Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography

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Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography Page 108

by Charles Moore


  1. Interview with Cynthia Crawford. 2. Interview with Sir Kenneth Stowe. 3. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 4. Interview with Lord Dobbs. 5. Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, HarperCollins, 1993, p. 19. 6. Interview with Lord Dobbs. 7. Interview with Sir Kenneth Stowe. 8. Lord Deedes, diary (unpublished), 17 Oct. 1977. 9. Interview with Sir Kenneth Stowe. 10. Interview with Michael Pattison. 11. Interview with Sir Bryan Cartledge. 12. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 13. Ibid. 14. Interview with Sir Tim Lankester. 15. Interview with Nick Sanders. 16. Interview with Sir John Hoskyns. 17. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 18. Cartledge to Walden, ‘Chancellor Schmidt’s Visit, 10/11 May: Briefs’, 8 May 1979, The National Archives (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO) FCO 28/3677. 19. Interview with Nick Sanders. 20. Interview with William Rickett. 21. Ibid. 22. Ibid. 23. Conversation with Lady Thatcher. 24. Interview with Lord Mayhew. 25. Interviews with Lord Prior and Nick Sanders. 26. Interview with Sir Adam Ridley. 27. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 28. Interview with Sir Adam Ridley. 29. Private information. 30. Interview with Sir John Hoskyns. 31. See David Butler’s election interview with Chris Patten, 22 July 1978, David Butler Archive, Nuffield College, Oxford. 32. Interview with Sir Tim Lankester. 33. Interview with Sir Kenneth Berrill. 34. Interview with Sir John Ashworth. 35. Interview with Sir Kenneth Berrill. 36. Interview with Sir John Ashworth. 37. Letter from Sir John Hoskyns. 38. Interview with Lord Laing of Dunphail. 39. Interview with Lord Jopling, who was told this by Lord Whitelaw. 40. Interview with Sir Adam Ridley. 41. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 42. Interview with Lord Biffen. 43. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 44. Interview with Lord Hunt of Tanworth. 45. Brzezinski to Carter, ‘Thoughts on Thatcher: Foreign Policy Implications of the Tory Triumph’, RAC NLC-6-77-2-8-1, Carter Library, Atlanta GA. 46. The Thatcher Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge, THCR 2/6/2/118. 47. Interview with Michael Pattison. 48. Interview with Barry Strevens. 49. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 50. For an account of this episode, see John Campbell, Edward Heath: A Biography, Jonathan Cape, 1993, pp. 713–15. 51. Interview with Lord Carrington. 52. Interview with Sir Timothy Kitson. 53. Interview with Lord Jopling. 54. Interview with Cynthia Crawford. 55. See Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 21. 56. Interview with Sir Denis Thatcher. 57. Conversation with T. E. Utley. 58. Conversation with Sir Denis Thatcher. 59. Interview with Sherry Warner. 60. Interview with Lady Ryder of Wensum. 61. Interview with Sherry Warner. 62. Interview with Lord Wolfson of Sunningdale. 63. Interview with Tessa Gaisman. 64. Interview with Sir John Coles, British Diplomatic Oral History Programme, Churchill College, Cambridge. 65. Interview with Lady Ryder of Wensum. 66. Interview with Jane Parsons. 67. Interview with Lady Ryder of Wensum. 68. Ibid. 69. Interview with Tessa Gaisman. 70. Interview with Sir Bryan Cartledge. 71. Private information. 72. Interview with Michael Pattison. 73. Interview with Lady Ryder of Wensum. 74. Interview with Tessa Gaisman. 75. Interview with Colin Peterson. 76. Interview with Sir John Ashworth. 77. Interview with Lord Howe of Aberavon. 78. Interview with Sir Michael Scholar. 79. Interview with Nick Sanders. 80. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 81. Interview with Tessa Gaisman. 82. Interview with Michael Pattison. 83. Interview with Lady Ryder of Wensum. 84. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 85. Interview with Charles Anson. 86. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 87. Reece to Ryder, 9 May 1979, THCR 2/6/2/134. 88. Interview with Sir Bernard Ingham. 89. Ingham to PM, 29 October 1979, THCR 2/6/2/2. 90. Ibid. 91. Ibid. 92. Interview with Charles Anson. 93. Interview with Sir Bernard Ingham. 94. Rentschler to Brzezinski, 4 May 1979, CO167, WHCF-Subject file, Carter Library. 