eyes hardened into stone, and she cackled like a Disney movie witch. Grabbing the branches, she ripped them in half as fast as I could wrap them around her.

  Brandon chunked a rock at her.

  She cried out as a heavy stone hit her. She screamed at him, promising him a painful death as she shredded his body into tiny pieces.

  Furious, I screamed in denial. No one, not anyone, would ever hurt my mate.

  I reached for more power and sunk into what grandmother called my Sweet Spot, an area within every fairy that reflected their true power.

  I shuddered as power flowed through me, highlighting every living thing, grass or human, within a mile.

  Shirley was a living creature. I focused my mind around her vital organs and squeezed, until I felt a sharp pop of power. I felt blood drip from my nose.

  She shrieked in agony, dropping to her knees. Blood poured from her mouth and nose. Willow branches wrapped around her body, staking her to the ground.

  I shuddered as the ebb and flow of power coursed through my body. My nose started bl
eeding faster.

  Brandon cupped my chin, gently wiping the blood from my face.

  I looked up. His frightened face was the last thing I remembered as my young mind shut down from power overload.

  A dozen voices shouted around me, waking me up from a pleasant dream of Brandon on a sandy beach in ultra-tight swim trunks.

  "Hey," Brandon said softly, rubbing his cheek across the top of my head.

  I lay curled in his arms, safe. A dozen guardians roamed through the cemetery, leaving us alone for the moment.

  I smiled. Leaning forward I kissed his chin.

  His eyes found mine. The stark emotion I saw in them knocked the air right out of my lungs.

  "Mia Cara, my heart, my mate, please bond with me," he said softly in my mind, calling me his beloved in the old tongue. Without waiting for my answer, which would've been yes, he opened his lifeBud.

  A lifeBud was a tiny organ nestled in the middle of every Sídhí brain, allowing us the ability to bond with a single person, our true soul mate.

  His lifeBud cried for mine, calling to me. The silent sound wrapped around me, begging me to open my lifeBud.

  Once opened, a lifeBud remained in bloom for less than a minute, calling for its true mate. After that single minute, the bloom shriveled and died never to bloom again.

  I couldn't refuse him even if I didn't know him as well as I wanted too. He was my mate, my perfect other half. I loved him. As the thought raced through my mind, I knew it was true. I had loved him forever.

  I opened my lifeBud.

  Instantly, the two ends wrapped together, binding us together heart and soul for eternity.

  His love flooded my senses, shattering what little doubt I had as intense emotions curled through me. I gasped at the depth of his love.

  His gaze held mine, reflecting how much he adored me.

  I blinked back tears, wishing I'd never doubted him.

  He curled his body around mine, offering me comfort, a place beside him that would be mine forever.

  I rubbed my head against his shoulder. Taking a deep breath, I mentally knocked at his mind, requesting entrance.

  His joy burst through me an instant before our thoughts blended. Words murmured on the edge of my mind, I could either listen or ignore his thoughts. He could do the same with mine.


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