Railed (Courage MC #2)

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Railed (Courage MC #2) Page 18

by Kara Hart

  I was actually really nervous about meeting up with Adam again. Despite us having a crazy night, I was sure he thought of me as just another dumb young girl. Yet, there was still the question as to why he came up to me in the first place. The whole thing made no sense, quite frankly and I vowed to get an answer from him tonight.

  A low frequency rumble sounded in the distance. I instantly picked my body up from the grass and looked ahead of me, past the parking lot. At first there was nothing, except for a group of birds flying away from the sound. However, after a minute or so, I noticed something past the end of the street. It was Adam on his motorcycle and he came barreling down the road at high speeds.

  He was looking straight ahead, wearing the exact same outfit as last night. He looked stern and confident and he sure as hell didn’t give any fucks. I anxiously ran to the end of the block, waiting for him to pull over. It only took him seconds to reach me and I saw his white teeth shine underneath his beautiful lips. He parked the bike and walked towards me.

  I didn’t know what to say or do. All I knew was I wanted him now. I didn’t care if anyone saw us. I was practically soaking through my panties.

  “You ever shoot a gun?” He asked me.

  Surprised, he put a 9mm handgun directly into my shaking palms. I looked down at the cold, black metal and looked back up at him again.

  “Um…No?” I said, feeling weak in the knees. I guess this was why my parents always told me never to talk to strangers.

  “Well, now’s your chance to learn.”

  Chapter 7

  He stood behind my small body, holding me steady. We weren’t in the park anymore. He had taken me to another location, in the desert somewhere, a couple of hours away. I could feel his hands inching up my side, feeling close to my perky breasts. Please move closer to me, I found myself thinking. His face was next to my ear and I felt his warm breath on my lobe. I shivered with desire. Fuck me, I thought.

  “You see that target over there?” He pointed to a Coke bottle in the distance. “I want you to shoot that thing to smithereens.”

  “I can’t, Adam. Really, I can’t.” I said, still holding my aim.

  “You can and you will.” His grip around me tightened. He moved his head back to protect his ears slightly, although he didn’t seem to care all that much. “Okay. On my count. 3…2…” Just when he was about to yell 1, I felt his warm lips smack against my neck and his hand fell onto my tight butt.

  “1!” He yelled. I shot, completely missing the target.

  “Hey!” I screamed. “Not fucking fair!”

  He was sitting on the dirt, looking cocky as ever, lighting up a cigarette. “Who says life is fair?” He muttered under his breath.

  “Who said you could touch my ass, huh?” I said swinging the gun wildly.

  “Hey now, put the gun down, maniac. Look, it was just a little joke. But if it means anything to you…you’ve got a great ass, Rose.”

  “Thanks I guess.” I tried hard to keep myself from smiling wide and blushing. Although, I knew I was an open book. I dug my heel into the dirt and looked at him some more. He was leaning against the bike, smoking and staring into my eyes. He had a way of staring, actually. It was as if he were staring directly into your soul. He was the deepest man I had met in my life and at that moment, I realized I was falling for him hard.

  “What?” He asked me after a minute of silence.

  “Just because your handsome doesn’t mean you get to do what you want, you know…”

  “Oh, I’m handsome now? Shit, we just met Rose. Before I know it, you’re going to tell me you’re in love with me.

  He was so smug it made me sick. “Oh, fuck off…” I said back to him. He just sat there, smoking and observing.

  I was filled with anger. I turned around, focused my sight, and took a deep breath. I clicked the safety off the handgun and raised it toward my target.


  The Coke bottle exploded into a million different pieces. I lowered the gun, clicked the safety back in and holstered the weapon. Adam stood in front of me, speechless.

  “What?” I asked, looking smug myself. “You going to tell me you’re in love with me?”

  He chuckled to himself, slapping his knee. “Well, damn, girl. I guess we’ve found out what makes you a good shot. Go ahead. Keep the piece. It’s yours. My gift to you.” He hugged me, rubbing my hair.

  “Stop! You’ll mess up my hair!” I screamed. “You mean it though? It’s mine?”

  “Of course I mean it. You earned it.”

  I couldn’t control myself. I ran and jumped into Adam’s arms and kissed his face. “Woah there!” He said, losing his balance. We fell onto the dirt, while the sun beat down on us. He wrapped his arms around me and said, “I’m glad I met you, Rose.”

  “I guess I’m part of the family now?” I asked him, feeling hopeful.

  “Rose, this life is no laughing matter. If you want in, you can be in. But once you’re in, you can never back out. I mean it. This isn’t children’s shit.” He looked at me sternly.

  I stood there silent. “What do you mean I can never back out?”

  He stood up, placing his body next to mine. “It’s complicated. It’s not something you just do and leave the next day. Our crew replaces your family. You’ll be with me from now on. No goodbyes. Is that what you want?” He laughed and shook his head. “Shit, I shouldn’t even be talking. I don’t have a crew anymore. I guess my crew would be you…a little girl.”

