Rebecca's Awakening Complete Love Story and Book Series

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Rebecca's Awakening Complete Love Story and Book Series Page 6

by J. H. York

  “I always swallow.” She said in a matter of fact tone.

  Jill looked at Rebecca with a shocked face and Rebecca returned the look. Wouldn't have guessed that... As if sensing that the girls were shocked, Deb turned her head to look at her friends.

  “Sure...I like the power. When you have a guy in your mouth...and he's that vulnerable, well...there's something erotic and awesome about it.”

  She let the statement hang in the air for a moment, and then added. “Plus it's an easier cleanup than a towel or napkin.”

  “You fucking closet slut!” Jill exasperated, “I knew you were a dirty tramp!”

  They laughed for a second and settled back in their lounge chairs. Each took a drink of their beverages, as if savoring the latest Q&A with deep thought.

  Jill broke the silence. “Why are you asking that question...? Seeing as you are not in any position to have a cock in your presence...let alone your mouth.”

  Rebecca shrugged nonchalantly. “I don't know...just wondering. What about you Jill? You swallow don't you?”

  Laughing Jill nodded. “Yeah...but not always like this one.” She pointed her thumb in Deb's direction. “It depends on the guy.”

  Rebecca nodded. “What determines if he is “swallow worthy” in your opinion?”

  Taking a sip of her drink, Jill thought for a minute. “Well...obviously the more I like the guy the more likely I am to swallow.”

  No problem there.

  “Also cleanliness is in how clean he is. I won't touch, let alone blow and swallow, a stink bag.”

  Definitely no problem there. Jefferson smelled delicious.

  “Oh gross...” Deb chimed.

  “AAAAnnnnd...I also like the power. So if I really dig a guy, and maybe he's a little harder to get to...I definitely swallow. Give 'em something to think about.” Jill smiled widely.

  “I see.” Rebecca nodded and leaned back in her chair.

  She sat thinking for a minute, when she realized that Jill was staring at her. Turning she looked at her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You tell me...” Jill challenged.

  Laughing Rebecca shrugged. “Tell you what? There's nothing to tell. I was just making conversation.”

  Jill gave her a sideways smile. “Really? You sure? You can tell us.”

  Laughing harder Rebecca took a sip of her drink. Does she have a guess...or is she trying to get me to slip.

  “I was just curious about it.”

  Jill acquiesced. “Okay...”

  She sat back for a minute, then asked. “What about you? You ever swallow?”

  Rebecca nodded smiling. “Yeah...once.”


  After relaxing on the beach all day, the girls decided they would go to the book signing.

  “Maybe one of us will make an impression on him...and get laid!” Jill exclaimed.

  They had all laughed, but internally Rebecca was grinning like an ape. She quickly showered to rinse off, and then laid out the new white outfit. Thinking about it hanging on the wall of the fitting room while she and Jefferson had sex got Rebecca wet again. She shook her head as if to clear the thoughts and began to get dressed. She decided on a pair of sandals to go with the outfit, and checked herself out in the mirror. Not bad Hollis... Not bad at all.

  She reached into her luggage and pulled out a book. Looking over the well-worn cover she smiled. “Romance and Rage” was Jefferson Hughes' first romance novel. Rebecca had bought it when she was fifteen. She bought it at the time because she knew the author, but she had read and re-read it so many times because she actually liked his writing. It was about a love triangle where the female had to choose between two men. As far as a premise goes it was a cliché, but Jefferson had made the characters so relate-able that the premise didn't matter. That ability to create characters and dialogue that real people related to was what made him such a popular author.

  She placed the book into her shoulder bag, and headed into the bathroom to brush her teeth and finish getting ready. She was excited to see him again, even though they had seen each other just a few hours earlier. You need to get a grip. After this week is over he's going to California and you're going back to Boston. So just stop. Stop falling. You are going to get SO HURT. She looked at herself in the mirror and suddenly felt sad. For a minute she debated about not going to the book signing. Then she walked out of the bathroom, picked up her bag and went out the door.