95. Hannaford to Howe, 178, Folder 6, Box 5, Papers of Deaver and Hannaford, Hoover Institution archives, Stanford CA. 96. Interview with Richard Allen. 97. Peter Hannaford, The Reagans: A Political Portrait, Coward-McCann, 1983, p. 188. 98. ‘Miscellaneous II’, Reagan Radio Address, 29 May 1979, Kiron K. Skinner, Annelise Anderson and Martin Anderson, eds, Reagan, in his Own Hand: The Writings of Ronald Reagan that Reveal his Revolutionary Vision for America, Touchstone, 2002, p. 47. 99. Interview with Lord Hannay of Chiswick. 100. Interview with Lord Hunt of Tanworth. This impression echoes the view picked up by the CIA. See National Intelligence Daily, 17 May 1979, CREST database, US National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). 101. Interview with Sir Bryan Cartledge. 102. Speech at dinner for West German Chancellor, 10 May 1979 ( 103. Joint press conference with West German Chancellor, 11 May 1979 ( 104. Speech to Youth for Europe rally, NEC Birmingham, 2 June 1979 ( 105. Interview with Sir Bryan Cartledge. 106. Ibid. 107. Conversation with Lady Thatcher. 108. Interview with Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. 109. Note of meeting with President Giscard, 5 June 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/27. 110. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 111. Interview with Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. 112. Interview with Sir Bryan Cartledge. 113. Interview with Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. 114. Ibid. 115. Note of meeting with President Giscard, 5 June 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/27. 116. Interview with Sir Bryan Cartledge. 117. Miss E. A. Deeves to private secretary of Lord Privy Seal, 21 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/27. 118. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 66. 119. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 120. Interview with Sir Bryan Cartledge. 121. Ibid. 122. Ibid. 123. Interview with Bob Hormats. 124. Interview, BBC World Service, 25 June 1979 (Christopher Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements of Margaret Thatcher 1945–90 on CD-ROM, Oxford University Press, 1998/2000). 125. Record of the Opening Statements, Akasaka Palace, 28/29 June 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/28. 126. Brzezinski to Carter, ‘NSC Weekly Report, #96’, 12 May 1979, Brzezinski Donated Papers, Carter Library. 127. See Jimmy Carter, Keeping Faith: Memoirs of a President, Bantam, 1982, p. 113. 128. Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, p. 68. 129. Interview with Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. 130. Correspondence with Raymond Seitz. 131. Interview with Lord Carrington. 132. Time, 14 May 1979 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 133. Brzezinski to Carter, ‘Thoughts on Thatcher: Foreign Policy Implications of the Tory Triumph’, RAC NLC-6-77-2-8-1, Carter Library. 134. Interview with Dick Moose. 135. Hansard, HC Deb 15 May 1979 ( 136. Interview with Lord Carrington. 137. Interview with Lord Renwick. 138. Conversation with Lord Carrington. 139. Note of meeting with Prime Minister Thatcher at 10 Downing Street, 12 July 1979, file 13, Box 8, S-0987, UN Archives. 140. Interview with Sir Bryan Cartledge. 141. Interview with Lord Carrington. 142. Hansard, HC Deb July 25 1979 ( 143. Private information. 144. Interview with Sir Bryan Cartledge. 145. Lord Carrington, Reflect on Things Past: The Memoirs of Lord Carrington, Collins, 1988, p. 277. 146. Interview with Sir Bryan Cartledge. 147. Interview with Sir Denis Thatcher. 148. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 149. Interview with Lord Renwick of Clifton. 150. Unpublished notes of Caroline Stephens (Lady Ryder), written 7 August 1979. 151. Interview with Lord Carrington. 152. Interview with Sir Anthony Parsons for The Downing Street Years (BBC1), 1993.


  At the time of going to press, some of the government documents quoted had been transferred to the National Archives under the thirty-year rule, and others had not been. Where possible, the National Archives filing has been followed. Where the documents had not yet been released, the Cabinet Office filing is used. In a few cases, documents consulted in the Cabinet Office have either been destroyed in the move to the National Archives or placed in files which have not been traced. This is indicated in the Notes to Chapters 17 to 24 wherever relevant.

