HOLDING ON (The Destiny Series Book 2)

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HOLDING ON (The Destiny Series Book 2) Page 16

by Karen Stivali

  “I’m here with Byron Nelson, the producer.” She pointed across the room. “He’s a friend with lots of benefits.” Her laughter tinkled like ice cubes in a glass.

  Daniel took another swig of beer.

  “How’ve you been?” Justine asked, raising her champagne flute to her crimson lips. She eyed him as she swallowed.

  “Excellent. Yourself?”

  “No complaints.” She took another dainty sip and licked her lower lip. “I saw your name in the program. Congratulations. I always knew you had it in you.”

  “Thank you.” Daniel wondered if that were a compliment or a knock. When they’d been together Justine had always been disappointed in him, he wasn’t sure if this comment was praise or an ‘I told you so’. Either way he didn’t feel like pursuing the conversation. He was exhausted and wanted to go back to his room to call Marienne. “I was just heading out.” He handed his empty beer bottle to a passing waiter.

  “So was I.” Justine touched the same waiter’s arm and paused to drain her champagne glass before handing it to him.

  Daniel sighed as Justine followed him into the lobby. He pushed the elevator button, hoping the door would open quickly so he could escape. “It was good to see you again.” He leaned over and kissed Justine on the cheek. “California seems to suit you.”

  “It might suit you too, if you gave it a try.”

  Daniel shrugged. The elevator door swooshed open, and he stepped inside. Justine put her purse against the door. “Do you mind if I come up and use your bathroom? The ladies’ rooms are always so awful this late in the evening.” Without waiting for an answer she stepped into the elevator. Two men followed her in and as soon as they pressed their floor the doors closed.

  Justine smiled wryly as the floors lit up. Daniel looked at his watch. He had wanted to call home before eight o’clock so he wouldn’t wake Ella. It was already eleven thirty. He fidgeted, trying to think of a way to get rid of Justine.

  Daniel strode down the hallway toward his door. Justine sauntered. She leaned against the wall while he fumbled in his pockets to find his keycard. He knew she was up to something. Justine always had some sort of plan. What does she want? Publicity? Contacts? His brain worked overtime. Her body language gave away nothing. She was simply watching him. The door clicked unlocked and he held it open, gesturing for her to go first. She sashayed past him, her perfume once again hitting his nostrils.

  He stepped into the room and began to remove his suit jacket. Before he had one sleeve off Justine made her move. She came at him swiftly, her mouth on his with such force that he fell back against the door. Her hands were in his hair, her hips pressed against him, her champagne-flavored tongue burrowed its way into his mouth. The sheer impact took him by such surprise that for a moment he reacted on impulse, kissing her back, but as the reality of the situation hit him he wrenched away.

  “What are you doing?” He struggled out of his jacket, tossing it onto the nearby chair.

  “You’re still so fucking gorgeous.” Her fingers slithered up his neck, her eyes black as night and locked on his.

  “Justine, this is ridiculous. You need to stop.”

  “And you still talk too much.” Once again her mouth was on his, one hand pulling his face closer, the other tugging his shirt out of his pants.

  “Stop it.” He grabbed her wrist and turned his face away, but she pressed against him.

  “You’re saying stop, but that’s not what I’m hearing.” She gyrated her hips against him, sending an unwelcome flood of heat to his groin

  “I mean it.” He removed her other hand and pulled further away, annoyed that his body had betrayed him. His phone buzzed, and he jumped.

  “Ooo.” Justine pressed against his pants pocket. “That was a pleasant surprise.”

  Before he could react she plucked the phone from his pocket and flipped it open.

  “Daniel Gardner’s line,” she purred, her eyes flashing wildly at him.

  He grabbed for the phone but she backed out of his reach, wagging a finger in his face.

  “Oh hi, Marienne. Yes, it’s Justine. How are you?”

  Daniel’s eyes slammed shut. Bugger. He raked his hand through his hair. If he grabbed the phone without letting her talk then he’d look guilty. But if he let her talk God only knew what she’d say. Bugger.