  The girls met up in the lobby. They were all dressed to impress, but Rebecca's new outfit was met with exclamations of approval.

  “That is so adorable!” Jill gushed.

  “I like that!” Deb exclaimed.

  Smiling Rebecca did a quick 360 so they could take in the whole outfit. “I like how it makes my ass look too.” She smiled.

  “No doubt.” Jill had agreed. “Now let's go! We're already late and I bet the line will be hella-long.”

  Jill was right. The book signing was being held at the resort check-in building, and clearly it was open to more than just the resort guests. Rebecca noticed that the long line was overwhelmingly female. Unable to help herself she looked at each woman, judging them. Inspecting them. Rating them. There are a few that he would be interested in ... I'm sure. JUST STOP!! He ISN'T YOURS!!!

  Jill and Deb were having a conversation, talking about several of his books, but Rebecca was too distracted to join in. Her mind kept wondering. Was he flirting with them? He had to be... The line moved achingly slow. An hour passed, the girls had moved only about twenty feet. And they were still standing outside... Fortunately the guests were allowed to purchase drinks, and Jill kept fresh ones coming. After her second Malibu rum and pineapple Rebecca felt her anxiety starting to diminish. I mean he has his pick of the litter...and he chose ME. At least for a bit...right?

  “Hey...where the fuck is that head of yours?” Jill asked.

  Rebecca startled out of her thoughts and stared directly at Jill. She tried on a smile, but it felt fake. Jill and Deb clearly noticed, something was off about Rebecca.

  “Why are you so distracted?” Jill asked with concern.

  Rebecca shrugged and shook her head. “I don't know...” Yes you do... “Maybe because I knew him before.” No... that's not it.

  Deb took her hand and looked at her with those wide, innocent, blue eyes. “Don't be nervous Rebecca.” she said.

  Rebecca waited to see if Deb was going to add more, but she didn't.

  Laughing Rebecca nodded. “Okay Deb. Since you put it that way what choice do I have?”

  They all laughed at Rebecca's sarcasm, and ordered another round of drinks. They were now close to the entrance of the signing room. The signing table was about ten feet away and off to the left of the main reception desk. The doors were still blocking Rebecca's view. The ladies in front of her got their first look at Jefferson as he sat at the table. They were both in their 60's Rebecca guessed.

  “Oh my. He is so handsome!” One of them gushed.

  Rebecca took a sip of her drink and felt her jitters and anxiety return.


  A few minutes passed, and it seemed like an eternity to Rebecca. Finally the line moved forward and she was able to catch her first view of the man that had seemingly turned her world upside down. He was seated behind a long folding table. The table had a white tablecloth, and all seven of his books were right in front on display. Three books lined up to the right of him, four were on his left. Behind him on either side of his chair, were some resort personnel. Capsulated, Jefferson smiled and talked to one of his fans. He had a book folded open on the table right in front of him. Taking the pen in his right hand, he signed the inside of the cover quickly. His movements were quick and concise, not a display of grandiose mannerisms, Rebecca noted. Still smiling he handed the book back to his female fan and listened as she talked briefly. He genuinely laughed with her and said graciously said good bye.

  The woman moved on and
Jefferson looked out at the remaining fans. As his eyes wondered down the line Rebecca felt her heart start to race. Her palms broke out in a sweat and her stomach started doing flips. He spotted her and that's where his gaze stayed. Rebecca locked eyes with him. His smile was broad and genuine as they looked at each other from the distance. A fan moved over to get a book signed, and blocked her view again.

  From behind, she heard Jill whisper in her ear, “Well, well, well....Ms. Hollis. I think that Mr. Hughes had his eye on you. What do you think about that?”

  Rebecca turned to her friend, her cheeks burning crimson. “Don't be silly...he probably just remembers me from dating my sister, Wendy. Probably remembers the old times when we were all younger hanging out together or something like that.”

  Taking a sip from her drink Jill nodded. “Yeah...that's it.” She said sarcastically.

