Rebecca's Awakening Complete Love Story and Book Series

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Rebecca's Awakening Complete Love Story and Book Series Page 15

by J. H. York

  Roger sighed and walked to his expansive liquor cabinet. He decided on a 20 year old scotch and poured two fingers worth. He set the glass to the side to breath, and sat down at his desk. He opened the top left drawer of his eight foot long oak desk, and pulled out an envelope. He was a good-looking man with a full head of gray hair. He had all of his teeth, and a broad chest. Time, and the loss of two wives had aged him, however. Deep lines that showcased his pain were etched on his once handsome face. His first wife Abigail, was the mother of Evan and Trevor, and had died when the boys were just 13 and 10, respectively. She had been flying to a meeting for their company when her plane had gone down. Two years later, maybe too soon, Roger had married Lily. She had been a single mom, as Bethany's Father had split town.

  Lily had not come from money, and she was almost overwhelmed with Roger's wealth. Bethany had taken right to the privileged life, and to this day continued to live off of the family's fortune. He had considered cutting her off for a bit, after all a single woman of 32 should have some desire to fend for herself, but in the end he couldn't commit. Lily had made him promise, on her deathbed stricken with multiple cancers, to take care of Bethany despite her obvious shortcomings. He had promised. After all, he had loved Lily immensely. He had thought that his broken heart would never heal, and wondered if he would find a reason for joy. Miracles do happen he thought as he looked over the document. Placing it down on the desk he dialed his lawyer.

  “David Spencer speaking.” Came the voice on the other end after just two rings.

  “David. Roger Chamberlain. I'd like to arrange a meeting so we can make some adjustments to my will.” He said as he picked up the Will and studied it.


  Evan put down the phone and frowned. The family hadn't had a meeting in years. Mainly because when they did Bethany turned it into a platform for finding out how much she would gain when dad died. He sighed and got out of bed. He walked naked to his sitting chair in his massive bedroom, and started to put on the jeans that he had thrown there.

  “Were ya goin'…” the pretty blond mumbled from his king sized bed.

  “None of your business...” He smirked.

  She sat up and looked at him, while she leaned on one arm. Her naked breast drooped a little and it made Evan smile. He was a handsome man with blond hair. A touch of gray had found it's way into the sides, but he wasn't one to dye it out. He was six feet tall and well built.

  The blond smiled back at him. “Don't put your pants on Ev...I want a quickie.”

  He laughed and pulled his pants up. “We don't always get what we want, Deb. Get dressed I'll take you home.”

  After dropping her off, and assuring her he would call her again, he drove off in his BMW. He might call her again, after all a girl that could give head like she could was certainly worth at least one follow up. But there had been very little else, chemistry wise, to inspire another date. She had kept talking about how she had met some famous romance writer, and that her friend had ended up dating him, and wasn't that cool? Evan had nodded and smiled, and thought that she looked a little like America’s blonde sweetheart movie star, only thicker.

  Now that he was alone, he could think. He had an uneasy feeling about the family meeting, given that his father had just returned from an unscheduled trip. Dad goes on a trip out of nowhere...and the day after he gets back he calls a meeting of the family. He turned down the street and drove, staying lost in thought. Unlike his stepsister Bethany, Evan had made a small fortune by himself. He didn't need, or want, his Dad's money.

  Evan had been a standout shortstop at B. C. High. He had gone on to play ball at Boston College, and had been drafted by the Red Sox after graduating. He had done well in the minors and gotten his call up. After his rookie contract ran out, Evan and the Sox had agreed on a five-year, $55 million guaranteed contract. In the second year of the contract he had broken his ankle sliding into second base. He rehabbed and the following year he had blown out his knee. Try as he might he had never made it back up to the bigs. His legs just didn't seem to want to work the way they did before his injuries. The Sox had released him and that was the end of his baseball career. He had spent a couple of years bemoaning his situation.

  It had been his Dad that had finally snapped him out of it. “Your money is going to be gone in a few years if you keep this up.” He had told him one day. “Son. You have capital. You can invest and make your money work for you. You're still young. Don't waste the opportunity.” Evan took his dad's advice. He heard of a movie project that needed some funding. It was a beautiful screenplay and Evan had felt it would do well. The production company was out of Hingham, so he used his dad’s name and scheduled a meeting with the project’s producer. His 10 million dollar investment was tripled as the movie, “It Happened on Tuesday,” made $150 million statewide on opening weekend. Liking the return he turned around and financed the production companies next movie, “Inner Peace.” It made $175 million, and the $10 million investment that he made was once again tripled. He earned $60 million in a year and a half.

  Roger Chamberlain had been extremely pleased with his eldest child. “Could you pass on some of that determination and smarts to your brother and sister?”

  Evan grinned.

  “You know that Trevor tries hard...he just has no common sense. Bethany is just ...never mind.”

  Roger had nodded his head.