  1. Hunt to PM, 4 May 1979, The National Archives (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO) PREM 19/24. 2. CPRS Paper, 1–8 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/37. 3. Interview with Sir Tim Lankester. 4. Hunt to PM, 4 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/24. 5. Note on Hunt to PM, 4 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/24. 6. Hunt to PM, 16 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/186. 7. Notes on Hunt paper on Clegg Commission, 9 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/186. 8. Note on draft parliamenta
ry answer, 23 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/186. 9. Memo by Secretary of State for Employment, ‘The Way Forward on Pay’, 15 May 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Economic Strategy: Pay and Prices (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 10. Draft of Chancellor for E Committee, 24 May 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Economic Strategy: Pay and Prices (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 11. Ibid. 12. Note, 25 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/24. 13. Lankester to Fair, 1 June 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Economic Strategy: Pay and Prices (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 14. Note, 8 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/35. 15. Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, HarperCollins, 1993, pp. 40–41. 16. Hansard, HC Deb 15 May 1979 ( 17. Ibid. 18. Howe to PM, 6 June 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/33. 19. Interview with Sir Adam Ridley. 20. Note on Lankester to PM, 22 Nov. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/34. 21. Interview with Lord Laing of Dunphail. 22. Interview with Sir John Ashworth. 23. Interview with Gordon Pepper. 24. Lankester to Battishill, 7 June 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/33. 25. Howe to PM, 11 June 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/33. 26. PM to Howe, 24 June 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/33. 27. Hansard, HC Deb 24 July 1979 ( 28. Note for the record, 16 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/29. 29. Ibid. 30. Geoffrey Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, Macmillan, 1994, p. 130. 31. Lankester to Battishill, 22 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/29. 32. Howe to PM, 23 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/29. 33. Speech to CPC Summer School, Cambridge, 6 July 1979 ( 34. Hall to Lankester, 10 July 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Consultations with the IMF (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 35. James Prior, A Balance of Power, Hamish Hamilton, 1986, p. 119. 36. Interview with Lord Prior. 37. Prior, A Balance of Power, p. 120. 38. Ibid. 39. Interview with Lord Butler of Brockwell. 40. Interview with Sir John Hoskyns. 41. Hoskyns paper on Government Strategy, 12 June 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/24. 42. John Hoskyns, Just in Time: Inside the Thatcher Revolution, Aurum Press, 2000, p. 111. 43. John Hoskyns paper on Government Strategy, 12 June 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Economic Strategy: Pay and Prices (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 44. Ibid. 45. John Hoskyns ‘Long Campaign’ paper, 14 Dec. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/171. 46. Interview with Lord Ryder of Wensum. 47. Interview with Sir John Hoskyns. 48. Michael Heseltine, Life in the Jungle: My Autobiography, Hodder & Stoughton, 2000, p. 182. 49. Note for the record, 25 May 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Housing Policy: Housing Bill (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 50. Hansard, HC Deb 15 May 1979 ( 51. CPRS paper, 22 May 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Housing Policy: Housing Bill (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 52. Lawson to Heseltine, 17 May 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Housing Policy: Sale of Council Houses (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 53. Interview with Sir John Stanley. 54. Note to Pattison, 7 Jan. 1980, Prime Minister’s Papers, Housing Policy: Housing Bill (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 55. Lankester to Wiggins, 18 June 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Housing Policy: Housing Bill (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 56. Thatcher memorandum, 11 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/18. 57. Cabinet minutes, 17 May 1979, TNA: PRO CAB 128/66/2. 