  Rebecca turned back toward the front and saw that the line had moved a little. Jefferson was signing another book. He had on a crisp white shirt that was open by two buttons. His tan skin and dark hair stood out next to the bright white of the shirt. He handed the book back to the fan and smiled. His eyes seemed to twinkle.

  Why wouldn't he be happy? He has everything. They started to move forward again in unison, and Rebecca noted that there were only about seven people ahead of her. The two older ladies in front were standing patiently holding their books. Behind her Jill and Deb were having a whispered conversation. Rebecca couldn't concentrate on anything but the handsome man sitting behind the table, happily smiling in conversation with the next fan. She felt so many emotions all at one time! The noise in her head was deafening.

  As he handed the book back, the line moved forward a step or two and Rebecca numbly moved forward. She reached into her bag and pulled out her copy of his book, feeling silly as she did so. It seemed that everyone else had a copy of his new book to get signed and here she was with a tattered old book. His first one though...

  “So...” Jill whispered from behind her, “You gonna try to get him in the sack?”

  Rebecca turned around quickly with wide eyes of her own. “Stop it!” she whispered. “He wouldn't be interested in me...I'm sure.”

  Jill laughed again. “I don't know about that...he seemed pretty interested a minute ago.”

  Now she was just two people away. The older ladies stepped forward and Jefferson smiled up at them.

  “Well look at these two.” He turned to the resort employee on his left and said, “That's it...shut it down. I've gotta take these two out for a drink.”

  The room erupted in laughter and the two ladies beamed. As he turned back to the ladies he glanced at Rebecca, smiling.


  The first time Rebecca saw Jefferson Hughes was when she was eight years old. Her older sister, Wendy, was an 18-year-old senior in high school. Wendy met Jefferson at a friend’s house during a party. He was a junior at the University of Delaware, majoring in English. He walked into their house in Milton with the ease and confidence of someone who knows what they want above the petty things. Like meeting the parents of the girl he is currently banging. There didn't seem to be a nervous bone in his body, unlike the other boys Wendy had brought home. Their Dad was a pretty big man, over six feet tall, and pretty strong. He worked at the “King Cole” factory driving a forklift. He outweighed Jefferson by a good hundred pounds, but there Jefferson was, looking at his Dad, non-flinching...smiling in fact.

  They made small talk and after a little while her father and Jefferson were laughing and joking as if they were old friends. Her Dad excused himself for a minute to crab a beer, and offered one to Jefferson. He accepted, smiling. Wendy sat next to him on the couch and Rebecca watched everything from the top of the stairs. Her eight-year-old mind marveled at this boy who had just made friends and earned a beer from her Dad. She sat holding her rabbit doll, (the host of the current tea party, Mrs. Bunny Bunnystein) and shifted slightly which caused the floorboard to make a noise. Jefferson and Wendy looked up, and Rebecca felt her cheeks flush crimson.

  “Hey Becca... come meet Jefferson.” Wendy had called.

  Jefferson was smiling up at her as she shakily got to her feet.

  She prayed that she wouldn't fall down the stairs and make a complete fool of herself. Coming down she nervously glanced over at him. He was so good looking! Walking over to meet him, she realized that she was still holding Mrs. Bunny Bunnystein and quickly put her behind her back.

  Jefferson smiled and asked, “Who do we have back there? Does it have a name?”

  Rebecca stopped a few feet away and looked over at Wendy, who was smiling, and then back at Jefferson. Pulling the stuffed animal from behind her back, Rebecca stared down at her as she spoke.

  “This is Mrs. Bunny Bunnystein.” She said in a quiet voice. “She hosts my tea parties...”

  Jefferson nodded as if he completely understood.

  “Becca has got the most amazing imagination!” Wendy commented, and put her hand on Jefferson's thigh.

  Rebecca felt a fit of jealousy when this happened. She remembered thinking that Wendy didn't deserve to touch him! She didn't deserve his smile, and his kisses. Even though Rebecca knew she would never kiss a boy...she might if it were Jefferson.

