The Rebellious Princess Chooses Two Lovers

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The Rebellious Princess Chooses Two Lovers Page 7

by Carolyn Rosewood

  Who would Molly send a note to and how had she procured her mother’s seal? Had Ethan misheard? Cadence had tried to find the right words to ask her about it, but finally decided to try to gather more information from Henry before doing so.

  Molly had barely made eye contact this evening. It was nice for once not having to listen to her prattle on, but it was also disconcerting. It wasn’t like her to be so silent. Cadence had expected Molly to chide her for disappearing all day, but she hadn’t even mentioned the fact her mistress had been gone. Had Molly known about their plans?

  A sharp stab of fear shot through her. If Molly knew, Ethan would be in trouble with Marcus. She had to find Molly or Ethan and make sure all was well. Cadence pulled on the heaviest robe she had, put her boots on, and made her way through the stone passageways toward the servants’ quarters. She was taking a huge chance someone wouldn’t see her, but she had to check on Ethan.

  When she reached the kitchens she poked her head inside. It would look suspicious if she were asking about her own handmaid, but then again it would also seem odd for her to be looking for a gardener. Squaring her shoulders, she walked inside. She was a Princess, after all. No one would question her out loud. If the fallout from their whispered gossip came she would just have to deal with it.

  “Your Highness?” A scullery maid dropped into a deep curtsy.

  “I’m looking for one of the Royal Gardeners by the name of Ethan. Can you tell me where to find him?” The girl’s mouth twitched into a smile.

  “Oh, yes, Highness. I know where his room is. I’ll show you.”

  Jealousy shot through Cadence as if hot pokers had penetrated her skin. Had he bedded this girl? She knew she wasn’t the first girl he had made love to, but to come face-to-face with one of them with was just too much reality tonight.

  The girl led her through a dark passageway that smelled of boiled cabbage and sweat. She finally stopped in front of a door that looked exactly like the dozens surrounding it. There were no markings to set it off as belonging to Ethan and Cadence knew she’d guessed right. This girl had been in his bed.

  “Shall I knock for you, Highness?”

  Cadence shook her head. “You may go now. Thank you.”

  The girl bowed and turned on her heel. Cadence waited until she’d rounded the corner before knocking softly. If he was asleep she didn’t want to wake him. Surely she would be able to speak to him while he worked in the gardens tomorrow morning. Coming here tonight had been too impulsive.

  When the door jerked opened Cadence bit back a yelp. Ethan’s eyes grew wide with fear. “Cadence…your Highness. Come inside before someone sees you.”

  “I’m sorry,” she said, stepping across the threshold. “But I had to speak with you tonight.”

  He glanced around. “We have no privacy here. The walls are thin.”

  “Then I shall speak softly.”

  Ethan turned and began to remove clothing from the bed. Cadence gasped as he picked up a shirt streaked with dark red stains. He tried to stuff it under a tunic but she pulled it from his grasp and held it up.

  “This is dried blood. Are you hurt? What happened?”

  Shame and embarrassment flooded his dark eyes. Rage built up inside her, strong enough to make her hands curl into fists and her head begin to pound. “Who did this to you?” she hissed.

  Ethan swallowed, still not meeting her eyes. “Marcus.”


  “Someone told him where I was all day.”

  “What?” She hadn’t meant to shout.

  Ethan glanced around, fear filling his entire face now. “Cadence, please,” he whispered.

  “I’m sorry.” She sat on the bed and reached for his hand. “This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have let Dominic talk me into it. I should have realized… Ethan I don’t know what to say.” Tears stung her eyes. Who else had known about their plans? Had someone overheard them? She vowed to find out who did this and have them punished.

  Ethan sat next to her, wincing. Cadence’s stomach gave a small lurch as she pictured his back streaked with welts and open cuts from the whip. She wiped at her tears, wanting to help him, wanting to heal his wounds and make the pain disappear.

  “What can I do?”

  Ethan shook his head. “You should not see me like this. You need to leave.”

