Sweet Talk Boxed Set (Ten NEW Contemporary Romances by Bestselling Authors to Benefit Diabetes Research plus BONUS Novel)

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Sweet Talk Boxed Set (Ten NEW Contemporary Romances by Bestselling Authors to Benefit Diabetes Research plus BONUS Novel) Page 34

by Novak, Brenda

  Again, she nodded. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “Good. So if you want to start moving and make it feel good again, I’m on board.” He paused, kissing her lips and teasing her with his tongue. “No matter what you do, I’m going to love it, so I’ll follow your lead.”

  “I don’t want to stop. You feel so good, Tony. I want all of you, I do. I’m just a little nervous,” she said with a half-shrug.

  His hand wrapped around the back of her neck and pulled her in. He loved how small she felt to him, how easily she let him command her body. Speaking into her ear, he said, “Would you like me to help you sink all the way onto my cock, Trish? Until I’m so fucking deep inside you there’s no way to tell where I end and you begin?”

  A quiet whimper accompanied her nod.

  Fire raced through his veins. He’d never been so turned on in his life, and it was giving him ideas he never would’ve considered before. Being with Trish—in Trish—took him to a whole new level of sexual awareness, and he knew exactly how to help her.

  Tony took hold of her hands and pulled them behind her, then through the bottom half of the steering wheel to place them on his knees. So fucking beautiful. The position gave her a way to brace herself and also kept her arched back so he had the perfect view of where he disappeared inside her. And how much more of him still needed in.

  Drops of sweat gathered and spilled over the swells and between her full, rounded tits begging for attention. His hands covered them, squeezed, released, then pinched the tips of her taut nipples, steadily increasing the pressure. He watched her eyes closely, waiting for them to tell him when it crossed from pleasure to pain and just beyond.


  Instantly he released them to let the blood flow back into the red buds, causing her to throw her head back and cry out his name and God’s several times over. A new flood of warmth bathed his cock, and he used it to slide home the last couple of inches.

  He had to move or he’d die. He was sure of it. “Are you okay?” he panted. “Trish, sweetheart, talk to me.”

  She didn’t offer him words, but something better. Her hips began grinding on his, back and forth, keeping him fully seated. “I can’t believe how good this feels. When you let go, I felt like lightning shot from my nipples straight to my clit. Was that...?”

  “I have no doubt it felt amazing, but no. You didn’t come.” Her bottom lip stuck out with her eyebrows drawn in. How in the hell did she make a pout look sexy?

  “How do you know?”

  “Keep holding on to my legs like you are, and let me do all the work.”

  Bracing his feet on the floorboard, Tony thrust his hips up deep and hard, over and over. His hands splayed over the crease where thigh met body and his thumbs met in the middle over her clit. One pulled the skin above it tight to expose the swollen bundle of nerves while the other teased it mercilessly.

  Tony studied every detail about her. He wanted the image of her in this moment to be burned into his mind. The way her damp skin glowed in the moonlight. How wisps of her loose curls stuck to her face and neck. How sexy she looked with her shirt shoved up, her nipples hard and red from his attention. Parted, swollen lips and hooded eyes glazed over with lust.

  “Oh God, it feels...I don’t know...” She whimpered and shook her head. “Tony, I-- Shit, it’s too much.”

  She freed her arms out and plowed her hands into his hair, fisting large chunks and pulling in frustration. He didn’t slow, didn’t relent. “You’re almost there, keep going.”

  Squeezing her eyes shut tight, she shook her head again. “I don’t think I can take it.”

  “Yes, you can,” he said. “Open your eyes and look at me. Trish, look at me.”

  Finally, she listened. Endless dark pools stared back at him, searching for an answer on how to deal with the overwhelming sensations flooding her. “Just hold on to me and let me take you over that edge. Trust me.”

  Trish dug her teeth into her bottom lip and nodded, curling her body over him to rest her forehead on his shoulder as he continued to pleasure her.

