Lizzy Ford

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Lizzy Ford Page 14

by Damian Eternal) Xander's Chance (#1

  “Or your Oracle could tell you.”

  “Oh, now you want something from me, after threatening to take off my head?” Sofi said with faux innocence.

  “If he’s coming to you, and you’re still alive, then he’s not a threat,” Eden said from her vantage point nearby. “This time, at least.”

  “I know why he’s here,” Sofi replied coolly. “He ran into something he can’t handle.”

  “I can handle it,” Xander responded. “Just not in a way that lets everyone involved live.”

  “Dusty, I need to talk to him,” Sofi said, gazing up at the blond man beside her.

  “Fuck no.”

  “He won’t go away until I do.”

  “I don’t give a shit.”

  “He can stay,” Xander said. “Not like he can kill me.”

  His words made the silence that followed even tenser. He smiled, enjoying it, then climbed through the ropes of the ring. Dusty was bristling. Sofi stepped up beside him, unwilling to back down from the vamp that came to see her.

  “Play nice, X,” Darian warned.

  Xander said nothing, listening to the thoughts of those around him to ensure his own safety. He held out his hand, palm up, to the Oracle in the typical greeting – and permission for her to check his future.

  “Didn’t I tell you that you’d be back?” she asked in satisfaction.

  “Not the time for an I-told-you-so, kiri,” Dusty muttered.

  “With Xander, I’ll take what victories I can.” She placed her hand on his. “One condition, Xander.”


  Get me out of this ring. I can’t stand physical fighting, she ordered.

  Xander nodded and waited, feeling the familiar tingle spread through him. By giving her access to him, he was also gaining access to her. She knew it; one of the few limitations an Oracle had was the inability to see her own future. Last time they met, they traded futures. Xander’s ability was far weaker than hers, but he was able to see certain parts of another’s path when in their minds.

  He learned his lesson about sharing information with Sofi. She’d altered her own future, based on what he showed her. He lost a round with her in the immortal world, when she manipulated him into saving her life and those of her sisters-in-law. She threatened to reveal the secret of his gem to his enemies, a secret recently spilled.

  She didn’t do it, though; he was able to tell from her thoughts.

  The silver around her eyes swirled hypnotically for a moment. With a frustrated sigh, she lifted her hand and gazed at him pensively.

  I can barely See with you, she said into his mind. Ask your question.

  Xander responded. You told me months ago I was in for a surprise that would answer a question I didn’t know needed asking. You said it was a matter of life and death.

  Sofi smiled, considered, then asked, “Do you know the question?”

  Not exactly. But I think I know the answer.

  “Yeah, you do.” Her blue eyes flared, and she stepped closer to him, until they were toe-to-toe. “By the way, I win this round, too.”

  “Not yet.”

  “Oh, yeah, I did.” She was proud of herself.

  “You wanna go?” He held out his arms. “You’re dressed for a beating.”

  “Unlike you, I don’t need to resort to violence to win.”

  “There are days, bitch …” he growled.

  “The feeling is mutual.”

  “One of you step back before I lose it.” Dusty’s sharp order made the Oracle jump. She glared at him but obeyed.

  Xander wasn’t pleased at all with the interaction. Sofi indirectly confirmed something he didn’t want to acknowledge: Jessi was in his life for more than one reason. He still didn’t understand the question Sofi wanted him to know, but the fact the woman capable of operating on stealth-mode was the answer did not set well with him.

  He retreated from the ring to those waiting around it. Darian shook his head at him without speaking while Eden smiled. Xander didn’t leave, though, not yet. He crossed his arms and watched those in the ring.

  Dusty grudgingly faced off against Sofi once more. The Oracle wasn’t intimidated by Xander; she wasn’t about to let him disrupt her day, a thought he heard when they were touching. The two began sparring slowly. Xander watched, reading their movements before they occurred.

  “How’s life?” Eden asked, joining Xander.

  “Too interesting.”

  “You know, I’m enjoying it here.”