  “Please don’t send me away, Ethan.”

  He touched her face with trembling fingers. His eyes held a mixture of pain and longing. “I was wrong to want to be with you today, Cadence. It was too much for me. I’m only a servant.”

  “Stop that, please. Ethan let me help you. Come back to my rooms with me and I’ll—”

  “No, never again. Don’t ask me to do that again.”

  “But this isn’t fair. I wanted you with me. Dominic talked to Marcus. How did Marcus find out he lied?”

  “I don’t know. Someone must have seen us, or overheard us in the gardens.”

  “I’m going to find out who it was.”

  “Don't make this worse.”

  “Why won’t you fight back?”

  “Because I’m nothing.” Ethan stood, the veins on neck bulging and his eyes flashing with anger. “Don’t you understand? I’m a servant. I’m not your equal. I never will be. I was foolish to let this go so far. Foolish and selfish.”

  Cadence thought her heart would fly out of her chest. A metallic taste filled her mouth, reminding her of the water she’d swallowed at the lake earlier. She couldn’t lose him. Not after all they’d shared.

  She stood and tried to embrace him, but he pulled away, crying out in pain. Cadence took his hands. They were ice cold. “Ethan, I’m going to my parents. I’ll tell them about you and me and Dominic and beg them to intervene on your behalf. I’m quite certain they wouldn’t condone Marcus beating you.”

  “Have you lost all your senses? Go to your parents and tell them you fucked a servant?”

  Cadence swallowed against the sudden lump in her throat. The venom in his voice might as well have been a knife plunged into her gut. She knew he spoke from pain and fear, but his words cut into her heart. “What you and I shared wasn’t just a fuck and you know it.” He averted his gaze so quickly she knew she was right. Ethan felt something for her –something strong. She was sure of it.

  “Let’s go.” She took his hand and walked toward the door, but he stood his ground.

  “Cadence, I cannot.”

  “I’m asking you to.”

  “Then I must refuse you.”

  “All right then. As your Princess, I’m commanding you to come with me.”

  “That isn’t fair.”

  “I don’t care what you think is fair, Ethan. What Marcus did to you isn’t fair either and I won’t simply accept it.”

  She watched the struggle on his face. “I’ll have to put on breeches and a tunic.”

  Cadence hadn’t even realized he was in nothing more than a nightshirt. “Fine. I’ll wait.”

  “Not in here. I don't want you to see my wounds.”

  She drew herself up. “I can handle it, Ethan. Change your clothes.”

  He shook his head, strode toward the door, and opened it. “Give me one minute,” he whispered, glancing up and down the hall.

  The Princess Sought Help From The Queen…

  Ethan’s limbs trembled as he followed Cadence into the stone passageways. This was crazy. He couldn’t take another beating, but was more worried about the trouble Cadence might be in. All he wanted to do was return to his room and sleep. The pain was starting to subside, helped along by the whiskey he’d stolen from the kitchen earlier.

  Why had he ever written that note two weeks ago? Why had he followed Dominic to her room last night? And why had he actually believed he could get away with spending the day outside the castle with her? His joy and elation this afternoon had turned to regret in the space of a few hours. And now he was on his way to see the King and Queen. Ethan was sure he would throw up any second now.

; They emerged into a wide hallway covered in plush carpeting. Tapestries adorned the walls and the scent of vanilla and roses wafted past his nose. It was so different from where he spent his nights that he was overcome with an unexpected surge of envy, much the same as he felt the first time he climbed the trellis and sneaked into Cadence’s bedchamber.

  She led him into a sitting room. Moonlight fell on gilt-edge sofas and chairs. More tapestries hung on the walls. “Stay here for a minute. And don’t worry about being seen. No one will come in here this late.”

  Before he could protest, she disappeared behind a doorway. Ethan walked around the room touching the furniture, but afraid to sit on anything. It was too lush, too ornate. He felt out of place here. At best the King and Queen would listen politely and then send him back to where he belonged. Cadence was assuming a lot by bringing him here. He should leave, but he didn’t know the way back. He had never been in this part of the castle before and if he were caught sneaking around the King and Queen’s apartments he’d be beaten again.