  She had no idea how much she humbled him. She trusted him to bring her pleasure she couldn’t foresee and didn’t believe was possible for her. Knowing that alone would have brought him to his knees had he been standing. He didn’t take her offering lightly or for granted, and he would do everything possible to make this experience one that she’d never forget.

  Gritting his teeth through the strain of beating back the fire swirling in his balls, he drove her closer to what had been denied her for too damn long. “You’re so perfect,” he rasped against her ear. “I love your pussy. So hot and tight and wet. I want to feel you come, baby. Feel you tighten on me like a fucking vise.”

  Finally, he felt her body start its climb to oblivion. Knowing she was about to topple from riding the knife’s edge made him double his efforts. “Oh God oh shit oh God oh shit--”

  Tony clamped a hand over her mouth just before she screamed into the stillness of the night. Her nails bit into the skin on his shoulders as she convulsed around his cock so hard he swore his vision blacked out. Moments later he groaned long and loud as she milked his balls of his own release for what seemed like an eternity.

  Time had no meaning in the aftermath. They clung to each other, a tangle of sweaty limbs and twisted clothes, panting like dogs lazing in the sun. It might have been only a few minutes or it might have been close to an hour, Tony didn’t know. What he did know, was that he wasn’t the same man he’d been before sex with Trish Howell. His life would forever be split into two time periods: before sex with Trish and after sex with Trish. It didn’t lend itself to catchy acronyms, but he couldn’t ignore that a line had been drawn.

  She raised the bar and now his standards for what he considered “good sex” might be unreachable by any other woman. Figured there’d be a catch to finally getting the one girl he’d wanted longer than he could remember wanting anything else. He’d just have to make sure he got as much of her as he could so he had an entire library of memories to call on after she left town.

  Kissing her temple, he began straightening her clothes. “What are you thinking, T?”

  Flushed and beautiful, she smiled the smile of a woman well-sexed. “I’m thinking that you fixed me.”

  “You were never broken.” Tony lifted a hand and rubbed the side of his thumb over her cheekbone. “You just didn’t have a man who knew how to make your body sing.”

  “Then I’m glad I have one now,” she admitted softly. Then quickly added, “Even if it’s only for a little while.”

  He managed a half-smile and hoped she assumed he was too exhausted to put more effort into it. As much as it bothered him to think of her leaving again, the reminder was for the best. He had to keep a level perspective of what this was, and what it wasn’t. Otherwise his heart might not survive the summer.

  “In that case,” he quipped, “think of me as your temporary voice coach. I’ll be happy to give you lessons as often as you want, all for the low, low price of feeding my ego.”

  “Hmm. What if I want the American Idol package?” At his raised brow, she explained. “I’d like enough lessons that I could audition for AI if I wanted. You know, teach me all the advanced singing stuff. How much would that cost?”

  Lots of sex with advanced moves thrown in? Hellfuckingyes! He’d probably pay her for that plan if she demanded it. He didn’t have that much pride. But he had a better idea. “I can teach you the advanced stuff no problem. But the cost will be your trust. You’ll have to trust me that I’ll only ever do anything to bring you pleasure. You do that, and you’ll be able sing whatever you want. Deal?”

  Her smile shining in the moonlight, she gave him a sharp nod. “Deal.”


  Trish made her way over to the large soccer field Tony had told her his youth team, the Shark Bytes, was playing. The game had started a half hour ago, but she’d had to work and told him she’d be over after her shift. Parents an
d siblings filled the bleachers along one side of the field watching the wee munchkins in blue jerseys mixing with the other team’s green ones.

  She found an open spot on the bottom riser and settled in. Tony was striding along the sideline, keeping in step with the action of the game. He looked great in his matching blue jersey and black athletic shorts, and she smiled as he cupped his hands around his mouth to yell instructions to his players in what seemed like a futile attempt at directing chickens with their heads cut off.

  He hadn’t yet seen her, which was fine with her. She didn’t want to distract him, plus she enjoyed having this time to study him in his element without him knowing. The last few weeks with Tony had been...well, pretty amazing. She’d been worried that adding sex to their longtime friendship would make things awkward or complicated, but it was exactly the opposite.