  “I’m great. It was such a wonderful surprise running into Daniel tonight. I had no idea he’d be at the convention. Seems our guy is quite big these days.” She reached forward. Her fingers clamped around him through the fabric of his pants. His nostrils flared as he pried her hand off him. The smugness of her smile made his stomach turn.

  “Oh, of course, he’s right here. It was good to talk to you.” She handed him the phone.

  “Hi,” he said the second he grabbed it. He glared at Justine.

  She shrugged and made her way to the mirror over the desk.

  “How are you? How are the kids?” He heard Justine snort and closed his eyes, willing her to disappear. He wanted to listen to Marienne’s voice, but now instead of it being the soothing sound he longed to hear he heard tension and fear.

  “The power went out from the storm. It’s freezing in the house. I thought it would be back on before tonight, but it looks like it may be out another day or more. Ella’s afraid to go to sleep. I’ve got them both bundled up like snowmen and huddled in front of the fireplace.” The words spilled out of her rapid-fire.

  Daniel’s mind worked overtime. “Can you go to one of the Inns in town? Do the neighbors have power?”

  “No, the whole area is out. The Inns are all booked, and I’d be afraid to drive anyway. The roads are totally iced over.”

  Daniel wished he could teleport himself home. He glanced at Justine. She was busy primping, but she flashed him a wicked smile.. Tension knotted his neck. Go away. “I wish there was something I could do. I’ll try to get a flight tomorrow.”

  “Don’t bother. The airports have been closed, and all the flights are delayed. I’m hoping you can make it back in a few days as scheduled. Look, I’m sorry. I know you can’t help from there. I just needed to whine to you. I didn’t mean to bother you while you’re at the banquet.”

  “You’re not bothering me, and I’m not at the banquet, I’m back in my room. I was just about to call you.”

  “Justine is in your room?” Marienne’s voice fell flat.

  Uh-oh. “Yes. She needed to use the bathroom.” The moment he said it he realized how ludicrous it sounded. The smirk on Justine’s face confirmed it. I’m an idiot.

  “There are no public restrooms at this Hyatt?” Marienne’s tone grew shrill.

  “Yes, of course there are.” He had no idea what to say but he knew he didn’t need an audience. “You know what? Hold on a second—Justine was leaving when you called. Let me say goodbye then we can have a proper talk.” He pointed to the door. “I don’t mean to hold you up,” he said to Justine, “but I’ve been looking forward to talking to Marienne all day.”

  “No problem,” Justine said, extra loud, with an annoying wink. “So glad I bumped into you tonight. It’s been too long.”

  He caught her hand mid-air before she could touch him. “Good night. Hope you enjoy the rest of your evening with Byron.”

  She scowled as he held the door open. Her eyes brightened then she leaned in and gave him an audible kiss.

  “Hope to see you soon.” Her metallic laugh reverberated down the hotel corridor, and Daniel shut the door with relief.

  “You still there?” he said into the phone.

  “Yes.” Marienne sniffled.

  “Are you crying?”


  “You are. Sweetheart, don’t cry.” He paced the length of his room then flipped open his laptop to see if he could find a flight home, somehow.

  Marienne’s breathing was ragged but she wasn’t speaking.

  “Try to calm down. Take a deep breath.” He wanted to hold her so badly he ached.

can’t calm down. It’s dark, and it’s cold, and I have to keep adding logs to the fire, and I’m afraid there’s carbon monoxide in the house.” He heard her gulping air. “And you’re with Justine.” Her voice cracked on the last word.

  Daniel rubbed his forehead. “Sweetheart, I am in no way, shape or form with Justine. I ran into her at the banquet, and she asked to use my bathroom. That’s all. You know how fussy she’s always been. She said the ladies room was a mess. She wasn’t in my room more than two minutes when you called, and even if she were here for two hours it wouldn’t have changed anything. I love you.”

  “Do you?” she asked. The question broke his heart. Are we back there again? After all this time?

  He let out a heavy sigh. “Yes. You know I do. And I always will. I wish you weren’t so quick to forget that.”