  “Why?” Xander glanced at the Original Human, who seemed genuinely pleased. For some reason, the idea Eden was content after so short a time irritated him.

  Right uppercut, he said to Sofi.

  “Nice shot, Sofi!” Darian called a moment later. “Almost got him.”

  “These Guardians are remarkable. I recall those I met before the Schism. I don’t remember them being as dedicated or genuine or approachable,” Eden said. “There was always a divide before the Schism.”

  “Or maybe those Guardians knew you wanted to wipe out their world,” Xander pointed out. “Your second attempt was almost as successful as your first.”

  “Possibly. I suppose that didn’t help things at all.” Eden grinned, appearing even younger than Xander remembered.

  Fake left, right to the kidney, Xander instructed the Oracle in the ring.

  A second later, Sofi gave a cry of victory. She yanked off the gloves and headgear.

  “One hit, I’m out,” she said to Dusty. “Those are the rules.”

  “Sofi,” he objected. “You need to learn.”

  “I told you, I don’t need to. I’m an Oracle. I can make it so the fight never happens,” she returned. Not giving him a chance to argue, she ducked through the ropes and leapt to the floor. “We’re done, Xander.” She breezed past him towards the entrance.

  Realization crossed Dusty’s face. “Fucking Oracles,” he said.

  His part of their deal fulfilled, Xander turned to Eden.

  “I’ll be staying,” Eden said. The sparkle in her gaze made Xander wary.


  “I like it here, and I’ve got nowhere else to go. Besides” Eden winked “Sofi and I have a bet about you.”

  Two fucking Oracles. Both of them had an interest in Xander’s life, one out of spite and the other out of a sense of shared history.

  “You know where to find me,” Xander said and stepped away. Before any of them were able to remind him to call next time before he dropped in, he was gone.

  Back to his condo, where the cat waited for him at the top of the stairs overlooking the front door. Not that he used the front door, but it’s where Cat was always perched when he returned.

  It was past sundown, and he was already hungry again. He opened the fridge for a snack and dragged out a selection of meat the size of his arm.

  Troubled, Xander didn’t bother taking his snack to the table but wolfed it down over the sink, too troubled to care about the mess he made.

  Jessi arrived fifteen minutes early the next day, in case Xander or Ingrid called in a substitute after she quit. She ascended the stairwell, unwilling to beg for her job back and hoping Xander didn’t make her. Assuming he would, she had rehearsed a plea in the car on the way over. The thought of saying it out loud to him made her want to throw things.

  Not that she should do the begging. The damn vampire bit her. If anything, he should apologize in order for her to work for him again.

  To her surprise, he sat on the porch overlooking the beach. The door to his bedroom was open, and there was a note on the iPad that sat within plain view on the kitchen counter nearest the stairs. Jessi waited for him to tell her to leave or worse. She tiptoed to the iPad and peered at the note.

  Told you so. Waiting for my coffee. – X

  Relief and anger left her silent and speechless. Finally, she released a long, slow breath. At least she wasn’t fired. She’d play his little games – as long as he didn’t bite her – if it mean
t she had a second chance to get her hands on that necklace.

  Jessi glared at the back of his head. He had to hear the coffee maker but didn’t bother to check to see it was her. He already knew, which pissed her off.

  She crossed to his room, startled to see a woman in his bed that wasn’t Toni. Had he gone through Toni and this one?

  She muttered curses. She went to the bed and woke the sleeping brunette.

  The woman stared at her, eyes glazed. Jessi shook her as the woman faded into sleep again. There were two small scars on her neck. Jessi started to reach for her own before she winced at the pain. Her forearm was still swollen, Jonny’s fingers clearly outlined in black-purple bruises on her skin.

  “Come on. Time to go home,” Jessi said. She didn’t know why these women were so pliant when Xander was done with them. The girl yesterday offered no resistance. They were dazed when they left, smiling, happy, glowing. As if they’d had the best night of their lives.

