Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever Afters Collection (Eight Fun, Romantic Novels by Eight Bestselling Authors)

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Love, Laughter, and Happily Ever Afters Collection (Eight Fun, Romantic Novels by Eight Bestselling Authors) Page 91

by Violet Duke

  “Actually, it was great. I had a lot of friends and tons of fun. Although I always felt that I was a bit of an oddball too, in the sense of my family.” I pause and take a breath. “Or, now that I think about it, maybe they just made me feel like an oddball. Nothing I ever did was good enough, and if my mom and dad couldn’t understand something about me, they’d chalk it up to me being strange. I remember one time, I must have been about fourteen, and Fran and I had gone to the mall with Fran’s mom to buy some new clothes for school. Fran helped me pick out a new blouse that was bright and colorful with tiny butterflies. I loved it the minute I saw it. There’s something about butterflies, you know,” I say as I stare out at the lake, “they’re free. Anyway, the next morning when I came down for breakfast, my mother took one look at the shirt and told me I had to change. She said, ‘you’re fourteen years-old, Gabby, and you’re wearing the shirt of a seven year-old. Go and change. You don’t want people thinking you’re weird, do you?’ I sat on my bed and cried, then reluctantly put on another shirt and went to school.”

  Brad’s eyes meet mine and I feel a hand reaching out to touch my heart. “Do you still have the shirt?”

  “Yup. I put my butterfly shirt in a big keepsake box I kept hidden in my closet. No one was going to take my butterflies away from me.”

  Throughout dinner, Brad never lets go of my hand. When we finish, I look over at him and his eyes are alight with excitement. It’s most certainly contagious. There’s no way I’m ready for this date to end. He helps me from the table and we make our way through the restaurant until we’re outside again.

  Looking over at him with a broad smile, I quietly ask, “so, what now?”

  Brads face beams. “We’re going to Top of the Rock.”

  “Top of the Rock? What’s that?”

  His brown eyes grow large. “You live in New York City and you don’t know what Top of the Rock is?” He pulls me along. “It’s an Art Deco skyscraper forming the center of Rockefeller Center, and it’s very cool. I think it’s like 800 feet above street level. The view is amazing.”

  Apparently, it’s about two miles from the park, but instead of driving, we take a gypsy cab, where you can negotiate a price and it’s a steal at four dollars. When we get there, we step onto the elevator and the first thing I notice is a transparent ceiling leading to the wide open sky. As we rise, different colored lights are popping all around us. Once we finally reach the platform, I realize that Brad’s description couldn’t have been more accurate. I’m rendered utterly speechless. Colored lights twinkle from various buildings and there’s a clear view of stars that sprinkle the night sky. There’s the Brooklyn Bridge, the Empire State Building, Central Park, and the Hudson and East Rivers. You can see it all. I look over at Brad, who’s waiting on my reaction. “Wow. It’s just exquisite.”

  Brad takes a deep breath. “It is, isn’t it?”

  I lean against him, my back to his chest, and he rests his chin on my head. I feel a strange sense of calm. He laces his fingers through mine and we walk around the platform a bit, enjoying the view, until something catches his eye. When I look over to see what it is, I notice there’s a plaque attached to a long piece of rock that reads This is a good kiss spot.

  Catching me by surprise, Brad grabs me and pulls me close. He threads his arms around the curve of my shoulders, causing my heart to pitter-patter wildly and my breath to come in giant gusts. His breath is blowing on my lips like a soft breeze as he whispers, “I’ve been wondering something all night.” My eyes go wide. “Have you ever been kissed by a superhero before?” My mouth won’t move, so I simply shake my head back and forth. His eyes are burning up my lips as he breathes, “because you’ve never been truly kissed until you’ve been kissed by a superhero.”

  With a small gasp and a hoarse voice, I strangle out a reply. “Will it be life-changing?”

  He dangles his lips over mine. “Oh yes, life as you know it will never be the same.”