  “It’s hard not to wonder when you’re out there in California surrounded by movie stars, and directors and your ex-wife…and I’m home, in the dark.” A small sob escaped her.

  “That’s it,” Daniel said. “I’m leaving tonight. I’ll camp out at the airport until I get a flight anywhere back east, then I’ll drive the rest of the way home.” He scrolled the flight list on the Continental site, hoping to find something that hadn’t been delayed or cancelled by the storm.

  “No,” Marienne said. “Don’t be ridiculous. You have meetings and the airports are closed. And it’s not safe to drive here.”

  “I don’t care. I can’t stand being away from you. I didn’t even want to come to California in the first place.”

  Drew’s cries echoed through the phone and Marienne told Daniel she needed to go. Daniel listened as the click became a dial tone. He paced around his hotel room, packing up his belongings, refreshing the airline pages every few minutes. There were still no flights heading east.

  He flopped down onto the big king-sized bed and immediately wished Marienne was there with him. He wanted to hold her, to feel her next to him, to breathe her in—he closed his eyes. Her image was so clear in his mind. Her dark, round eyes, the gentle curves of her body, her sweet scent. All he could think of was her and the kids, alone in a cold dark house. I shouldn’t have left them home. I shouldn’t be here.

  He got out of bed, stepping out of his pants and boxers then stripping off his shirt as he headed for the bathroom. Turning the shower on full blast he waited for the water to heat. He could still hear the change in Marienne’s voice when she’d realized Justine was in his hotel room.

  I’m such a bloody git. I can’t believe Justine had the gall to kiss me. If Marienne knew….

  The thought was too awful to complete. She’d freak out completely. He inhaled deeply, realizing the room had gotten steamy. The rings of the shower curtain squeaked as he pulled it aside. Then he heard a click, as though the door were being unlocked. He turned to the mirror and to his horror the reflection showed the hotel room door swinging open and Justine sweeping into the room.

  “Jesus.” He elbowed the bathroom door shut, stubbing his toe in the process. Even through the closed door he could hear Justine’s syrupy voice.

  “Need a hand in there?”

  His face flamed. “Bloody hell.” What now? He looked frantically around the room, realizing that the closest thing he had to clothing was a towel. “Bugger.” His heart was beating in his temples. Grabbing the largest of the towels he wrapped it around his waist, feeling utterly ridiculous. He raked his fingers through his hair. She wasn’t going to go away on her own. That much he knew for sure. He counted to ten before opening the door.

  “Leave,” he said the second he saw her, reclining on his bed, feet crossed at the ankles like she didn’t have a care in the world.

  Justine frowned. “You’re not being very hospitable. You shoved me out the door before I even had a chance to use your bathroom. Though I see you’re making good used of it. A hot ‘shower’ always did calm you down.” The sight of her fingers making air quotes irked him.

  His nostrils flared, his cheeks prickling with heat. “How did you get in here anyway?”

  She wagged his keycard between her fingers. “I borrowed it while you were on the phone. I thought maybe we could finish what we started before your phone rang. But I see you decided to take matters into your own hands.” She shook her head. “Looks like I came back just in time, would have been such a waste….”

  “We didn’t start anything. And you are leaving. Now.”

  Her pale eyes scanned his. “Fine.” She got up and straightened her dress. “You’re sure?” She reached out to touch him, but he stepped aside, gesturing for her to go.

  “Quite.” He walked to the door and held it open.

  “Sleep well.” She gave him a wink and nodded toward the bathroom where the shower still blared. “Oh, that’s right I’m sure you will.”

  He tried to slam the door, but it was on a spring hinge so he couldn’t. As soon as it clicked shut he flipped the safety latch and the second bolt. He wished it was morning, and he was on his way home.

  Chapter 35

  Marienne hung up the phone from Daniel, put her head down and cried. She tried to be quiet about it, but the harder she tried to contain the sound the squeakier she got. In the dark. Her words echoed in her head. She’d meant them literally. Aside from the two candles and the fireplace the house and the neighborhood were pitch black. Am I in the dark about other things too? Has he been with Justine the whole time he’s in California? Is he cheating on me?