  As the minutes ticked by, Ethan’s panic rose. What if Cadence’s parents became so outraged they sent for Marcus? How could Cadence be so certain they would oppose Marcus beating him? He had been doing it as long as Ethan could remember. Surely they knew this? The door finally opened and Cadence stepped into the room carrying a lamp. When Ethan saw the woman behind her, he dropped into a low bow, wincing as his tunic brushed against the wounds on his back.

  “Your Majesty.”

  “Ethan, is it? Please, come over and sit with us.”

  Ethan stared at Queen Sasha with his mouth open. Had she just invited him to sit? Cadence smiled and nodded so he took a seat across from them.

  “Cadence has told me quite an interesting story. I’ve sent for someone to attend your wounds. While we wait, I want you to tell me exactly what you heard Molly and Henry say in the east drawing room.”

  Ethan repeated what he had told Cadence and Dominic earlier that day.

  “And you’re absolutely certain Henry said it was my seal?”

  “Yes, your Majesty. I heard that part clearly.”

  The Queen addressed Cadence. “You shall have a new handmaid in the morning.” She leaned forward slightly, her emerald gaze locked on Ethan’s face. “And now I’d like to tell you the plan Cadence and I have come up with.” Another door opened and two male servants entered and bowed. In their hands they held dressing supplies. “Ah, there you are. This young man has been lashed. Please attend to his wounds.” She rose and Cadence followed suit. “We shall wait in the other room. Ring when you’ve finished.”


  Cadence took her mother’s hands as soon as they were in the next room. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet. I have no idea what your father is going to say when I tell him all this in the morning. Cadence, what were you thinking? A servant? Surely the Prince was enough for you.”

  “Mother, it wasn’t something I planned. It just happened.” She wasn’t about to tell her mother it had been Dominic’s idea.

  Her mother shook her head. “This will not end well. If word of this gets out…”

  “Gets out to whom? How many of those Invitations were sent? Dozens. If Henry is to be believed you’ve only had eighteen responses to date, including Dominic’s. I don’t think anyone out there is as terribly concerned about what we’re doing behind our castle walls as you and Father imagine.”

  “That is not the point, Cadence. You are a Princess. That role comes with certain expectations.”

  “You mean marriage? That’s not going to happen, Mother.”

  “You would shame this castle over your lust for a servant?” Her mother’s tone was gentle, but the words still stung.

  “I’m not trying to shame anything or anyone. Do you forget I was offered marriage once? But you and Father didn’t think Gabriel was good enough for me. You said a Knight was not a suitable husband for a Princess.”

  “Cadence you were so young. When we sent him away we did so with your best interests at heart.”

  “Not young enough that I wasn’t able to fall in love.” Cadence had never told anyone how she waited for Gabriel to come back. The memories still stung even after seven years. She had tried everything imaginable to lessen the hurt, but without success. When she found out he had married a noblewoman in another Kingdom, she vowed never again to give her heart in love to a man. She would use them and fuck them, but she wouldn’t love them.

  “Are you telling me you love Ethan?”

  “No. I don’t know. I like him. A lot. I like them both, Mother. And if that’s something I should be ashamed of well…then consider me ashamed. But I cannot help the way I feel.”

  “And if you become with child, then what?”

  “I drink my potion every day. That won’t happen.”

  Her mother opened her mouth to say something but stopped when a bell tinkled from the other room. “Let us go and tell Ethan the plan, although I still think your father will strongly disapprove.”

  Ethan stood as they entered the room but her mother waved him back into his chair.

  “I have decided you are to be Cadence’s personal Gardener. You will answer to her and her alone. What have you to say to that?”

  Cadence watched the emotions cross Ethan’s face. Disbelief turned into amazement. “Your Majesty, I hardly know what to say. Thank you. It’s far too generous.”

  “I don’t condone the lie your former master was told, but his response to it is not something I will tolerate.”