  My heart slams against my chest as his mouth claims mine. His lips are warm and soft, his tongue gliding across my bottom lip, caressing and teasing before sliding inside. The taste of him awakens my senses. I feel his breath whisper to me as he continues to explore my mouth, the wetness of our tongues soaking each other and twirling about like vines dancing in the wind. I reach up and slide my hands behind his neck, the strands of his soft, silky hair tickling the space between my fingers as his arms encircle my waist to deepen the kiss. When we finally pull apart, breathless, he leans his forehead against mine.

  “I’ve been waiting my whole life for your kiss.”

  My pulse skyrockets at his words and I’m not sure what possesses me, but I pull his mouth to mine again. Sucking his bottom lip softly, my tongue traces the outline of his lips before realizing we’re in public and pulling away. With Brad’s hand in mine, we make our way over to view the lights of the Empire State Building. He stands behind me again and wraps his arms around my waist; I lean my head back against his shoulder and he dips down to place a soft kiss to my temple. I could get used to this.

  It’s getting late. The stars in the night sky and the darkness tell us that it’s time to head home, though I can smell the hesitancy in the air. After what seems like hours of enjoying the view, the silence, and the feeling of his arms around me, Brad puts his arm around my shoulder and leads us down.

  We’re both quiet as we make our way back to the car. I’m so happy I feel like tiny bright stars are surrounding my heart. But it’s not the stars, it’s Brad. My mind is soaking him in. He’s incredibly endearing and I feel so lucky when I think about the hordes of women who flow in and out of his shop every day that would kneel at his feet. For some reason, he chose me. The thought makes me smile.

  Brad opens the door and helps me in. Just before he starts the car, he leans in, lifts my chin, and gently brushes his lips against mine. His mouth lingers, leaving me wanting more. A lot more. Then, flashing that dimpled smile I’ve grown to love, he starts the engine and we head back.

  James Taylor’s voice croons softly, singing about smiling faces, fire & rain, and being the only one. With my head back on the seat and my hand in Brad’s, I feel a wonderful sense of peace, like this is where I’m meant to be. We ride in comfortable silence back to my apartment. Brad puts the car in park and comes around to open my door, ever the gentleman. I find myself fumbling with my fingers and staring nervously at my toes.

  He gently places his hands on either side of my cheeks and lifts my eyes to his. “I had a wonderful time tonight, Gabby. Thank you.” His gaze is so intense it makes me want to look away, but I can’t.

  I look deep into his eyes. “I did, too.”

  He stares down at my mouth and then slowly presses his lips to mine. My lips part, and our tongues tangle ever so briefly before he pulls away. “Goodnight, sweet Gabby.”


  I run into the apartment, anxious to tell Fran all about my night. I drop my purse to the ground and sprint down our tiny hallway, pushing through her door. I use her bed as a trampoline until she bolts upright and I realize she’s not alone. Rubbing her eyes furiously, she points to the spot next to her.

  I see Kyle’s honey blonde hair poking out from the blanket. “Gosh, Fran, I’m so sorry!”

  “Shhhh…it’s okay,” she whispers. “Let’s go in the other room.”

  “Sorry, Kyle,” I hiss, scampering into the kitchen.

  She pours a glass of water, then sits down, pawing at her eyes furiously to try and wake up. “So, spill it, sister, how was the date?”

  “It was amazing Fran. I feel like I’m walking on clouds.” I’m pretty sure I have a ridiculous grin plastered to
my face and I’m giddily rocking back and forth on my heels. If Kyle wasn’t sleeping, I’d be squealing like a teenager right now.

  Fran looks at me with raised eyebrows and a cunning smile. “So, did you kiss?”

  My face comes alive. “Yup.”


  “Hmmm…” I stare dreamily into space, recalling the strength of his arms and the softness of his lips.

  “You’re holding back on me! What was it like? I want details!”

  “It was hot.”

  “Yeah?” She smiles eagerly and gives me a tiny swat on the arm. “Come on, tell me!”

  I sigh. “But it was also sweet, and sexy, and tender.” Another sigh escapes. “And…romantic.”


  “I don’t know, Fran. I was so nervous. I wasn’t sure what to expect because Brad’s so unassuming. But the way he kissed me was anything but unassuming.”