58. Cabinet minutes, 31 May 1979, TNA: PRO CAB 128/66/4. 59. Howe to PM, 5 July 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/19. 60. Interview with Colin Peterson. 61. Hunt to PM, 11 July 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/19. 62. Joseph to PM, 11 July 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/19. 63. Sir John Hunt, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 12 July 1979. 64. Ibid. 65. Cabinet minutes, 12 July 1979, TNA: PRO CAB 128/66/9. 66. Sir John Hunt, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 12 July 1979. 67. Ibid. 68. Cabinet minutes, 12 July 1979, TNA: PRO CAB 128/66/9. 69. Note for the record, 16 July 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/19. 70. Howe and Biffen memo to Cabinet, 7 Sep. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 129/207/5. 71. Hunt memorandum, 16 July 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/19. 72. E Committee minutes, 17 Sept. 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: Public Expenditure and Cash Limits (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 73. Heseltine to Biffen, 6 Sept. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/21. 74. Cabinet minutes, 18 Oct. 1979, TNA: PRO CAB 128/66/17. 75. Hunt to PM, 24 Oct. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/23. 76. Note on Howe note for E Committee, 14 Sept. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/21. 77. Lankester to Pirie, 26 Oct. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/23. 78. Biffen to PM, 30 Oct. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/23. 79. Hansard, HC Deb 1 Nov. 1979 ( 80. Whittome to Managing Director, 2 Nov. 1979, UK Country file, Box 17, IMF Archives. 81. Speech to Conservative Party conference, 12 Oct. 1979 ( 82. Interview with Sir Peter Middleton. 83. Lankester to Hall, 24 Sept. 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Economic Policy: The Exchange Rate: Exchange Control Policy, part 1, TNA: PRO PREM 19/437. 84. Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, p. 142. 85. Speech at Lord Mayor’s Banquet, 12 Nov. 1979 ( 86. Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, p. 151. 87. Lankester, Note for the Record, 5 Nov. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/171. 88. Ibid. 89. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 23 Oct. 1979–13 Dec. 1979. 90. Howe memorandum, 6 Dec. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/171. 91. Interview with R. W. Apple, New York Times, conducted 9 Nov. 1979; published 12 Nov. 1979 (Christopher Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements of Margaret Thatcher 1945–90 on CD-ROM, Oxford University Press, 1998/2000).


  1. Speech to Conservative Party conference, Blackpool, 12 Oct. 1979 ( 2. Interview with Sir Michael Rose. 3. For a full account of the sequence of events, see Miranda Carter, Anthony Blunt: His Lives, Macmillan, 2001, chapter 18. 4. Christopher Andrew, The Defence of the Realm: The Authorized History of MI5, Allen Lane, 2009, p. 438. 5. Interview with Lord Armstrong of Ilminster. 6. Ibid. 7. Interview with Lady Thatcher. 8. Interview with Lord Rees-Mogg. 9. Hansard, HC Deb 21 Nov. 1979 ( 10. Carter, Anthony Blunt, p. 473. 11. Hansard, HC Deb 21 Nov. 1979 ( 12. Letter to Bryan Cartledge, 23 Sept. 1979. 13. Hunt to PM, 4 May 1979, The National Archives (TNA): Public Record Office (PRO) PREM 19/53. 14. Note on Carrington to PM, 8 June 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/53. 15. Extract of record of meeting between Jenkins and Thatcher, 22 Oct. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/54. 16. Ingham to Saunders, 26 Nov. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/52. 17. Interview in Now!, 30 Sept. 1979 (Christopher Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements of Margaret Thatcher 1945–90 on CD-ROM, Oxford University Press, 1998/2000). 18. Winston Churchill Memorial Lecture, Luxembourg, 18 Oct. 1979 ( 19. Ibid. 20. Interview with Television-radio Luxembourg, 19 Oct. 1979 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 21. Interview with Sir Michael Jenkins. 22. Ibid. 23. Ibid. 24. Interview with Sir Michael Palliser. 25. Ibid. 26. Interview with Sir Bernard Ingham. 27. Lankester note of Howe and PM meeting, 22 Nov. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/171. 28. See Michael Butler, Europe: More than a Continent, Heinemann, 1986, pp. 92–3. 29. Joint press conference with West German Chancellor, Bonn, 31 Oct. 1979 ( 30. Joint press conference with Valéry Giscard d’Estaing, London, 20 Nov. 1979 ( 31. Note on Maitland to Carrington, 31 Oct. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/55. 32. Interview with Sir Michael Butler. 