  I honestly didn’t know. How could I answer a question like that? On one hand, Adam was slowly making his way to my heart. On the other hand, my parents were always there for me. Sure, they could be a little absent from my life, but they loved me and took care of me. Yet, Adam’s way meant complete and total freedom. It meant adventure. I knew it could be dangerous, but I trusted him. He wasn’t like Jorge or the rest of those guys. He had a plan. I knew it.

  “Okay…I’m with you, Adam. But promise me three things.”

  He raised his eyebrows and stroked his chin. “Shoot.”

  “Number one: Promise me my parents will never find out.”

  He looked away from the sun and threw his cigarette onto the dirt. “Done.”

  “Number two: You never call me a little girl again. And number 3, you have to tell me why you chose to talk to me the other night. It just doesn’t add up. I need to know. You know, for my sanity at least.” I stared at him intensely. I was going to get what I wanted.

  “Hm. Okay, fine.” He said, walking over to his bike. “Get on. We’re going somewhere fun.” He said.

  Chapter 8

  He tied a bandana over my eyes tightly, kissing my forehead. I couldn’t see a thing. He took my phone and told me if I wanted to take the sacred oath, I had to get rid of all my belongings. I complied of course. I had to. All I could do now was hold on as tight as I could and hope for the best.

  This time, he drove me hours away from home. I was nervous and my stomach felt queasy. Though I had wanted Adam all to myself, there were a number of setbacks, starting with my parents. How could I just leave them like this? What the hell was I doing? I wasn’t sure, but I knew it was my chance to leave and I had to take it. This was my entrance into adulthood.

  About six hours later we arrived at our destination. The sun had set now and we were enclosed in darkness. We were still in the desert, and we were pretty deep into it. Mountains and cacti surrounded us. I suddenly realized the gravity of my situation. Adam was not someone to mess with. He parked his bike in a small shed ahead of us. It all seemed so surreal.

  “Adam, where are we?” I said, my voice shaking.

  He was already walking ahead of me. “Come on. It’s on foot from here.”

  We walked for what seemed like hours. I struggled to keep up with him. He barely said a word to me. It was as if he were a changed man. I was so confused.

  “Adam, I need answers now!” I yelled, running after him. “Stop walking, damn you!”

e stopped and turned around. “We’re here.” He said. “Look to your right.” I did, but all I saw was a giant rock formation, barely separated from the mountain.

  “What, the, fuck! A rock? Really?” I was fed up. I fell to the dirt, tears streaming down my face.

  “Stop crying. You want in the family? We don’t cry here. Welcome to Eve Enterprises.” He pulled out what looked like a simple garage door clicker and pressed a code in. Suddenly, the rock formation opened in front of us, revealing an entryway.

  “Can you walk a few more feet?” He asked arrogantly.

  “Oh my God…Adam, what—“

  “Shut up. You’ll find out in a second.”

  I grabbed his hand. My heart was beating fast. We walked inside to a warehouse full of new motorcycles, stacked neatly in a row. This was a massive maneuver, I could tell. This was more than just ‘crime’.

  “This is operation Numero Uno.” He said. “Bikes are…my passion. No. They’re my obsession.” He walked further, pressing another button on his clicker. A second door opened in the floor. There was a large staircase in front of us. We walked further, down the stairs. I marveled at the complexity of the place. It was incredible. He was incredible!

  In front of us were rows upon rows of bags. Some were white, some were green, and some were even red. Who knew what was in them. Next to the bags seemed to be a crew of workers inspecting the contents. No one seemed to look up at us. “But what buys my obsession? You guessed it. Money. Ah, but the question is, how do I get that money? Right again! Drugs.”

  I took a deep breath, feeling a bit dizzy with all the information he was giving me. “You wanted to know what this whole thing is about, right?”

  I nodded my little head, unable to speak. I was in a state of shock.

  “Ever read the Book of Genesis?” He asked me.

  I felt slightly embarrassed. I hadn’t. But I knew the concept. Good and evil, that sort of thing. I shook my head.

  “We all like to think Eve was the downfall of man. We pretend that the first good thing about this world was Adam and his clueless worship of the lord. But, we all forget the real great thing about this world. Can you guess what that is?”

  I shook my head again. I was clueless.

  “The Garden! In my mind, it represents Freedom. The open road.” He raised his hands, yelling his proclamation. The workers around us seemed completely unphased by this. I still didn’t know what to say.

  “Okay, I can tell you’re a bit confused. Look, it’s actually not as amazing as it all sounds. I started out buying drugs on a small scale. Now I manufacture them. Jorge and the rest—they know nothing about this place. Not many people do. They think I’m still running a small operation somewhere in Nevada. I named this place Eve Enterprises for one reason: it gets the government, the police, and the cartels off my back. If they find out about it and start chasing a ghost, Eve, some woman who owns half of El Paso. Even I’m ‘chasing’ her, as far as anyone else knows. Eve Enterprises is simply my way back into the garden. It wasn’t Eve who tempted Adam, initiating the fall of mankind. It was Adam who tempted himself. Eve is his only salvation.”