  He knew that Evan and Bethany disliked each other. They had long since given up on trying to be nice to each other. Sometimes they weren't even civil. Now the whole family was going to have to be together in one room for the first time in years.

  “Can't fucking wait...” Evan said out loud as he drove.


  “Do you know what this is all about Trev?” Bethany asked on the phone as she paced around her swanky downtown condo.

  She poured a glass of red wine as she listened to her stepbrother Trevor. “I don't have a clue, Beth. I mean he just got home from a trip to who knows where. It's kinda sudden and all.”

  She took a sip of her wine and let the warmth course through her body. “Well let me know if you find anything out. I don't like these little surprises.” She hung up without waiting for any response.

  She was irritated. Family meetings never turn out anything good. She walked into her bedroom and set her glass of wine down. She went to the bathroom off the master, and started a bath. Pouring in a lot of bubble bath liquid, she went back to her room as the water continued to fill the tub.

  Taking another sip of her wine she began to undress. She caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and was surprised at the reflection. She looked older than her 32 years. Although still an attractive woman, the lines around her mouth looked a little more prominent. She tried on a smile and while it made the lines disappear, it didn't feel right. She went back to her natural somber look, and felt more comfortable. Turning sideways she looked at her reflection. She was still pretty tight, as the weekly tennis kept her in shape. She clenched her butt and smiled as her cheeks tightened and sat higher. I have a nice butt. Turning full frontal she let her eyes wander, examining herself. Her breasts were still nice and sat high. There were no turkey arms, something that seemed to be common amongst women in the States. She kept her pubic area nice and trimmed. What am I doing? I am a fine specimen! Smiling she strolled into the bathroom, anticipating the bath.

  She turned off the water and inhaled the aromatic steam that was rising from the water and bubbles. Getting in she made sure not to spill her wine. Shit...I forgot my phone. Whatever...I can be without it for a half hour. She fluffed out her long black hair and closed her vibrant blue eyes. In truth she would have been considered beautiful if she smiled more. Bethany had always had a gnawing feeling about everything, though. She trusted no one, and very few situations. Perhaps it stemmed from her Dad leaving her when she was little. She couldn't remember ever having feelings of optimism or trust, though. I'll just have to find out tomorrow about th
is stupid meeting...The warm water and the warmth of the wine were working and she felt the tension in her shoulders loosen.

  The ringing of her phone woke her up. Looking down she saw her fingers were pruned from being in the water too long. Shaking her head she rose up out of the water and stepped out of the tub. Grabbing her towel she wrapped it around herself and walked into her room. The phone had stopped ringing, but she saw that the missed call was from Trevor. Wonder if he found something out...She tapped on the return call button and waited as the phone rang.


  “Oh...Let's just all wait for you Beth...” Trevor grumbled out loud. He smacked the “hang-up” button and started toward his kitchen.

  Short and muscular, Trevor was almost handsome. He certainly wasn't his statuesque brother Evan, but he wasn't a troll either. Trevor had the misfortune of bad luck. It seemed whatever he touched turned to ash. When he opened a restaurant in the “Financial District” it received rave reviews. Six months later it was a bankrupt investment. There hadn't been a catastrophic event, or a health violation. The restaurant had just failed. When he talked his father into backing his property investment, which had been sound, it had dissolved within a year. Trevor seemed cursed. Cursed from birth, his delivery had taken 23 hours. The one good thing he felt that was in his life was his stepsister Bethany. She always had his back, and he would do anything for her. But she did make him mad sometimes.

  His phone rang, and he saw it was her. His heart leapt a little at the sight of her name. He answered on the second ring. “Hey Beth! How's it going?”

  A pause from the other end and then she replied. She seemed a little down to Trevor. “ know...fine. I just took a bath. So did you find out anything?”

  Trevor smiled because he had indeed dug out a secret. While his own personal life seemed to always have one let down after another, he did have a certain gift. His gift was that people really liked him. They felt comfortable around him, and often were very conversational with him. This ability allowed him to gather all sorts of useful information. A lot of the information he gathered was just interesting little tidbits. On occasion there had been bits that had proved to be useful.

  He once received information about a fixed boxing match, and had been able to gain a substantial financial payday at the bookies. Since he was part of a rich and powerful family, he had also been able to find out some information about competitors and corrupt politicians. He had also cashed in on some of those secrets. But the truth be told he was more excited about this bit of news that he had been able to coax from one of the cooks. He also knew that the news would make Beth happy, or at least the fact that she knew something pertaining to the family meeting would make her happy. He had known that Rita, one of the cooks, had a little crush on him. She was always inquiring about his life when she saw him. They had fun and teasing conversations, and she always kept him up on any of the happenings at the mansion.

  Now as he stood in his plush condo, three blocks from Bethany's, he smiled at the thought of pleasing his sister.

  “ of my well placed sources has given me a bit of info.” He let the statement hang for a minute.