  It felt like a natural progression for their relationship. They’d always cared a great deal for each other and had fun together. It was easy for Trish to be around Tony. He never pressured her to talk about her past or her future like Rhianna and her mom, and he certainly never felt the need to define their current situation or ask if it was going anywhere. With him, she felt relaxed and carefree. So it was no small wonder why she didn’t mind spending the majority of her free time with him.

  He’d agreed on keeping things exclusive-casual, even going so far as to pretend she wasn’t crazy when she made beds a no-no. Two people could screw on a couch and even fall asleep with each other afterward and not feel like an invisible line has been crossed. But that same scenario in a bed changed the whole dynamic. And as far as she was concerned, their “dynamic” was fine the way it was. And by fine she meant panty-scorching, mind-blowing amazing.

  That first time in the truck had demolished all her past assumptions that she somehow was incapable of enjoying sex, much less experience an orgasm. Tony made her burn hotter than she ever thought possible, and he didn’t even need his body to do it. His words alone could likely make her come. The brain was a powerful thing, and the things he said to her—whether sweet and flattering or salacious and filthy—made her just as wet, if not more, as when he touched her.

  Therefore, after reviewing all of the evidence presented to this court, Trish’s ex was found guilty of being a pathetic lover in the first degree. Goodbye and good riddance.

  The shrill sound of a whistle blowing brought her out of her relationship musings and back to the present entertainment. Over the course of the next thirty minutes, she laughed at the antics of both teams. It wasn’t exactly a structured game with plays and positions, but rather every player from both teams chasing the ball. It looked like the ball was a powerful magnet and the players were metal shavings that were helpless to be pulled along after it.

  During a time out, Tony had glanced over at the bleachers and finally noticed her. She gave him a small finger wave and he returned it with a brilliant smile and wink. A little blonde girl had seen the interaction and immediately announced to the rest of the team in the huddle that “Mr. Tony just winked at that pretty girl,” which instigated a roar of dramatic oohs and giggles and even a few boys singing the “k-i-s-s-i-n-g” song.

  Trish felt her cheeks grow hot as dozens of eyes drilled her from the crowd and snickers of laughter drifted on the slight breeze. Tony brought them back under control like a professional cat wrangler and sent them back onto the field. As soon as he made sure the correct amount of players were in the game with the rest of the team safely behind the boundary line, he looked over his shoulder at her and mouthed “sorry.” She smiled and waved it off.

  For the rest of the game, she rarely turned her gaze to the action on the field, preferring to study Tony and how he interacted with the kids. He was amazing with them. Clapping and cheering any time one of them made an attempt to kick the ball into the goal or even if they unsuccessfully tried to kick it away from an opposing player. He got the kids who weren’t currently playing excited to cheer for their teammates and changed players often so everyone got fair amounts of play time. And when he crouched down to comfort a boy who’d cried after the ball hit him in the face, her heart squeezed inside her chest. A couple minutes later, the boy nodded at his coach and wiped his tears away before smiling and running back out to play.

  When the whistle blew and the Shark Bytes won 2-0, Tony’s team erupted into screams and cheers and bounced around like the grass was made of trampolines. He directed them to line up and slap the other team’s hands, following after them to do the same thing and then shake the hand of the other coach. One of the parents opened up a cooler full of juice boxes and another held out a container of orange wedges. The kids swarmed both and got their post-game snacks. While they were busy with that, Trish approached Tony from behind.

  “Congratulations, Coach,” she said.

  Turning around, his face lit up and he instantly pulled her into his arms. “Hey there, sexy. I’m glad you came. I thought maybe you’d changed your mind after working all day.”

  “Well, I did have visions of a hot bath and foot soak dancing in my head, but I couldn’t pass up the chance to finally see the deadly Shark Bytes in action. I definitely made the right choice, because that was thoroughly entertaining,” she said. “The drama on the field is more intense than an episode of the Kardashians. I loved every minute of it. Two enthusiastic thumbs up.”