  Fran smiles confidently. “I knew there was a tiger behind that dimple.”

  I twirl my hair around my finger. “Well, I’m going to bed now.”

  “Gee, thanks a lot. Now that you woke me up and made me all flustered.”

  “So go wake up Kyle. I’m sure he can help you out with that.” I giggle and practically float down the hall to my room.

  “Goodnight, Fran.”

  “Goodnight, sweetie.”

  I pull on my sweatpants and a soft cotton tank and climb into bed feeling hyper. So much so that I just can’t get to sleep. I keep replaying the kiss over and over in my head. The kiss that made my heart dance. My phone buzzes and snaps me from my train of thought. It’s Brad. Sigh.

  Brad: You still awake?

  Me: Yeah

  Brad: I can’t sleep

  Me: Me neither

  Brad: I wish I hadn’t left

  Me: Me too

  Brad: Your kiss made my heart flutter

  Did he seriously just say that? I feel a squeal coming on.

  Me: Mine is still fluttering

  Brad: Goodnight Gabby

  Me: Goodnight

  With that, I fall into a peaceful sleep.


  IT’S MONDAY, AND it doesn’t suck anymore. I wake up to the sound of heavy raindrops pounding on my windows. I love the rain. I love the sound of it, the feel of it as it falls lazily onto my skin, the…my alarm goes off, but I smack it silent, allowing myself to drift back to last night…to Brad. Just thinking about him makes my insides melt. He completely dazzled me and I feel as though I’ve fallen under his spell. My phone buzzes and I grab it quickly, thinking it might be him. As soon as I see Dane’s name appear on the screen, my smile disappears. Dragging this out is only going to make things worse, so I reluctantly accept the call.

  “Hello,” I say with the lack of enthusiasm I feel.

  “Hey, Gabby, it’s Dane.” His voice sounds a bit apprehensive and I’m wondering if he can read my thoughts. “I thought I was going to hear from you yesterday?”

  “Yeah, sorry about that. Fran and I just hung out and relaxed.”

  “I was wondering if I could see you tonight?” His tone sounds a bit more desperate now that I think about it, and it puts me on edge. It’s a familiar feeling with Dane.

  “Yeah, we really need to talk,” I reply with determination, dragging myself off the bed and rifling through my closet.

  “Can you meet me in my room at seven o’clock?”

  There’s no way that’s happening. “Let’s meet in the lobby restaurant,” I say casually.

  “Oh, okay. I’ll see you then.”

  “See you later, Dane.”

  Ugh. I dread tonight. I don’t want to hurt Dane, but I just don’t feel anything for him, which sounds weird, even for me. I actually want to feel something. I mean, the sex is incredible, yes, but it’s just not enough anymore. Shaking off my nerves, I quickly hop in the shower so I have time for my caffeine fix…and my Brad fix.

  Everything looks so much brighter today. The rain has cleared and the sky is a magnificent cobalt blue, the clouds look like puffy white marshmallows, and I’m happy. Not the fake, suck-it-up-and-put-a-smile-on-your-face-happy. Really happy. For the first time in a long time.

  The only thing that makes me happier is when I hear my favorite door jingle and see Brad. The moment his eyes meet mine, I see the sunshine in his smile and it lights me up inside. He leaves the counter and comes right over, his lips landing softly on mine. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  “Good morning, yourself,” I reply, my entire face beaming.

  “Do you do realize this is a first for us?”

  “A first?” I answer with a confused grin.

  “Our first kiss in my shop.”

  “Oh, that, yes.” I chuckle softly. “Well, I’ll cross that off my list.”

  “I was on your list?” There’s a smile in his voice.

  “Well, yes, but I didn’t know it.”

  Grabbing my elbow, he escorts me to a table and goes to make my drink. He’s back in a flash, taking a seat beside me and handing me my Salted Caramel Mocha, extra whipped cream. “So, I was thinking maybe we could catch a movie tonight?”