  “Stop being so dramatic you dork.” Bethany said, but Trevor could tell she was smiling.

  Grinning Trevor continued. “So it seems that when Dad got home the other day he had arrived with several extra suitcases. Then...when my source--”

  Bethany cut him off. “--I know it's Rita you fuckwad. Stop stalling and acting like you’re on CNN.”

  Although the words could have been deemed harsh, Bethany had spoken them lightly. Trevor knew that her mood was improving and that made him happy.

  Laughing he continued. “Yes... okay. Well anyway, the next morning when Rita was cooking breakfast, dad ordered an extra muffin, a glass of juice, and a hard boiled egg.”

  There was a moment of silence as Bethany took what he had just told her and digested it. He could practically hear her mind working.

  “Maybe he was just hungry. But why did he order another glass of juice and not just a carafe?” Bethany was talking more to herself than to him, so Trevor decided to drop the other shoe.

  “Well then there's this Beth. He sent the extra food to the second bedroom…on the master level. Not to his room.”

  More silence and then Bethany came back. “Who do you think is there with him?”

  Trevor didn't have that answer. “I don't know...Rita said she hasn't seen anyone. But you can bet your ass that this is why he called the meeting. Or at least it's part of it.”


  “Where is your sister? I don't know why she insists on being such a pain in my ass.” Roger Chamberlain grumbled.

  He looked at his two sons, and they both shrugged. Evan stood up and stretched. He had been here for an hour, talking to his Dad about his next investment movie. His Dad, usually an alert listener, had seemed distracted. He kept looking at his watch, and at the door. Trevor arrived over ten minutes ago. He seemed in a good mood for once.

  “Well...did either of you talk to her last night?” Roger looked at them both, and he knew that Trevor had.

  Trevor’s face blushed and he shrugged. “Yea...I talked to her every night.”

  Roger nodded. “So did she indicate that she was going to come today, or is she wasting our time?”

  Trevor nodded. “She's coming. She's know...Beth. Beth is Beth.”

  Evan snorted from over by the window. “Is that what the new saying on the streets is? Beth is Beth? Stupid...”

  Evan shook his head and looked out the window, watching the long driveway. “Here she comes...” He said as he saw a limo pulling up.

  Looking at his watch Roger shook his head in disgust. A moment later, Beth could be heard coming up the stairs toward the office. She entered as if there were nothing wrong with her lateness.

  “Hello Father,” She said as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

  “Trev.” She acknowledged her younger brother.

  Evan walked away from the window and sat down. “Thanks for making us wait...again.” He grumbled to her.

  “Well it's good to see you too, Evan. Nice to see the big movie maker has time for us little people.”

  Bethany walked over to the large back leather chair and sat down.

  Roger sighed and began. “Okay. Enough with the pleasantries. I don't know why you two can't get along.”

  Evan snorted. “Because she's a mooch. You should cut her off for a bit and let her see what it's like to earn for yourself and not take advantage of people all the time.”

  Roger waived his hand as if to quiet Evan, but Bethany had to add her two cents.

  “Well Evan...perhaps you could give me a job. I would make a fine actress...don't you think…? Trevor would you please fix me a scotch and soda? Thank- you.” She smiled and crossed her legs demurely.

  Evan shook his head in disgust and looked out the window. Trevor went to the liquor cabinet and made the drink.

  Sighing Roger said, “Trev. Would you please make me one as well? Thank-you son.”

  The family sat in silence for a moment. The soft ticking of the grandfather clock down the hall was the only sound. Trevor brought the drinks to his father and Bethany.

  “ want a drink? I guess I'm the waiter for today.” Trevor grinned a wry grin.

  “Yeah sure bro. How about a vodka tonic? Thank you.”

  Evan watched Trevor go back to the liquor cabinet and then glanced at Bethany. She stared back at him over her glass as she took a sip. Roger walked over to the large desk and sat down behind it. He seemed to have a heavy heart today, but there was a certain tension as well that Evan couldn't put his finger on.

  Trevor had finished making the drinks, and handed Evan his. Sitting down Trevor glanced over at Bethany. She smiled briefly at him, and then turned her attention to Roger.

  “Well...can we not take all day?”


  Although Roger Ch
amberlain had amassed a great fortune, there had always been a part of him that felt poor. It was family. He had a family that was constantly feuding. Maybe if his first wife, Abigail, hadn't died in that plane crash things would have been different. She had been a wonderful woman, and strong! Evan and Trevor had been devastated by the news, and Roger had tried to hold it together in front of them whenever he could. Secretly he would break down...feeling lost, as if he would never know that kind of love again.

  Amazingly, he would. Beautiful Lily would come into his life about two years after Abigail's passing. Lily had been the manager at the Waldorf that Roger frequented on business. They had started up a conversation, and her warmth and genuineness had been a salve to his wounded heart. Their whirlwind courtship was consummated in marriage. Living with the three teens had been a war zone,


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