  Jessi was miserable. She took enough pain meds to numb a horse, but her arm still hurt, and her head was woolly from the drugs.

  The woman rolled out of bed, unconcerned with being naked in front of a stranger. Jessi turned away and waited for her to dress. When the rustling behind her stopped, she led the woman out of the apartment and locked the door behind her. Jessi peered through the peephole. As with the girl yesterday, this one stood in the middle of the hallway, lost. Finally, she started in one direction.

  What did Xander do to these women? Why was she immune to the effect he clearly had on every other woman he ran across?

  Jessi shook her head and went upstairs. The coffee was finished. She poured it into the polished silver pot that reminded her of the fancy pots she’d seen once at an upscale hotel. The tray was too much for her hurt arm, which could support no weight. Frustrated, she took him a mug of steaming coffee. Without waiting for him to acknowledge her, she leaned over him and plopped it down, unconcerned with spilling it, before returning to the kitchen for the pot.

  After three trips, he had everything he needed. He wore only judo pants again this morning, his relaxed body reminding her too much of what it felt like to lie beneath him the day before. The washboard abs were flat, even when he was seated. His thick shoulders were wider than the back of the chair he sat in. She realized she was openly ogling him despite being pissed. She turned to leave.

  “You couldn’t use the tray and make one trip?” he asked.

  Jessi didn’t want to guess why he sounded pissed by the fact she made three trips instead of one.

  “Good morning, Xander,” she replied and stalked into the apartment. “I cleaned out your bedroom.”

  “Ingrid didn’t tell you your job is to line up women for me?”


  “I almost had to settle for a rerun.”

  “Rough life, sleeping with the same girl twice,” she said as calmly as she could. “I won’t line up women for you, Xander.”

  “Tuesday’s still open.” He was entertained. Her temper was shorter, the result of not sleeping and the pain of her arm.

  “How …” Temper, Jessi. She wasn’t going to let him get to her today, not when she needed to find that necklace. “…thoughtful. I’ll make your bed and straighten up.”

  He said nothing. More importantly, he didn’t move. Jessi went to his bedroom and made the bed with speed bred from routine then began feeling around the strange darkness for drawers. He wasn’t wearing the necklace, which meant it was somewhere in his room. She went through the nightstands, drawers and closets then ducked out to make sure he was still drinking coffee on the porch.

  The jogging blonde had his attention. Jessi rolled her eyes.

  “Whatever you’re after, it’s not in my room,” he said.

  She almost asked how he knew if he didn’t know what she sought but stopped herself. He was messing with her again. He couldn’t possibly know what she sought. Could he?

  “You need more coffee?” she asked instead.


  Jessi went to the porch and automatically reached over him with her dominant hand. She caught sight of the marks and swelling and pulled her hand back quickly, but not fast enough. Xander caught her wrist.

  She hissed at the pain. He released her.

  “Another new one,” he said.

  Jessi said nothing and reached across with her left arm to take the coffee. She grunted as she hefted it.

  “It’s full.”

  “You’re avoiding me.”

  “After yesterday, do you have to wonder why?” she asked in disbelief.

  “I let you slap me, didn’t I?” he retorted. “Go get a mug.”

  “Xander …” She sighed. “Fine.”

  He was going to play games with her until she confronted him. Jessi went to the kitchen and got herself a mug then returned to the porch and sat down in the chair with its back to the blonde on the beach. She poured herself coffee and doctored it up then sat back.

  “Happy?” she challenged, meeting his gaze. Her arm was hurting so bad, she was relieved to sit. She was almost nauseous again. “We’re going to play a new game. This one is called boundaries. As in, when I say the word boundary, you stop whatever it is you’re doing or about to do and leave me alone.”

  He smiled. Xander’s muscular body drew her gaze. He’d tamed his dark hair this morning and tied it back, his unwavering, red-hued eyes on her. She sipped her coffee without looking away. His teeth behind the full lips were normal today, which made her think she’d been wrong about the fangs she saw yesterday. If not for the scars on her neck and those of the woman she escorted out this morning …

  “What happened to your arm?” he asked.