  He laughed and they looked at the kids running around and shoving the oranges in their mouths so the rinds took the place of their teeth in their big smiles. “Yeah, they’re pretty great. I enjoy teaching, but I love coaching these guys. Hands down my favorite job.”

  “They’re lucky to have such an amazing, not to mention incredibly handsome, coach. You’re really good with them, babe.”

  Leaning close, he spoke low against her ear. “I know someone else I’d like to be really good with.” Her breath caught in her chest, and he answered with a quiet growl. “Scratch that. I wanna be really bad with her. And I want her to be dirty as hell with me.”

  She clutched at his shirt between them and prayed her weak knees didn’t give out as vibrations of desire rolled through her belly. “I’m willing to bet she’d be more than okay with that,” she said on an exhale.

  “Oh, I have no doubt,” he said. “Unfortunately, she’ll have to wait a couple hours until after I play in my game.”

  “What? That’s not fair. You brought it up, now you have to deliver.”

  “Wish I could.” His wicked half-grin showed none of the remorse his words implied. “But the game is in less than thirty minutes across town, so we have to leave as soon as I get these rascals sent off.” Tony played in an adult soccer league. He didn’t make all the practices—because he was coaching the Shark Bytes and sometimes because he was giving her mind-blowing orgasms—but he made them when he could and most of the games.

  “You’re a cruel man, Anthony Joseph. If I wasn’t so fond of you--and my orgasms--I’d make you suffer through your game tonight with a massive erection.”

  He scoffed. “Like I don’t already walk around half hard whenever you’re with me. But the good news is, the game is at the fields a block from my place, so after I kick Jefferson’s ass, I can have you naked and on my couch in under two minutes flat.”

  “Mmm, now you’re speaking my language.”

  He chuckled. “I thought I might be. Wait here, then we can go.”

  Trish nodded and he gave her a quick kiss before calling his team together for a post-game huddle. After congratulating them on their awesome hustling and team spirit, Tony reminded them of their game the following week and led them in a team cheer. As soon as it was over, the kids scattered in all directions to meet up with their parents waiting for them.

  Tony grabbed a mesh bag full of practice soccer balls and made his way back to her. When they reached his car, he tossed the bag in the back seat. The tech class had their final earlier that week, so Trish opened the passenger side door that was almost good as new and sat inside. As soon as
she clicked her seatbelt in, he was right there, leaning over to capture her face in his hands and claim her mouth with a wild urgency.

  She opened for him on a whimper of answering need and met his lashing tongue with her own. He angled her head and took the kiss deeper. Her hands gripped his muscular forearms in a desperate attempt to ground herself to the man currently stealing her breath and making her forget everything but him.

  When he broke their connection to rest his forehead on hers, the only sounds were of their labored breaths and her heart beating rapidly against her ribcage.

  “You have no idea how badly I want to touch you and get you off right now,” he rasped.

  “I think I have a pretty good idea. I was thinking the same thing about you.”

  Releasing a groan of frustration, he nipped at her bottom lip. “As soon as the game ends, you’re mine.”

  “You mean when we get back to your place.”

  “You’ll be lucky if I wait that long.” Tony reached down and cupped her sex over her jean shorts, aka Daisy Dukes. She hadn’t been able to resist. “I know you didn’t wear these to work, which means you deliberately changed after, knowing I’d be out of my fucking mind as soon as I saw you in them. Am I right?”

  Perhaps shedding her city apparel for a more casual look was something she should do permanently. Trish willed herself not to blush as she tried for a look of innocence. “I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, Tony. It’s hot out tonight so I opted for shorts just like everyone else.”

  “You’re such a bad liar, T.” A wicked grin tugged one corner of his mouth up. “I’ll say it again. As soon as the game ends, this,” he said, squeezing his hand possessively, “is mine. You can think about that while you’re watching me play, and know that every time I look over at you, I’m imagining you naked and writhing beneath me.”


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