33. Record of discussion between Thatcher and Schmidt, 31 Oct. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/55. 34. Howe to PM, 21 Nov. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/55. 35. Soames to PM, 28 Nov. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/52. 36. Record of meeting between Thatcher and Jenkins, 26 Nov. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/55. 37. Roy Jenkins, A Life at the Centre, Macmillan, 1993, p. 498. 38. Interview with Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. 39. Interview with Lord Carrington. 40. Interview with Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. 41. MS note, Nov. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/52. 42. Margaret Thatcher, The Downing Street Years, HarperCollins, 1993, p. 81. 43. Hansard, HC Deb 3 Dec. 1979 ( 44. Press conference at end of Dublin Summit, 30 Nov. 1979 (
). 45. Interview with Sir Michael Butler. 46. Interview with Lord Carrington. 47. Armstrong to PM, 7 Dec. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/222. 48. Note on draft statement, 14 Feb. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/223. 49. Interview with Valéry Giscard d’Estaing. 50. Ibid. 51. Warner to Gilmour, 17 Apr. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/225. 52. Record of telephone conversation between Giscard d’Estaing and Thatcher, 24 April 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/225. 53. Cabinet conclusions, 24 Apr. 1980, TNA: PRO CAB 128/67/17. 54. Carrington to PM, 1 May 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/226. 55. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 56. Carrington to PM telegram, 30 May 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/226. 57. Hibbert to FCO telegram, 30 May 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/226. 58. Interview with Lord Carrington. 59. Cabinet conclusions, 2 June 1980, TNA: PRO CAB 128/67/21. 60. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 2 June 1980. 61. Armstrong to PM, 9 July 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/227. 62. Note on Wiggins to Alexander, 15 July 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/227. 63. Howe to PM, 12 Sept. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/227. 64. Nott to PM, 10 Oct. 1980, Prime Minister’s Papers: European Policy: Future Policy towards the EEC, Community Budget (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 65. Brzezinski to President, ‘Visit by Mrs. Thatcher’, 31 July 1979, ‘8/2/79’, Box 141, Files of the Staff Secretary, Carter Library, Atlanta GA. 66. ‘Changing power relations among OECD states’, CIA: National Foreign Assessment Center, 22 Oct. 1979, RAC NLC-7-16-10-14-1, Carter Library. 67. Interview with Jim Rentschler. 68. Vance to Carter, ‘Visit of U.K. Prime Minister Thatcher’, 8 Dec. 1979, released by the US State Department under FOIA Case #200502415. 69. Alexander to Lever, ‘Prime Minister’s Visit to the USA’, 24 Oct. 1979, TNA: PRO FCO 82/989. 70. Nicholas Henderson, Mandarin: The Diaries of an Ambassador 1969–1982, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1994, p. 316. 71. Speech at White House arrival ceremony, 17 Dec. 1979 ( 72. Alexander to Walden, ‘Prime Minister’s Visit to the United States’, 19 Dec. 1979, TNA: PRO FCO 82/991. 73. Remarks after meeting President Carter ( 74. Daily Telegraph, 18 Dec. 1979. 75. Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski. 76. SCC Meeting Minutes, 18 Dec. 1979, NLC-25-98-20-4-1, Carter Library. 77. New York Times, 18 Dec. 1979. 78. Henderson, Mandarin, p. 320. 79. Speech to the Foreign Policy Association, 18 Dec. 1979 ( 80. Sir Brian Urquhart, A Life in Peace and War, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987, p. 307. 81. Interview with Jim Rentschler. 82. Interview with Lord Renwick. 83. Interview with Sir Michael Alexander, 25 Nov. 1998, British Diplomatic Oral History Programme, Churchill College, Cambridge. 84. 141435z Sept 79, ‘Lancaster House Conference’, 14 Sept. 1979, released by the US State Department under FOIA Case #200502415. 85. Interview with John Carbaugh. 86. Ibid. 87. Cyrus Vance, Hard Choices: Critical Years in America’s Foreign Policy, Simon & Schuster, 1983, p. 300. 88. Interview with John Carbaugh. 89. Interview with Lord Carrington. 90. Interview with Charles de Chassiron. 91. Interview with Lord Owen. 92. Interview with Sir Clive Whitmore. 93. Denis Healey, Mansion House speech, 19 Oct. 1978, reported in The Times, 20 Oct. 1978. 94. Interview with Sir Peter Middleton. 95. Ibid. 96. The Times, 14 Sept. 1978. 97. Interview with Lord Howe of Aberavon. 98. Interview with Lord Burns. 