  “Thank you, your Majesty.”

  Her mother stood and rang the bell again. “You shall sleep in quarters near my servants tonight and in the morning we shall have you moved to a room near my daughter.”

  * * * *

  For the next week Cadence spent her days in the gardens, admiring the topiary Ethan had finished for her, and taking long walks with both Dominic and Ethan. Because Ethan still felt out of place, she let him trim the flowers and bushes in the courtyard every morning so he wouldn’t feel ‘lazy and useless’, as he called it.

  She took her morning and afternoon meals in her sitting room with Ethan and Dominic. They talked about books, music, and the sciences. At night they lay in the cool grass gazing at the stars. Dominic knew all the constellations and would point them out to Cadence and Ethan. When they retired to her bedchamber they made love.

  Cadence had never been so happy. Nothing could spoil this for her. Even her father had finally relented and allowed her to keep Ethan as her personal Gardener. He told her the servants would gossip about this for years, but Cadence didn’t care.

  She had even given up trying to find out what the note Molly had given Henry contained or to whom it had been addressed. How Molly had obtained the Queen’s wax and seal was something her parents said they’d deal with so Cadence put the incident out of her mind. Besides, since Molly had been dismissed from her service she was no longer around to harass or give her disapproving looks.

  The more time she spent with Dominic and Ethan, the more she realized she had feelings for both –strong feelings. Whenever she let her mind dwell on them, memories of Gabriel would resurface. But surely this wasn’t the same. She was no longer an eighteen-year-old virgin and Ethan and Dominic weren’t Knights. Neither one of them was going to leave her and never return. And this time there would be no talk of marriage. She couldn’t very well marry both of them and no one would make her choose between them. Her situation was perfect. She couldn’t have orchestrated it better even if she had tried.

  One Day A Message Arrived…

  Ethan opened his eyes, blinking several times. It wasn’t yet dawn. What had woken him? He climbed out of bed, moving cautiously so as not to wake Cadence or Dominic and walked toward the balcony. Stepping out he scanned the horizon. The sun would be up within the hour. Already, purple and gold streaks lit the sky.

  Cadence was awake when Ethan came back into the room. Ethan climbed into
bed and pulled her into his arms. He loved the scent of her in the mornings, musky and warm. She sighed against his chest, leaning into his embrace. Making love to her was the most erotic and perfect thing he’d ever done. He no longer minded that he had to share her with Dominic. She gave them both plenty of time and attention. He would rather share her with another man than not have her at all.

  When she brought her lips to his, he kissed her with as much passion as he could muster. She’d totally worn him out last night. Their moans woke Dominic and soon the three were a tangle of hands, lips, and limbs as both men pleasured their Princess.

  Ethan was about to enter her pussy from behind while she sucked Dominic’s cock when a fierce knocking at her bedroom door stopped him.

  “Your Highness?” The voice of Penelope, Cadence’s new handmaid, sounded urgent. “The King is here to see you.”

  All three bounded out of bed. Dominic reached for the nearest piece of clothing on the floor. Cadence put on her robe and Ethan tugged on his breeches and tunic, stumbling as he did so. His limbs trembled.

  Cadence strode to the door and opened it, stepping aside to let her father pass. King Lassiter took in the scene in front of him, his face a mask. “I need to speak with Dominic immediately.”

  The look that passed over Dominic’s face set the hairs on the back of Ethan’s neck on edge. He wondered why the King hadn’t addressed him as Prince Dominic. Cadence looked from the King to Dominic, dozens of questions in her eyes. “What’s going on, Father?”

  “I will tell you later.”

  The King averted his gaze and a jolt of fear shot through Ethan. Something was terribly wrong. Before Dominic reached the doors, he turned to face Cadence, sadness filling his eyes.

  “Come with me now, Dominic,” said the King.

  “Forgive me, your Majesty, but I have something to tell your daughter before I leave.” He strode over to Cadence and took her face in his hands. “I want you to know I care for you. Deeply. No matter what happens please believe that much is true.”


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