  Wendy and Jefferson dated all that summer. After he returned to the University of Delaware in the Fall, he broke it off with Wendy. She cried for two weeks straight. Rebecca secretly enjoyed her sister's torment. She didn't think that she would ever see Jefferson again, and that broke her eight-year old heart. In her room, away from everybody, she would quietly cry and confide in Mrs. Bunny Bunnystein that if she ever saw him again she would do whatever she could to keep him close to her.

  As she stepped forward at the book signing she was that little eight-year-old girl again.


  “Well hello there.” Jefferson said, smiling as he looked up at Rebecca.

  Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as she stared directly at him. “Hello.” She managed.

  She was holding her copy of his book out. He looked down at it and laughed.

  “Wow! I haven't seen this one in years!” He said as he held the book.

  Looking up at her his eyes twinkled again. “And what is your name, lovely?”

  Crimson filled her cheeks, but she smiled widely. “I'm Rebecca,” She said, finding some confidence, “And these are my friends Jill and Deb.”

  Deb and Jill both waved, and smiled.

  Jefferson nodded to Jill and Deb. “Pleasure, ladies.” He turned his attention back to Rebecca. “You look really familiar...Do I know you?”

  Oh! We get to play this out in public! I know this script... “Yes...You went out with my older sister when you were a junior at the University of Delaware. Her name is Wendy...I know you probably have a lot of woman's names to you probably don't recall her.” Rebecca winked as she said it, and smiled slyly.

  “Wendy...Wendy...Wendy...” Jefferson mused as he tried to “remember.”

  Oh he's good...this is kinda fun.

  Snapping his fingers in a “got it” manner he said, “Wendy Hollins...right?”

  Laughing Rebecca shook her head. “Hollis. Wendy Hollis.”

  Nodding his head he continued. “Right! Hollis...wait! Becca? You're Becca?”

  He was grinning mischievously, and Rebecca laughed as she played along. It was like their first meeting on the deck of the nightclub was a dress rehearsal for this public show ... and Rebecca was going to nail her performance. “Well...I haven't been called that in years...but yeah. I'm all grown up now.”

  She smiled slyly, and was vaguely aware of an approving “Oh yeah” from Jill.

  “Yes you are...” He said as he unabashedly let his eyes wonder over Rebecca's body.

  She felt Jill subtly slapping her butt, and knew what she meant. He turned his attention back to the book and smiled, shaking his head. He signed the book and started to hand it back to her.

  “Well...Ms.? Is it Ms.

  Taking the book Rebecca smiled and nodded. “It is...”

  Grinning he nodded. “Well then...Ms. Hollis. I'm here for a few more days...perhaps we could meet for a drink and catch up. What do you think?”

  Smiling she nodded. “I'd like that. I'm in room 225 if you wanna give me a ring.”

  “I'll do that...” He said as the girls started to walk away.

  Rebecca couldn't help but glance back, and was thrilled to see he was watching her leave. Glad I wore this outfit...he was totally checking out my ass.


  “Oh my God!!!” Jill shouted when they were out of earshot. “You just got a date with Jefferson fucking Hughes!!”

  Smiling Rebecca looked at the signature on her book. “Yeah...We'll see if he calls.”

  She put the book into her bag and looked at Jill and Deb, who were both grinning. “Oh he's gonna call. He was totally checking you out! Even before you got up to him.” Jill exclaimed.

  Deb nodded her agreement. “Totally.” She added.

  Laughing Rebecca shrugged. “Hey when you got it, you got it.”

  They all laughed and headed to the bar. “I know but...Jefferson fucking Hughes!! Girl! When you guys bang you have got to tell us everything. And I mean everything! I want girth...I want length...I want taste, smell...Momma wants it all and wants to live vicariously! I'm serious Rebecca...” Jill was going on.

  They entered the bar area and headed out to the patio. “So we'll have a drink or two, and then get ready for dinner. Sound good?” Rebecca asked.

  Nodding their agreement the girls sat down at a table. The patio was empty except for a couple off to the right. The ocean breeze smelled good, and Rebecca took it in closing her eyes and sighing contentedly.


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