99. See Nigel Lawson, The View from No. 11, Bantam, 1992, p. 67. 100. Geoffrey Howe, Conflict of Loyalty, Macmillan, 1994, p. 171. 101. Howe to PM, 29 Feb. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/176. 102. Sir Robert Armstrong, Cabinet Secretary’s notebooks, 13 Mar. 1980. 103. Lankester to PM, 2 Nov. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/171. 104. Armstrong to PM, 6 Dec. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/164. 105. Ibid. 106. Armstrong to PM, 4 Mar. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/166. 107. Whitmore to Armstrong, 11 June 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/166. 108. Hoskyns to PM, 12 Mar. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/166. 109. Lawson, The View from No. 11, p. 50. 110. Howe to PM, 29 Feb. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/165. 111. Ibid. 112. Hague paper, 6 June 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/166. 113. Prior to PM, 14 May 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/70. 114. Prior, ‘The Approach to Industrial Relations’, Paper for E Committee, 15 June 1979, Prime Minister’s Papers, Industrial Policy: Industrial Relations Legislation (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 115. Interview with Lord Gowrie. 116. Hoskyns to PM, 28 Jan. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/261. 117. Prior to PM, 1 Feb. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/261. 118. The World This Weekend (BBC Radio 4), 3 Feb. 1980. 119. Howe to PM, 4 Feb. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/262. Denis Healey said (Hansard, HC Deb 14 June 1978) that being attacked by Geoffrey Howe was like being ‘savaged by a dead sheep’. 120. Interview with Lord Laing of Dunphail. 121. Laing to PM, 6 Feb. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/262. 122. Interview with Lord Laing of Dunphail. 123. PM to Laing, 11 Feb. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/262. 124. Minutes of E Committee, 13 Feb. 1980, Prime Minister’s Papers, Industrial Policy: Industrial Relations Legislation (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 125. Ingham digest, 11 Mar. 1980, The Thatcher Papers, Churchill College, Cambridge, THCR 3/5/1. 126. Interview with Lord Prior. 127. Ibid. 128. This and all quotations in this and the following paragraphs from summary of telephone conversations, 17 Feb. 1980, TNA: PRO PREM 19/263. 129. Panorama (BBC1), 25 Feb. 1980 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 130. Interview in Daily Mail, conducted 1 May 1980; published 3 May 1980 (Collins, ed., Complete Public Statements). 131. Interview with Sir Michael Edwardes. 132. Interview with Sir Robin Ibbs. 133. Hoskyns to PM, 18 Sept. 1979, THCR 1/15/2. 134. Note, 26 Oct. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/71. 135. Hoskyns to Joseph, 15 Nov. 1979, TNA: PRO PREM 19/71. 136. Hoskyns, briefing for PM, 20 May 1980, THCR 1/15/2. 137. Interview with Sir Michael Edwardes. 138. See Michael Edwardes, Back from the Brink, William Collins, 1983, p. 227. 139. This and subsequent quotation from Lankester to Ellison, 22 May 1980, Prime Minister’s Papers, Industrial Policy: The Future of British Leyland (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 140. Interview with Sir Michael Edwardes. 141. Ibid. 142. Joseph to E Committee, 15 Dec. 1980, Prime Minister’s Papers, Industrial Policy: The Future of British Leyland (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 143. Joseph to PM, 10 Dec. 1980, Prime Minister’s Papers, Industrial Policy: The Future of British Leyland (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 144. Nott to PM, 4 Jan. 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Industrial Policy: The Future of British Leyland (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 145. Interview with Lord Tebbit. 146. Lankester to Ellison, 13 Jan. 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Industrial Policy: The Future of British Leyland (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 147. Interview with Lord Tebbit. 148. Edwardes to Joseph, 21 Jan. 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Industrial Policy: The Future of British Leyland (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 149. Armstrong to PM, 21 Jan. 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Industrial Policy: The Future of British Leyland (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 150. Joseph draft statement, 22 Jan. 1981, Prime Minister’s Papers, Industrial Policy: The Future of British Leyland (document consulted in the Cabinet Office). 151. Interview with Sir Alfred Sherman.


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