  The thoughts made her colder than she already was. Her stomach tensed so hard a wave of nausea washed over her. She rocked back and forth, trying to relax and grappling with her fears in an attempt to think rationally. Daniel wouldn’t do that to me. He’s not like Frank. Or the others. The tears streamed silently down her face. I hope. A hiccupy sob escaped, and the tears started for real again.

  She saw the light of a flashlight coming down the hall and knew Ella was coming to find her.

  “Mommy, why are you crying?”

  Marienne wiped her eyes. “I’m just sad, Sweetie.”

  “Don’t worry. Daddy will be home in a few days.” Ella reached out and stroked Marienne’s hair, just as Daniel did with both Ella and her. Ella had picked up so many of his mannerisms it was difficult to remember that she wasn’t biologically his.

  “I know.” Marienne sniffled and hugged Ella. “You’re right. You’re such a big girl. You’re handling all of this much better than Mommy is right now.” She kissed her head. “Is your brother sleeping?”

  “Yes.” Ella yawned.

  “Come. Let’s get you snuggled in by the fire too.” She stood up and took Ella’s mittened hand. “Wait. Let’s use the potty first.”

  “I don’t want to—the seat’s cold.”

  “I know. I hate that too. But if you go now you’ll sleep better. By the time you wake up it’ll be morning.”

  Marienne carried the candle into the bathroom and held Ella’s flashlight for her. “Don’t flush.” She reminded her. No power meant no well pump which meant no ability to flush the toilet. Marienne felt like crying again.

  She tucked Ella into her sleeping bag and draped a blanket over her. Within minutes she could hear her breathing slow—she was already asleep. Marienne checked on Drew. He was bundled into his carriage, covered in layers of blankets. His cheeks were nice and warm. Marienne was the only one who was still freezing. She knew it was more than the temperature in the house that was making her cold. The chill was coming from within.

  I can’t believe Justine answered his phone. I can’t believe he was with her. Her stomach knotted. “I am in no way, shape or form with Justine.” She replayed his words over and over in her mind. She knew he was telling the truth. But it still bothered her. Justine was tricky. She was a master manipulator, and she always figured out a way to get what she wanted. What if she decides she wants Daniel back?

  The thought made Marienne’s heart pound. Justine was beautiful and powerful and seductive. Can I compete with that? The ratio
nal half of her mind answered without hesitation. Yes. Daniel loves me, not her. He fell out of love with her a very long time ago. I’ve given him the life he always wanted, a family, children, things Justine would never have provided. He belongs with me. She couldn’t keep the other side of her mind from piping in with commentary. He’s still a guy. And she’s still gorgeous. And she’s tricked him before. Justine had often bragged to her about the number of times she’d gotten Daniel to do what she wanted by misleading him. The thought made Marienne nauseated. She knew she trusted Daniel, but she didn’t trust Justine, at all.

  The sun was coming up before Marienne nodded off to sleep. What felt like minutes later she heard knocking at the front door. She checked Ella and Drew as she squeezed past them, shivering as the blanket slipped from around her shoulders. The fire needed more logs.

  She shuffled to the front door, wondering who could be knocking so early in the morning. She peered through the living room window and saw Bob standing on her front porch.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  He smiled. His teeth gleamed white in contrast to the dark scarf wrapped around his neck. “I’m checking to make sure you guys are okay. I was going to stop by last night, but I couldn’t get my truck out of the garage—had a tree across the driveway, just like you’ve got now.”

  Marienne leaned out her door and saw the two tall birch trees lying crisscrossed in front of her garage. “Oh God. I didn’t even see those. It was so icy yesterday I didn’t even consider driving, and you can’t see them from inside the house.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll buzz them for you. I let my neighbor borrow the saw but as soon as he gives it back I’ll come over and take care of them. In the meantime I thought I’d bring you my generator. They’re working on the lines on my street right now, so we’ll have power by the end of the day. I don’t think they’re going to make their way over here for a couple more days.”

  “A couple of days? Seriously?” Marienne’s heart sank.


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