  I pick at my fingernails and look down. “I can’t tonight, actually. I have something I have to do. Listen, I want to be honest with you. I’m seeing Dane tonight.” A frown spreads across his face and my heart sinks. Feeling the need to immediately make it right, I continue. “It’s not a date. Really, it’s not. I’m only meeting him tonight to tell him that I can’t see him anymore.”

  Brad’s mouth shows a hint of a smile. “Really?”


  MY ANXIETY KICKS in as I make my way to Dane’s hotel. I don’t like confrontation and I don’t want to hurt him, but the need to be honest outweighs it. The irony of this whole situation makes me laugh. When I first saw Dane that day on the street, all I could think about was how his hot body would feel underneath me. If I’m honest, it was freaking amazing. At least that’s what my body said; my head just couldn’t catch up. I’ve tried to keep living on the edge; I’ve tried to be the one with no emotion. But when I think of Brad, that’s the only thing I want. I want emotion. I want to feel. Everything about him draws me in, and I find myself wanting more. Definitely more kissing, at least.

  My body starts to heat just thinking about Brad’s soft lips and his strong, muscular arms. Shaking off the feeling, I head in to face Dane. When I see him in the lobby, my heart stops for a moment, for no other reason than the fact that he’s drop dead gorgeous. It’s hard not to notice him. The moment his emerald eyes meet mine, guilt consumes me. When I reach him, he comes closer to kiss my lips, and I offer him my cheek instead. His forehead wrinkles in confusion, which intensifies my need to get to the point.

  “Gabby, I’ve missed you. I thought we had such a good time together and then suddenly you pulled back. Did I do something wrong?”

  “Why do you keep asking me that?” I ask, completely irritated.

  He crosses his arms over his muscular chest. “I don’t know, Gabby. Maybe because you keep disappearing.”

  I pull my thoughts together and take a deep breath. “Dane, you’re a great guy. I’ve really enjoyed our time together, and the sex was great.” He furrows his brow, but I continue. “But, whatever this is we’re doing, I just don’t see it going anywhere.”

  Before I can say anything else, Dane chimes in. “I think you’re lying to yourself, Gabby. Your body gave you away. I know you have feelings for me. Maybe you’re scared, but whatever we have here is worth exploring, don’t you think?”
  My eyes meet his. “No, Dane, I don’t. We had sex, nothing more.”

  Without hesitation, he says, “I don’t believe you.”

  My feet are tiptoeing backwards when they need to be running full speed ahead. “Dane, I’m interested in someone else. Very interested in someone else.”

  He’s just about to say something when he glances over my shoulder. His eyes grow wide and his face turns pale. When I look over my shoulder, I see a leggy blonde with blue eyes and a body to die for, heading towards Dane. Everything that happens next is almost as if I’m watching a movie play out in front of me. She runs up to Dane, throws her arms around his neck, and kisses him passionately. When she finally takes a breath, I hear her whisper, “hey, sexy, I missed you.” What the hell?

  Feeling the need to pick up my mouth off the floor and control the anger that is bubbling inside, I take a calming breath. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend, Dane?”

  Without hesitation, the woman whips her head around and extends her hand to me. “I’m Susan, Dane’s fiancée.”

  I passed my hearing test with flying colors, so I’m pretty sure there’s no mistaking what she said. My anger bubble pops. “His fiancée?!” I practically shout, pure contempt drenching my voice. With a look of absolute horror, Dane starts to speak but I cut him off. “Well, I certainly wish you two the very best of everything.” The desire to spit on him almost overtakes me but I don’t want to ruin my new shoes. Instead, I turn on my heel and head towards the door.

  I rush down the street to the subway, wanting to kick every brick wall I can find. It all makes sense to me now; the brief periods of not hearing from him, the mysterious phone calls. Even though I didn’t want anything more from Dane, the simple fact that he could screw me while he was engaged to someone else is pathetic…and mess around on his fiancée, the bastard. Not to mention, he told me he wanted more. The word “asshole” keeps playing over and over in my mind. He’s lucky I don’t go back and kick his ass. I just keep shaking my head. Unbelievable; he had sex with me while he was engaged to be married. If that doesn’t shout jerkoff, I don’t know what does.


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