  “Not your concern.”

  “If you can’t carry my coffee, it is.”

  “It was obviously no obstacle, considering you’ve got your coffee and your bed is empty.”

  “Gerry’s the kind who gets his ass kicked by girls, and I know I didn’t do that,” he said, considering her. “Jealous boyfriend?”

  “Jealous of what?” She raised an eyebrow. “Of you biting me?”

  “Something tells me your sex life is pretty vanilla.”

  She flushed. “Boundary.”


  Surprised he backed down, Jessi would’ve relaxed, if her body wasn’t on edge.

  “It wasn’t a boyfriend, jealous or otherwise,” she answered. “We should start another game called, let’s tell my babysitter what I erased from the calendar.”

  “Request denied. You already got to make up one new rule.” Xander snorted. He gave her the half-smile that she took as warning he was just getting started. Not about to get caught up in his games, Jessi rose with her coffee and started into the apartment. Xander held out an arm to block her path.

  “What?” she grated.

  “Tell me what happened to your arm.”

  “It’s none of your damn business!”

  “You saying that makes me want to know more.”


  He reached for her arm. She twisted away, in enough pain as it was. The spark of interest lit in his eyes again. She almost groaned and tried to move away. Xander rose, snatching the flailing coffee mug with one hand while gripping her around the waist with his other. He hauled her against his body, her back pressed to his chest. Desire sharpened her senses, which did her no good with the pain radiating down her arm. His chin rested on her head as he placed the mug on the table.

  “Xander, you really need to learn limits! One day someone is going to sue you for sure!” she objected, pushing at the arm locked around her body with her good hand.

  “It won’t be you.”

  “You totally don’t know that.”

  “You came back. You want something. You won’t risk losing it to sue me,” he said and reached for her injured arm.

  “Don’t!” she barked, tensing.

  He ignored her and wrapped his hand around hers. The sight of his thick, roped
arm next to hers reminded her of their difference in sizes. Even swollen, her arm was small and feminine compared to his. His pressure was firm enough to keep her still. Trapped against his strong form, she wasn’t certain if she felt gratified that someone so sexy was holding her or terrified to be stuck in the arms of a vampire. She was vulnerable to him and to Jonny. She didn’t like it at all, yet her body was already starting to burn for Xander.

  “Please don’t,” she said, the touch enough to cause tears of pain. “I feel sick.”

  “The more you fight, the longer I hold you.”

  She stopped straining and rested her head against his chest. Strange tingling ran down her arm. She braced herself, expecting pain when it reached her injury. Instead, the opposite happened. As she watched, the bruises and swelling faded. Pain retreated with it, until her arm felt normal again.

  “How…” she started, staring at her arm. “Boundary!”

  “A little late.” Xander released her and stepped away so suddenly, she wobbled. He sat down in his chair and propped his legs up with nonchalance, as if he hadn’t performed the impossible and healed her.

  Jessi moved her fingers and hands, testing her arm. It was completely fixed. She peered at the areas where there was bruising. Not a trace of the damage Jonny did remained. More vexing than the inexplicable medical miracle was the creature that did it. Nothing about Xander was remotely … nice. He toyed with her since she arrived and unapologetically played the part of the egotistical, chauvinistic pig he was.

  She met his gaze, and they stared at each other quietly for a long moment.

  It wasn’t possible there was a decent side to him. She sensed some deep sadness when he mentioned his mother. Someone accustomed to taking what he wanted didn’t just help someone like her. He should view the temp onboard for a week as disposable, like the women he slept with.

  He lifted his chin towards the beach. Curious, she turned. As if sensing her doubt about how much of a jerk he was, he slapped her hard on the ass once more.

  “I cannot believe I fell for that!” she exclaimed, facing him. “Slapping a stranger’s ass is not a compliment, especially when that stranger is a woman. Now, are you going to tell your babysitter what’s on the schedule for today or not?”


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