  I felt some courage build within me and yelled, “But why me?” I couldn’t help it. I was just so confused. I felt like he had been keeping information from me this whole time. How could he not tell me this earlier? “Why?” I asked him a second time.

  “You’re Eve.” He simply said.

  “What?” I asked angrily. “You have to be joking.”

  “I’m done with this life. I’ve made a fucking fortune doing this shit. And now I’m done. I want to settle down. I’ve eaten the apple. I’ve bitten more off than I can chew. And now I’m ready to throw it all away.”

  I stood on one of the tables, kicking one of the bags on the ground. I felt betrayed. I didn’t understand the full scale of everything. Finally, a worker looked up at me and then at Adam.

  Adam pressed another button and an alarm went off. Red lights surrounded the building and all of the workers hurried out of the room.

  “Where are they going?” I screamed.

  “There’s a bus that takes them back to Mexico. I have new workers come in every day. They work for a fraction of what Americans get. The kicker is, they work even better than us.”

  I was dancing in circles on the table. “Oh my God, Adam! What the fuck…” I grabbed my hair and pulled.

  “Calm the fuck down or I’ll make you.” He said to me.

  “Just tell me one thing. What did you mean when you said you bit off more than you could chew?”

  All the workers were out of the hanger now. We were completely alone. My voice echoed off the high ceilings. Adam adjusted his belt and lit up a cigarette, the first in hours.

  “It’s complicated.” He said.

  “I can deal with complicated. Just be honest with me.” I pleaded, jumping off the table full of drugs.

  “I think some people are on to me…you know, higher ups.”

  “The government? Police? You have to tell me, Adam!”

  “It could be either. Who knows though. Maybe I’m just crazy.”

  “You are not crazy. You may be wild, but you’re not fucking crazy. Do you have any leads? Why do you think people are on to you?” I was just glad he was opening up to me. Still, my stomach was in knots.

  “You know that woman at the house the other night? The one in the bikini?”

  “Yeah…” I said, my voice trailing off.

  “Her name’s Brianna Baxter. I was tipped off about a month ago by Jorge’s men. She’s a UC. A definite undercover agent. Normally, we take those people out, but Jorge’s got it on some good authority that she’s high up. She’s got ties all the way to the Mexican cartel. We don’t know if she’s in, out, or working both angles. We just know she can’t be trusted.”

  “Oh, Adam…why did you get me involved in this?” I said, crying. I fell to the floor, holding my legs.

  “I told you, already. You’re my way out.” He walked out of the hanger, deeply inhaling his cigarette. I was alone. Truly alone. His voice echoed in my head.

  You’re my way out.

  Was this what freedom felt like?

  Chapter 9

  The next day I was woken up by a large Bang! I jumped up, landing on the concrete floor. Adam was towering above me. In a few seconds all of last night flooded back to me. I wasn't Adam’s new lover. I was his captive.

  “You fell asleep on the sorting table last night. Get up. We've got a long fucking day ahead of us.” He threw two bags at me, scissors, and some new clothes, including new lingerie and panties.

  “These are your new outfits.” He said. “Your new identity is Julie Evans. She’s a character I invented for you. I'm sorry, doll, but I'm going to have to cut your hair too. We have to be careful now that we’re on the run. You ever see Bonnie and Clyde?”

  I nodded my head. Yeah of course I have. “I've seen that movie like a million times.” I said.

  He looked down at my large breasts and kissed my neck. I jumped back. “Is this okay, Bonnie?” I couldn’t help but feel the excitement swell up in my stomach.

  He licked the curvature of skin down to my clavicle. He said, “I’m sorry for keeping things from you. I don’t mean to come off as a liar. I just have to be careful who I trust these days.”

  “It’s okay.” I said. “Just be honest from now on.”

  He smiled. “Let’s burn this operation to the fucking ground. Together.”

  “Okay...” I said, feeling weak, choking on my saliva. Who was I in all of this? Where was the escape I was searching for? I kept praying it would happen sometime in the near future. Yet, that date kept getting pushed back. No. I was just a piece of furniture to him. Another patch on his jacket.

  The truth was, I liked the way he treated me. I hated myself for it, but it turned me on. The warm sensation between my legs was proof. I wanted him to use me for his own pleasure. I wanted him to take me in the back and force me to do abominab
le things. I wanted to be his ‘Eve’ and him, my Adam. A match made in heaven. The question remained: would he be allowed to walk through those pearly gates? Of course he would.

  He looked down at me concerned. “Rose?”

  All of a sudden, I felt short of breath. My chest began to contract and tighten. I fell to the ground, panting, gasping for air. My vision was blurred and my world was collapsing in on itself. I tried to collect my thoughts, but after the past few days’ events, I wasn't sure if I could.


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